Chapter 1134
"Start now!

In the courtyard prepared by the Dongfang family, Qin Lang once again started his own process of retreating and offering magic weapons.

At the auction, I got five items of interest, namely the yin-attribute magic weapon bone runner, three vigorous spirits, the flying magic weapon Feitian Luoyunsuo, a bundle of talisman-making material walking meat bark, and the top-grade mobile The magic weapon "Shadow Boots".

If these things are sacrificed and refined, they can be converted into their own combat power immediately. The Yin-attribute magic weapon bone runner obtained is a bit like the five-wheel golden wheel that Qin Lang had obtained before. For my second soul body, it is a combination magic weapon.

This magic weapon is actually a lot of small parts. When disassembled, it becomes a piece of magic weapon, about seven or eight pieces. The main core is a bone relic.

To sacrifice this magic weapon, what is needed is the evil spirit of the Yin attribute. Therefore, the sacrifice of this magic weapon is completely carried out by Qin Lang's second soul controlling the body, and the body can't help at all.

The second soul split the magic weapon into smaller parts that are easier to sacrifice, and then ignited the fire of the soul, releasing the evil spirit in his body. This is also the first time that the body of the second soul sacrificed the magic weapon. It also means that the body of the second soul is no longer a human shield, but can also practice like a monk and use magic tools and magic weapons.

It can be said that, apart from not being able to eat, the transformed body of the second soul is no different from a normal monk.

After the Bone Wheel is split into seven or eight small parts, these instruments are five or six times easier to consecrate than the whole Bone Wheel. Among the small instruments, they resonate and engrave the imprint of soul fire.

When the evil spirit infects these small artifacts into black one by one, the black is shiny, and some spell patterns carved by the body of Qin Lang's second soul began to flow on the surface, which also proved this. A small magic weapon was sacrificed successfully.

When the first small magic weapon was successfully sacrificed, the remaining seven or eight pieces became easier. Qin Lang proceeded sequentially, refining these magic weapons one by one, and then assembled them.

After the assembly, the bone runner is different from the original one. The original white bones have been transformed into black lacquer after being infected by evil spirits.

This magic weapon is very suitable for Yin-type physique. The bone runner made up of seven or eight magic weapons is also a powerful battlefield killing move. Now the body of the second soul has a black armor shroud for defense, and there is another way to attack , Bone Wheel.

After the body of the second primordial spirit refined the bone runner, it began to refine the three Vigorous Gu.

Dali Gu is also a yin-type voodoo, which was passed down from the Spirit Ghost Sect. This kind of voodoo can enhance the combat effectiveness of a yin-type physique during battle, and the increase is very large, reaching more than 50.00%.

What is the concept of 50.00%?Now the body of the second soul in the middle stage of alchemy should have a strength of more than 50.00 to [-] jin. If it is increased by [-]%, there will be an extra [-] to [-] jin, reaching a strength of about [-] jin.

The strength of about 35 catties is equivalent to [-] tons, and the weight is not much different from that of a small mountain. It is a terrifying concept.

Think about it, if you encounter an enemy of similar strength during a battle, and you happen to have a Vigorous Gu on your body, and then activate it, it will be an existence that can instantly change the situation of the battle.

Therefore, these three powerful Gus are very important, and Qin Lang attaches great importance to them. After refining the Bone Wheel with the body of the second soul, the second thing to do immediately is to sacrifice these three spirit Gus.

During the sacrificial training, the fire of the soul was entwined on the Dali Gu, and these three Gu worms were also very spiritual, trying their best to resist.Dali Gu is actually a bit like a spider, but its whole body is colorless, and it will only change color after the sacrifice.

The fire of the soul tempers the weak spirit of the Vigorous Gu and assimilates it. What Qin Lang's second soul body has to do is to wipe the original consciousness of the Vigorous Gu, and then inject a trace of soul fire to replace the original Vigorous Gu. Consciousness, even if it is successful.

The consciousness of Dali Gu is not very good, so this sacrificial process is relatively easy, Qin Lang's second soul body only took half a stick of incense to complete the sacrifice of the three Gu insects, and put them into the hole In the sea of ​​consciousness.

Now in the sea of ​​consciousness of the body of the second soul, the black evil spirit has formed a liquid surface, and the sea of ​​fire formed by the fire of the soul is burning above it, and after the three spirit Gus entered the flame, they did not feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, it is very pleasant to float in the sea of ​​flames, drifting with the current.

Those soul fires have now assimilated with their physical properties. To the three Vigorous Gus, they are nutrition and tonics. If you are tired or hungry, you can replenish some. This place is simply like a paradise.

When the body of the second soul was refining two items, Qin Lang's body was not idle, and was also refining magic weapons.The body of the second soul also turned Qin Lang into two independent individuals. Although they were separated, they were connected to each other.

Qin Lang's first magic weapon is the flying Luo Yunsuo, which is his first real flying magic weapon.

Since entering the Qinghe Continent, Qin Lang has always been without a magic weapon for flying. In the past, whether he was rushing or fleeing for his life, he used two legs.

Although he had already practiced Wind Walk and even possessed the Wind Escape Talisman when he was on Earth, in the final analysis, whether it was chasing or running, two legs were at work, and it was impossible for a person to stand off the ground.

As for the mere alchemy cultivator, don't even think about flying by himself, he has to rely on the magic weapon of flight. He has long wanted to get the magic weapon of flight, but the chances are not good, so he has not obtained it.

The importance of the flying magic weapon is self-evident in Qinghe Continent, a world where monks are rampant.

Just relying on two legs, the disadvantage is too great, he will be at a disadvantage in this situation, now Feitian Luo Yunsuo finally brought Qin Lang an advantage.

In the past, ordinary fire was used to sacrifice the magic weapon of the body, but now there is the natal fire Kanli's fire, so of course the ground fire must be used for the sacrifice.

Kanli's fire is also at the forefront of the earth fire ranking list. This kind of flame is not only used for alchemy, but also first-class in refining equipment.

As for sacrificing Feitian Luo Yunsuo, it is actually a relatively different refining process, which is equivalent to a master refining a magic weapon, refining it on his own body, marking it with his own breath, and turning it into used.

When refining Flying Sky Luo Yunsuo, Qin Lang also prepared more than a dozen auxiliary materials for the sacrifice. This flying magic weapon has a total of nine layers of restrictions, all of which require materials to be activated, so Qin Lang prepared these materials early.

The auxiliary materials used to sacrifice a magic weapon are sometimes equivalent to refining a magic weapon. Qin Lang spent about 35 spirit stones for these materials, which is equivalent to one-third of the value of the magic weapon auctioned by Feitian Luo Yunsuo one.

With the materials used for sacrificial refining, Fei Tian Luo Yunsuo's sacrificial refining is very easy, and all nine layers of restrictions are activated by Qin Lang. When this flying magic weapon is fully used, it is already close to the speed of sound.


After finishing Fei Tian Luo Yunsuo, the most important magic weapon on Qin Lang's body has also begun to be sacrificed. This magic weapon is "Shadow Changing Boots".

"Shadow-changing boots" is a top-grade magic weapon refined by the master of the Yuanying period of the refining sect. Qin Lang spent 780 million sky-high prices. "Shadow-changing boots" as long as you refine it yourself, I believe that your combined strength will be greatly improved.

It can increase the movement speed, and it is 50.00% of the movement speed. With the Phantom Wind Walk, it is estimated that ordinary people cannot see their own shadow when moving, it is too fast!

"Shadow-changing boots" is a magic weapon that suits him very well. If you use it well, even if it is an ordinary attack, it may be like a killer move in the eyes of the opponent.

This top-grade magic weapon is more difficult to sacrifice, with a total of [-] layers of restrictions. Qin Lang can only activate the first nine layers at present. One is that the materials are not enough, and the activation materials cannot be bought in Fengcheng. The second is that the sacrifice of this magic weapon is more complicated. It is not possible to perform sacrifices in one or two days. Usually, you need to cultivate your own energy, and only when the time comes can you continue the sacrifices.

It's not bad to be able to sacrifice the ninth floor, and it also has a movement speed bonus of 20.00%. ,

In the eyes of high-level cultivators, movement speed is a very important attribute. For every point added, one's combat power will also increase by several percent.

20.00% five's movement speed bonus, this speed is almost invincible in front of monks of the same level. During the battle, it is difficult for monks of the same level to get close, and they can't even hit you.

Therefore, this magic weapon is also Qin Lang's most valued magic weapon. The materials for refining the magic weapon cost about [-] yuan. During the sacrifice process, all of them were used by Qin Lang.

And after the sacrificing of the fire of Kanli, the "shadow changing boots" were also stamped with Qin Lang's divine sense imprint and spell pattern. After the sacrifice was successful, Qin Lang immediately put on this pair of "phantom boots".

Because it is a magic weapon in the cultivation world, this pair of "Phantom Boots" can be large or small, and the size and style can be changed arbitrarily. Qin Lang turned it into the appearance of Huaxia mountaineering boots, which are more fashionable.

After wearing it, it is also very comfortable, just like hiking boots. If it weren't for the streamer that occasionally scratches on the surface of the "magic weapon", others would really think it is a pair of ordinary boots.

It took more than two hours for Qin Lang's body and the body of the second soul to act together, and the four magic weapons were almost sacrificed. In the end, there was only a large bundle of fleshy bark that had not been processed.

Flesh bark is a very special kind of spiritual material, it can be used to make talismans, and it is also the best material for talismans. Qin Lang is used to keeping some talismans on hand, so he has good materials in hand, and he also refines some talismans by the way.

He mainly refined the middle-level spell "Soul Fire Talisman". He refined about 1000 pieces, and then he refined about a hundred pieces of Baili Dunfu. However, less than one-third of the skin was consumed. The next time Qin Lang needs it, he can continue to refine it.

"Okay, now the main body and the body of the second soul are almost ready, the equipment on the body can be said to be completely new, and now there are new magic weapons and spells, and its own strength is already the best at the level of the middle stage of alchemy. , if I use all my means, I am afraid that even Jiedan will stumble in the later stage."

"It's time to find trouble with the Cai family. There is a saying that the tail is too big to lose. Since the Cai family is my mortal enemy, I must drive it to death. Destroying it and destroying it is the most correct choice .”

"I'm going to the Cai family this time, but I'm not going to use the Dongfang family's help. I'm enough by myself! As long as I plan well, even if the ancestor of the Cai family is a Dzogchen existence in the late stage of alchemy, I will let this old guy stumble. It's over."

"Okay, Cai family, here I come. Your good days are over!"

(End of this chapter)

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