The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1130 Flying Luo Yunsuo

Chapter 1130 Flying Luo Yunsuo

Therefore, the ancestors of the Cai family could only compete with all the casual cultivators in depression. Although the Cai family is the richest among the small cultivators in Fengcheng,...the money can't be wasted like this!

Qin Lang in the box also felt the depression of the ancestor of the Cai family. Although he had never met the ancestor of the Cai family, it did not prevent him from judging the identity of the ancestor of the Cai family.

For those who actively competed for the relics of the dead Cai family monks, except for this late-stage alchemy Dzogchen ancestor of the Cai family, I am afraid that other late-stage alchemy Dzogchen monks present would not surrender their status and participate.

After all, there are many things in the relics of the Cai family monks, and the Dzogchen monks in the late stage of alchemy simply look down on them.

Now that he has determined the identity of the ancestor of the Cai family, Qin Lang will not be polite. It is not his usual style to give up the opportunity to slaughter the enemy.

What's more, it is also a pleasure to see the Cai family patriarch's distraught scene when he snatched something that the patriarch of the Cai family was looking for.

Therefore, from time to time, Qin Lang will also participate in the auction when the auction starts to be cold, and bid with the ancestors of the Cai family.

Qin Lang is really too cunning. Every time the bidding is stuck at the price that the ancestor of the Cai family can bear, it is impossible for the ancestor of the Cai family to give up the auction. In this way, the ancestor of the Cai family is also forced to pay the highest price every time. to the lot.

In such a situation, it’s fine once or twice, but it’s like this every time. When nearly a dozen pieces of the Cai family’s belongings were photographed, the ancestor of the Cai family was so angry that he almost vomited blood. right.

"Who is the person in this box? Don't let the ancestor know, otherwise, he will look good sooner or later!"

"Damn it, if it weren't for this auction that doesn't allow conflicts, I would have done it long ago!"

The patriarch of the Cai family was furious, and hated the person in the box to the core. He planned to inquire about the identity of this person after the auction was over, and was determined to take revenge.

What he didn't know was that Qin Lang in the box was originally the life and death enemy of the Cai family, and the reason why he did this was also a matter of course.

"Old Ancestor, you have to spend a little more money to buy the treasures you fancy at the end. Shall we set up a game to make the person who drives up the price suffer?"

A person waiting next to the ancestor of the Cai family offered advice.

Not all the auction items taken by the ancestor of the Cai family were prepared for the ancestor of the Cai family, but some were reserved for the juniors of the Cai family. With the intention of obtaining the best treasures with the least amount of spirit stones, he was very sympathetic to those who drove up the price. People hate it so much that they really can't help but want to tease each other.

"It depends on the situation. It's best for that person to choose which treasure. Let's try to raise the price of it. In this way, he has only two choices." Said the patriarch of the Cai family.

The person who offered the advice understood immediately.

Either the person doesn't want to lose the treasure in the picture, that person has to bite the bullet, endure the exorbitant price, and take the auction.

Or just watch the treasure in the picture fall into the hands of others.

The latter situation is very bad.

After all, monks come to the auction for only one purpose, which is to find a treasure that suits them. If they lose it this time, they may not know when they will meet again next time, and they will never have another chance in their entire life. It is an important reason why many monks know that the auction price is inflated, but they also spend a lot of money to bid for the lot.

The ancestors of the Cai family didn't know that the person making the booing was "Sirius", that is, Qin Lang.

And Qin Lang is not afraid of revenge from the ancestors of the Cai family now. His combat power itself is far beyond the monks of the same level.

Therefore, his combat power is not far from the Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy.

Moreover, Qin Lang is currently living in the super powerful Dongfang family in Fengcheng, and the Dongfang family is definitely not something that the Cai family can afford, so there is no need to worry about Qin Lang's safety.

Now it is the Cai family who should be more careful. Qin Lang doesn't use the Dongfang family to suppress the Cai family. If he uses the power of the Dongfang family, the Cai family can be wiped out in minutes.

In the end, the ancestor of the Cai family took back nearly ten magic weapons and magic weapons from the family monks, and spent about 300 million spirit stones, more than half of the value of the lot itself. This result also made Qin Lang, who was secretly playing tricks, laugh.

Then there are four or five items from Jianzong, which were sold at a price of about 80 spirit stones, which is considered a good sale. However, compared with the unscrupulous prices of the ancestors of the Cai family, the prices of those four or five items are normal. a lot of.

In this round of auctions of more than a dozen artifacts, magic weapons and other items, Qin Lang's account reached nearly 380 million, and his wealth increased by a large amount. With sufficient capital, the next auction will be even more comfortable.

After the auction of his own lot was over, three or four rounds passed, and Qin Lang took a fancy to another item of interest.

This is a flying magic weapon, Flying Luo Yunsuo.

Flying Luo Yunsuo is a middle-grade flying magic weapon. It looks like an enlarged spindle shuttle. This flying magic weapon is not much bigger than a flying sword. When carrying people, the maximum speed can be close to [-] miles per hour. It is a very good flying magic weapon.

For eight hundred miles, it would probably take more than a day just by walking. Compared with monks who have flying treasures and those without flying treasures, it is simply a sky and an underground.

You know, Qin Lang has not had a flying magic weapon until now when he entered the Qinghe Continent!Therefore, regarding this flying magic weapon, he immediately had the idea of ​​taking it.

After all, I am now a cultivator in the mid-stage of alchemy, with a rich fortune, but I still don't have a decent flying treasure, which is really unreasonable.

However, flying magic weapons are also extremely rare in various cities and auctions in Qinghe mainland. A flying magic weapon will appear, which also caused a sensation among the monks present.

Owning a flying magic weapon, you can get rid of the hard work of walking on your legs, not to mention increasing your speed by more than ten times, and you can also comprehend the scenery of mountains and small mountains in the air, that's definitely a good feeling.

The flying magic weapon this time is not at the same level as the previous dozens of auctions. It can be said to be the finale, and its value is almost the same as that of several Nascent Soul Stage auctions.

"No. 30 eight pieces, Feitian Luoyunsuo, this lot can change into two forms, one is a shuttle shape, and the other is a cloud cluster with a diameter of half an acre."

"It turns into a cloud and can carry people in a large area. It can take off with up to 23 people at the same time, but the speed is much slower than that in the shuttle state. The specific slowness needs to be experienced by the user."

"I suggest that if you are traveling alone, it is better to change into a shuttle shape, so that you can exert the maximum power of the flying Luo Yunsuo."

"Okay, let's start the auction now. The starting price is [-] spirit stones, and each bid must not be less than [-] spirit stones!" The male auctioneer in the late stage of alchemy dropped the hammer heavily, and this round of auction began.

Qin Lang is currently short of flying magic weapon, and he doesn't have a flying magic weapon on his body. He can only walk on two legs when he travels, and he doesn't care whether this flying magic weapon is really as powerful as the auctioneer said, and can change into two forms Using it, the fusiform form can travel [-] miles per hour, so he started bidding directly.

"20 spirit stones!"

He was the first to report the price, raising the price by [-] spirit stones all of a sudden, which immediately frightened many other competitors. It's a local tyrant, so it's not like this, right?Does this give other competitors a way out?

However, even though they were unhappy, the other competitors still did not give up. It was rare to encounter this kind of flying magic weapon once or twice a year. A casual cultivator with a spirit stone would not let it go.


There were more than 5000 casual practitioners present, and the casual practitioners who started to compete accounted for at least half of them. There were more than 2000 people. After the price slowly increased, the number gradually decreased. Most of them had to give up due to lack of financial resources.

Most of the competitors in the back are monks with a certain net worth, and the price has risen to more than 30 yuan, and there are more than 200 people competing at the scene.

Such a price is already almost a premium, but these cultivators are still clenching each other very tightly, refusing to give up, which shows how popular the flying magic weapon is.

Facing Qin Lang also frowned, he said again in the box: "50!"

It was like a big stone rolled into the boiling water, Qin Lang's voice caused a lot of splashes, and then the sound of the boiling water was covered up.

And all the people in the auction field, whether they were bidders or other spectators, had to be convinced. The gentleman in the No. 9 box was indeed rich and powerful, and this scene seemed to be quite lively.

"50" "50"..."55!"

Sure enough, even though Qin Lang raised the price to 50 and frightened off a group of competitors, there are still a dozen of them insisting. Qin Lang can't help shaking his head because of their admiration or contempt for the flying magic weapon.

Because several casual cultivators who seem to be suffering haha, if they can pay this price, they are probably on the verge of bankruptcy, and the rhythm of selling their kidneys is not far away.

Is it worth it for a magic weapon of flight?
Qin Lang didn't understand, in fact, he didn't understand the inner feelings of these casual cultivators.

In the eyes of Sanxiu, flying magic weapons are terrifyingly fast, and they are the best for escaping. Moreover, although the price of this Flying Luo Wangsuo is high, it is not a one-time consumable. Using it for a lifetime, there is nothing worth it or not. With this good thing in hand, the safety factor will be much higher if you go out to take risks at that time, and the income will naturally increase.

Even if it has reached the level of selling kidneys now, it is still possible to buy the kidneys back when it makes money. This situation is equivalent to the current real estate investment of Huaxia real estate developers who risked their lives. If you buy [-] million yuan to speculate in real estate, if you make a profit, it will be multiple times the profit. If you lose money later, you can only commit suicide by jumping off the building and selling your ass.

However, in front of Qin Lang, who has the same capital as a crocodile, these casual cultivators can only stand in the corner and draw circles, because Qin Lang bid again at this time: "80!"

Now, most casual cultivators want to sell their kidneys. They don’t have a chance to sell their kidneys at such a high price. They are not competitive, so they can only give up. In the end, there are still one or two bidders who seem to be from small cultivators in Fengcheng. Still competing with Qin Lang.

Frowning, Qin Lang shouted again: "100 million!"

At this time, the two members of the small cultivator family in Fengcheng couldn't hold it anymore. It wasn't that they couldn't afford the price, but that the price of this magic flying weapon was already several times higher than the price. Already facing the risk of being blamed by the family, now that Qin Lang has raised it to 80 million, naturally they have to die down.

"Haha, fight with me... You are not qualified yet, I am so self-willed, I will smash you to death with spirit stones!" Inside the box, Qin Lang laughed triumphantly, this time the competition was completely crushed by his own abundant funds In the audience, not a single monk was his opponent, not a single one!
(End of this chapter)

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