The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1126 Two Perfect Good Fortune Pills

Chapter 1126 Twenty Perfect Fortune Pills

As the top-grade top-grade panacea, Good Fortune Pill can not only save life and death, but it is also a holy medicine to improve one's cultivation level. A Good Fortune Pill is of great use to both Jindan stage practitioners and Nascent Soul stage practitioners.

Of course, improving one’s cultivation base is only a side effect of the elixir. What the cultivators of the golden elixir stage and the nascent soul stage value is not this, but the ability of good fortune pills to repair physical damage, and even damage at the level of soul and soul , this is what they are most concerned about, and it is also one of the reasons why Good Fortune Pill is called the best pill.

Compared with the "Recovering God Pill", which is close to the top-grade elixir, Good Fortune Pill is a higher level of repair. Not only the damage to the body, but also the damage to the primordial spirit and soul can be adjusted and repaired in one go. Best state.

Life and death, human flesh and bones, this is not a joke, for a cultivator, having a Good Fortune Pill is an extra means of life-saving.

Of course, although the semi-finished Good Fortune Pill that Qin Lang refined before was not refined, it is not a real Good Fortune Pill in a strict sense, but a better panacea for internal and external injuries.

Only the real finished Good Fortune Pill, even if there is no pill pattern, even if it is not of perfect quality, it can still make life and death, flesh and bones. reason.

Indeed, as a top-level elixir, the refining requirements of Good Fortune Pill are very strict, and the alchemist is required to be at least above the alchemy stage. Qin Lang is now in the middle stage of alchemy, so it is not a problem, and he has the help of Kanli's fire , I believe it is very easy to refine a panacea of ​​complete quality this time.

It is hard to find materials for the Creation Pill, especially Queen Mother Grass. This is the first time Qin Lang has encountered Queen Mother Grass since entering the Qinghe Continent. Otherwise, he would have re-refined this kind of panacea long ago!

Qin Lang also needs the craving for the alchemy pill. Now the Dongfang family has sent materials such as Queen Mother Grass to refine the alchemy pill. In Qin Lang's view, it is a matter of sleeping and sending pillows. When the time comes to refine the alchemy, he can do it. Take two-thirds of Cheng Dan as a reward.

I once had experience in alchemy, and I have ready-made materials, and I have the Fire of Kanli, and the middle-grade magic weapon Shifang Shenhuo Cauldron that can increase my own fire ability by ten times. Now Qin Lang feels like refining this top-grade panacea It's already easy.

He even opened the lucky compass, hoping to rely on the lucky compass to improve his success rate of refining the perfect quality of Chengdan.

Lucky compass, once opened can increase the user's luck index for three hours, it can only be used once a week.

He actually used this strange item in refining the "Infant Formation Stage" before, but now he remembered that he couldn't help being annoyed. If he had used it at that time, there might have been more Infant Formation Pills that had reached the perfect quality, not just one.

However, it doesn't matter. Now when he was refining this most critical "Creation Pill", he suddenly remembered that it was not too late to use the lucky compass to stimulate the luck index.

After all, compared to other panaceas, "Good Fortune Pill" is currently the top-grade panacea that I value the most. It can be said that I value it more than any other panacea. Now there is a lucky compass to help increase the luck index. After refining alchemy, the probability of perfect quality after becoming alchemy will also increase a lot.

First of all, he summoned the Fire of Kanli, and after taking out the Ziyun Pill Stove, Qin Lang focused on refining again, and the Pill Stove became bigger in his hand.Then, Qin Lang was not in a hurry to refine alchemy, but calmed down, united his mind and mind, and his emotions no longer fluctuated, so that he had no joy or sorrow.

Refining and manufacturing alchemy requires catalyst cold pool water, which is stored in Qin Lang's body, and the Dongfang family also sent a magic weapon containing cold pool water, so there are many base fluids.

The cold pool water released by the Dongfang family was placed in a magic vessel water basin in front of them.

This water basin looks like an ordinary copper basin, but it is said that there is a whole cold pool of water in it, more than ten tons.

First of all, Qin Lang moved his hand, and the alchemy furnace sucked water like a long whale, and saw that the cold pool water in the water basin seemed to be sucked by an invisible force, and it decreased a little bit, but the liquid level did not drop at all. It can be seen that in this water basin The cold pool water in it is not as little as it seems to the eyes. It should be the same as the storage tool, using the method of mustard seed storage.

Then, Qin Lang manipulated the Purple Cloud Pill Stove with one hand, and urged the fire of Kanli with the other hand. The flame was controlled by Qin Lang. From a small spark at the beginning, it slowly enlarged, and the pale fireball began to burn violently under the Ziyun Pill Stove.

As an earth fire, Kanli's fire is naturally much higher than the ordinary fire stimulated by true energy. Under Qin Lang's control, this kind of flame can be transformed into any form in different ways, or transformed into a violent fire. Or transformed into fine fire.

The start of violent burning is to concentrate the cold pool water in the alchemy furnace and turn it into the essence of cold pool water, which is better than the pool water in alchemy effect.

The fire burned for half an hour, and when the entire liquid level dropped by three-quarters, Qin Lang added cold pool water again. Anyway, this time the Dongfang family sent a lot of cold pool water, so there is no need to use it in vain, it is necessary to do it To do his best, Qin Lang planned to refine a furnace of cold pool water essence first.

The whole process was repeated four times, and the essence of the cold pool water in the furnace was successfully refined, and the cold pool water in the water basin was basically exhausted. At this time, Qin Lang laughed and cleared the water in the alchemy furnace. Three-quarters of the liquid was released and put into the water basin.

Because refining a good fortune pill does not require so much water essence, the reason why he refined so many cold pool water essence is to prepare for the future.

"Although this water basin is a magic weapon, it is really good. After the alchemy is finished, I will ask Patriarch Dongfang for it. He should not fail to meet my small request... Haha, I want to order this thing, and he will take care of it." If you don’t want to give it to me, you want it, or you won’t give it to the Dongfang family these freshly refined pills.”

Qin Lang was also domineering, and directly marked the water basin in his heart, snatched it from the Dongfang family, and made it his own private property.

After finishing all this, Qin Lang saw that a quarter of the essence of water in the Ziyun Pill Furnace was boiling and bubbling, so he began to add some basic alchemy auxiliary materials, first some Zhongzheng Pinghe, An elixir supplementary material with unbiased attributes.

Many of these auxiliary materials can be replaced. In the secret place of Kunlun Mountain in the Chinese world, Qin Lang used 3000-year-old low-grade panacea ginseng and 8000-year-old sealwort, but in Qinghe mainland, there are better choices, mid-level panacea. Supplementary material Cassia.

Using his true energy, he crushed enough cassia seeds into fine powder and put them into the alchemy furnace. Qin Lang began to increase the firepower and boiled them again, forming a furnace of yellow-white slurry.

Then I added a high-level fire-attribute inner alchemy, which was also powdered and put in. This is a fifth-order firefox inner alchemy. Compared with the earth fire dragon inner alchemy obtained by Qin Lang, the quality is slightly inferior but not the same. Where to cloud.

When the inner alchemy powder of Firefox entered, the boiling liquid suddenly quieted down, and the color changed from yellow and white to red and blue again!
The fruit of Queen Mother Grass is stored in a magnet bottle. After picking this kind of natural material and earth treasure, even if you want to preserve it, you can’t keep it for long. The fruit emits spiritual energy anytime and anywhere. Within a few days, half of the aura was naturally lost.

Only the Yuanci bottle can seal the aura of the queen mother grass fruit, preventing the premature loss of active ingredients.

The next step is to boil the pill for half an hour, boil the liquid from diluted to thick, and then add the fruit of the main material Queen Mother Grass. This time, Qin Lang added all the fruits.Then the lid of the Ziyun pill furnace was closed, and six or seven forbidden dots on the top of the pill furnace lit up one by one, and the whole pill furnace was thrown into the air, rising to the ground three meters high.

It’s good that there are no mistakes in all aspects. Qin Lang started to use hundreds of prohibition techniques to assist alchemy during the refining period. Although Good Fortune Pill is a top-grade panacea that is close to the top-grade panacea, it is not out of top-level panacea after all, so the taboo technique has not been refined. The "Yingying Pill" is so complicated that the current Qin Lang can easily hold the position.


About 200-hand bans were entered. Although it was complicated, the process was very fast. Inside the closed ban, this time, it was the same as refining the top-grade panacea "Jieying Pill". Pill explosion also appeared in the pill furnace. It is the Queen Mother Grass that explodes when it decomposes, so that it can be so full of spiritual power and hit the wall of the pill furnace to form a pill explosion.

When the pill exploded, Qin Lang could observe inside the pill furnace through his spiritual sense. After the queen mother grass and some high-grade materials were decomposed, the boiling liquid in the pill furnace became more active, and smoky little figures of green smoke rose up one by one. , These small people are constantly struggling, as if trying to break free from the slurry.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear some voices, as if countless people are shouting. However, the experienced Qin Lang knows that these voices are inaudible. They have a strong hallucinogenic effect. ruined.

For these voices, Qin Lang automatically ignored them. There are many legends in this world about the magic pills, so it is not uncommon for alchemists to see them.

Especially in the refining of high-grade and above spirit pills, many materials are self-contained spiritually, which can spontaneously sense good and bad. During the process of refining alchemy, special fluctuations are emitted, which interferes with the alchemist's mind.

If it is an alchemist who is not in the same rank and has a weak will, it is really difficult to grasp these things.

A test of the mind, this is also the only way for an alchemist to become a master of alchemy.

The current Qin Lang, not to mention Xuan Qingzi's experience and memory, is also experienced in many battles, so this little trouble can't help him, all the process continues, why should he take care of it, even if it turns into a spirit? No matter how bleakly the smoke cried, no matter how fiercely it screamed.

The fire of Kanli is still burning, but now it has changed from a fierce fire to a faint fire.

This is a kind of fine fire, which is more consuming to the ability to manipulate and the mind.There is no way, alchemy needs to be like this, be more careful, a little more heat, and a little less heat will produce different results.

Qin Lang controls his mind and maintains the stability of the firepower. This process is very easy now. He is already a mid-stage alchemist and has experience in refining this alchemy. That is to say, the fine control that Qin Lang needs now , is definitely a master level.

Therefore, he wanted to refine and make the alchemy, not to mention how easy it is.

As all the prohibition runes on the alchemy furnace lit up, the entire alchemy furnace lit up with a misty circle of light, and only the alchemy master could stabilize this circle of light, and the circle of light continued to linger.

Seeing that the circle of light was finally formed, Qin Lang also knew that more than half of the process of alchemy had been carried out, and the next step was to keep the circle of light intact, and if he persisted for another half an hour, the alchemy would be almost complete.This time, he activated the Lucky Compass of Wonders to refine the "Fortune Pill". He hoped that all the pills in this furnace would be of perfect quality.

Of course, this is also Qin Lang's wishful thinking, the real result depends on the facts.

Refining and manufacturing the firepower of the alchemy requires three steaming and three baking, and each has a careful distribution. Qin Lang controls the mind and maintains the stability of the firepower. After reaching the middle stage of alchemy, it is easy to refine the top-grade panacea.

(End of this chapter)

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