Chapter 1132

Then the auction went on for more than [-] rounds, and many magic tools, magic weapons, or other items appeared on the stage.

However, Qin Lang, whose cultivation base has reached the middle stage of alchemy, has a much higher vision, and he doesn't pay attention to anything that is not particularly outstanding.

For example, in the twenty or so rounds just now, there have been more than one auctions for defensive magic weapons and magic weapons. However, although these defensive magic weapons and magic weapons have relatively outstanding defenses, they all have various defects. That Gou Chendun is just as bad, so it is not within the scope of consideration of Qin Lang who has a shadow in his heart.

Ever since he was cheated once, Qin Lang put out the idea of ​​using the ancient magic weapon of Gochen Dun again. Now this magic weapon is hidden deep in his storage ring, and it has never moved!

At this time, another lot finally caught Qin Lang's attention. This was a finale lot, a pair of top-grade magic weapon boots.

"No.80 seven pieces of "Shadow Boots", this is a top-grade magic weapon, which can increase the user's movement speed by 50.00% after being activated. This top-grade magic weapon comes from the Artifact Refining School. It has been handed down to this auction many times by the master of the utensil."

"This pair can increase the movement speed by 50.00%! The importance of the "Shadow Boots" which can increase the movement speed by 50.00% must be clear to all the monks present!"

"Just imagine, having such a pair of boots in battle, sometimes just because you move a little faster than your opponent can cause a huge breakthrough in the battle."

"And now this high-grade magic weapon is officially put on the auction shelves. The base price is [-] spirit stones. Each time the price increases, it must not be less than [-] spirit stones. The auction begins."

A top-grade magic weapon that can increase movement speed by 50.00%, and it is from a master craftsman of the Artifact Refining School. I am afraid that such a magic weapon will be tempting even a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, not to mention the alchemy stage monks.

This is the second lot that can be used at the Nascent Soul stage in this auction.

You must know that the top-grade magic weapon is not easy to refine, and there are too many restrictions. Ordinary craftsmen can't refine it at all. The master craftsman who refined this magic weapon is definitely an old monster at the Nascent Soul stage, and there are only such old monsters. Only a master craftsman can refine a top-grade magic weapon and a first-level magic weapon.

Therefore, it is basically difficult to see top-grade magic weapons on the market, and it is such a top-grade attribute that can increase movement speed, which is even rarer. No matter what high-level monk sees such a treasure, his heart will be moved, even other Nascent Soul stage Same goes for the old monsters.

In fact, as soon as the auctioneer dropped the hammer on this lot, the auction below had already become one.

"11 spirit stones!"

"15 spirit stones!"

"28 spirit stones"

"51 stone!"

Basically, the price increase was not less than [-] spirit stones. This proves that the value of this lot is huge, and it also proves that the competition among monks on the field is very fierce. Among the [-] monks present, those poor casual cultivators who have no money can ignore it. It must not be able to afford it, and other monks with a little bit of assets are probably already invested in this round of competition.

The competition is so hot, Qin Lang has not made a move yet, and is waiting and watching.

He has an improved Phantom Wind Walk, and his movement speed is already fast. If he takes pictures of this shadow changing boots now, his movement speed will reach a very terrifying level.

At that time, an ordinary attack by myself may become a killer move in the eyes of the enemy.

And by virtue of the ability of changing shadow boots to increase the movement speed by 50.00%, I can even create new powerful killing moves, and even forcibly resist the powerful real martial arts. Fighting against the transformed Cai family head, even surpassing the opponent with the speed of movement, defeating the opponent, and directly killing the opponent head-on.

And with this magic weapon, his overall combat power will be greatly increased. Whether it is fighting or escaping, it is equivalent to cheating.

If he gets this magic weapon, even Qin Lang is confident that with the ability of this magic weapon alone, he can easily destroy the entire Cai family in Fengcheng without external support from the Dongfang family.

Therefore, Qin Lang will not let go of this top-grade magic weapon "Shadow-changing Boots" no matter what, and will definitely do his best to photograph it.

This lot is now a big hit in the field, and it is much more sought-after than the Nascent Soul Stage Panacea that Qin Lang took before. Although there are not as many monks bidding as the lot just appeared, almost half of the more than 5000 monks in the audience At the level of scrambling, there are still four or five hundred people continuing.

So for the time being, Qin Lang can't intervene, and these monks present can continue to fight.

However, it is not easy to get this "shadow changing boots". At that time, it was certain that he would need to bleed heavily. Qin Lang currently has more than 1000 million Lingshi assets, plus the previous auction proceeds and VIP status can be overdrawn by about 500 million , It shouldn't be a big problem to shoot this thing with all your strength.

At this moment, on the field, including the ancestor of the Cai family, and more than a dozen monks who were in the late stage of alchemy, all of them stared wide-eyed. These top-level monks heard the news that there will be a few good things in this auction. Even top-ranking monks like them would be tempted, so they got involved. Sure enough, something happened now.

The function of "Shadow-changing Boots" can increase one's mobility by 50.00%.

Therefore, among the competing monks, there are also more than a dozen monks who are in the late stage of alchemy, including the ancestors of the Cai family.

The ancestor of the Cai family has also made sufficient preparations to participate in the auction this time. There is no shortage of spirit stones on his body. Basically, he brought all the liquidity that the entire family can call. The auction with Qin Lang yesterday did not hurt him at all. The vitality of the ancestors of the Cai family, the more than 300 million yuan is nothing to the ancestors of the Cai family.

You must know that the ancestor of the Cai family does not count other materials. In terms of spirit stones, there are at least 600 million spirit stones!This kind of net worth is much stronger than most of the casual cultivators present at the alchemy stage.

"100 million spirit stones!" The ancestor of the Cai family raised the price of the lot to 100 million at this time, but there are still more than 100 competitors on the field, so 100 million spirit stones is definitely not the final price, and "changing shadows" "Boots" is another hot spot in this auction, and it is still far away from the final price!
Sure enough, a series of quotations followed: "140 spirit stones!" "150 spirit stones!"... "[-] million spirit stones!"

The competition almost reached a fever pitch, and soon, the top-grade mobile magic weapon "Shadow Changing Boots" reached the 200 million spirit stone mark, and the momentum remained unabated, continuing to rise, and soon reached 300 million spirit stones, and then It's 400 million spirit stones, 500 million spirit stones...

crazy!crazy!The entire auction house went crazy. Now there are only five or six bidders left, but they are indeed at the level of big local tyrants. They have already pushed the auction price of "Shadow Boots" to more than 500 million.

You know, when the price reaches 300 million, this top-grade magic weapon is almost at a premium, but the function of "changing shadow boots" is too powerful, so even though they know that the premium is high, a large number of competitors still have not given up.

Most of those who gave up in the end had to give up due to lack of financial resources, and all of them were unwilling to do so.

When the ancestors of the Cai family were waiting for five or six top-level cultivation bases to compete, Qin Lang saw that the time was almost right, and he also made a move: "600 million spirit stones!" The direct price increase of nearly 100 million is definitely a big deal.

Seeing that box No. 9 was also sold, five or six auctions including the ancestor of the Cai family were all very unhappy. The day before, Qin Langhao's behavior of throwing a lot of money left an indelible impression on all the monks present .

This is a super rich local tyrant, and an irrational lunatic, whoever meets during the bidding process will be unlucky.

Such lunatics also participated in the auction of the "Shadow Boots". The impact on several of their bidders was absolutely huge, and it was also the last thing they wanted to see.

How to do?How to do……

The five or six competitors present exchanged glances with helpless expressions on their faces. They probably all had a premonition that this lot would not belong to them in the end, and it was likely that it would be sold by the lunatic in box No. 9. Grab it.

However, giving up at this point is also unwilling, so the few present are continuing to do their best.

The ancestor of the Cai family also frowned when Qin Lang raised the bidding price to 500 million. Although he had 600 million spirit stones on him, if he wanted to compete with that "lunatic", he would be ruthlessly eliminated in a few rounds. .

At this time, I didn't care about other things, so I quickly took some materials and other things on my body to the registration office of the auction house for mortgage. The property that was originally priced at more than 500 million spirit stones was only worth 200 million at this time, basically only three times the original price of the item. One-tenth, this is also something that can’t be helped. It is an indisputable fact that the mortgaged items in the auction house’s mortgage are cheaper than the store’s recovery price.

Recently got 200 million capital, plus the more than 500 million on his body, now the ancestor of the Cai family has more than 700 million capital.

So the old guy participated in a new round of competition, and at the same time, he was praying in his heart: I hope that the lunatic in Box 9 should not have enough financial resources because of the previous auctions!

I hope my hard work was not in vain!
The ancestor of the Cai family is also determined to compete for this mobile magic weapon. Now most of the competitors on the field have been killed, only the ancestor of the Cai family, Qin Lang from box 9, and the other two are also Jiedan Later Dzogchen monks.

However, after a few more rounds of competition, the two late-stage Dzogchen monks gave up when the auction reached close to 600 million. They really couldn't get any more spirit stones out of them.

"600 million!" Qin Lang's faint voice came out, and now the only opponent left is the ancestor of the Cai family, which is much easier to deal with.

He knew that the ancestor of the Cai family had gone through a round of bidding the day before, and his strength was still damaged to a certain extent. He must not have many spirit stones on him, and he didn't need to jump the price now, he just pressed for a little bit of price increase every step of the way. You can get rid of this old thing.

On the first day of the auction, Qin Lang spent about 120 to [-] spirit stones on this day, and took a total of four interesting items, namely the Yin attribute magic weapon bone runner, three vigorous spirit Gu, and the flying magic weapon Feitian Luo Yunsuo And a bundle of talisman-making materials, meat bark.

Among them, the flying magic weapon cost the most spiritual stones, and it took Qin Lang 100 million to get it. This flying magic weapon is also of great significance to Qin Lang. In his life, he began to have the first flying object after coming to the world of comprehension.

(End of this chapter)

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