The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1127 Everything Is For Winning

Chapter 1127 Everything Is To Win

However, Good Fortune Pill is a panacea that is close to the best panacea, which is extremely important to Qin Lang, so he also took out the mentality of refining top-quality panacea to make Huadan.

Now with the help of Kanlizhihuo, and the magic weapon of the auxiliary system, the Shifang Shenhuo Cauldron, Qin Lang can still easily resolve any difficulties in the alchemy process, but now the refining process has been given a green light, and basically he has not encountered any difficulties .

This is also the reason why Qin Lang's cultivation base and spiritual consciousness are much stronger than before after the middle stage of alchemy. In addition, Qin Lang's alchemy technique is at the master level, very stable, and he is extremely proficient in the entire alchemy process, and there is no slightest deviation. That's how easy it is.

In the induction of spiritual consciousness, the green smoke villains on the liquid surface were pulled back one by one, and then the liquid began to spin centrifugally, and as all the forbidden runes on the pill furnace lit up, a mist lit up the whole pill furnace The flickering aperture is about to become a pill!
Seeing that the halo was finally formed, Qin Lang stepped up his attention, it was about to become a pill!Creation Dan!With my current level of alchemy, it is safe to make alchemy, but I don't know how many perfect quality elixirs will appear this time.

Finally, the misty circle of light on the outside of the alchemy furnace disappeared, and the vibration inside stopped, and the forbidden light was also fading, fading, fading, fading... It flickered several times, and with the disappearance of the firepower, Ziyun Dan Furnace The lid of the pot began to vibrate, and Qin Lang, who had been prepared for a long time, picked up the alchemist's method of collecting alchemy, and set up a ban on collecting alchemy.

The more quality and spiritual the elixir is, the more careless the process of collecting the elixir should be, otherwise the elixir will fly away.

Medicinal pills that are close to the top-grade panacea like "Good Fortune Pill" are full of spirituality. When they come out of the oven, they will definitely try their best to escape. Escape a way to survive and cultivate to become refined, which is the result they want.

So if you don't handle it carefully, the loss will definitely be great. The materials for making alchemy pills are hard to come by. Qin Lang doesn't know if he will have the opportunity to refine this kind of magic pill in the future, so he must grasp it well. Only then will it work.

And following the huge movement, the lid of the alchemy furnace was rushed open, and then like rain, a thin raindrop spewed out all at once, but this was not light raindrops, but the good fortune that had been refined Pill, Qin Lang pinched the pill collection art, his technique glowed with the light of restraint, and began to collect the pill.

The surface of each small raindrop generates spiritual light, and the inside of the light cluster is flickering and flickering. It is the refined pill, the good luck pill.

Every little raindrop is smoky, and the Good Fortune Pill, which is close to the level of the best panacea, can also spontaneously control the aura of heaven and earth like the "Yingying Pill", and fly, constantly hitting each other in the air, while avoiding Qin Lang's Harvest Pill.

Compared with the semi-finished panacea, this batch of Fortune Pills is really full of spirituality.

However, they still failed to escape Qin Lang's grasp.

Hula la one piece, all the remaining ones were covered by Qin Lang's big sleeves, feeling the palm of his hand, those pills were changing in size and size, as if they were beating with vigor like a small heart.Qin Lang put them into a wooden box, counted them, they were so few, and only made 20 Good Fortune Pills in total.

However, it is only normal if the quantity is small. If it is like the semi-finished panacea in the past, one piece will come out and count to seventy or eighty, Qin Lang will need to frown.

The alchemy pills in my hands are completely different from the ones refined before. They are all huge in size, each one is the size of a walnut, not the size of a semi-finished soybean. In terms of color, these twenty alchemy pills are more colorful in color. The five colors of red, white, blue, yellow, and purple flash alternately.

This is the real top-grade Fortune Pill, not the castrated version refined before.

Moreover, the twenty good fortune pills in front of me, each with cloud patterns are naturally formed, and the medicinal power of the pills is completely restrained. Qin Lang actually did it, refining a batch of perfect quality top-grade panacea!

This is great news. It proves that Qin Lang has accumulated a lot of experience in alchemy during this period of alchemy, and has really broken through to become a master of alchemy, not an alchemist before.

You must know that in the realm of self-cultivation, alchemists have a high probability of appearing invalid alchemy in alchemy. Often in a pot, the finished alchemy points 40.00%, and the abandoned alchemy accounts for 60.00%.

And when you get close to the alchemy master, you will basically reduce the probability of the useless alchemy.

But in order to refine a batch of panacea of ​​perfect quality, one must be at the level of an alchemy master or above, especially the top-grade panacea such as "Caohua Pill". No master can do it.

Of course, Qin Lang can do better with the help of foreign objects.

First, the fire of Kanli, an alchemy flame of the ground fire level, is of great help in the process of alchemy, basically reducing the difficulty of alchemy by 20.00%.

Second, there is also the lucky compass, which also plays a certain role. After opening, it can increase the luck index for three hours. Although the luck index is invisible and intangible, Qin Lang has proved many times that this thing is really helpful for his alchemy.

Third, the experience of refining once before, and Xuan Qingzi's experience of refining this pill are all in his mind, so Qin Lang is equivalent to standing on the shoulders of giants.

In general, Qin Lang is indeed lucky enough to be able to refine a pot of perfect quality top-grade elixir. Good Fortune Pill is in the current Qinghe Continent. For a cultivator, it is a life-saving elixir. The panacea "Jieying Pill" is even more precious.

After all, the ultimate panacea "Infant Formation Pill" can only be used by Dzogchen monks in the late stage of alchemy formation, but Good Fortune Pill may be needed by ordinary people, low-level cultivators, or even old monsters in the Nascent Soul stage. The use of this kind of Qidan is much bigger than that of "Jieying Dan" in terms of market.

However, Good Fortune Pill is more difficult to buy than "Yieying Pill" in the market. Qin Lang's semi-finished Good Fortune Pill is okay, but the finished Good Fortune Pill, no matter who owns this kind of panacea, will not think about selling it Go, whoever sells the cloud is a fool.

Some high-level cultivators have never even seen the Creation Pill in their entire lives. It is ridiculous to say it, but it is not ridiculous at all. This is the real reason why the Creation Pill has always been a legend in the cultivation world. People who have never passed it on will never spread it.

"I will get two-thirds of the [-] good-quality good fortune pills, and how to distribute the remaining one-third...Should I give seven good fortune pills to the Dongfang family, or six good fortune pills to the Dongfang family... "

"It doesn't matter, just give the Dongfang family six. After all, it's not easy to refine this kind of Qidan. I spent a lot of manpower and effort to make them all of perfect quality. It's nothing to give them one less. "

"Thinking that they got six high-grade good fortune pills of perfect quality, they were too late to be happy... You know, the potency of the perfect quality good fortune pills is 20.00% higher than that of ordinary good fortune pills. It's about %! So, if you give them one less, they will make a lot of money!"

Qin Lang began to mutter to himself, the good fortune pill, especially the perfect quality good luck pill, is so attractive, even as an alchemist himself, Qin Lang couldn't help but make a small calculation, planning to take one more by himself , and only gave the Dongfang family six good-quality good fortune pills.


In the secret room of the Dongfang family, the elixir delivery ceremony between Qin Lang, Dongfang Yuliang and Dongfang Zhilan began.

In eight days, Qin Lang refined five kinds of high-grade spirit pills, "Yijing Pill", "Fushen Pill", "Baoyuan Pill", "Zhuanjie Pill", and "Caohua Pill".

Three batches of "Yijing Pill" materials, and finally forty "Yijing Pills" were refined from each batch, and a total of 120 Chengdans were harvested, and [-] pills were of perfect quality.

With 150 copies of "Fu Shen Dan" materials, Qin Lang finally refined [-] pills, and [-] of them were of perfect quality.

Twenty "Bao Yuan Pills" were refined out of one "Bao Yuan Pill", two of which were of perfect quality.

As for the other kind of "Zhuan Jie Pill", Qin Lang refined five pills from one material, and only one was of perfect quality.These five elixirs are very difficult to distribute, Qin Lang plans to take a small loss for himself, and then take the perfect level elixir by himself, and hand over the other four to the Dongfang family.

The last one is the most critical Good Fortune Pill. Qin Lang refined twenty perfect quality Good Fortune Pills, and planned to take one more for himself, and only gave the Dongfang family six.

"Yijing Pill has been refined, and I will take forty pills for your Dongfang family, ten of which are of perfect quality."

"The Fushen Pill has also been refined, and I will give you a hundred for the Dongfang family, of which seventy are of perfect quality."

"I only refined [-] Pills of Violent Yuan. I want the two perfect quality ones. If they are of great use, I will suffer a bit. I will take five normal quality ones, and give the remaining fifteen to your Dongfang family." alright."

"Then there are five "Zhuan Jie Pills". I have only refined five of them, and only one is of perfect quality. Give it all to you."

"The last one is the Creation Pill. There are twenty pills in total, all of which are of perfect quality. I will take fourteen pills and give six to the Dongfang family. Do you have any objections?"

Qin Lang said carelessly, and overbearingly stated his distribution plan. In fact, he didn't say how many Yijing Pills and Fushen Pills were refined.

And the people of the Dongfang family were shocked. They were surprised by Qin Lang's alchemy success rate. In refining these top-grade panacea, Qin Lang really managed to refine as many pills as possible with as many materials as possible, especially what made them very happy." Good Fortune Pill", unexpectedly all of them were refined to a perfect quality.

What does this explain? It shows that Qin Lang is not an ordinary alchemist at all, but a genuine alchemist. It is estimated that there is no second alchemist with such ability in the entire Fengcheng, or the entire southern region.

Alchemy master who is only in his 20s, what does this represent?People from the Dongfang family all looked at Qin Lang with monster-like eyes, and there was even a fiery light in their eyes.

"Qin Lang... Fellow Daoist, have you considered joining our Dongfang family? You see, our Dongfang family has always been treated well. If you join me, I will directly let you be the elder of the Taishang family. If you want to make alchemy, our Dongfang family will provide you with Material, if you want to kill someone, our Dongfang family will set it on fire for you..." Dongfang Yuliang salivated at this moment, and began to step forward to win over Qin Lang.

He didn't care about how many pills Qin Lang made this time and how much he distributed to his family, and he directly wanted to pull Qin Lang into his family.

"Yes, yes, Master Qin Lang, you should think about it more!" The other high-ranking members of the Dongfang family also felt the same way, and they all fawned on each other.

It's not that they are stupid, but they know that if the family can have such an alchemist of alchemy master level, I am afraid that the Dongfang family will rise like a rocket in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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