Chapter 1124
Now is not the time to be distracted, Qin Lang is well aware of this.

Because at this stage, the key point of alchemy has been reached, and no mistakes can be tolerated.

Otherwise, the failure of alchemy is trivial, and it may even be life-threatening.

Although Qin Lang himself had never encountered any unlucky incidents such as pill furnace explosion or being backlashed by pill fire, there were several such incidents left in Xuan Qingzi's memory.

There was even an alchemist from the Tianyi Sect whose reputation was only slightly lower than Xuan Qingzi's. Because of family trivial matters, he was distracted during the alchemy, and he made a mistake in the operation, and the alchemy furnace exploded without leaving any bones.

Maintaining a very high degree of concentration, Qin Lang made alchemy with peace of mind.

When the pill exploded, Qin Lang could observe the inside of the pill furnace through his spiritual consciousness. After the high-grade materials were decomposed, the boiling liquid in the pill furnace became more active, and smoky green smoke villains rose one by one. These villains Constantly struggling, as if trying to break free from the slurry.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear some voices, as if countless people are shouting. However, the experienced Qin Lang knows that these voices are inaudible. They have a strong hallucinogenic effect. ruined.

When the howling in the alchemy furnace reached its climax, Qin Lang began to carefully add two "Yingyuan Fruits" into it.

"do not want!"

"Don't! We don't want to be refined into pills and eaten!"

When the two infant fruit fell into the boiling liquid in the alchemy furnace, they actually struggled and cried uncontrollably. The little hands and feet that were originally hidden in the fruit grew out, like little people struggling in the sea.

For these voices, Qin Lang automatically ignored them. There are many legends in this world about the magic pills, so it is not uncommon for alchemists to see them.

Especially in the refining of high-grade and above spirit pills, many materials are self-contained spiritually, which can spontaneously sense good and bad. During the process of refining alchemy, special fluctuations are emitted, which interferes with the alchemist's mind.

If it is an alchemist who is not in the same rank and has a weak will, it is really difficult to grasp these things.

A test of the mind, this is also the only way for an alchemist to become a master of alchemy.

The current Qin Lang, not to mention Xuan Qingzi's experience and memory, is also experienced in many battles, so this little trouble can't help him, all the process continues, why should he take care of it, even if it turned into a spirit? No matter how miserable Yingyuanguo cried, no matter how terribly he screamed.

Refining golden elixir requires three steaming and three roasting firepower, each with careful distribution. Qin Lang controlled his mind and maintained the stability of firepower. Dan, but still felt a little strenuous.

However, now with the help of Kanlizhihuo and the magic weapon of the auxiliary system, the Shifang Shenhuoding Cauldron, Qin Lang can still easily resolve the problem.

Fortunately, after all, it is still much stronger than before in terms of cultivation base and divine consciousness, and the feeling of strenuous effort is only relative. Qin Lang's alchemy techniques have been passed after a while, and have been very stable, without the slightest deviation.In the induction of spiritual consciousness, the green smoke villains on the liquid surface were pulled back one by one, and then the liquid began to spin centrifugally, and as all the forbidden runes on the pill furnace lit up, a mist lit up the whole pill furnace The flickering aperture is about to become a pill!
His forehead was already sweating slightly, and the consumption of his true energy was still second to none, but the test of his mind was absolutely huge.

Seeing that the halo was finally formed, Qin Lang was also relieved, and at least he survived. If it weren't for the fact that his consciousness was strong enough to reach the mid-stage of alchemy, and with the help of Kanli's fire, this top-quality panacea would probably be regarded as an ordinary alchemy The alchemy masters in the later period couldn't make it.

And I am only in the middle stage of alchemy, but my spiritual consciousness is slightly more solidified and stronger than the average alchemy stage.

Kanli's fire, after all, is a higher-grade ground fire than Fanhuo, and it also ranks high in attributes among ground fires, ranking No. 20
Finally, the misty circle of light on the outside of the alchemy furnace disappeared, and the vibration inside stopped, and the forbidden light was also fading, fading, fading, fading... It flickered several times, and with the disappearance of the firepower, Ziyun Dan Furnace The lid of the pot began to vibrate, and Qin Lang, who had been prepared for a long time, picked up the alchemist's method of collecting alchemy, and set up a ban on collecting alchemy.

The more quality and spiritual the elixir is, the more careless the process of collecting the elixir should be, otherwise the elixir will fly away.

The ultimate panacea like the "Yingying Pill" is full of spirituality. When it is released, it will definitely do everything possible to escape. Escape a way to survive and cultivate to become refined, which is the result they want.

So if you don't handle it carefully, the loss will definitely be huge. The cost of the flower materials for this batch of pills is worth more than 200 million, and other added values ​​have not been calculated.

The huge explosion sounded deafeningly, and the movement of the top-grade panacea when it came out was terrifying, even the restraints in the entire room were trembling, and the ground was shaking.

Fortunately, although the restrictions Qin Lang placed in the small courtyard were simple, they were solid enough, so they held up the movement and did not break.

And following the huge movement, the lid of the alchemy furnace was rushed open, and four fist-sized white balls of light flew out. The inside of the white light balls flickered and flickered. It was the refined Cheng Dan and Yingying Pill.

There are invisible wings on the surface of the light group. These four "Yingying Pills" can spontaneously control the aura of heaven and earth to form flying wings without consuming the qi of the body, which is also one of the supernatural powers of the elixir.

In fact, those who have reached the level of top-grade pills have more or less special abilities, such as the flying wings of the "Yingying Pill", which can support the pills to fly freely like a bird.

The "Yingying Pill" refined this time is very large, and I am afraid that it is currently the largest among the elixirs refined by Qin Lang, and the output is relatively small. Only four "Yingying Pills" were refined from the two materials. Jieying Dan".

The quality of these four "Yingying Pills" is not bad, and one of them even has a pill pattern. The "Yingying Pill", luck is really good.

Qin Lang was also satisfied with being able to refine such a good pill. Thanks to Xuan Qingzi's experience in refining alchemy and many times of refining top-grade spirit pills, he was able to succeed once, and there was actually a perfect level of top-grade spirit pills released.


When Qin Lang broke the restriction and appeared outside the small courtyard, the high-level officials of the Dongfang family actually surrounded the small courtyard, and they didn't know how long they waited.

At this time, Dongfang Zhilan saw Qin Lang, and also stepped forward to congratulate: "Congratulations to fellow daoist Qin Lang for being promoted to the mid-term of alchemy, the qualifications of fellow daoist are really extraordinary!"

"Where is it?" Qin Lang waved his hand, very politely: "This level of cultivation is not comparable to those of you monks who are in the late stage of alchemy."

Although Dongfang Zhilan's cultivation level has fallen to the middle stage of alchemy, she can recover quickly after taking good care of her family. The Dongfang family has no shortage of resources. It is estimated that she will be able to restore her original cultivation base in half a year at most. Because of swallowing the Yingyuan fruit, you can directly try to attack the infant.

Qin Lang came out of closed-door training so early, Dongfang Zhilan originally thought that Qin Lang had just broken through the closed door, and after being promoted to the mid-stage of pill formation, he would need to adjust for a few days before he could start refining the "Yingying Pill", but who knew at this time Qin Lang directly took out what she wanted.

This time Qin Lang took out three Infant Formation Pills and gave them to Dongfang Zhilan.

"Yingying Pill... That's right, it's "Yingying Pill"! Daoist friend actually made it so quickly!" Dongfang Zhilan took it in surprise and took a good look. Flaws, this proves that Qin Lang's alchemy level is definitely above the master level.

In fact, the three "Yingying Pills" that Qin Lang took out are not the most perfect ones. The "Yingying Pills" with the pill pattern are more effective. Of course, you have to keep them for yourself in the future, so, Now only take out these three slightly inferior ones.

However, even if it is slightly inferior in Qin Lang's eyes, it is undoubtedly a treasure in the eyes of these high-level cultivators from the Eastern Family.

"Yingying Pill"... This is "Yingying Pill"!These three are equivalent to allowing the Dongfang family to have three more Nascent Soul stage masters, which are simply priceless treasures.

All of a sudden, all the senior members of the Dongfang family turned their heads to look at it. Even the patriarch of the Dongfang family, Dongfang Yuliang, looked helpless, which was ridiculous.

Could it be that he is like this, Dongfang Yuliang has been stuck in the late stage of alchemy and has been longing for a breakthrough. Now he can have a "Yingying Pill" that reduces the difficulty of infant formation by 20.00% and increases the success rate by 20.00%. It's a great thing to say!
With such a heaven-defying elixir, he is sure that he will succeed in breaking through this time and become a newly promoted Nascent Soul Stage powerhouse. At that time, the weakness of the Dongfang family due to the death of their ancestors will no longer exist. And be able to lead the family to glory again.

Even, these three "Yingying pills" can create three "masters of the Nascent Soul Stage", and the grand occasion of the family will be the first in thousands of years. Three masters of the Nascent Soul Stage, plus Dongfang Zhilan who has swallowed Infant Yuanguo is the four Nascent Soul stages. At that time, I estimate that my achievements may far exceed the previous generation of ancestors.

Seeing several high-ranking members of the Dongfang family affectionately caressing the ruby ​​bottle containing the "Yingying Pill", Qin Lang couldn't help grinning.

However, the "Yingying Pill" is indeed very attractive to high-ranking monks, and Qin Lang can also understand that if he didn't have a better and more perfect quality "Yingying Pill" at hand, if he wanted to transfer these three pieces, he would still Think about it a lot.

In addition, the three Infant Formation Pills that were transferred would not leave any disasters, and would not be good for him.

First of all, the Dongfang family has no feud with him, and the cooperation is not bad. It is estimated that the Dongfang family can't do things like grabbing pills.

Secondly, three Nascent Soul Pills are not necessarily able to create three Nascent Soul cultivators, it is only possible in theory, otherwise, there must be alchemists who are more powerful than Qin Lang in Qinghe Continent, and those alchemists simply do nothing , Just refining the Jieying Pill to create a large number of Nascent Soul monks, I am afraid that they will all dominate the Qinghe Continent now.

Therefore, even if the Dongfang family obtained so many pills, the possibility of producing a corresponding number of masters out of thin air is still not high.

What's more, when the Dongfang family has a new Nascent Soul master, he will have left long ago, so naturally there will be no danger.

"Cough!" At this time, Qin Lang coughed softly, interrupting the obsession of everyone in the Dongfang family and making everyone come over.

But Dongfang Yuliang came back to his senses at this time, only to realize that he did not concoct alchemy for nothing, these three "Infant Formation Pills" may need to pay a certain amount of reward.

So he cleared his throat and asked: "Fellow Daoist Qin Lang, thank you for transferring the three "Yingying Pills" to the Dongfang family as a thank you. Apart from money, you can ask for any other request at will , as long as our Dongfang family can do it, we will do our best."

He knew that the "infancy period" was definitely a priceless treasure. Even though the Dongfang family could spend a lot of money, there are some things that cannot be bought with money. Therefore, in addition to paying money, the patriarch of the Dongfang family also made a serious promise .

(End of this chapter)

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