Chapter 1125 Transfer
Afterwards, he made an estimate for the three "Yingying Pills", 120 "Yingying Pills", and each piece was valued at 360 million. For this reason, Dongfang Yuliang is willing to pay Qin Lang [-] million spirits on behalf of the family. stone.

And Qin Lang directly asked to replace the spirit stones with middle-grade spirit stones. Now that he has entered the middle stage of alchemy, he already needs middle-grade spirit stones for cultivation, so he made such a request.

And Dongfang Yuliang directly exchanged the low-grade spirit stones for middle-grade spirit stones at a ratio of one hundred to one, and paid [-] spirit stones.

This kind of exchange for the Dongfang family is at a disadvantage. In the black market, 130 low-grade spirit stones can be exchanged for a middle-grade spirit three, which is about the same. However, the Dongfang family who got the "Yingying Pill" is also rich and powerful, and they don't care about this aspect. Let Qin Lang take advantage of the Dongfang family willing.

Afterwards, Qin Lang's property has become about 550 million spirit stones, more than 70 middle-grade, and 31 high-grade.

With such wealth, even some smaller cultivation families can't compare to him.

But Qin Lang, who got a huge amount of property, was worried about how to spend his spirit stone.He has entered the middle stage of alchemy, and he has a lot of spirit stones on his body. At present, he urgently needs to buy some magic weapons suitable for his current status and cultivation level, so as to improve his personal combat effectiveness.

After all, the Cai family who will deal with Fengcheng next, but the ancestor of the Cai family who has a Dzogchen existence in the late stage of alchemy, and a powerful real martial arts physique, one of the ten unique physiques, has become a super Han Asian existence. Not much weaker than the late stage of alchemy, they are both troublesome opponents.

Therefore, Qin Lang should also change his shotgun and add some powerful equipment.

The Dongfang family told him that the official auction organized by the four major families in Fengcheng will be held in eight days. At that time, there will be many auctions of magic weapons, magic weapons and other good things. Qin Lang can participate in the auction, and the Dongfang family will hold the auction Fang's identity gave Qin Lang a VIP status.

Qin Lang, who has the VIP qualification, not only has the pre-auction gold qualification of less than 1000 million spirit stones, so he can also get a [-]% discount on the auctioned items, which is not a small benefit.

Qin Lang immediately wanted to get the VIP qualification, and in return, he promised to spare time during these eight days to help the Dongfang family refine some elixir without charging any fees.

Dongfang Yuliang is also overjoyed with such benefits. Qin Lang can refine the "Yingying Pill", he is definitely a first-level alchemy master. Now that he can help the family alchemy for free, then some of the top-grade elixir and medicinal materials accumulated by the family can be used Entrusted Qin Lang to make alchemy.

You know, alchemy master level masters are rare in this world. Even the Dongfang family has one or two alchemists, but most of them refine low-grade and middle-grade elixir, and the failure rate of high-grade elixir is too high. Too high, the family alchemist almost failed nine out of ten furnaces, the price was too high, so he seldom refined high-grade elixir.

However, what Qin Lang promised the Dongfang family was that every batch of pills refined would produce pills, no matter how much the pills were produced, he would give Dongfang family one-third of the ingredients for the pills.

This was great news. When Dongfang Yuliang and other senior family members heard it, it was a bargain delivered to their door. If they didn't pick it up for nothing, they hurriedly asked the family to send over all the high-grade materials accumulated in the warehouse.

Even, they went around to search for other high-grade materials. They must squeeze Qin Lang's eight-day effort to maximize the benefits. The Dongfang family has been short of a good alchemy master for a long time. The top-grade elixir has always been unable to make ends meet. Now Qin Lang is equal to making up such a big hole for the family, why don't they actively prepare?
The reason why Qin Lang agreed to the Dongfang family was not only to repay them with a VIP status at the auction, but also to consider his own interests. He would not lose anything by helping others make alchemy, and because refining high-grade elixir would increase his proficiency Speed, so that one's alchemy ability is greatly strengthened, why not do it.

Moreover, after the pill is completed, I only use one-third of the ingredients for the pill to the Dongfang family, and the rest of the ingredients or the elixir are basically my own, which is a huge income.

You must know that Qin Lang is not like other alchemists in Qinghe Continent. During the alchemy process, there will be waste alchemy. He is a high-yield and low-error-tolerant alchemist. The pill, the finished product rate is absolutely [-]%, and there is absolutely no waste pill in it.

Although refining high-grade spirit pills, there may not be many pills that reach the perfect level in their own hands, but Qin Lang can still easily achieve a one-to-one ratio of pills.

This is equivalent to two-thirds of the materials or Cheng Dan, which has become Qin Lang's reward. This is not a small amount. Now the top-grade materials purchased by the Eastern and Western families with their family background are worth at least more than 1000 million Lingshi. It is absolutely easy to earn five or six million Lingshi materials or Chengdan.

It can be said that for eight days, Qin Lang helped the Dongfang family to refine high-grade elixir. Although he didn't ask for a piece of spiritual stone, the benefits he got were unimaginable, and the Dongfang family was also willing, and even eagerly sold various materials. Send it to your door to ask Qin Lang to make alchemy.

This is a one-shot business. It can be said that it is the best of both worlds, and everyone is happy.


In the next few days, while waiting for the auction to start, Qin Lang also prepared a large number of alchemy for the Dongfang family, all of which were almost top-grade panacea-level pills.

"Yijing Pill", "Fushen Pill", "Baoyuan Pill", "Zhuanjie Pill", "Caohua Pill"...

The Dongfang family sent a large number of materials that are rare for a casual cultivator in a lifetime, such as the star needle grass, the main material for refining Yijing pill, the Dongfang family actually collected three copies, and the master of Fushen Dan, which is close to the level of top-grade elixir, There are more than 300 sunflowers as the material, and there are two other new high-grade elixir materials, "Baoyuan Pill" and Zhuanjie Pill "Qin Lang are refining for the first time.

And the material of Good Fortune Pill... Qin Lang finally saw the good fortune pill material again. Although there is only one copy, but now he can refine it with Qin Lang's cultivation base in the middle stage of alchemy, and he can definitely refine a perfect grade of spirit pill. It is not the incomplete semi-finished product of the past.

For the first time in the Qinghe Continent, he was unable to save the life of Big Brother Zuojing. He has always had a stalk in his heart. At that time, if there was a finished Good Fortune Pill, even if it was not the most perfect quality of the Pill Pattern, it could be saved. Big Brother Zuo Jing, instead of a semi-finished product like the one on his body that was refined for the first time, it can only treat serious injuries, and cannot continue the heart vein to save lives.

Now the number of such semi-complete good fortune pills on his body is not much, and after many times of use, there are less than forty. Therefore, the material of good fortune pills came just in time. Two-thirds of Cheng Dan belongs to the existing ones.

Next, it is alchemy day and night, the process of gaining alchemy experience proficiency is boring, tasteless, painful and happy.

During this process, Qin Lang's alchemy techniques became more and more proficient, and the refining of some top-grade spirit pills, such as "Yijing Pill" and "Fushen Pill", because of the repeated refining of a large number of materials, Qin Lang is now refining In the end, they were able to refine a batch of perfect-quality high-grade panacea [-]% of the time.

Three batches of "Yijing Pill" materials, and finally forty "Yijing Pills" were refined from each batch, and a total of 120 Chengdans were harvested, and [-] pills were of perfect quality.

Three hundred sunflowers are the main material for refining 150 copies of "Fu Shen Pill". Qin Lang finally refined three hundred of them, and there are [-] of perfect quality.

The "Baoyuan Pill" and "Zhuanjie Pill" are both the first time to practice hands. The Baoyuan Pill is used during the battle and can increase the combat power of the body by [-]%. It will fall into a period of weakness, and it is a top-grade panacea that stimulates potential but has little side effects.

"Zhuan Jie Pill" is a top-grade panacea that cultivators need to take in the process of crossing their hearts and minds. In the process of entering the realm, there will be a catastrophe of inner demons. If one can't deal with it well, he will go crazy, and his cultivation will be ruined easily, and he will be paralyzed in bed. In severe cases, he will die.

The heart demon catastrophe is also very terrifying. Although Qin Lang is firm in his will and has improved his state of mind through satellite Yundan, his state of mind is very pure. He has not encountered the heart demon catastrophe until the middle stage of alchemy, but it does not mean that all monks in the alchemy stage All the same as him.

Basically, [-] to [-]% of the monks will encounter the heart demon catastrophe from the early stage of alchemy to the late stage of Dzogchen, and sometimes even the monks of the late stage of Dzogchen will have a heart attack when they hit the Nascent Soul Realm. The catastrophe of the devil comes suddenly, so it is a pain, not only to overcome the catastrophe of the Yuanying, but also to overcome the catastrophe of the heart demon, the internal and external addition is simply a dire situation!
Of course, compared with the promotion of Nascent Soul cultivator to Transformation God cultivator, the influence of state of mind is much smaller. In fact, it is the Nascent Soul cultivator's breakthrough to Transformation God cultivator and the process of crossing the catastrophe that play an important role.

The proportion of heart demons encountered during the alchemy period is still lower, but even so, this is also a ghost gate that lies in front of countless alchemy monks.

So it is conceivable how important the Transformation Tribulation Pill is. It is no exaggeration to say that if it comes out, it will definitely cause the monks who formed the pill to snatch it like crazy.

These two new high-grade spirit pills are good things. Needless to say, "Baoyuan Pill", if Qin Lang has it, he will have more confidence in fighting the enemy in the future, and even "Zhuanjie Pill" is very good. It's useful, but he can't guarantee that although he hasn't encountered the heart demon catastrophe in the middle of the alchemy, he won't encounter such a catastrophe when he hits the level in the future, so it's better to be prepared.

Refining these two new high-grade spirit pills, Qin Lang made a portion of the "Baoyuan Pill" material and refined [-] "Baoyuan Pills", two of which are of perfect quality.

As for the other kind of "Zhuan Jie Pill", Qin Lang refined five pills from one material, and only one was of perfect quality.These five elixirs are very difficult to distribute, Qin Lang plans to take a small loss for himself, and then take the perfect level elixir by himself, and hand over the other four to the Dongfang family.

After the first four high-grade spirit pills were refined, the refining of the last top-grade spirit pill that Qin Lang valued the most, Good Fortune Pill, began.

Compared with the other four top-grade elixir, Good Fortune Pill, a top-grade elixir for life and death, flesh and bones, has actually surpassed the category of top-grade elixir, and is already close to the top-grade elixir. This is why Qin Lang first refined it. After so many preparations for this pill, with Xuan Qingzi's alchemy experience, and ten times the power of the ten-fold divine fire cauldron, it can still only be refined into a semi-finished product.

The cultivation level is not enough, and the strength of the spiritual consciousness is not enough. Putting it aside, the cultivation level required for this top-grade spirit pill that is close to the level of the top-grade spirit pill is also too high, at least it can only be refined at the level of the middle stage of alchemy. Qin Lang was able to refine it at that time. Furnace semi-finished products, without abolishing the alchemy furnace, it is already relying on Xuan Qingzi's background to burn incense!
(End of this chapter)

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