Chapter 1142

The pockmarked man pondered.

If it's just a monk in the middle stage of alchemy, there is a possibility of success.

The wretched man in Tsing Yi hit the iron while it was hot: "Boss, you have that bone-forming silkworm net. As long as you activate this magic weapon, even a monk in the late stage of alchemy can be trapped to death. As long as we are careful, a sudden attack will definitely succeed."

The pockmarked man was even more moved.

He is the boss of the wretched man and others, but his strength is only in the middle stage of foundation establishment. Logically speaking, if this kind of strength dares to murder a monk in the middle stage of alchemy, he is simply looking for death.

However, he has an advantage that other foundation cultivators cannot match.

When fleeing in the mountains in the early years, he happened to meet a monk in the late stage of alchemy. The other party was seriously injured and was dying. Lingshi, and several magic weapons that were too damaged to be used anymore.

Instead, he discovered a net-like magic weapon called the Bone Silkworm Net. Although it was also damaged, this magic weapon that could fight against Nascent Soul cultivators was also damaged and its grade dropped.

Therefore, the bone-transforming silkworm net, which was originally required to be activated by the monks who formed the alchemy, has also become a successful activation under the full strength of the monks who established the foundation.

He tried it, and with his cultivation in the middle stage of foundation establishment, he was able to stimulate 80.00% of the power of this magic weapon. Of course, this refers to the situation after the magic weapon is damaged.

Even so, the bone-forming silkworm net is very powerful, and it can trap a late alchemy monk to death!
Although the requirements for trapping late-stage alchemy cultivators are strict, and the opponent must successfully attack before the opponent has time to react, so that the entire net can completely cover the opponent, but this also shows the power of the Bone-shape Silkworm Net.

"This magic weapon can still be used about three times, and it will be completely broken after three times."

"I might as well take advantage of these three opportunities and become a big one. Otherwise, after losing this magic weapon, I will be a late-stage foundation-establishment monk in the future, and I won't dare to block the road to rob."

"What's more, the opponent is only a monk in the middle stage of alchemy, which is much weaker than that in the late stage of alchemy. If the method is right, it may not be impossible."

The pockmarked man weighed it up, and finally, desire overcame reason.

"Do this vote!"

"Liu Si, you are ready too!"

The pockmarked man finally made up his mind, his eyes shot a fierce light.

With the Bone Silkworm Net in hand, as long as you look for opportunities patiently, the attack is successful, not to mention the monks in the middle stage of alchemy, or the monks in the late stage of alchemy. With time, melt the opponent's bones, and the bones will not survive!
Seeing that the boss had made up his mind, Liu Si, a wretched man in Tsing Yi, was also very happy.

"Boss, your decision is too wise and will definitely lead us out of the predicament."

Liu Si said flatteringly.

In fact, the reason why the boss and them had such a difficult time was that apart from the huge loss after fighting with the same people last time, it was also related to the usury that the boss owed to a bank.

The gamblers borrowed a considerable amount of money from Jinli Bank, all of which was gold, and they still haven't paid it now. With the revolving interest rate, the interest alone is quite a lot. If they don't pay it back, they will accumulate to an astronomical figure. .

Moreover, the bosses of Jinli Bank are not easy to mess with, they have a backing and strong strength, they don't even have a chance to run away.

"Liu Si, you are right, why are you still standing there, lead the way!" the pockmarked man urged.

"Okay boss." Liu Si's eyes were shining, and he led the pockmarked man to chase Qin Lang in a hurry.

Liu Si had confirmed the direction before, and after rushing all the way, the distance between him and Qin Lang was rapidly shortening.

Not long after, Liu Si's eyes lit up, he pointed at a young man in black who was tens of meters away, and said, "Boss, that man is the big fish we want to catch."

He is very familiar with this area of ​​geography, as long as the direction is right, it is really not difficult to catch up with a big living person.

The pockmarked man showed some seriousness on his face, and motioned for Liu Si to follow him, and the two quietly followed.

Both of them are cultivators, their strength is not high, but they have also learned the method of restraining their breath, so they are not afraid that the defenseless fish will find them.

"Boss, there is an alley ahead, where the least people are, should we do it there?"

Liu Si asked in a low voice.

The pockmarked man nodded.

The box leads directly to the downtown area of ​​the market. If you don't do anything in the alley, when the fish enters the downtown area, let alone wait for the opportunity to do it, just want to keep tracking it, and the difficulty will increase dozens of times.

According to the plan made by the two people on the road before, the pockmarked man winked at Liu Si, Liu Si understood, and hastily wrinkled his clothes into a ball, even dealt with his hair, pretending to be panicked and flustered, Then he sprinted towards Qin Tian's walking direction.

While running, Liu Si asked for advice loudly in a panic.

"Help, I've killed someone, someone is going to kill me, help me!"

"Help, help!"

What he often does is roadblocking and robbery. Liu Si is very familiar with how to play the victim. If this acting skill is put on the earth to participate in the Oscar acting selection, it will not be difficult to win the unanimous appreciation of the judges in terms of acting alone.

And behind Liu Si, the pockmarked man was also acting.

The big man with the pockmarked face held a shining broadsword in his hand, and as he ran, the big knife cut through the air continuously, making it dazzlingly bright. The big man with the pockmarked face seemed to have entered the state, with a ferocious expression on his face, chasing and yelling viciously.

"Boy, let me see who dares to save you today! You just wait to be hacked alive by me!"

"Hahaha, haha!"

The gangster's appearance was so realistic that even an outsider standing in front of the two of them would not be able to guess that they were singing a double reed!
Both of them are very familiar with this method, because they have used this method, they have successfully committed crimes more than once, and they have deceived the vigilance of the target big fish.

The party pretending to be the victim will "bump" into the big fish in a panic, and like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw, he will desperately pull the big fish's arm and beg the other party to save him.

And the party playing the role of gangster will come up with a big knife at this time, taking advantage of people's unpreparedness, if he cuts off with a knife, half of his head will be cut off, not to mention the alchemy cultivator, even the gods will be finished.


Liu Si ran wildly, finally caught up with Qin Tian, ​​bumped into Qin Tian in a panic, when Qin Tian looked at him, Liu Si grabbed Qin Tian's arm, and begged with an extremely anxious expression on his face.

"Help me, save me!"

"Someone is going to kill me!"

Liu Si yelled desperately, but it seemed that there was no flaw.

Before he acted, he could even put on some makeup, which was different from his appearance in the treasure shop. He was confident that Qin Lang would ignore him and not recognize him.

Qin Lang didn't talk to Liu Si immediately, a trace of vigilance flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Liu Sibai kept a secret, forgetting that people can change their appearance by clothing, but people's expressions and behaviors cannot deceive people, especially the eyes.

This man's eyes, even in the process of running for his life in a hurry, were still circling in a small area, revealing a sense of wretchedness and cunning, exactly the same as the wretched man in Tsing Yi he saw on the third floor of the treasure store.

Qin Lang looked back, and found that there was a strong man with pockmarked face behind him, holding a big knife, and came to kill him viciously. It looked like he was going to chop the pursuer with a knife.

A look of disdain flashed in Qin Tian's eyes, and he didn't need to be vigilant anymore.

This person is clearly a cultivator with not weak cultivation. If he really wanted to kill someone, would he kill him in such a backward way with a big knife?
Qin Lang didn't know that what he saw at this moment was related to his knowledge and experience, and it was also related to his growing up in a city with a complicated environment. Those people who were killed by Liu Si and the pock-marked man in the past, Therefore, it was because those people basically spent their time in penance, and when it comes to playing tricks, they are really not as good as Liu Si and his group.

Qin Lang remained calm, shook off Liu Si's hand grabbing his shoulder, and continued to walk forward.

"Help me, you have to save me."

Liu Si pretended to be the victim and begged while running, but seeing Qin Tian's indifference from behind, he had no choice but to keep running forward.

And behind him, the big man who shouted to fight and kill had already come to kill him with a big knife.

Qin Lang thought that the next moment, when the big man passed by him, he would attack him with a knife in the back while he was distracted, but the sound of the wind made by the knife cutting through the air did not resound behind him.

"A plan?"

This word appeared in Qin Lang's mind, he didn't stop at all, he dodged straight to the side, and he used the shadow changing boots directly!
A burst of white light was released with the magic weapon sacrificed by the pockmarked man, and suddenly the sky was filled with strong aura fluctuations. A large white net quickly fell from the sky at a speed exceeding the maximum speed that the monk who formed the alchemy could reach, and enveloped Qin Lang. A place to stand.

The pock-marked man had no intention of hacking Qin Tian to death with a machete at all. This method has a very low chance of success against a monk in the middle stage of alchemy. He pretended to be the villain who killed Liu Si and used the machete just to make his acting realistic. The real killer move is still on this Bone Silkworm Web!

Bone-shattered silkworm net, the grade is unknown, but the pockmarked man reckons it is at least a medium-grade magic weapon, because it is severely damaged, and now counting the activation this time, it can only be used a total of three times, which can be said to be less than one use, but as long as the activation of this A magic weapon, the effect will be clearly revealed.

He chose to attack suddenly, and he was sure that Qin Lang could not react so fast, and even if he reacted, the speed of escape could not be faster than the speed of the bone-like silkworm net covering downwards.

From the point of view of the pockmarked man, this magic weapon will cover Qin Lang, and even if Angel Qin shows eighteen martial arts skills, he will be trapped in the net, and will be turned into a pile of bones by the bone-forming silkworm net.

But the next moment, the pockmarked man was stunned!

After the magic weapon was covered, it was empty.

"You guys acted really well."

Not far away, Qin Tian walked over with his shadow changing boots, his voice was cold.

The pockmarked man panicked!

He didn't even understand, how could Qin Lang avoid it!
Even if there are eyes on the back, it is impossible to dodge in such a timely manner.

However, the pock-marked man also knew very well that Qin Lang was fine, so he would have something to do, so he simply didn't do anything, and the pock-marked man wanted to use the bone-like silkworm net to trap Qin Lang to death.

It's a pity that the first time it failed in the sneak attack situation, it was even more so this time.

Qin Lang, who owns shadow-changing boots, has an obvious advantage in speed.

Before the prickly-faced man had time to regain control of the silkworm net, Qin Lang chopped off his head with the silver sword he had just bought.

Liu Si, who was running away desperately, still didn't want to escape. After Qin Lang caught up, he stabbed Liu Si from behind with a sword, stabbing Liu Si to the point of chills.

After returning again, Qin Lang recognized the owner of the bone-shattering silkworm net, which had no owner, and put it away.

Only a palm-sized white net appeared on Qin Lang's palm.

Every cable in this small net looks very special. I don't know what material it is made of, but there are many damaged places.

"In perfect condition, this should be a top-grade magic weapon, even a Nascent Soul cultivator can trap it."

"It's a pity that the damage is too serious now, so that the power of this magic weapon can't be exerted by one-fifth. Now it can trap the monks in the late stage of alchemy at most."

"And it seems that it can only be used once or twice?"

Qin Lang felt that it was a pity. Originally, this magic weapon was really powerful, but now it is a bit tasteless.

(End of this chapter)

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