Chapter 1129 Vigorous Gu

When the price reached 15 spirit stones, it was almost a premium at the price of [-] spirit stones. Although the ghost monks present were eager, most of the other monks were still very sensible. Shout out to a local tyrant in a box.

Therefore, even though they hated the local tyrant in the VIP box, they all gave up fighting at this time and prepared to cheer up and wait for the next lot.

The scale of the auction this time is huge. In two days, hundreds of lots will appear one after another. It is estimated that all of them can catch everyone's eyes. Therefore, we gather capital and wait for more exciting lots to appear in the future, and we can compete again.

Therefore, Qin Lang was lucky to get this bone runner directly, spending 15 spirit stones.

In this auction, the middle-grade spirit stones are uniformly used. The reason why low-grade spirit stones are not used is that the items in the large-scale auction are basically of a certain grade. If the settlement is made with low-grade spirit stones, the number will be huge.

A piece of middle-grade spirit stone can basically be exchanged for 100 yuan of low-grade spirit stone. With middle-grade spirit stone for settlement, the amount can be reduced by nine times at once, saving trouble and worry.

Moreover, these high-grade auction items can only be afforded by monks above the Foundation Establishment level, and among the spirit stones owned by the Foundation Establishment monks and the Alchemy Formation monks, there is no doubt that middle-grade spirit stones occupy a considerable part.

Only Qi training monks and low-level foundation building monks value low-grade spirit stones so much. It is more common for real leaders to trade and cultivate with middle-grade spirit stones.

And this auction cost Qin Lang 15 middle-grade spirit stones, which is actually quite a lot.

Next, there were a dozen or so things that Qin Lang was not very interested in. He had no choice but to drink tea quietly and wait for the things he was interested in to appear.

Compared with the ignited auction venue, the casual cultivators are very enthusiastic, but the crowded venue is unavoidable and not so comfortable. In contrast, Qin Lang in the box is much more comfortable, and there are servants waiting for him. You can also drink tea.

It can be seen that in order to win over Qin Lang, the Dongfang family really put in a lot of effort, considering every detail for Qin Lang, as can be seen from the arrangement in the boxes of this auction.

The three pieces of No.20 came into Qin Lang's eyes again.

This item is very strange, it is not a magic weapon, magic weapon, material or panacea, but a kind of Gu insect.

To be precise, it is a kind of spiritual Gu that is rarely seen in the cultivation world.

"The item for this round of auction is the Spirit Gu, the Vigorous Gu sacrificed by the monks of the Yin Ghost Sect."

"Very powerful Gu is a good thing for ghost cultivators. It can increase the user's strength by 50.00%. There are three copies in total, one for each. The starting price is [-] spirit stones, and each increase should not be less than [-] spirit stones. , can be photographed if necessary."

"However, the disadvantages are also obvious. This kind of spiritual Gu is only a one-time consumption item. A powerful Gu can only be activated once, and it will disappear after use. The monks of the Yin Ghost Sect only provided three spiritual Gus this time, and did not provide the Gu formula. , so everyone should think more when rushing to shoot, let's start now!"

This year's auctioneer explained in detail the strengths and weaknesses of Spirit Gu such as Dali Gu, and then announced the start of this round of auction.

The Spirit Ghost Sect is the only Ghost Dao sect among the four major sects in the southern region. There are also some monks who are good at refining Gu and cultivating Gu. This powerful Gu is the masterpiece of one of the high-ranking monks.

Things that can come from the Spirit Ghost Sect are generally high-quality products. The fly in the ointment is that the Vigorous Gu only provides three sample Gu, and does not provide Gu recipes. This kind of Spirit Gu will disappear after three uses, and it is a one-time consumption. Taste.

Therefore, the ghost monks present were very cautious, unless they had special financial resources, those with insufficient financial resources were not very interested in these three Gu worms.

"[-] spirit stones", "[-] spirit stones", "[-] spirit stones"... "[-] spirit stones", "[-] spirit stones"... "[-] spirit stones" "Six thousand eight hundred spirit stones"... "Ten thousand spirit stones!"

At 20 spirit stones, the price of three Gu worms is basically the same as that of a low-level magic weapon. However, if the three Gu worms are used well, the value will definitely exceed that of a low-level magic weapon. Without a premium, there are still more than [-] competitors.

And Qin Lang now has the body of the second soul. Although the body of the second soul is a fire body that can be advanced into a drought, it is also of Yin origin, so if these three Gu worms are parasitic on zombie puppets, they will stay for a while. Greatly strengthens the general's abilities.

Although Dali Gu is a consumption Gu, it can only be used three times before it is completely consumed, but Qin Lang doesn't care, anyway, he has enough spirit stones on his body now, as long as he looks good, he doesn't care how much it costs.

Therefore, Qin Lang bid directly: "Twenty thousand spirit stones!"

The price increase of [-] spirit stones in one fell swoop was really appalling, and many ghost monks were stunned on the spot.And now the ghost monks on the field are also talking about it, and they don't know which ghost local tyrant is sitting in that box, this move is really rich.

However, they never imagined that Qin Lang's repeated auctions are just to add some small prizes to his second soul body, and the things that can be seen in the main body have not yet appeared!
When Qin Lang increased the price to [-] spirit stones, there were still two or three casual ghost cultivators who were not convinced and tried to increase the price again, but Qin Lang's voice in the box directly shattered their idea of ​​fishing in troubled waters: "[-] spirit stones !"

[-] spirit stones, this is the existence of a mountain, and the three expendable Vigorous Gu, can be auctioned to [-] is already the limit, Qin Lang's price to [-] is definitely a crazy behavior.

"In the box is a ghostly local tyrant, and a crazy, rich and irrational ghostly local tyrant. We can't afford to compete with others for financial resources. We can't afford it!"

This is the heartfelt voice of all the casual cultivators of the Ghost Dao, each of them has a heart, and has no choice but to give up and continue to compete for these three Gu worms.

Therefore, Qin Lang took pictures of the second lot after entering the auction this time, three spirit Gu Dali Gu sacrificed by monks from the Spirit Ghost Sect.

It seems a bit extravagant to take such a one-time consumable with [-] Spirit Gu, but Qin Lang knows that basically only the monks of the Spirit Ghost Sect know how to sacrifice this thing in the southern region, and it takes a lot of effort to refine Gu once. At least for more than a year, so there are very few Gu items from the Spirit Ghost Sect on the auction floor.

This time, it might be that the spirit ghost sect cultivator is relatively short of money, so the things will be circulated to Fengcheng and appear in the auction in Fengcheng.

Qin Lang is also very satisfied with being able to harvest two things he wanted in the first 20 rounds of the auction. Although it is not necessary for the main body, it can increase the strength of the second soul body and indirectly increase Qin Lang's comprehensive combat power.

Therefore, if he can encounter something that increases the combat power of the second soul again, Qin Lang will still not be polite. Anyway, he has enough spirit stones now, so he will simply be bold and be a real local tyrant in the auction field. Sprinkle money to play.

In the next round, more than a dozen items were all related to Qin Lang, and they were basically the spoils submitted by Qin Lang during this period. Most of them came from the monks of the Cai family in Fengcheng, and there were even some magic weapons and magic weapons from Jianzong. Was put on the auction by Qin Lang.

However, Qin Lang was reluctant to auction off the two high-grade magic weapon-level flying swords from Jianzong, and kept them in the storage ring. Although the people of Jianzong are not very good, they are really good at refining weapons. There is absolutely no money to buy a sword outside.

And Qin Lang has been trying to figure out a way to eliminate the spiritual mark left by the sect on the flying sword, and take the two flying swords as his own. He has been collecting information about this.

Now that he was on the big tree of the Dongfang family, Qin Lang subconsciously no longer feared Jianzong as before, so he dared to openly deal with things from Jianzong at the auction.

After all, in terms of dealing with Jianzong, Qin Lang and the Dongfang family were tied to a chariot, and they were both enemies of Jianzong.

At the beginning, Jianzong had been chasing and killing Dongfang Zhilan in order to seize the "Ying Yuanguo". Ji Changsheng almost killed her, and even wanted to extract Dongfang Zhilan's blood essence to refine its medicinal properties.

If Qin Lang hadn't appeared and saved Dongfang Zhilan's life, the Dongfang family would have lost a top combat power.

With Mao Dun on the side of Jianzong, the Dongfang family has the same position as Qin Lang, and the enmity between them and Jianzong is irreconcilable. Therefore, on the site of Fengcheng, people who believe in Jianzong dare not trespass to seek death.

After all, although the Dongfang family is much weaker than Jianzong, Fengcheng is an alliance of four major families. The four super families combined are much stronger than a sect. Although Jianzong is strong, it is related to major matters of the sect. Can't help Jianzong not to scruple.

As for the deaths of Ji Changsheng and some of Jianzong's disciples, I believe that Jianzong has already investigated the deaths during this period, and maybe Dongfang Zhilan of the Dongfang family did it, and it seems that there is also a casual cultivator "Sirius" intervening.

The casual cultivator "Sirius" is in Fengcheng. The reason why Jianzong didn't take any action now is also because of scruples. , for the time being, I dare not directly take on the four major families of Fengcheng.

However, according to the nature of Jianzong's people, this revenge will come soon, so not only Qin Lang, but also the Dongfang family are making some preparations to deal with Jianzong's next stormy revenge.

Compared with Jianzong, the Cai family in Fengcheng, although ranked first among the small families, is not so important, and it is no longer in Qin Lang's eyes.

In addition, Qin Lang suppressed the Cai family some time ago, and now only the head of the Cai family and the ancestor of the Cai family are left in the upper echelons of the Cai family, and the rest are nothing to be afraid of. Qin Lang is now more fearless.

The next step is to attack the Cai family. It is enough to focus on meeting the head of the Cai family and the ancestors of the Cai family.As long as these two high-level members of the Cai family are killed, the entire Cai family in Fengcheng can be said to exist in name only.

Qin Lang sent more than a dozen items to the auction this time, basically all of them were high-quality goods. Therefore, the competition for these items was also very fierce, and the prices were all sold well.

The funniest thing is that the Cai family in Fengcheng also participated in this auction, but it was not the patriarch Qin Lang, but the ancestor of the Cai family and several members of the family, crowded in the front row.

The patriarch of the Cai family saw that the treasures of the family's dead monks were also on the auction site, and immediately understood that something was wrong.

However, these treasures of the Cai family must strive to be photographed. If they can’t be photographed, the Cai family will probably lose face in Fengcheng. The Cai family can’t even keep the belongings of their own dead monks. I believe many other Fengcheng monks who know the inside story There will be broken words and broken words, and the Cai family will also be divided.

This Dzogchen monk in the late stage of alchemy immediately launched his coercion, vainly trying to use the coercion of the top monks to suppress the scattered monks in the field, so as not to compete with him for the auction.

The idea of ​​the ancestor of the Cai family is good, but in fact, the effect is not ideal. There are too many monks in the auction this time, and they are like gophers who can guard against this, but not that. It is impossible for the late Dzogchen monks to fight against all the monks in the entire auction field with their aura!

One must know that there are more than a dozen existences on the field who are not weaker than the ancestors of the Cai family, or slightly weaker than the ancestors of the Cai family. How could it be possible for the ancestors of the Cai family to act recklessly in the auction field.

(End of this chapter)

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