Chapter 1013 Special gift
"Really, have you finished eating the Scorpio Pills you gave me last time?"

Qin Lang asked at this time, he sensed Liu Zhenzhen's aura just now, and he has almost reached the eighth level of Qi Refining, which proves that her cultivation progress is not bad in the past two or three months.

Of course, this does not mean that Liu Zhenzhen is talented in cultivation.

In fact, compared to other girls, Liu Zhenzhen's talent in formations is already very good, but even if Liu Zhenzhen becomes a master of formations in the future, his cultivation ability will definitely not increase with the strength of formations .

Qin Lang had done the cultivation talent test for Liu Zhenzhen, Tang Xue, Jiang Yingying, Ye Xiaorui and other women before, but it was a pity that all the women were of miscellaneous spiritual root attributes, and on the earth, the spiritual energy was extremely thin, so it was impossible Not suitable for female cultivation.

The reason why Liu Zhenzhen was able to reach the eighth level of Qi training was also because he had followed him to the Qinghe Continent, and stayed in the world of cultivation for a while. During that time, Liu Zhenzhen's strength improved the most rapidly. Medicine and elixirs barely improved Liu Zhenzhen's spiritual root aptitude.

But even so, Liu Zhenzhen practiced under the current conditions, even if he had outstanding talent, reaching the ninth level of Qi training was already the limit.

Of course, Liu Zhenzhen himself didn't care whether he was a cultivator or not.

But Qin Lang never told Liu Zhenzhen and the other girls about his grand wish.

That is, let all the girls become cultivators!
After all, the lifespan of a cultivator is much longer than that of ordinary people. It is not a big problem for him to reach the alchemy stage in the future, and his lifespan may exceed two hundred years. At that time, the daughters left him.

When his strength has improved enough, then he will use some good elixir to collectively help the girls improve their qualifications and improve their cultivation quickly. This is Qin Lang's grand vision.

So even if Liu Zhenzhen is the only cultivator among all the girls, he didn't tell the other girls this secret, it's not because of selfishness, but at this stage, he doesn't have the strength to complete this grand vision.

Taking a step back, when he has the strength, he can realize this vision. At that time, it will not be difficult for other girls to achieve Liu Zhenzhen's current strength!
"It's all eaten!"

Liu Zhenzhen replied, in fact, those Scorpio Pills were absorbed very well. The planned two-day dosage of the pills turned out to be able to be absorbed by her in one day, so she took the batch of Scorpio Pills half a month in advance. It's over.

This is because her main practice is to build a solid cultivation realm, and she doesn't put too much energy on the growth of her cultivation, otherwise, the speed of using the pill will be faster.

This also proves that Liu Zhenzhen originally had the lowest cultivation aptitude, but after the transformation of the spiritual root aptitude of that Golden Spirit Pill, the spiritual root aptitude of his body has undergone earth-shaking changes, and this gratifying progress is only possible.

If it weren't for that Heavenly Spirit Pill, I am afraid that no matter how many pills Liu Zhenzhen took now, he would not be able to divide from February to June now, in just four months or so, from an ordinary person to a A little master of the eighth level of Qi refining.

The eighth level of Qi Refining is already an existence that cannot be ignored in Qinghe Continent, and it is the cornerstone of the entire sect in those sects.

Of course, the eighth level of Qi Refining is unique in China now. Except for Qin Lang, there is no other cultivator above the eighth level of Qi Refining in China.

"After eating, it's good. It seems that the elixir has been absorbed well, and the realm of cultivation is also well established." Qin Lang nodded, and then said: "In this case, I can continue to give you some elixir, with the help of the power of the elixir , even if Huaxia's spiritual energy is thin, you can increase your improvement speed a lot, I want to see you enter the foundation building stage as soon as possible."

"Well, okay." Liu Zhenzhen nodded.

She also knows that there is a world of difference between the foundation building stage and the Qi refiner, and it is the real watershed between mortals and cultivators.A cultivator in the Qi refining stage has a longer life expectancy than ordinary people. It is no problem that he can live for one or two hundred years. After all, he is still at the level of ordinary people.

But in the foundation building period, it is different. Cultivators in the foundation building period can live at least three to five hundred years old, and they can already be called land gods in China.

The purpose of Liu Zhenzhen's cultivation is to catch up with Qin Lang's direction and be Qin Lang's lifelong companion, so she has been working hard.

In the past, her spiritual aptitude was not good, but after having the Golden Spirit Pill refined by Qin Lang, the water attribute of her dual-attribute spirituality has reached 65/[-], which is already considered to be an upper-middle-level aptitude.

She has always been assisted by Qin Lang's elixir, and her cultivation speed is actually no slower than that of some sect disciples in Qinghe Continent. Even, many sect disciples who cannot keep up with the elixir are not as good as Liu Zhenzhen's current practice. practice speed.

You know, this is still in Huaxia, where the spiritual energy is exhausted. If it is in Qinghe Continent, I am afraid that the progress will be even greater, and those sect disciples can only sigh.

There is no way, in the world of comprehension, the effect of the pill is if it is huge, otherwise, a middle-level sect like the Tianyi Sect would not have such a great status in the mainland, and Xuan Qingzi would not be hunted down.

At this time, Qin Lang took out some of the spirit pills he had purchased from the Sanxiu workshop, and there were fifty bottles of essence pills, each with thirty pills, and one bottle of foundation pills, which contained ten pills. .

The Essence Qi Pill can be used by all cultivators below the Foundation Establishment Stage, it can assist in cultivation, and can also quickly replenish vitality.

And the Foundation Establishment Pill is more precious. It took Qin Lang a lot of spirit stones and some elixir in his body to combine a dozen pills, put it in a bottle, and planned to take it for Liu Liuzhen when he established his foundation.

If the Qi Refining Ninth Level Dzogchen Loose Cultivator from the Qinghe Continent saw it, they would probably stare. They worked hard for many years before they finally managed to get a Foundation Establishment Pill. , but it may not necessarily be able to successfully build a foundation.

And now, beside Qin Lang, who is rich and powerful, Liu Zhenzhen is directly a bottle of ten foundation-building pills. Even if the success rate is poor when she advances in the future, I am afraid that ten pills will be enough for her to advance to foundation-building.

There is no chance of one-tenth, which is absolutely impossible, unless it is a one-in-a-million rubbish aptitude, but the current Liu Zhenzhen's spiritual root aptitude has been improved by the Golden Spirit Pill, how could it be so bad...

In addition, I also bought some ordinary healing powders. Because of the ordinary quality, Qin Lang bought them directly from the shops in Sanxiufang City, so he didn't waste his time and energy.

After all, his time is also precious, and his vision is now very high.

These healing powders can be refined by ordinary alchemy apprentices. With his current status, they are really overkill and useless at all.

However, even if this is a healing powder that does not fall into the eyes of the law, it is comparable to the top-notch gold-chuang medicine in China, and even the magic effect exceeds the reality of the cultivation world, so there is no comparison.

In addition, Liu Zhenzhen was given some spells that he made himself, such as the invisibility talisman, the wind escape talisman, the water avoidance talisman, the fire avoidance talisman, and three Baili escape talismans.

All of a sudden, Liu Zhenzhen's storage bag, which was now empty, gradually became full again because of Qin Lang's arrival this time. Such a net worth can be regarded as a small local tyrant among the disciples of the Qi refining period.

Those pills and spells are very valuable.

Although, there is no spirit stone.Those disciples in the Qinghe Continent who don't have pills usually use spirit stones to practice directly. However, with a better choice, Liu Zhenzhen can take pills, so there is no need for spirit stones.

After all, the cultivation effect of elixir is better, faster, more stable, and easier to be absorbed than spirit stones. If there is a choice, anyone will choose to use elixir for cultivation instead of spirit stones.

Qin Lang also spent a lot of spirit stones worth at least [-] to [-] yuan after buying seven or eighty-eight materials for alchemy and talisman paper, but this time he consumed them in the big purchase.

Fortunately, the last time Leihuogu and his party in the Tianjue Mountain Range killed a few casual cultivators in the foundation building period, and made a small fortune. Those sundries bought [-] to [-] spirit stones, and seven or eight magical artifacts, except for two handy ones. , sold all the others, and got more than a hundred thousand spirit stones.

In this way, after removing the consumables, Qin Lang still has 13 low-grade spirit stones, more than 200 middle-grade spirit stones, and two high-grade spirit stones.

In the later stage of the construction period, Qin Lang is now extremely rich, and the wealth obtained from robbery comes faster and more than alchemy.

Even he himself felt that it would be good if a few cultivators who didn't have long eyes and comparable strength came here from time to time, and he didn't have to work hard to make alchemy, just sit comfortably and collect the spirit stones.

However, such a beautiful thing will definitely not last forever, and a cultivator who is not strong enough will not come to Qin Lang for trouble, so once he finds him, there is a risk. It is not necessarily that Qin Lang can fight against others, and he may not be the first to win. Consider running for your life.

Liu Zhenzhen happily accepted the elixir given by Qin Lang, and at this time Qin Lang took out a simple necklace, which was neither gold nor silver, and could not be said to be made of any material, so he asked curiously: "Brother Qin Lang, what is this? Is it for me too?"

"Yes, take a good look, what's the difference between this necklace?"

"Well, good." Liu Zhenzhen closed her eyes and used her divine sense.

Although her spiritual consciousness is very weak, not as good as Qin Lang's range of forty or fifty feet, but it is not a problem for her spiritual consciousness to fill this small hall, so she quickly felt the difference of this necklace.

"This necklace...should have the aura of mana fluctuations. Could it be that this is the magic weapon that Brother Qin Lang said..."

Liu Zhenzhen guessed, but Qin Lang smiled and nodded, "Yes, it's a magic weapon, and it's a middle-grade defensive magic weapon. You put it on. I think basically no one can wear it in China. If it hurts you, even a missile may save your life."

"It looks so powerful." Liu Zhenzhen happily asked Qin Lang to put it on for her. Although this is not a gold necklace, silver necklace, or diamond necklace, it is not jewelry, but it is much more valuable than jewelry. Such a magic weapon necklace , the entire China is unique.

This was given to her by Brother Qin Lang, and it was also the first time that she received such a valuable official magic weapon. Of course, that storage bag can be ignored.

very beautiful!
This is Qin Lang's feeling after seeing Liu Zhenzhen wearing a necklace. Although it is not jewelry, but such simplicity, coupled with Liu Zhenzhen's elegance, the feeling of being a lady, does not need gold and silver Diamonds and other tacky things are used for embellishment, so wearing this magic weapon necklace around her neck complements each other perfectly.

Just when Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen were talking about their three-month parting experience and their own adventures in the mainland, the door of the laboratory was slammed open, and a person came in hurriedly.

"Really, really!" It was a young man, about the same age as Qin Lang, dressed in Armani, but with a smug look.

Qin Lang didn't know this young man, he might have joined the company in the past three months.As soon as this guy came in, he held a bouquet of roses and shouted: "Today, June [-]th, the dragon raised its head! So, I bought a bouquet of flowers for you! Please be my girlfriend!"

what the hell?

Didn't this guy see that the master is on the side, and Qin Lang's face is a bit ugly?

Qin Lang is the owner of this Lanrun company. Almost everyone in the company knows that Liu Zhen is really Qin Lang's girlfriend, right?The girlfriend of the company's boss dared to touch him, so he really ate a leopard's guts, right?

(End of this chapter)

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