The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1131 Get Broken Pill Recipe

Chapter 1131 Get Broken Pill Recipe
This feeling of criss-crossing the entire auction field made Qin Lang very happy. Looking at the envious and jealous eyes of those casual cultivators on the auction field, haha, this feeling is really good!
"Crazy! That guy in Box 9 must be crazy!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, the ancestor of the Cai family muttered incessantly.

Originally, the monks in Box No. 9 had been targeting him and making trouble on purpose. Now that he saw this round of bidding, he began to doubt his judgment again.

"Could it be that the rush to shoot before was just a coincidence, just because of that guy's excitement?" The old ancestor of the Cai family also became a little uncertain.


On the first day of the auction, Qin Lang had huge capital and was invincible, basically no one was his competitor.

In the afternoon auction, another bundle of the best talisman-making material, the meat bark, was auctioned.

The walking flesh tree, this is a special kind of plant spirit material, which can walk and move like an animal, and likes to gather in the eyes of the spirit veins.The skin of this plant is the top talisman-making material, and the fiber is the meat, which is a delicious fresh food.

Although there are not many fleshy trees in Qinghe Continent, they are not particularly rare. They can still be found occasionally in some spiritual eyes. This bundle of fleshy bark cost about [-] spirit stones.

Qin Lang spent about 120 to [-] spirit stones on this day, and took a total of four interesting items, namely, the yin attribute magic weapon bone runner, three vigorous spirit Gu, the flying magic weapon Feitian Luo Yunsuo, and a bundle of talisman materials. fleshy bark.

Among them, the flying magic weapon cost the most spiritual stones, and it took Qin Lang 100 million to get it. This flying magic weapon is also of great significance to Qin Lang. In his life, he began to have the first flying object after coming to the world of comprehension.

The next day, at eight o'clock in the morning, the auction continued.

Many casual cultivators at the venue spent the night directly in the auction house. Cultivators are not as delicate as ordinary people. Most casual cultivators have never slept at all, but are excited to communicate with a few friends in the auction house overnight. ,

Moreover, on the second day, these casual cultivators were still full of energy. Ordinary people would definitely not be able to hold on, and they even had dark circles under their eyes.

Qin Lang didn't leave his box, and spent the night directly in the box. Anyway, the box was well prepared. Although there was no bed, the chairs were very comfortable.

There are also two servants who have been serving him meticulously, and it feels like being at home.

Moreover, although the venue outside was noisy all night, the boxes had special sound-proof restrictions. As long as the curtains in front of the boxes were pulled down, the sound-proof restrictions would automatically activate, and no sound from outside the boxes would come in.

In fact, what Qin Lang didn't know was that at night, the patriarch of the Cai family had walked around outside the box several times, trying to break into the box many times. However, it was due to the rules of the auction house, and the closed box had its own Without the user's permission, outsiders can't enter unless they forcibly break through the restriction of the box, so the ancestor of the Cai family thought about it, but he still didn't force his way into the box.

After all, the deterrent power of the four super families in Fengcheng is still great. The Cai family is just a small family, and there is no need to offend the four super families for some trivial matters.

Boom boom boom!
The auction hammer rang, and the next day's auction officially started under the auspices of the auctioneer.

The first five lots were not in Qin Lang's eyes, so he didn't pay much attention to them, but the sixth lot caught his attention.

"The sixth lot is a pill formula from an ancient ruins, but it is a remnant recipe, only 80.00% complete. "The refining method."

"This alchemy formula is a high-level alchemy formula. Although the alchemy formula is somewhat incomplete, it can be used as a reference for monks who have alchemy experience and like alchemy. Friends who are interested can try to take pictures of it."

"Danfang's auction reserve price is [-] spirit stones, and each bid must not be less than [-] spirit stones. Let's start the auction now!" With a bang, the auctioneer dropped the auction hammer.

"The pill...and it's an ancient panacea that the Nascent Soul monks took!" Qin Lang's eyes lit up. This is a good thing. The panacea that the Nascent Soul monks took is at least a top-grade pill. Although the formula of this "Strong Infant Pill" is a remnant formula, I definitely want to take it.

This should be the first lot above the Nascent Soul stage at the auction. Unfortunately, it is a pill, so other high-level monks, even if they are Nascent Soul stage, if they are not alchemists, I am afraid they will not be interested in this pill. .

And low-level alchemy apprentices, and even alchemists are too busy studying those low-level elixirs, and I am afraid they will not have the opportunity to make these advanced alchemy recipes, not to mention that this is a residual recipe, whether they want to learn from it. It takes a lot of effort to complete the content or to complete this side.

Moreover, if you want to learn from the content of the alchemy formula and use it in the refining of other elixir, or modify this ancient alchemy formula to complete this formula, you need a certain amount of strength. did it.

Therefore, although this alchemy formula is precious, there are not many bidders on the field. There must be many monks who know how to make alchemy among the more than 5000 people on the field, but there are only five or six people bidding.

"Eleven thousand spirit stones!" "Eleven thousand and two hundred spirit stones"... "Eleven thousand and eight hundred spirit stones"... "[-] thousand spirit stones!"

These five or six competitors are all ordinary alchemists, there is no master level at all, and they were also bluffed by the words "Yuanying Qi Danfang", so they bid to see if they can be photographed, and then Learn something from this ancient recipe.

However, these alchemists bid too gently. After more than ten rounds of bidding, this ancient alchemy formula has not broken through [-] spirit stones. Qin Lang, who was looking at the situation first, couldn't help but shake his head.

It seems that it is not too difficult to obtain this prescription, and it is estimated that it can be obtained at an extremely low price.

After all, the five or six alchemists present in the auction were simply speculative, and had no intention of winning this party at all.

This also gave Qin Lang an opportunity to take advantage of it, and now he has begun to show his offer. "Thirty thousand spirit stones!"

The five or six alchemists in the auction were stunned. Qin Lang's quotation was like a heavy punch, and everyone was dumbfounded all of a sudden. When the auctioneer was asking everyone if they wanted to continue competing, they counted down one or two, and were about to count At three o'clock, only one auctioneer came to his senses, and hesitantly bid another price: "[-] spirit stones..."

"Fifty thousand spirit stones!"

Qin Lang was clean and quick, and directly killed him back, absolutely not giving the opponent a chance to breathe.

Inside the No. 9 box is a super local tyrant, and now it is the common mistake of all the monks in the auction field. The alchemist who quoted this price was also shocked by Qin Lang's big jump price at this time. As a shame, he didn't insist on fighting with Qin Lang anymore.

And when this alchemist gave up, not to mention the other four or five. In this way, Qin Lang easily got a remnant of an ancient high-level elixir at the price of [-] spirit stones.

This price, compared to the whole residual formula, not only has no premium, but the value is also underestimated by the monks on the field. In the eyes of high-level alchemists, especially alchemy masters like Qin Lang, this alchemy formula is simply priceless. If Being able to restore the refining method of "Zhuangying Pill", Qin Lang will have one more refining method, and will refine one more high-level elixir.

Moreover, many of the preparation methods of medicinal materials in the "Zhuangying Pill" are worthy of Qin Lang's reference. They can also indirectly improve his alchemy experience, enrich his alchemy experience, and make it easier to refine high-level pills in the future stand up.

After all, although Qin Lang has the memory of Xuan Qingzi from the Tianyi Sect, the alchemy knowledge he possesses is only limited to the inheritance of the Tianyi Sect. How big is this world? The alchemy sect that has appeared in the cultivation world of Qinghe Continent for thousands of years There are also countless alchemy recipes, alchemy techniques, and medicine dispensing techniques that are not found in the inheritance of Tianyimen, and they are all worth learning from.

In fact, the Tianyi Sect is also constantly learning and learning from the predecessors. It has been collecting ancient remnants to strengthen the sect, and then constantly practicing and innovating.

The reason why Xuan Qingzi's cultivation in the late stage of foundation establishment is that he is the two most outstanding alchemy masters in the Tianyi Sect, and his status in the Tianyi Sect is no less than that of the monks in the late stage of alchemy. It is simply because of Xuan Qingzi's alchemy skills. Forced, but part of the reason for this success also comes from Xuan Qingzi's research on broken pills.

Qin Lang was also in a good mood after photographing the remnant recipe of "Zhuangying Pill". He has a heartfelt love for alchemy. The feeling of excitement is very similar.

"I believe that with this ancient high-level pill remnant, after studying it thoroughly, my alchemy level will be one step closer, from an ordinary alchemy master to a senior alchemy master."

"At that time, I will be able to combine and innovate at will when I refine high-level elixirs. Maybe I can create one or two kinds of very practical high-level elixirs, and I can also leave a mark in the history of this continent. Recorded, the name goes down in history."

"When the time comes, a certain new type of elixir used by cultivators, think about it, I actually created it. Every time I use it, I will say good things about me. The sense of really not ordinary."

Qin Lang thought about it himself, and couldn't help laughing. The reason why he thought so much afterwards was also because with his own ability, it is very likely that he will be able to do this in a short time.

Of course, Qin Lang doesn't care about becoming a master of alchemy and then being famous in history.

Fame is useless.

He does not belong to the Qinghe Continent either, and will leave one day.

But if relying on this broken elixir recipe, he can further improve his alchemy skills and refine more elixirs that are helpful to improve his strength, then it means that his cultivation base will also improve.

Rescuing his parents who were trapped in the Kunlun Palace in the secret place of Kunlun Mountain one day earlier is the only goal he is currently striving for in Qinghe Continent.

"Xiao Huang, the tea is gone, pour it for me again." At this time, Qin Lang patted the servants beside him. The two servants beside him were arranged for him by the Dongfang family. Forgot to refill my tea and water, so unprofessional.

"Oh, good." The boy named Xiao Huang was taken aback, and quickly poured tea for his boss.

The two servants around me are only at the fifth level of Qi refining, and they are not qualified to enter this auction at all. It is also because of Qin Lang's relationship and the arrangement of the Dongfang family that they entered for the first time. It is entirely Grandma Liu who entered the Grand View Garden. This time The dazzling lot of items on the auction floor also gave them a lot of insight.

(End of this chapter)

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