The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1140 The battle is over

Chapter 1140 The battle is over
Qin Lang's heart skipped a beat!
It's not that he's afraid of the attack of the head of the Cai family with [-]% of his strength at the moment, but that he is at the most critical juncture of this fight. What's more, the head of the Cai family has faint signs of breaking through!

Qin Lang was also taken aback. With such a fierce increase in combat power, it is possible that under his own stimulation, the head of the Cai family directly broke through the Nascent Soul stage, right?
If that was the case, it would be dangerous. Not only did the head of the Cai family not have to die, but because of his own sake, he achieved the Nascent Soul stage by a blessing in disguise, adding thousands of years to his lifespan.

However, the head of the Cai family at that time would definitely not be grateful to him. On the contrary, he would even want to kill himself and use his body to celebrate the new life.

Therefore, when Qin Lang was flickering and dodging, he was also praying that such a situation would not happen. He even opened a strange thing on his body, the lucky compass, hoping to increase his luck index to reduce the chance of bad luck.

I don't know if it's because of Qin Lang's good luck or because he turned on the lucky compass. After the head of the Cai family made more than a dozen mighty phantoms, his aura dropped a bit and returned to the original level.

Originally, it was not to break through, but because of the power accumulation just now, the head of the Cai family became so scary.

But at this time, Qin Lang faced dozens of phantoms of strength, and lost again. He was hit several times, and he was bloody again. The five viscera were seriously injured, and even the heart was almost broken.

After falling to the ground, Qin Lang found that he couldn't get up anymore, the injury was too serious!

At this time, the head of the Cai family walked over slowly with a grim expression on his face: "Now, what else can you resist? Can you still resist? Can you suffer to death..."

"Drag...hold this guy!" Qin Lang's face darkened, and he gave an order to his second soul body, and now he can't even move. In the attack of dozens of phantoms, he was killed by the strong attack.

Now it's just that the heart is suspended, and the whole body is injured, and it is seriously injured, and it is impossible to move, how can it be possible to resist.

However, relying on his breath, Qin Lang still relied on weak movements to take out a Baili escape talisman and inject a small amount of true energy into it to activate it.

Before the head of the Cai family approached, Qin Lang disappeared in a flash. He couldn't afford to gamble anymore. If he stayed here again, he might really die before the head of the Cai family.

On the contrary, if you use Baili Dun, you still have a chance to escape.Hundreds of miles away from the Windy City is the wilderness, but there are also monks walking around in the wilderness, just hoping to teleport to the place, don't meet other monks who want to take advantage of it, if you encounter it, you can only blame yourself for being unlucky.


And after Qin Lang was teleported away by Baili Dun, the head of the Cai family was also extremely depressed. This guy was too slick, he actually gave up the battlefield directly, and now he couldn't catch up even if he wanted to.

At this time, the body of the second soul arrived and attacked the head of the Cai family.

How to put it, the body of the second soul is also a split body of the deity, which is equivalent to another independent consciousness. Therefore, even though the main body has left, the body of the second soul can still fight independently.

Moreover, hundreds of miles away, the two parties still have a faint connection, and they can communicate with each other. This kind of communication is similar to the telepathy between twin brothers and sisters of ordinary people, but it is better than telepathy. a lot of.

Because the telepathy between ordinary people's twin brothers and sisters has a distance limit, but the channel of telepathy between Qin Lang's body and the deity is not based on distance. Even if they are separated by a world, they may be able to communicate with each other .

"The main body is already in a place hundreds of miles away in the wilderness of the Windy City. It is recuperating. It is still safe, so there is no need to worry."

"However, I, the body of the second soul, have to resolve the battle as soon as possible and rush over to protect the main body. After all, the main body in the wilderness is seriously injured, and now I don't even have the ability to place restraints. It's not good!"

"Although a quick battle is a very good idea, the head of the Cai family, who is in a state of great strength and real martial arts, is not something he can kill by himself. It is not easy to hold this guy down. The body of the second soul relies on the bone runner Special ability, now it's just barely on par with this guy, and he can't take the slightest advantage."

"However, the head of the Cai family has been fighting for so long. I believe that at the cost of consuming his lifespan, he will soon be unable to hold on and his body will be on the brink of destruction."

"So, the battle will be dragged on for a while. At the same time, I have to be careful. When the head of the Cai family fights back at the end of his death, monks usually choose to blow themselves up at the last moment of death, especially the head of the Cai family who has a strong real martial arts body. The self-explosion of Dzogchen monks in the late stage of alchemy is no different, even more astonishing!"

A few thoughts arose in the soul fire of Qin Lang's second soul body, and then, intentionally or unintentionally, the second soul body continued to use the word dragging, to drag it until the last moment of the life of the head of the Cai family, and die naturally .

"Damn! Damn zombie, if it weren't for you, I would have killed that guy a long time ago, and now you will bear my final anger!" After losing his target, the head of the Cai family can only retreat to the next best thing. Turn your head and deal with this disgusting zombie puppet.

I don't know why, but the zombie puppet in front of me is so disgusting, he knows how to use evil spirits, and use magic weapons to attack, even like the second soul refined by monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

The head of the Cai family didn't expect at all that this puppet zombie is the body of Qin Lang's second soul. Of course, he inherited the consciousness and fighting style of the main body. Therefore, it is normal for the head of the Cai family to feel that this guy is as slippery as Qin Lang's main body.

Time waits for no one, one minute, two minutes pass.

In the last minute, the head of the Cai family, who had fought many times and was repeatedly attacked by the bone runner, finally realized that something was wrong. He was about to perish in a few tens of seconds, and now he could only make the last blow !

"It's the last blow!" The head of the Cai family smiled ferociously, and looked back at the plaque hanging high in the compound. It was all the honor of the Cai family, but unfortunately he would never see it again.

The elders of the Cai family have deep feelings for each other.

Thinking about how glorious he was in the past, in the entire Cai family's power, he spoke his words, and his power reached the peak. Under his leadership, the Cai family is also a terrifying force that should not be underestimated in Fengcheng.

According to the normal development, he will lead the Cai family to become stronger, and he himself may complete a breakthrough and reach the Nascent Soul stage in his lifetime.

What a glory and a bright future, but now it's all ruined by Qin Lang, a loose cultivator!
The feeling of nostalgia disappeared in an instant, and the head of the Cai family became firm again.

Even if you die, you can't let go of the possibility of killing Qin Lang, so you will fight with Qin Lang!

"I'm sorry, ancestor, grandson can only take one step first now, I hope you can come back to avenge grandson!" Cai family head closed his eyes, the light scattered around his body, like a god, and at the same time, his momentum exploded again.


No sound.

white light...

There is only an invisible white light, like the entire courtyard tens of feet, covering every corner, the body of the second soul has nowhere to escape.

This is the self-destruction of the head of the Cai family under the condition of Dali Zhenwu. The power of the self-destruction not only directly shattered the entire courtyard, but also affected several family children in the distance. Gray, assimilated by light.

This is a world without sound, and it is also a world of killing pokes.

And the head of the Cai family himself was also in the explosion, directly shattered, disappeared in the white light, and even his clothes became invisible factors.

His body left a consciousness in this world, thinking, with such an explosion, I believe that hateful zombie puppet should no longer exist, right?
Damn it, that casual cultivator Sirius let him escape, it would be great if he could be killed, now I can only rely on my ancestor to avenge myself and all members of the family...


After the explosion, the entire courtyard was blank, all obstacles disappeared, and the center of the explosion was a super huge pit. There was a flower bed about ten feet away from the pit, but it has disappeared now.

At the location of the flower bed, there is a dark mass, which is wriggling at this time, and it turns out to be the body of Qin Lang's second soul.

The current appearance is really miserable. The body of the second soul has disappeared from the hips down, and the head has become half a piece, exposing the dark green soul fire inside, and the whole body above the heart is in dilapidated condition, close to the edge of being scrapped. .

Is it an immortal body? In such a situation, if a monk, even a high-ranking monk, has broken his lower body, lost half of his head, and his heart is wounded like a sieve, he may already be dead, but this zombie body is still alive. live.

As long as the fire of the soul is not extinguished, the body of the second soul will always exist.

But after this big explosion, the soul fire of the body of the second soul has also become extremely weak, only less than a third of it exists.

However, the lower body is gone, and the two limbs of the upper body are still there. Therefore, relying on two arms as legs and walking upside down, the body of the second soul can still walk normally.

Even the injuries on the body can be completely ignored. As the main body of the zombie family, as long as the body of the second soul protects the most important soul fire, everything can be fully recovered.

Although the current combat power is a little weaker, the body of the second soul still has the combat power of the early stage of alchemy, and now there is a magic weapon, the Bone Wheel, and the Vigorous Gu can still be activated, compared to the normal early stage of alchemy. But it's too strong.

There is nothing to search on the battlefield, and even the head of the Cai family has already blew himself up. Therefore, the body of the second soul directly rushed into all the positions of the family treasure house. In the eyes of the other bullets who survived by chance, it is not funny, but scary.

Because it's too ruthless!Now the body of the second soul is in a bad mood because of the serious injury to Qin Lang's body, and he has become irritable, and his shots are even more irrelevant, so basically as long as he meets the children of the Cai family, no matter how high or low he is, he will directly die. The runner slapped it, and killed it all at once. Along the way, more than a dozen more Cai family monks died in their hands.

When they arrived at the treasury of the Cai family, the body of the second soul forcefully broke open the door of the treasury, and used four or five storage bags picked up on the road to directly collect and scrape all the resources and materials in the treasury.

Although the Cai family is in a difficult time, the family treasure house has a lot of resources. It is estimated that magic tools, magic weapons and other miscellaneous items are worth at least four to five million spirit stones, and they are all used by the body of the second soul to store four or five storage bags. I just pretended to go away, didn't count carefully, and ransacked everything.

Killing and seizing treasures is not as enjoyable as searching for treasures like this.

Anyway, the Cai family is not a good thing. With this opportunity, Qin Lang would feel sorry for himself if he didn't evacuate the treasure house of the Cai family.

After finishing, Qin Lang left here immediately.

After all, his body was still seriously injured, and he stayed in the wilderness, waiting for his rescue and protection. This is a place of right and wrong. I believe the fight has attracted the attention of other families in the city, and I believe someone will come to investigate soon.

And now is also a good time to take advantage of the chaos to get out of the city. Cai's family is close to the city wall, and Qin Lang's second soul body does not go through the city gate. .

However, the way it stood upside down on half of its body and patted four or five storage items for the gallop is really ridiculous. Although it is evening now, I don't know if other monks have noticed it.

(End of this chapter)

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