The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1141 Being Targeted

Chapter 1141 Being Targeted
The body of the second primordial spirit was advancing secretly to where Qin Lang was, but he was injured, and his movements were a bit funny.

After looting all the treasury of the Cai family, he was eager to leave immediately, looking for Qin Lang to heal Qin Lang's injuries.

It's just that the journey is far away, and the body of the second soul has been seriously injured. If you want to rush back to Qin Lang's side, it won't take half an hour or an hour to reach it.

The key thing is that the fight with the head of the Cai family just now, I am afraid that the fluctuation of the breath of the battle has already been noticed by the nearby monks, and it is impossible for it to return to Qin Lang unimpeded.

But no matter what, it is necessary to meet Qin Lang.

Moving the injured body, the body of the second soul moved firmly in the direction of Qin Lang under the cover of night...

At this moment, in an unknown wilderness far away, Qin Lang finished adjusting his breath and checked his injuries.

It was a blessing that there were no fatal injuries, but the problem still existed. Qin Lang found that in order to recover quickly, he needed additional elixir.

But in the wilderness here, there is no elixir to pick at all, and it takes too long for the body of the second soul to arrive, so Qin Lang has the idea of ​​going to the market by himself.

If it is not far from the market, you can go there and buy all the low-grade elixirs you need, and buy some food back.

This is better than passively waiting.

And the sooner the healing is done, the better, and the longer it is delayed, the more unfavorable it will be.

Qin Lang quickly made up his mind, as long as it is not too far from the market, he should go to the market first, buy all the things he needs, and then wait for the body of the second soul to meet him.

But after getting up, Qin Lang was surprised to find that he had forgotten one thing.

Because of the fierce battle, the clothes on his body were already tattered. There was a storage bag, but he forgot to put the clothes in it. Now, when he went to the market, he had to buy a suit of clothes along the way.

Fortunately, it took only half an hour for Qin Lang to walk to a bustling market.

It is said to be a market, but it is actually similar to a commercial street, because the market is not only formed on special days of the month, but crowded with people every day.

Like ordinary people, Qin Lang followed the endless stream of people to the market.

The entire market should be in the shape of a rectangle, and the streets are not complicated, but Qin Lang soon discovered that his luck was a bit back.

The place he chose to enter happened to be the place where the high-end goods in the market were sold.

It turns out that this big market is divided into three areas, namely the cheap area, the ordinary area and the expensive area. The three areas are self-contained and distinct.

After all, with such a classification, the rich will basically not go to the cheap area, and may not even go to the ordinary area, while the poor will not even set foot in the expensive area.

As a result, Qin Lang found himself a different kind.

In the prestigious district, even the passers-by are either riding in luxurious carriages or riding exotic beasts, and even the people on foot are dressed in gold and silver, and their clothes are very decent and luxurious.

And he was dressed in tattered clothes, walking in the expensive district where the rich walked everywhere, the ending can be imagined.

What greeted us was either bright ridicule, or self-proclaimed noble disdain.

In short, Qin Lang found it very depressed, and was despised by passers-by.

That's not to mention, the clothes are tattered and tattered, although he doesn't want to lose all his clothes, he still looks like a beggar, so when he was not afraid to spend money and walked directly into the store in the expensive district, he was stopped by the clerk directly.

Although they didn't say anything unpleasant, the clerks in these stores, without exception, clearly stated that Qin Lang was not allowed to enter the store.

Everyone knows that although there is no express provision in the Prestige District that the poor and beggars are not allowed to come, in practice, this regulation is implemented most thoroughly.

After all, everyone wants to save face. Poor people don’t come here to wait for rich people’s eyes to open their eyes. As for beggars, don’t even think about begging in this kind of place. At this point, begging will be better than harvesting in ordinary areas.

Beggars who hold this kind of thinking have all been beaten and even disabled in the noble districts. Over time, no beggars will come here to annoy those rich people again.

Qin Lang is not in the mood to argue with these people, whether it is on Earth or in the secular area of ​​Qinghe World, this kind of things that look at people with colored glasses will not happen rarely.

"Yeah, I wanted to buy an expensive set of clothes in your store, but you didn't want a commission and stopped me from going in. This is your loss."

Qin Tian laughed at himself, but his mood was not affected.

Soon, Qin Tian went from the expensive area to the ordinary area, and bought a set of clothes made of linen, which was very comfortable to wear.

With the clothes problem solved, Qin Lang can naturally return to the precious area to buy the low-grade elixirs he needs.

Although these kinds of elixir are low-grade, they are very effective. Fortunately, in the expensive area, elixir should also be sold.

However, when arriving from the ordinary area to the expensive area, Qin Lang had to buy some fresh food by the way.

So while walking and buying, Qin Tian was equivalent to walking around the ordinary area.

After all, it is a world different from that of China on Earth. Although the market here is also full of hawkers, there are many products on display that Qin Lang has never seen before.

Qin Lang bought some exquisite small items, such as small toys driven by spirit stones, hairpins for girls, etc. He planned to bring them with him when he returned to Huaxia next time, so that Liu Zhenzhen and other girls would be happy.

After buying fresh food, Qin Lang came to the area where the expensive products were located.

Without stopping, Qin Lang went straight to the Treasure Pavilion where the elixir was sold.

After all, although there are actually quite a few places that sell elixir in the common area, it is estimated that the variety will not be very rich. In order to avoid wasting time, it is natural to go to the most upscale area and buy all the elixir needed at once.

Qin Lang chose the Jumbo Pavilion, which seemed to be the largest in scale, and walked in.

Treasure stores in ordinary areas are one store after another, usually with only one floor, while in expensive areas, each treasure store occupies an area of ​​at least [-] square meters, and is divided into several floors according to functions.

For example, the six-story building that Qin Lang walked into now, on the first to sixth floors, each sells different magic weapons, elixir, refining materials, etc.

Of course, even on the bottom first floor, there is one of the most expensive items in the store.

According to the introduction of the waiter in the store, Qin Lang went up to the third floor.

This third floor is where all kinds of elixir and fruit are sold.

Guided by a beautiful waiter in a bright yellow dress, when Qin Lang reached the third floor, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a rogue-headed guy in a blue shirt sitting on a sofa in the corner for guests to rest. While looking at the product guide provided by the store, his eyes turned to him from time to time.

Qin Lang remained calm and didn't care about this.

Regardless of whether this wretched man is peeping at the beautiful waiter next to him, or coveting his money, the other party's strength is not high, and it's not his turn to be afraid of him.

As far as the eye can see on the third floor, there are no less than a hundred kinds of elixir for sale, and only a small part of them are not graded, most of them are graded!

Among them, Qin Lang even discovered three middle-grade elixir!
You must know that elixir is the same as elixirs, and they are classified as low-grade, medium-grade, top-grade, and extreme-grade. If they can be classified into high-grade, even if they are low-grade, such elixir is already very expensive.

What's more, Qin Lang believes that this treasure shop will definitely have the higher-level elixir that has not been displayed.

In the end, Qin Lang successfully bought all the elixirs he needed, which cost Qin Lang almost 20 low-grade spirit stones.

The female waitress with a beautiful appearance and a slender figure smiled again and again, and her service attitude towards Qin Lang became better and better, and even intentionally or unintentionally cast a charming look at Qin Lang.

Qin Lang has no doubts, as long as he wants to, he can immediately take this waitress away to have a good time.

Of course, Qin Lang didn't think so.

Putting these kinds of elixir into the storage bag, when Qin Lang left the third floor, he found the wretched man in Tsing Yi sitting on the sofa looking over here.

This time Qin Lang confirmed that this wretched man was staring at him.

But after Qin Lang left the weapon shop, he didn't find the other party catching up.

This is not the inner city of the Windy City, there are no strict rules not to do anything, and there are not many incidents of roadblocking and robbery.


After Qin Lang left, the wretched man in Tsing Yi picked up the hat on the sofa, put it on his head, and followed him downstairs, but when he spotted Qin Lang's departure direction on the street, he turned around and entered the expensive In the alley next to the district.

The alley is very wide, and the environment is better than ordinary alleys. After the wretched man came in quickly, he whistled.

Immediately, a big man with pockmarked face and muscular body came out from the shadows.

"Boss," the wretched man whispered to the pockmarked man, "I found a big fish!"

In words, this wretched man named Liu Si could not conceal his excitement.

The big man with the pockmarked face was obviously not a good stubble, upon hearing this, a greedy smile appeared on his face, and he couldn't wait to ask: "How rich is it?"

What they do is four words: get something for nothing.

When they find rich customers who have placed an order, after confirming that the other party is not someone with a background, they usually follow up. If the other party's strength is not much different from theirs, they will blackmail and threaten to get a little money.

After all, the strength is about the same, it takes time to kill, and it is easy to cause accidents.

And if the strength is not enough, hehe, then I'm sorry, just kill him and take away all the money and storage bags on him.

When Liu Si said that there were big fish, the pockmarked man felt itchy.

The wretched man in Tsing Yi suppressed his excitement and explained: "He is really rich. That kid actually spent almost 20 low-grade spirit stones to buy several kinds of elixir without even haggling. He looks very rich."

Unexpectedly, the words didn't please him, the pockmarked man slapped his hands and scolded: "Damn, you're blind, we can mess with that kind of person?"

A person who can afford the elixir, and who gets 20 low-grade spirit stones when he makes a move, must be worth more than 20 low-grade spirit stones.

It doesn't matter whether this kind of person is powerful or not, but at least what this person bought is a high-grade elixir, which can explain the problem in itself.

Moreover, ordinary qi cultivators have no money to buy elixir. If what Liu Si revealed is true, then this person is at least a foundation-establishing cultivator, and may even be a late-stage alchemy cultivator!
"Boss, don't be angry. I have seen that person's strength clearly with a secret method. He is in the middle stage of alchemy, but he is only one person."

The wretched man said hurriedly.

He did not hide from the boss that Qin Lang was a monk in the mid-stage of alchemy, but as for whether Qin Lang was alone, he really didn't find out, but he had to do it.

After catching up with this big brother, he has had a difficult time recently, because the method of blocking roads and robbery is not only done by his family, they have been eyeing a fat sheep a while ago, but they met another group of people. Fighting, I lost a few good players on my side, and spent a lot of money on the treatment of the brothers, so that life was very tight during this time.

For him, who spends money when he has it, and spends it wildly when he gets a lot of money, this kind of life without money is very difficult.

And the big fish I met today is really worth a fortune. I spent 20 low-grade spirit stones without blinking an eye. What if I could get all of this person's wealth?
That is simply unimaginable beauty.

Therefore, he concealed some situations.

(End of this chapter)

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