The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1136 One Blow After Going Mad

Chapter 1136 A Blow After Going Mad

After killing the two core members of the Cai family in the early stage of alchemy, the other Cai family leaders present were all shocked. Even the two core members in the early stage of alchemy were eliminated so easily by Qin Lang's second soul. The children of these families who didn't even have the Dan period were even more unbearable.

All of a sudden, the bullets of these families retreated in panic. Qin Lang just with his own "clone", has already shocked the audience, scaring away dozens of Cai family's children.

The children of the Cai family scattered like birds and beasts, like stragglers, vulnerable to a single blow.

Apart from contemptuous of this, Qin Lang is also somewhat proud.

After all, the disciples of the Cai family are not really a mob. If they were not too strong, they would have killed the two core members of the Cai family leading the team cleanly as soon as they came up, and the shock caused was too terrifying. Can be easily intimidated.

But the two people who died were both in the early stage of alchemy, and they were masters in the family. Once the backbone was gone, this group of people regretted their lives one after another, unwilling to take their lives for the Cai family, and the rest naturally had to run away .

"It's really hard to beat!" Shaking his head, Qin Lang looked at the ground.

Using the magic weapon by his second soul body, the heads of the two alchemy cultivators had been smashed to pieces, yellow, white and red flowed all over the ground, which was extremely disgusting.

After the battle here was resolved, Qin Lang was about to go deep into Cai's house, when a deep aura came from inside Cai's house at an extremely fast speed.

"Thieves dare!"

The head of the Cai family, who was rushing towards him, was a step too late after all, seeing the tragic death of two core members of the family, he couldn't help but burst into anger.

Several core members of the Cai family were killed by Qin Lang, and the loss was all thanks to Qin Lang. Fortunately, this casual cultivator had another knife in his heart, and two core members of the family were killed. Very annoyed, I thought that this casual cultivator deserved to die!
His Cai family has a great reputation, how can such casual cultivators be allowed to profane!
Immediately, he displayed the biggest killing move on his body, and attacked Qin Lang with a strong attack. However, the head of the Cai family did not transform, so he was only at the peak of the middle stage of alchemy, and now he has been promoted to the middle stage of alchemy. Qin Lang is no weaker than the head of the Cai family, so it seems easy to parry.

And there is a great power around him, the body of the second soul is also in the middle stage of alchemy, and it is also an immortal body. Now that the magic weapon is sacrificed, it needs a strong opponent to try, so Qin Lang immediately let his second soul The body greeted the head of the Cai family.

The stature retreated violently. Now that he had the "Shadow Changing Boots", Qin Lang used the Phantom Wind Walk again. Even the head of the Cai family, who was at the peak of the middle stage of alchemy, could not touch half of his hair, and the hatred was directly captured by his second soul. The body was pulled over.

And Qin Lang is now holding his hands behind his back, watching the battle by the side. The body of the second soul is an immortal body, which is a powerful meat shield in itself. Think and use the way of monks to fight.

The Bone Wheel was transported extremely well by the body of the second soul. This yin attribute magic weapon fits perfectly with this body. When used with the body of a zombie, its combat effectiveness is definitely [-]%.

Under the control of the consciousness of the second soul, the bone wheel spins and flies in the air, back and forth at an extremely fast speed, gradually forming afterimages, which is the limit of the control of the soul.

This kind of speed, even if a living person has the same strength as the body of the second soul, I am afraid that the maximum speed can reach this level.

There is no doubt that the bone runner is so fast, and its power is naturally great.

If the head of the Cai family is accidentally knocked or tripped, this yin attribute magic weapon will definitely make him drink a pot.

However, as the head of the clan, Cai family head is very strong compared to other monks in the middle stage of alchemy, even if they have not transformed, they are still very strong, and their abilities are top-notch existences in the middle stage of alchemy.

However, he met Qin Lang, who was also at the level of pervert. In some respects, the body of the second soul was even more terrifying than his own fighting power. Therefore, it was very difficult for the head of the Cai family to deal with it. , has always been the target of being pressed and beaten, and was so embarrassed that he was almost attacked by magic weapons several times.

The head of the Cai family is also a ruthless person, and he used all means to fight with Qin Lang. The head of the Cai family also had a few magic weapons at hand, and they all used them at this time. At this time when the head of the Cai family was working hard, Qin Lang, It was unexpectedly also regained some momentum.

At this time, Qin Lang's body of the second soul also stepped up, increasing the output of evil spirit, and controlled the situation bit by bit, and brought it back again.

During the battle, the body of the second soul has become more and more proficient in controlling the zombie's body. Therefore, in the battle with the head of the Cai family, Qin Lang's advantage is getting bigger and bigger, like a balance, slowly The ground is leaning towards Qin Lang.

Seeing that the situation was becoming more and more unbearable, the head of the Cai family gritted his teeth, his face showing a ferocious expression, the "Sirius" in front of him was pushing too hard, it seems that he will not be able to do it if he doesn't explode with great strength and real martial arts!However, the result after the outbreak is unbearable, and he is likely to face death after this outbreak.

How to do?How to do?
It was too late to make a choice. The head of the Cai family was really forced to die at this critical juncture. Let him die. As long as he can kill the enemy of the family in front of him, it is worthwhile to die.

The head of the Cai family no longer hesitated, and immediately took off the bead chain wrapped around the palm of his hand. As the black bead chain was taken off, a light flashed in the palm of his left hand. The bead chain turned out to be a forbidden artifact. In the palm of his hand, At this moment, there was a strange "X" shaped curse pattern that rang out for a while, and it was directly activated.

He began to unleash the Dali Zhenwu Physique, one of the Ten Absolute Physiques.

Pom Pom Pom!
"You forced forced me. Since I can't live, you should be buried with me!"

The head of the Cai family had bruises on his face, and his appearance was very crazy, as if he had gone crazy.

The head of the Cai family, who is in a desperate situation, can't care about other things. He only wants to kill Qin Lang in his mind, even if he dies together!

Following the crazy roar of the head of the Cai family, a powerful aura burst out of him suddenly!
Moreover, that aura is still improving, far exceeding the mid-stage of alchemy.

Rising, rising, after the head of the Cai family took off the forbidden spell, his aura actually rose to the late stage of alchemy, and then to the great perfection of the late stage of alchemy, and then black mist enveloped him.

The true qi was exploding, bursting out like a tidal wave, the gushing out true qi formed a frenzy, and the whole body of the head of the Cai family was filled with true qi.

The momentum is improving, and I mentioned it again and again, the head of the Cai family went directly from the peak of the middle alchemy stage to the late alchemy stage, and then the Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy, and even closer to the existence of the Nascent Soul Stage.

In the late stage of alchemy, the realm of Dzogchen!The head of the Cai family went crazy, and the situation seemed to put Qin Lang in a desperate situation all of a sudden.

"Now you can die!" After lifting the ban on the Dali Zhenwu Body, the majestic Cai family head laughed fiercely, raised his head, and a large group of blue light appeared in his hand.

"Damn! This guy has exploded again, Dali Zhenwu, I got it wrong last time, this time I want to deal with him, it seems that I have to work together with the body of the second soul!"

Looking at the head of the Cai family whose aura is rising like endlessly, Qin Lang is also facing a big enemy. The first battle can only be regarded as a warm-up, and the current battle is the real upgraded version.

Speaking of how powerful the Ten Jue Physique is, Qin Lang had seen it last time, so this time, since he has the body of the second soul, he dare not be careless.

Qin Lang also began to make preparations, using all the magic weapons in his hand, and then, the body of the second soul, even activated one of the three one-time consumption of spirit Gu and vigorous Gu. If the fighting strength is higher, the more it will increase, the better the odds of winning will be.

"The price of forcing me to run out of life, I have to break the innate barrier again, and force out my physical fitness, you are really good enough, now you can die with peace of mind!" The pain of breaking the ban with a cruel smile and revealing the true nature of one's special physique is something that people can bear.

Although the head of the Cai family is currently depleting his lifespan due to the activation of the Dali Zhenwu Physique, but now before he dies, the fighting power displayed by the Dali Zhenwu Physique is absolutely terrifying, and it is definitely No. 1 under the Nascent Soul.

Yes, No. 1 under the Nascent Soul, even the ancestor of the Cai family, who was in the Nascent Soul stage, dare not say that he can beat the juniors of this family in terms of combat effectiveness.

Ten Absolute Physiques, this is a special physique. People who have Ten Absolute Physiques have a stronger body than ordinary people since childhood, and their fighting ability is four to five times or even higher than that of ordinary monks of the same level.

A cultivator with a tenth-level physique has almost no limit to his ability to increase, but this kind of physique should not appear in cultivators and even mortals. It is almost a kind of fairy physique or demon physique. The consumption is also staggering.

People who have stimulated the ten extreme bodies, the stronger the degree of stimulation, the faster the consumption of the body's potential, and even the consumption of dozens of times, directly shortening the lifespan.

The monks who often use the Ten Absolute Body Fighting Skills are the shortest-lived, and often exhausted their lifespan in their youth, and have already died.

Therefore, the head of the Cai family possesses the physique of the Ten Absolute Physiques, but has been using artifacts to seal his own physique. Even in the battle with a life-and-death enemy like Qin Lang, he did not use it until the final level.

It is really too much damage to the body. As the patriarch of a comprehension family, the head of the Cai family is also a person who cherishes his life and wants to live forever. It is normal to have such thoughts, but Qin Lang finally destroyed his plan. The head of the Cai family fell from a high altitude, forcing him to use this super killer move at the last moment.

In the realm of comprehension, the Shijue Physique is also a rarer bloodline than the Tianyin Juemai. This physique can also be subdivided into the Vigorous True Martial Physique specializing in Spiritual Dao, the Five Elements Disillusionment Physique specializing in magic, and the even rarer Yin-Yang Synergy Harmony!
Among the Ten Absolute Physiques, the Dali Zhenwu Physique is the most important for its own strength and defense. A cultivator with this physique has surprisingly strong individual combat effectiveness. , each style is a killing move for enemies of the same level or higher level.

And the head of the Cai family in front of him, after untying his own restraint, the Shi Jue Physique has infinitely raised his cultivation to the late stage of alchemy, Dzogchen, and he is almost at the level of Nascent Soul.

Originally, the head of the Cai family in the middle stage of alchemy could live to be at least 100 years old. Due to the excessive use of the ultimate move ability, he lost about [-] years old. Now it is estimated that his lifespan is only close to [-] years old.

Now being forced to use the ultimate move again means that I will lose a lot of life again, so the head of the Cai family is full of hatred for Qin Lang. Now that the Ten Jue Physiques have reached maturity, every time they use it, at least It's a 100-year lifespan deduction, which even he can't bear.

If it is used excessively this time, it will definitely be the result of death. This is the result that the head of the Cai family is absolutely unwilling to accept. However, Qin Lang forced him too hard, and he could not see a way out, so he decided to die with Qin Lang.


That big group of blue light gathered in the palm of his hand, it was an astonishing blow, probably close to the attack of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage.

(End of this chapter)

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