The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1014 Tang Xue's Arrogant Cousin

Chapter 1014 Tang Xue's Arrogant Cousin

Now Qin Lang is not angry, he is very puzzled, what happened?Who recruited this bastard into the company!
When this guy came to the company, he didn't feel at ease with his work, so he was busy flirting with each other. It's okay to flirt with each other, but he came to provoke Lao Tzu's woman.

And the daredevil who came over didn't realize it at all. Instead, when he saw Qin Lang standing here, he was stunned for a moment, and then he said angrily: "Who are you? What's the relationship with Liu Zhenzhen? Do you know that this is the Where? This is the most important laboratory of Lanrun Company, is it something that people like you can break into?"

"He is..." Liu Zhenzhen was about to speak at this time, but was caught by Qin Lang's eyes.

Qin Lang said lightly: "Who am I, does it matter? I want to ask, who are you... Do you want to be fired if you don't work during working hours and come to the laboratory with a bouquet of roses?"

Unexpectedly, the guy was furious when he heard this, and shouted outside the door without thinking: "Security... Where is the security, I want to throw this guy out!"

This person is so arrogant, and he is still in his own company, so arrogant...

Almost speechless, Qin Lang suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, turned his head, and said to Liu Zhenzhen: "It seems that the company's personnel are still a little lax in entering the company, so that this kind of top quality can enter our company."

"Sister Tang Xue and the human resources department are actually in charge of personnel checks." Liu Zhenzhen reminded in a low voice at this time.

"Oh, that's it." Qin Lang touched his head and sighed: "I believe in Tang Xue's ability! But...maybe the forest is getting bigger, and any bird will come out! Now that Lanrun Company has grown and grown, there are already Has it recruited nearly a thousand people? It is inevitable that among the recruited employees, there will be one or two top-notch ones, and I can understand it."

"That's not the case, that guy is..." Liu Zhenzhen wanted to explain again, but was stopped by a mess of voices.

A large number of people rushed into the laboratory, and some people reported that unrelated personnel appeared in the laboratory, and they broke in. This is not a good thing. Although Lanrun is not an international big name now, it has developed rapidly in the past few months, and it has almost It can also be regarded as a first-class large company in the country.

Working as a security guard in Lanrun Company is not only easy, but also has a high salary, which is better than that of large domestic companies. It is not a problem to easily earn five or six thousand a month.

To be worthy of this treatment, as soon as I heard someone report that something happened in the laboratory, I asked them to come and clean it up.These guys who had been bored and panicked all rushed to the laboratory in a swarm, and they were so fast along the way that they alarmed many other people in the company.

In the end what happened?Many people have doubts in their hearts.

As for the boss, Qin Lang, looking at the dozen or so burly men who ran into the laboratory, he also wondered that the company's security is quite active, that is, the quality of the personnel needs to be cultivated.

That's right, the security guards came all the way, making a fuss, and the staff on other floors were alarmed, and it seemed that they couldn't work with peace of mind.

After the security guard entered the laboratory, they also looked around for a while. When they saw Qin Lang, they came back to their senses. Isn't this the chairman posted on the wall at the entrance of the company?
This is the biggest boss of the company. After joining the company, he hadn't seen him for several months, but now they actually met him!

"Hello, chairman!" The security guards became a little restrained, and they saluted together, and they no longer had the aggressiveness and publicity that came here before.

"En." Nodding his head, Qin Lang didn't say anything to them.

There was a security guard who didn't know anything about it, and asked in a daze: "Chairman, we heard someone report that a suspicious person entered the laboratory. That's why we came here. I don't know if this suspicious person has entered?"

The damn idiot!

So all his companions glared at him with murderous eyes. The chairman himself is here in the laboratory, so how could there be other suspicious people appearing.

False alarm, it must be the guy who made a false alarm just now!
It must be the wrong person!The guy just now was also a newcomer. I heard that he came in directly because of his nepotism. However, his status in the company is not high, and he started as an ordinary employee.


And the person who caused all this just now, the arrogant young man in a suit of ass, did not enter the laboratory again.

Because when he thought about it, after he had his own report, those burly security guards in the company would definitely throw the intruder (Qin Lang) out of the company's gate.

In this way, he doesn't have to worry too much about the intruder.

He believed that after this experience, that damn intruder would never dare to enter Lanrun Company again...

The girl still wants to have sex, but there are plenty of opportunities in the future.

Now, he has to go to work quickly, and he has only been here for a week. If the work is not done well, his cousin will definitely punish him, or drive him out of Lanrun Company.

Although being kicked out of Lanrun Company has little effect on him, it will affect his rating in the family, and will affect his taking over some family businesses in the future. He is afraid that his cousin will make a small report on him.

He knows his cousin's personality too well. Before entering the company, he made the rules, and on the surface he still has to abide by them.

His cousin is actually Tang Xue, one of the shareholders of the company. In fact, Tang Qian is also his cousin, but the two of them have never been in harmony, and there is relatively little contact.

This time, Tang Xueying was able to enter Lanrun as an intern. In fact, it was arranged by Tang Xueying according to the older generation of the family. It seems that he came to see this guy's performance. If he performed well, he could manage some of the family's business in the future.

Tang Xue didn't have much contact with this guy, and she obeyed the wishes of the older generation. Tang Qian had a lot of dealings with this guy. Originally, she didn't agree with this guy's entry into the company. Also silently agreed.

This guy has always had a sloppy personality. If he had carefully looked at the photo hanging in the company lobby these days, his eyes would pop out. Under this sloppy, he offended the biggest boss of the company. Grab a woman with Qin Lang.

In addition, now let me mention the identity of this arrogant son, that's right, he is Liu Jicheng, one of the next successors to Tang Xue and Tang Qian's Tang family business.

Since the Tang family is a big family, there are many business-minded women, but not many men, so many of the family's business must be managed and supported by collateral personnel. In this way, Liu Jicheng may inherit dozens of people in the future. billions of family assets to manage and operate.

It's just that since I came to the company, I've been doing nothing. Although I'm still doing work, I'm completely absent-minded, and I just barely complete the task every day.

However, Liu Jicheng still has some real materials. After all, he is also a finance student from an international brand school. The current job is also very simple for him and he is competent.

It is this kind of personality that is really not very likable. It is no wonder that Tang Qian, who knows his nature, has never had much contact with him.

That's it, in the family, Liu Jicheng always called Tang Xue his cousin, and Tang Qian, either by his real name or by "Hi".

But, I'm afraid this time, he will offend even his cousin Tang Xue.

Because Qin Lang is the chairman of Lanrun, this kid will not work hard when he enters the company, and he will make a fuss, which will also bring Tang Xue face.

Sure enough, when Liu Jisheng finished his work today and stretched comfortably, he was stopped by someone. "Liu Jisheng, your cousin is calling you."

Cousin, of course, is Tang Xue, the chief financial officer.

"Oh, good." Liu Jicheng cleaned up his cynicism for a while. In the family, other people may not be afraid, but he still admires this cousin. Tang Xue is one of the strong women in the family. It's great to have a part of Lanrun's shares.

After a while, Liu Jicheng came to Tang Xue's office. "Cousin, you call me."

"En! Jicheng, what did you say you went to the laboratory today?" Tang Xue responded lightly and asked him.

It's strange that my cousin lost her former enthusiasm, but Liu Jicheng still didn't realize it: "No! I've been working and didn't go to the laboratory."

"No? The whole company knows that you have gone, and still say no?" Tang Xue raised her head at this moment, stared at him bitterly, and said in a tone of hatred: "At the request of the elders of the family, I I brought you to the company because I want to hone your abilities well, so that I can take over some family businesses in the future and share some worries with the elders. But, who knows, you didn’t work hard when you came to the company, and you did your best. Some sneaky things..."

"Sneaky? How did I become sneaky?!" Liu Jicheng's tone became louder. He was used to being arrogant, and he only respected his cousin, but he was not afraid.

Now I feel that I have been wronged, and of course I have to argue even more.

"Okay, then look, who is this!" Tang Xue threw out a photo.

Then, when Liu Jicheng saw it, he was taken aback: "Isn't this the intruder, the experimenter? I called the security guards to drive him away this morning."

"Intruder? Hehe, it's ridiculous." Tang Xue was angry, "What do you do every day when you come to Lanrun Cosmetics Company? Don't you always know what the chairman of Lanrun Cosmetics Company looks like? Well, let me let you What is the significance of your joining the company? What is the significance of your internship in the company?" As he spoke, he threw some materials on the desktop.

"What Lanrun's chairman looks like is none of my business." Liu Jicheng murmured softly, still looking very unconvinced.

At this time, after receiving the information and looking at it, he was shocked and slapped his forehead: "Damn, this guy is the chairman of Lanrun Company!"

"Hmph, the hope of the family is probably in vain." Tang Xue's face was a little gloomy, and she said, "Now you go and clean up and leave here."

"Cousin...cousin, me." Liu Jicheng was anxious and wanted to explain.

"Let's go, let's go! You offended the chairman of the company, do you still want to stay here? Even if you stay here, do you still feel ashamed..." Tang Xue waved her hand.

"I'm afraid, I will lose face with you. I don't work hard during working hours, and I don't stay where I should be, but I go to the laboratory to talk about love, or to fight for the chairman's girlfriend! Now , I don’t even know how to say hello, you’d better leave as soon as possible!”

Returning to his desk, Liu Jisheng collapsed dejectedly, leaning on his chair.Everything in front of him, after today, will no longer belong to him!

Of course, the matter is not as simple as losing the status of an intern. If that's the case, Liu Jicheng doesn't care.

But now, my cousin, Tang Xue, went to the elders of the family and said that after the family knew her performance in Lanrun Cosmetics Company, whether they would continue to believe in themselves and let them control some business in the future is really a matter of opinion.

"Hateful! Damn! It's all because of that guy!" Liu Jicheng knocked heavily on the office, and the bang scared many people. However, he is also used to this young master's behavior for more than a week, knowing that his identity is not good. Simple, I heard that it was arranged by the chief financial officer, and not many people paid attention to it.

"I won't let you go!"

Liu Jicheng seemed to see the face of the laboratory again, and the anger towards that face made him grit his teeth and say these few words.

(End of this chapter)

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