The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1139 Fighting for Strength!

Chapter 1139 Fighting for Strength!
But now that the head of the Cai family has picked up his speed, it is not so easy to fly a kite anymore, so Qin Lang now finds that he is only a little faster than the Cai family.

The head of the Cai family smiled ferociously, although as time went by, his face became more and more wrinkled, and his hair gradually changed from gray ten minutes ago, and now it is completely white, which means that his lifespan has been gradually exhausted From the looks of it, it seemed that he was about to be unable to hold on anymore.

However, his figure is still swift and fierce, and his attack is still strong. The key point is that the true energy in the state of Dali Zhenwu is almost endless, which is a huge advantage.

"Die! Die to me!"

The face of the head of the Cai family has been distorted and deformed. He hit several moves forcefully, and he didn't know what forbidden move he used. The sky was full of gold stars. This should be a powerful killing move of the fire element, and it was a range attack, as did Qin Lang. There is no way to avoid it.

However, the three attributes of Qin Lang's body are spirituality, and the fire element is also the main attribute, so the resistance to the fire element attack is also the strongest. The attacks of these sparks fall on the body, and at most they can only exert half of their power.

What's more, he still has magic weapon defense and his own means of resistance, so this fire attack is almost a display for him. Seeing that the head of the Cai family mistakenly used a wrong move, which almost formed an empty door, Qin Lang was on the spot Overjoyed, he retreated instead of advancing, and attacked in the same majestic manner.

This is also the first time that the main body has fought in close quarters.

"You've been fooled!" Seeing Qin Lang approaching, the head of the Cai family was overjoyed, "Do you think I don't know that you are a fire cultivator? This is an empty door that I deliberately lured you to form. Now I will block your escape route and suffer death." Bar!"

The Dali Zhenwu body can simulate the attack of any of the five departments. Therefore, the head of the Cai family, whose real energy is almost unlimited, immediately changed his power, and the most smoothly used water system ice crystal breaker began to flash, facing Qin Lang.

In order to kill Qin Lang, the head of the Cai family has worked hard, and it can be said that he has brought out all his advantages.

But this time, with the advantage of successfully imitating the real martial arts, he thought that he had fooled Qin Lang, and now he suddenly attacked with water spells, water and fire are incompatible, and Qin Lang will definitely end.

The empty door on the head of the Cai family has been blocked by forbidden moves at this time. If Qin Lang wants to attack forcefully, he will be hit first by the head of the Cai family.

If both sides are hurt, the head of the Cai family doesn't care, but Qin Lang has to think about it. The head of the Cai family is a dying person, but he is not, and it will be even more inconvenient if he is seriously injured. In that case, the head of the Cai family has more The way to drag myself to the underworld together.

Thoughts changed a lot, in fact, it was a matter of a moment. Qin Lang smiled lightly. He is also a smart person who makes plans and moves. At this time, he said: "Am I fooled? It seems that I haven't!"

In fact, when the head of the Cai family was plotting against Qin Lang, Qin Lang also considered that the head of the Cai family was deliberately highlighting his flaws, so Qin Lang actually turned around in advance, and then withdrew his attack, forcibly stopping the offensive.

This is not easy. It seems that Qin Lang was prepared for a long time ago. The close-up attack just now was mostly a false move, but it is not ruled out that he found that the head of the Cai family really showed his empty door and started to make a real vigorous move.

Behind the head of the Cai family, the attack of the bone runner has arrived, and it hit the head of the Cai family with a bang, and the shield formed by the true energy shook violently. stable.

Although the head of the Cai family has unlimited true energy, he cannot completely ignore magic weapon-level attacks. The defensive shield on his body is indeed strong and can offset most of the attacks, but the kind of impact that can make ordinary monks shake out internal injuries, He is not feeling well either.

If the bone runner hits it a few more times, no matter how strong he is, he will still be injured.

"Damn it! It's just a little bit, just a little bit..." The head of the Cai family looked fiercely at Qin Lang who had left the battlefield, and muttered in his mouth. Can't kill that nasty enemy.

My own cultivation was forcibly broken through the Dali Zhenwu Body, and my realm was already unstable. After fighting for so long, my consciousness began to be injured, and I felt a little fuzzy.

The head of the Cai family made up his mind and bit the tip of his tongue to wake himself up. Then his vision changed from blurred to clear again. He kept his eyes on his target and summoned five or six of his magic weapons.

"go with!"

Driven by almost endless true energy, five or six magic weapons attacked Qin Lang indiscriminately, and at the same time sealed off the space and blocked Qin Lang's possible retreat.


With a roar, the head of the Cai family detonated five or six of his magic weapons at the same time. This guy is a ruthless person. He knows that he is going to die, and he can't leave anything on his body. Why don't he detonate it directly and use the explosive power to block the enemy and kill the enemy? .

As the patriarch of the largest small cultivating family in Fengcheng, the five or six magic weapons of the head of the Cai family are all things that have followed him for many years. child explosion.

The explosion formed a shock wave, and the power of the flames almost completely destroyed the Cai family compound. Several Cai family disciples who were watching from a distance were affected by the shock wave and fell to the ground.

Peng!The restriction of this courtyard was also broken. The shock wave was too strong, equivalent to the explosion of a dozen thunderbolts. It was not a joke. If one was bad, Qin Lang, who was in the center of the explosion, would be really finished.


It took more than ten seconds for the flames and aftermath of the explosion to dissipate. At the center of the explosion, Qin Lang's figure was nowhere to be seen. The head of the Cai family felt relieved, thinking that the enemy had finally been killed and was blown to ashes.

But a familiar voice came from my ear: "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm still alive."

It's Qin Lang!
The head of the Cai family turned around in astonishment, only to find that Qin Lang was not far away, looking a little embarrassed, his body was covered in black and gray, his clothes were all burned, and he looked like he had turned into a burly black man.

What makes the head of the Cai family unbelievable is that Qin Lang is still alive in a state of embarrassment.

Even, the calm light in Qin Lang's eyes seemed to contain endless self-confidence, which actually made his self-confidence drop.

" are you still alive?" The head of the Cai family couldn't believe it. The power of the explosion just now, let alone a mid-stage alchemy, might even be wiped out in the late-stage alchemy.

"I'm alive, isn't it good? Lord Yan doesn't want to take me in, but he really wants to take you in." Qin Lang sneered for a while, just now he had stimulated the ability of "Shadow Boots" to the maximum, and barely escaped from the center of the explosion, but he still suffered It spread, not only the clothes on his body, but even the hair on his body was burnt off, and he was completely bald. Fortunately, he saved his life.

However, even though he escaped from the center of the explosion, he was still seriously injured. This big explosion that completely sealed off the space is not talking. Now it has shaken his internal organs to bleed profusely. Ordinary monks may have already died of serious injuries. , but he swallowed a good fortune pill before, and the effect is still there, so the recovery power is amazing, and it hangs his life.

After all, what he swallowed was the genuine Good Fortune Pill, which could life and death human flesh and bones. As long as there was a breath, even the King of Hades couldn't take Qin Lang away with this panacea.

It can be said that the Good Fortune Pill was also an accident that the head of the Cai family could not have imagined. Qin Lang is a master of alchemy. After a big deal with the Dongfang Family, there are now top-grade and extremely high-grade spirit pills in reserve, and there are more than a dozen of perfect quality Good Fortune Pills. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a cat with nine lives.

It was a very serious injury just now, but within a few breaths, the Good Fortune Pill had fully exerted its medicinal effect, even cured the external injury, and recovered more than half of the internal injury, completely like the means of a fairy.

Of course, Qin Lang's superficial embarrassment can't be helped by Good Fortune Pill, so the head of the Cai family has 1 reasons in his mind, and he still doesn't understand Qin Lang's situation.

It is rare for the head of the Cai family not to attack Qin Lang this time, which is also what Qin Lang needs. Although he is recovering now, it is already relatively reluctant to make a move, and it is also his weakest period. If the head of the Cai family continues to make a move at this time, It can't be said that the room has already succeeded.

But the head of the Cai family, who was unclear about the situation, had already missed the best time to make a move. At this time, the body of the second soul stepped forward again, holding this guy back, and the two sides fought again.

At this point, more than ten minutes have passed, and Qin Lang moved back more than ten meters, then rested and recuperated, watching his second soul play a rogue attack, entangle the head of the Cai family like sticky candy.

Youdao is clear to onlookers. When Qin Lang moved back, his figure was unstable and his expression was a bit labored. He was seen by several other bystanders of the Cai family in the middle and late stages of the construction period. They looked at each other. The immediate members of the Cai family also had to do their best to deal with the family's greatest enemy.

At this time, several members of the Cai family's immediate family quietly stepped forward, intending to sneak attack Qin Lang.But Qin Lang stared at him, exuding an invisible aura.

"Go away!" Qin Lang yelled violently, using the aura of a high-ranking monk on his body to directly suppress the children of these families so that they couldn't lift their heads, and cast a shadow on them.

This is the benefit of high-level monks dealing with low-level monks. Qin Lang's realm is really higher than that of several Cai family children, so even if he is injured, he can crush the enemy with his momentum, so that the enemy can no longer give birth to the heart of resistance. .

Sure enough, after Qin Lang's aura relaxed a bit, these Cai family members fled one after another. Just now, Qin Lang cast a shadow in their hearts. Now Qin Lang in their eyes is already like a demon king, so how dare they provoke the tiger's beard again... …

Hurrying up, Qin Lang swallowed a few more Qingqi Pills, and held a middle-grade spirit stone to quickly recover his true energy. The middle-grade spirit stone can quickly replenish the consumption of spirit energy, which is exactly what he needs now.

And in the battle over there, the head of the Cai family didn't know what kind of flaw was sold. The body of the second soul confronted him and was blown away. Finally, the head of the Cai family who got rid of the body of the second soul, At this time, continue to run towards Qin Lang.

He looked even older now, and he estimated that he only had a few minutes to live, so he tried his best to get injured, but he also wanted to shake off the body of the second soul and directly attack Qin Lang's body.

"I can't afford to waste time. Do you think I'm really a show? In the last few minutes, I will let you see my real means!"

After fighting for such a long time, the head of the Cai family's spiritual consciousness has been somewhat broken. He roared frantically, swung his fists repeatedly, and shot dozens of phantoms to attack Qin Lang. Each of these phantoms has [-]% of the power of the body.

(End of this chapter)

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