The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1135: The Body of the Second Primordial Spirit Shows Its Might

Chapter 1135
Fengcheng, Cai's family.

The Cai family has been restless for a while, inside and outside.

In the past, the Cai family, as the number one comprehension family and power in Fengcheng, even when their servants went to the market to buy things, they were arrogant.

Anyway, there are many monks in the family, and there are quite a few monks who build foundations and form alchemy. Relying on this advantage, every Cai family has pride and pride.

But now, even the birds that perched on the big trees in the Cai family's yard were weak in singing.

Not to mention the members of the Cai family.

There is nothing impenetrable in the world, and even the subordinates know that the senior members of the Cai family seem to have offended a very powerful casual cultivator. Recently, they have encountered powerful revenge from this casual cultivator, and the masters of the clan have suffered heavy losses. Said that it made the whole clan seem to be in a panic.

The most central courtyard of the Cai family, inside the study.

The head of the Cai family is checking the account books. Recently, because Qin Lang has continued to disrupt the family business and basically paralyzed the business, there has been a deficit in fiscal revenue this month, which makes the head of the Cai family very annoyed.

And the core members of the family, apart from myself and the ancestor, there are only two core members in the alchemy stage left.

These two alchemy stages were only promoted in the past two years, and their strength is completely inferior to the others.

This is simply a matter of killing people.The death of core members not only severely weakened the family's combat power, but also affected the normal operation of the entire family.

After all, every core member is responsible for the core affairs of the family. If this person is suddenly missing, then there will be no one in charge of this matter.

It can be said that the family's influence is not as good as before, and the family's business cannot be managed by suitable high-level personnel.

For example, yesterday the family had a batch of very important goods that needed to be transported, all of which were refining materials needed by the ancestor of the Cai family. As a result, there was no manpower available, so the ancestor decided to go there in person to receive this batch of goods.

The ancestor left yesterday, and it took about five days to go back and forth. During these five days, the family was basically in a period of emptiness. As the patriarch, the head of the Cai family felt that he was under great pressure.

Although the ancestor of the Cai family came forward a while ago and temporarily overwhelmed several other families who were ready to move, the strength of the Cai family is indeed not as good as before.

The family's internal emptiness, people outside probably know it, and now that the ancestor is not in Fengcheng these days, maybe these people will make something wrong.

"Originally there would be no good shit, but now, the family's hearts are not in harmony. I'm afraid we can only stabilize the family's situation once the ancestor returns."

The head of the Cai family sighed, inexplicably thinking about the instigator of this series of influences, and even more upset.

"Oh, damn it." The head of the Cai family cursed, but he didn't know who he was cursing.

If Qin Lang was here, he would definitely find it funny. This guy must be scolding him. Now the whole Cai family has been thrown into chaos by him, and there is no peace. I believe that everyone in the Cai family hates him to death.

After exercising the use of Dali Zhenwu Body once, the head of the Cai family, who has overdrawn his life, looks much older. Before, he was only in his 40s, with a shiny and ruddy face. Now he looks mottled with white hair, and his face is yellow and wrinkled. He looks more than 60 years old, 20 years older.

The head of the Cai family who has stimulated the potential of life, the great strength of the real martial arts among the ten extreme bodies has a huge overdraft of life. Now the head of the Cai family can stimulate this special physique once at most. Of course, the price after activation is also very high. Probably going straight to the grave.

The head of the Cai family is a person who cherishes his life. The closer he is to the bottom line of life, the more he cherishes his life. He is only in the middle stage of alchemy and has not yet reached the late stage of alchemy and Dzogchen. He really hopes that he can cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage in his lifetime , In this way, life can be extended for thousands of years, instead of only 70 to [-] years now.

In 70 years, it was more difficult to practice from the mid-stage of alchemy to the late stage of alchemy, and then to break through to the Nascent Soul stage. It is not uncommon for the mainland to have successful infantry formation in such a short period of time, but there have only been one in ten thousand years. Three of them, all of them belonged to big bosses.

As for the head of the Cai family himself, he doesn't look like it, but he has no better way to break through quickly, so he can only try this way.

He is going to take a gamble. Now it is the peak of the middle stage of alchemy. Just a little adjustment of the dose can hit the late stage of alchemy. After reaching the later stage of alchemy, he is going to skip the great perfection stage of the later stage of alchemy and directly break through the barrier , to open the orifice point, and impact the Nascent Soul.

Of course, this process is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will lose all your previous efforts and blew yourself up. However, his body with the Ten Absolute Physique of Dali Zhenwu Physique will sooner or later be destroyed by this kind of strong energy body, and he can no longer last for a few more years. So I can only gamble on this one and make a quick breakthrough.

"At that time, ask the ancestor to protect me and help me break through the level... that's the only way to go." The head of the Cai family sighed, thinking that he had to break through several levels in a row, and he had a headache. Although his cultivation talent was good, it was not enough. It's so against the sky, but, in order to increase the longevity, I can't care about these.

It's a pity that there are only a handful of panaceas in this continent that can increase longevity. Not to mention that the materials are not complete, many of the materials are legendary items, which have long since disappeared, and the person who can refine this panacea is at least an alchemy master , only alchemy masters and above can refine this heaven-defying thing, the best panacea.

Looking for the life-enhancing elixir is even more unreliable than hitting the Nascent Soul by yourself. At least you can try it if you hit the Nascent Soul. The materials for the longevity-enhancing elixir are rare in ten thousand years, and you need to find an alchemy master for help. These two conditions are simply impossible to meet the requirements with the ability of the family.

Now, apart from dealing with family affairs every day, the head of the Cai family spends the rest of his time consolidating his cultivation. It is almost time for him to hit the late stage of alchemy. He is ready to transfer sheep in two or three days.

And just when the head of the Cai family was thinking about these things, a family member from outside broke into the internal affairs hall: "The head of the family! The head of the family! The water is not good, someone came in?!"

"What's going on?" The head of the Cai family trembled in his heart, recovered and asked.

"It's the casual cultivator that our family had to deal with last time. He came to the door. Our people can't stop him. He is coming here now."

The member who reported the situation was trembling all over. He was only a late construction period, and his status in the family was not high. Of course, his strength was not very good.

"The casual cultivator from last time? He broke into our family again? I'm so pissed... let's go, go and see, this time he must be allowed to come and go." The head of the Cai family was at the time when he was furious. Annoyed at Qin Lang, now this righteous master is really coming to trouble his Cai family again, the head of the Cai family will not let this kid go no matter what.

So, regardless of the account book, he rushed out of this hall and ran to the outer hall.

The Cai family in Fengcheng covers an area of ​​nearly [-] mu. After three generations of continuous accumulation, the family compound is now ranked in the former Qin Dynasty in Fengcheng, second only to the four major families.


At this moment, Qin Lang really attacked the Cai family, and entered through the outer door, killing and wounding nearly 50 practitioners of the Cai family along the way.

All the way, Qin Lang was trying to use new tricks, or let his second soul body fight, and test the power of several Yin-type magic weapons.

I have to say that the body of the second soul uses a magic weapon, and its appearance is still very intimidating. The general was born tall and burly, with a burly appearance, and the body of a zombie. The evil spirit is overwhelming, and the timid can be scared faint .

The bone runner was carried by the general on his strong arm. When it was time to attack, with a wave of his hand, the bone runner would whirr in circles and attack the enemy.

The bone runner the size of a castor scorpion has horns on the edge. If it is scratched by this magic weapon, even a high-ranking monk will not die and will peel off his skin.

At this moment, he is fighting with the only two remaining monks in the early stage of alchemy of the Cai family. No, it should be said exactly that it is the torso of Qin Lang's second soul that is pressing down on the opponent.

The body of the second soul has the cultivation base of the middle stage of alchemy, and it is not as rigid as ordinary zombies. The body of the second soul is the deity clone of the main body, and it is an independent conscious existence.

Under the control of Qin Lang's soul fire, the general's deterrence power has reached its limit. The two monks who were in the early stage of alchemy secretly complained. Just now they rushed in to make trouble without knowing it, but they met the nemesis .

Bang bang bang!
The body of the second soul is completely pressing down on the two guys to fight. These two guys are complaining, but they have to fight. If they don't pay attention, I'm afraid they will die.

The bone runner is flying around in the air, the body of the second soul did not explode the Vigorous Gu, there are only three Vigorous Gus on it, and they are all one-time consumables, they will be gone after use, and need to be repurchased or refined .

For ordinary monks, Qin Lang's body of the second soul will certainly not use the method of pressing the bottom of the box. The vigorous Gu must at least deal with the ancestors of the Cai family who are in the late stage of alchemy, or the head of the Cai family who has become a powerful real martial body. These two are the only way to have the value of use.

The other members of the Cai family can be killed by ordinary methods, regardless of whether they are killed or disabled. Anyway, someone will clean up the mess when the time comes, so there is no need to worry about it.

The Bone Wheel made its first circle in the air, and the two monks at the alchemy stage were lucky enough to cast the four-element formation, but still avoided it with their footwork.

However, their opponent is Qin Lang, who is a pervert. The part of the four-element formation has been thoroughly studied by Qin Lang, and there are new discoveries. Qin Lang absorbed the experience and innovated into his own skills.

Therefore, to deal with the four-element formation, Qin Lang's second soul body just waved his hand lightly, and the bone wheel changed its angle and struck again quickly. This time, it was inevitable, and the two casual cultivators secretly Continuing the tension in their hearts, they each sacrificed their magic weapon and fought hard with the bone transformation.

The sound is crisp, but behind the beautiful voice are the untimely screams of two Cai family monks. It turns out that it is the Bone Wheel, which is powerful and heavy, and has a very corrosive Yin energy. The monks at the early stage of Jiajiedan were unprepared, and were directly pierced into the body by Yin attribute energy.

Yin attribute energy, which is a special attribute of the body of the second soul, has a natural erosion of life.

This feeling is like a dagger made of a firm piece of ice, piercing into one's heart, that kind of cold and terrible pain, even the two monks of the Cai family who are in the early stage of alchemy can't hold back their mouths, screaming speak out.

With the intention of trying out moves, Qin Lang tried a few tricks with the two Cai family monks at the early stage of alchemy. However, these two Cai family monks at the early stage of alchemy faced Qin Lang, and they were completely confused, so his second The body of the primordial spirit cannot fully use the power of this magic weapon.

So, after trying a few tricks, Qin Lang had no intention of continuing to practice.

"go to hell!"

With a curse from Qin Lang, the body of the second primordial spirit manipulated the bone wheel to press down, and it went up and down with a bang, directly pressing two Mount Tai to the top, and smashed the seven orifices of the early monks of the Cai family who had never seen such a storm, and bled on the spot. die.

(End of this chapter)

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