The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1137: Unlimited True Essence

Chapter 1137: Unlimited True Essence
Without the life-enhancing panacea, the head of the Cai family is now in a doomed situation, and he has also begun his final madness.

Anyway, he would be finished no matter what he did, and he also looked away from his own life, but he definitely couldn't look away from taking Qin Lang's life.

He did not hesitate to use his hole cards and cast the most powerful ultimate move, with only one purpose, which was to kill Qin Lang.

Only by doing this can the Cai family eradicate this most dangerous enemy, and maybe there will be a chance to gain a foothold in Windy City in the future.

The head of the Cai family let out a roar!

After the powerful real martial arts are activated, the real energy is almost unlimited now, and many moves that usually need to save spiritual energy can be used at will.

Unlimited true energy, on this point, after the great strength of the real martial body is activated, it is much stronger than the ordinary Dzogchen monks in the late stage of alchemy.

Because the Dali Zhenwu Body has no restrictions on the use of true qi, and the moves that the head of the Cai family uses are almost all the most powerful forbidden moves, and there is no chance to use them at ordinary times. Now there is no limit to the use of true qi. , he can be considered to have exploded.

I don't know if he knew that he was going to die. At this moment, he was as excited as if he had taken some medicine, completely disregarding his own life and death. In this way, even the Dali True Martial Body was exerted by him with the strongest power.

But for Qin Lang, this means trouble and danger.

If it was Qin Lang from a week ago, he would definitely not be the opponent of the head of the Cai family who had exploded with powerful martial arts. After seeing the head of the Cai family explode, he would definitely run away from a distance.

But now Qin Lang has been promoted to the mid-stage of alchemy, and he has sacrificed the body of the second soul, and the body has recently obtained a few good magic weapons and magic weapons

He now has "Shadow Changing Boots", which can increase his own speed by 50.00%. Combined with the Phantom Wind Walk, the speed is comparable to the speed of sound. Even the head of the Cai family who has exploded with great strength and real martial arts can't use it at extreme speed. pace yourself.

Although it is very boring to go to the auction often, and you have to spend a lot of spirit stones, you can find treasures at the auction, which is really life-saving and can kill the enemy. Just like now, if there is no shadow-changing boots, he can’t occupy it. With the absolute advantage in speed, I am afraid that he will not choose to fight against the head of the Cai family at this moment, but will fly away directly.

However, although the head of the Cai family can't deal with Qin Lang who is running at extreme speed, he can deal with the body of the second soul. He has almost unlimited real energy now, so he naturally uses a series of forbidden moves.

Those large groups of blue light groups thrown out by him are the light of the Cai family's forbidden moves. The ice crystals are broken, which is a kind of extremely freezing air. Frozen into ice balls.

The head of the Cai family, who is in the state of vigorous martial arts, originally has no attributes of true energy, which can be transformed into any attribute, and the transformed attributes are still in the limit state. Can be used easily.

While the head of the Cai family threw a large blue light ball over, he flipped his palm, and another red light ball appeared. The red fire attribute energy was highly concentrated, and then he waved his hand and threw it out. . ,

This is a forbidden move of the fire attribute, the Red Fire Explosive Bullet, combined with the previous Ice Crystal Breaker, forming two extremes, one after the other, they smashed at the body of the second soul with incomparable momentum.

At this moment, the body of Qin Lang's second soul, the black armor corpse clothes, has been activated, and his defense has been raised to the maximum. In addition, the vigorous Gu has also been activated. He knows that he cannot escape the attack of the head of the Cai family. The body absolutely does not have the movement speed of the main body, so it can only fight recklessly.

However, the body of the second soul also has its own advantages, that is, the immortal body, which is like a meat shield. In addition, after the vigorous force Gu is activated, the strength of the body has increased to more than 7 catties, which is equivalent to 35 tons. This kind of force can already uproot a hill.

As a result, the body of the second soul that had aroused its true strength let out an invisible roar. When the sound waves scattered, all the dark muscles all over his body swelled up, and the strength was stimulated to the greatest extent, and he directly greeted the two attacks. .



The fluctuation of the powerful evil energy directly brought up the strong energy, blowing the surroundings rattling, and in the incredible eyes of the head of the Cai family, the body of the second soul directly collided with the ice crystal.

With a bang, the Ice Crystal Burst exploded, and a huge ice crystal firework was scattered in the air. The body of the second soul was able to withstand this powerful killing move.

However, the head of the Cai family made two attacks in succession, and a red fire burst bomb followed. The zombie body also exploded to the limit at this time. .

Then, he waved his big cock and continued to meet him.With a bang, the fire ball was smashed, but the body of the second soul was also contaminated by some bursting flames of the fire ball, and the evil spirit around it was burned into a sizzling sound. These two ultimate moves directly consumed more than half of its accumulated body. Yin evil spirit.

"He didn't die!" The head of the Cai family was also stunned. After inspiring the Dali Zhenwu Body, his life had come to an end, so now he made an unreserved move, intending to die with Qin Lang.

But unexpectedly, not only did Qin Lang avoid his attack, but even the body of the second soul resisted him twice, which made him feel that the monk in the middle of the alchemy in front of him was very unusual, no wonder the core monk of his family One after another fell into his hands.

"'s really powerful, but today I, Cai, will fight you with the heart of death, so don't be complacent, and try the ultimate move later!"

After the powerful real martial body erupted, the real energy was infinite, so the attack of the head of the Cai family did not consume much at all. After performing the two killing moves just now, he only recovered a little bit, and the state was full again, so he continued to use the killing move!
In the palm of his hand, blue light and red light appeared again, Qin Lang really frowned when he saw that the recovery speed of Dali Zhenwu Body was too fast, and the real energy was almost unlimited. It was indeed a disadvantage to fight the head of the Cai family in such a state.

However, the activation of the Dali Zhenwu Body is at the cost of lifespan. It is impossible to continue like this forever. Every minute and every second burns the longest lifespan of the Cai family. The longer it is delayed, the more lifespan will be burned Well, the head of the Cai family will probably not have much time to live this time.

"His transformation...should last for 10 minutes to half an hour, right?" Qin Lang looked at the ferocious expression of the head of the Cai family, and thought to himself, he didn't know how long he could delay, and wanted to delay It seems that it will take a while until this guy runs out of his lifespan. The question is, can he really survive until then?

This is really a difficult problem, but now that the head of the Cai family has unlimited true energy and is close to the Nascent Soul state, it is very difficult for him to remain undefeated. It is very difficult to kill him in a short time.

For the current plan, no matter how reluctant he is, he can only procrastinate. At this time, Qin Lang hurriedly called his second soul body away from the head of the Cai family, and approached the main body to fight with him.

This is because the speed of the body of the second soul is a weakness, and it is very disadvantageous to fight with the head of the Cai family, so although the main body does not have an immortal body, its moving speed is close to the speed of sound. Even though the head of the Cai family is very powerful, he cannot touch himself There is no way.

In fact, the head of the Cai family is really annoyed. If he can't beat Qin Lang, his idea of ​​dying together will become ridiculous. He is actually worse than Qin Lang, and he doesn't have much time. If the time is up and he can't kill Qin Lang, He may really be finished, he is finished, but the enemy is still alive, and then he can only walk into the grave with anger.

Qin Lang fought with the head of the Cai family, but he was not close. He just approached the distance of about five meters and started to use some attack methods. He knew that he was definitely not the opponent of the head of the Cai family with strong and real martial arts. Injury also has to pull oneself, and the result will be tragic.

Therefore, it is best to have a buffer distance of five meters. Although the head of the Cai family can basically resist and resolve his own attack with unlimited true energy, he can be regarded as successfully holding back his own attack. Him, so that he can no longer be distracted from dealing with his second soul body. ,

The body of the second soul with some damages also seized the time to recuperate in the distance, recovering those injuries caused by the flames of the ultimate move. In fact, the injuries are not serious, especially the zombie body with an immortal body , It only takes less than ten minutes to fully recover.

Qin Lang possesses the "Shadow-changing Boots" to perform the phantom blast footwork, the whole person is a group of afterimages, fighting around the head of the Cai family, and the light clusters on the head of the Cai family are also bursting again and again, and the powerful real martial body is a huge source of spiritual energy , the true energy is endless, and it is also exposed outside the body, and the surrounding environment is affected by the energy of the head of the Cai family that is soaring out of the body.

And at this moment, the head of the Cai family suddenly patted his chest and roared to the sky. The hair all over his body suddenly grew three feet, and his momentum soared again.

Feeling something was wrong, Qin Lang flew back again, leaving the Cai family ten meters away, thinking: "This guy is not going to blow himself up!"

However, the head of the Cai family didn't want to blow himself up, but completely let go of his own restraint. Anyway, he couldn't survive this time, so the last trace of restraint was now lifted by him.

When this restriction was lifted, Qin Lang found that the speed of the head of the Cai family suddenly increased sharply. Although it was not as fast as his own, it was now more than half of what it was before.

Good guy, Qin Lang is getting more and more careful. The head of the Cai family is obviously about to run out of energy, and he is starting to urge his potential to make a last-ditch performance. He can't be led into the ditch by this guy.

It has to be said that Dali Zhenwu's physique is really amazing. The head of the Cai family seems to have taken a top-quality panacea with serious side effects. He is almost invincible in a short time and has unlimited combat power. In the later stage of Dan, Dzogchen attacked together, and this guy was not afraid.

Anyway, the powerful real martial body stimulates the state of infinite true energy. For him, one is a battle, and ten is also a battle. Consumption is a joke for him in his current state. The speed is hundreds of times the normal state.

"Die!" Like a wild lion, the head of the Cai family launched a wave of combos, one move after another. Although they were all ordinary attacks, each move was powerful and heavy. There were a total of [-] combos. This move, the combo formed by these eighteen moves is also an incomparably powerful killer move, which the usual head of the Cai family can't use at all.

Why?Because the true energy is not enough, this is the most powerful family killing move passed down to him by the ancestor of the Cai family. The combination of this kind of move can block the space. Now Qin Lang is inevitable, and there is no room to avoid it at all. , can only fight.

(End of this chapter)

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