Chapter 1128
"No, I'm a free-spirited person, but I can't stand restraint, so I appreciate the kindness of your Dongfang family..."

Qin Lang waved his hands repeatedly when he heard Dongfang Yuliang's words.

Just kidding, even joining the Heavenly Medicine Sect, he only got a name as a last resort, and became an honorary elder, so how could he tie himself to another big tree and hang himself now?
Although this big tree looks bigger and more lush than Tianyimen.

Moreover, everyone is an adult, and although there are some things that are not ashamed to say clearly, everyone understands them.

Isn't Dongfang Yuliang's gracious invitation just because he fell in love with his alchemy ability and wanted to offer a suitable price to keep him and let him be used by the Dongfang family?

This is actually a business, not something involving friendship.

"Oh, that's a pity."

Dongfang Yuliang, who was next to him, heard it, but he sighed. It was a pity that he couldn't attract a master of alchemy to join the family.

However, Dongfang Yuliang thought about it again, this may also be the reason that the current relationship between the two parties is not deep enough, and there may be opportunities in the future, so let's talk about it later.

Dongfang Yuliang didn't stop trying to win over Qin Lang, so he planned to entertain Qin Lang well in the next few days to make Qin Lang satisfied. If this alchemy master had a good impression of the Dongfang family, maybe he would suddenly be willing to join the Dongfang family.

Now, having received a large amount of elixirs distributed by Qin Lang, several high-level officials of the Dongfang family were also delighted. This time, the high-level elixirs that the family had been out of food for a long time were fully replenished.

Now with these elixirs, the family background of the Dongfang family has increased a lot. Recently, Dongfang Zhilan and Dongfang Yuliang of the family are preparing to retreat and attack Yuanying. It can be said that the batch of elixirs refined by Qin Lang are powerful for the Dongfang family. With the help of these pills, especially the "Fushen Pill", the success rate of the two of them clearing the level is at least 5.00% higher than before.

However, Dongfang Yuliang and Dongfang Zhilan are going to retreat after the auction is over.

After all, the auction in Fengcheng is co-hosted by the four major families. During the auction, the two senior members of the family must keep an eye on it.

I heard that the auction at the end of the month is larger than the last one. Qin Lang has now been promoted to the middle stage of alchemy. After his cultivation base has increased, he doesn't have many magic weapons that are suitable for him. Many things are consumed during the battle. So it has to be added.

Now he is a super tycoon with a net worth of tens of millions, and Lingshi has plenty of it.

The property on his body is about 550 million low-grade spirit stones, more than 70 middle-grade spirit stones, and 31 high-grade spirit stones.

At this auction, he is also going to bleed a lot. As long as it is something he likes, he is ready to take it down. I believe that in this auction, there are not many guys who can compare with him in wealth, and they can't beat him.

After all, the wealth of Qin Lang's net worth is now richer than that of ordinary small-scale comprehension families, casual cultivators must not be able to compete with their own wealth, and those small-scale cultivation families will devote all their financial resources to fight against themselves?Probably not, so basically no one in Windy City can beat him in the auction.

The auction in Windy City will be held as scheduled on the day of the end of the month.

The auction was organized by the four super families in Fengcheng. The format was similar to what Qin Lang had seen before. This time the auctioneer was presided over by an auctioneer in the late stage of alchemy.

Because the scale of the auction this time was double that of the previous month, the four major families all attached great importance to it, and the cultivation base of the auctioneers was one level higher than last time.

I heard that in this auction, there will even be items that can be used by monks in the Nascent Soul stage. Most of these items belong to the four major families. Exchange with each other at the auction.

The auction hammer rang twice on the auction table, and the auction began. The items in the Windy City Auction were not subdivided into types like other cities, and there was no division between finale items and ordinary items.

In fact, the organizers of many item auctions only have a preliminary eye check before sending them to the auction stage, and the on-site audience needs to hold their eyes again before the auction to prevent the possibility of eye punching.

After all, although Fengcheng is a medium-sized city, it has only been established for a few hundred years, and it was jointly established by several large local cultivation families.

This kind of strength can't be compared with the Loose Cultivator Alliance at all. The Loose Cultivator Alliance has a large number of appraisers and a complete appraisal mechanism.

And the auction in Fengcheng is just a grass-roots team, which is slowly being perfected.

But now, in the whole city, it is not bad to have a few mid-level and low-level appraisers. If the items on the auction site are not fakes, they will be very popular. There is no guarantee for other things.

Such a chaotic auction field is really a test for the casual cultivators participating in the auction. The test is the vision, knowledge, courage, and of course luck of each casual cultivator.

For casual cultivators with poor eyesight, participating in an auction is like gambling. Sometimes they spend a lot of money and get a fake or defective product, so the gain outweighs the gain.

Of course, it is also possible that you are very lucky, and you can photograph good things that no one else can find at a very small price, then you will make a lot of money.

Therefore, such an auction venue can be considered to have the characteristics of Fengcheng itself, with mixed results.

However, the scale of the Windy City auction this time has doubled compared to the previous month, and most of the items in the auction are items collected by the four major families, so the chance of fakes appearing in this auction is higher than in previous auctions. It was much lower, and it was also the auction with the highest gold content.

This time the auction, the four major families have made full publicity, so all kinds of casual cultivators are also gathered, more than [-]% more than last month.

Qin Lang looked around. There were at least 5000 people in the auction venue, and it was noisy. If the auctioneer's auction hammer hadn't fallen, it is estimated that it would not be long.

Fortunately, now that the auction has started, everyone has calmed down. If they continue to make trouble now, they will be kicked out of the venue by the security personnel of the venue.

But now Qin Lang, as a VIP this time, has a special box, a relatively front position, one person occupies a box, and the Dongfang family even arranged for two servants to serve him tea and water.

Qin Lang in the box is now comfortable and comfortable, unlike those hard-working casual cultivators who are crowded outside. This time, the entire venue is absolutely full, so those casual cultivators who sit in ordinary seats are at a disadvantage, and some casual cultivators who have no seats After entering the venue, it also took up a lot of their space.

In fact, Qin Lang is not very interested in participating in the auction.

After the first, second, and third times, Qin Lang had a deep impression of the auction in a foreign country, so his curiosity was really gone.

That is because in every auction, there will be different auction items. Some treasures he wants cannot be obtained by killing people, so there is still a need to participate in large-scale auctions.

Not only him, many monks will walk around the market or auctions when they are not in retreat, and they may encounter something they like at any time.

Due to the increase in auction items, this time the auction will take two days, one day more than last month.

Now everyone can only work hard for two more days, but if they can gain something in the auction in these two days, it will not be considered a disadvantage to themselves.

Therefore, all the casual cultivators present stretched out their necks, waiting for the lot to appear. If there is such a thing, I believe they will fight for it.

And Qin Lang is now lying on the armchair in the box, sipping tea leisurely, waiting for the auction to appear.He has all the memories of Xuan Qingzi, and he can be regarded as a man of two lifetimes. Xuan Qingzi used to be an elder in the mid-stage of alchemy of the Tianyi Sect, and he has a wide range of knowledge. Therefore, participating in such an auction, compared with other casual cultivators, Qin Lang naturally has a an innate advantage.

The first few items in the auction were some inconspicuous sundries, or items that Qin Lang was not interested in, so he naturally ignored them.It wasn't until the tenth lot came on stage that Qin Lang became interested.

"The tenth item on the lot, the Bone Wheel, is a magic weapon composed of several instruments. It can be disassembled or assembled. After assembly, the Bone Wheel can fly into the air and injure people and objects. It is extremely powerful. Vulgar."

"This is a very rare magic weapon of the Yin attribute. Compared with the magic weapon of the five elements, the magic weapon of the Yin attribute has an advantage, that is, after the magic weapon is damaged, it can absorb the evil spirit and recover by itself."

"Everyone knows that it takes a lot of materials to restore an ordinary magic weapon after it is damaged, but the self-repairing ability of this Yin attribute magic weapon can save the monk a lot of money, so friends who are interested, especially Friends who practice the Ghost Dao technique can bid, the starting price is [-] spirit stones, and each increase in price must not be less than [-] spirit stones."

Yin attribute magic weapon, this kind of magic weapon is more suitable for Yin attribute physique, or monks who practice the ghost way, because the attributes are more compatible with each other.

Although monks with metal, wood, water, fire, and earth attributes can also use it, the power of magic weapons will be greatly reduced, which is less than half of the power of Yin attribute monks with matching attributes.

Therefore, this bone runner is also the favorite of Yin attribute monks and ghost monks.

And Qin Lang is interested in this bone runner because this magic weapon is just suitable for his second soul body to use. Now his second soul body can already use the magic weapon, and it is a femininity Origin, the degree of fit is absolutely [-]%.

Therefore, Qin Lang is going to order this bone runner!

This round of auction started, none of the five-element attribute monks who accounted for more than 90.00% of the venue made any bids, and half of the remaining 200% were qualified ghost monks, and more than [-] people rushed to sell.

"[-] spirit stones!" "[-] spirit stones!" "[-] spirit stones!"... "[-] spirit stones!"

"Seventy-two thousand five hundred spirit stones!"... "One hundred thousand spirit stones!"

This time there were a lot of monks in the venue, and there were two to three hundred ghost monks, so the bidding was very fierce. After a while, one hundred thousand spirit stones were listed. At this time, there were much fewer ghost monks competing for it, and only two or thirty people were still insisting. .

After all, the number of items in the auction this time was double that of the previous month. Although the bone wheel was good, they couldn't compete with each other on one item. There was a lot of bleeding, and there were still more good things to come!
There were fewer people looking at the asking price, and after taking a sip of incense and moistening his throat, Qin Lang also opened his mouth and directly bid: "15 spirit stones!"

He directly raised [-] spirit stones, and Qin Lang has always been decisive and direct about what he wants.

Although the magic weapon in front of me is just an ordinary middle-grade magic weapon, and its power is not outstanding among middle-grade magic weapons, it is special because of its self-healing ability, and this magic weapon can just give my first magic weapon The body of the dual spirit is used, so Qin Lang didn't think much about it at all, and definitely wanted to take it down.

(End of this chapter)

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