The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1143 Want to get cheap?

Chapter 1143 Want to get cheap?

But something is better than nothing, Qin Lang still put this magic weapon into the storage bag, and then quickly left the place.

He was injured, although killing the two people just now did not aggravate the injuries, but in order to avoid further accidents, it is better to leave this place as soon as possible.

So Qin Lang followed the original road and returned to the wilderness where he lived before.

The body of the second soul hasn't come back yet, and I don't know if something happened or an accident happened.

Qin Lang took out the food, chewed it, replenished some physical strength, then used the existing elixir, plus the several elixir bought in the market, chewed and swallowed them together, and began to adjust breath and meditate to repair injury.

There was no one around, so Qin Lang didn't have to worry about getting into trouble, he just healed his wounds on the spot and waited for the body of the second soul to come back.

Only when the body of the second soul came back, and let it protect the law, he could recover from his injuries with peace of mind. He didn't have to spend part of his consciousness to be vigilant around him like he is now.

But when Qin Lang was waiting for the body of the second soul to come back, he didn't know that the body of the second soul was really in trouble...

"No, it can't go on like this!"

Taking advantage of the darkness, the body of the second soul was rushing to Qin Lang's location with all his strength, but he soon felt that something was wrong!

The feeling of inadequacy naturally has its reasons.

In fact, the battle in the Cai family was too fierce, and other families or casual cultivators in Fengcheng had noticed the movement. After all, the head of the Cai family exploded with a ten-jue body of great strength and real martial arts. With so much combat power, it is impossible not to make some noise.

Therefore, although most of the strong aura fluctuations in the direction of the Cai family were cut off by the family's restraining formation, they were still detected by those who cared. They knew that something huge must have happened to the Cai family.

Later, when the battle was about to end, many monks from Fengcheng approached Cai's house. The fighting aura that appeared in Cai's house was too shocking, so they didn't dare to break into Cai's house carelessly.

After all, judging from the exposed aura, it is definitely the fighting aura of the Dzogchen monks in the late stage of alchemy. This level can basically cut off the thoughts of most monks in Fengcheng.

If he wanted to break into Cai's house to see what happened, he also had to see if he had the strength.After all, blacksmithing has to be hard.

Although Fengcheng is a medium-sized city, there are only about [-] great powers above Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy. Basically, most of them are members of the four major families, and they are distributed among other casual cultivators or small families. Then three or five.

The four big families are fighting against the super power in Fengcheng, so they naturally look down on the other small families, and they will not surrender their status and send high-ranking monks to the Cai family's residence to investigate.

Therefore, those who can come are casual cultivators or members of other small families, and their cultivation bases are not very high, and most of them are between the foundation building stage and the alchemy stage.

Because of this, the concerns of outsiders did not intrude, which gave Qin Lang's second soul body time to search for spoils in Cai's house without being disturbed.

However, Qin Lang's body of the second soul went out from the corner of Cai's house. Although he left the city secretly, he was discovered by some caring monks.

They could see the miserable condition and embarrassment of the second soul's body, and the five or six storage bags hanging half of their body were the object of their eyes.

Good guy!The zombie puppet in front of him should be an avatar of an evil cultivator. Only then could he destroy the Cai family in Wind City and loot a large amount of loot from the Cai family.

Looking at its tragic state now, the breath of soul fire is weak, and its strength is no more than that in the early stage of alchemy. It seems that it should be easy to deal with.

These monks who discovered the body of Qin Lang's second primordial spirit immediately thought of robbing, and did not inform other people. The seven or eight monks in front of them, whose cultivation bases ranged from the late stage of foundation establishment to the junior high school of Jiedan, followed quietly Going up, I plan to find a place in the wilderness to rush up and kill the clone of this evil monk, and then everyone will share the spoils based on their strength.

Greed is also human nature, not to mention that cultivators are all fighting for their lives with the heavens, taking advantage of the benefits of good fortune, this kind of greed is actually more greedy than ordinary people, so this behavior of a cultivator, in the realm of cultivation It's very common, not only demonic and evil monks will do this, but even many decent monks will do the same.

When the body of the second soul came out of the city, it sensed the aura of the followers. There were seven or eight of them, including five in the late stage of foundation establishment and three in the early stage of alchemy.

"Damn, it's really troublesome. Unexpectedly, I was discovered and followed by casual cultivators. As it is now, going to support the main body is completely causing trouble for the main body."

The fire of the soul in the head of the second soul turned countless thoughts, and then decided to lure these people in a big circle outside Fengcheng first, and lure them away before talking.

Although there are seven or eight opponents, if this zombie body is in its heyday, the body of the second soul has no need to be afraid at all, just resist directly and drive these stalking guys away.

However, now after the first battle, the body of the zombie has been broken, and the fire of the soul is only one-third of the original, so the current body of the second soul is more difficult to face these monks who were originally despised of.

If they rush forward, the current half-disabled body will definitely not benefit from it.

Now they can only make a circle outside Fengcheng to lure them monks away, and then take the opportunity to escape.

After the seven or eight monks left the city, they followed the zombie around a few times, seeing that it was already thirty or forty miles away from the windy city, they all became more courageous.

Now looking at this half-disabled zombie, he has no other helpers, and he is carrying five or six bulging storage bags filled with a lot of information. Reason to let go.

At least the breath of the second primordial body in the early stage of alchemy was directly ignored by them. There were seven or eight of them in a group, but there were three people in the early stage of alchemy.

In fact, the body of the second soul also thinks so. His current situation is not suitable for fighting, so he has been showing his weakness to the enemy. He is a zombie body, and he needs a lot of evil energy to recover. Although Qin Lang now has The consciousness guidance of the master knows how to practice, but it is impossible to replenish it in a short period of time. It takes a specific time and place to absorb the evil spirit between the heaven and the earth, or consume the heavenly materials and earthly treasures of the Yin attribute to recover quickly.

It's a pity that Qin Lang, the heavenly material and earthly treasure of the yin attribute, does exist, but there are three big bottles of underground yin evil essence on the body, so now the body of the second soul cannot be replenished.

It is impossible for him to bring the stalker behind him to the main body, which will bring trouble to the main body. The current main body is worse than himself. It is fatal, and it is not possible to recover in a short while if you want to recover.

"The guy in front... stop for us. Although you are a zombie, we know that you should understand us. You should be the avatar of some evil cultivator! After coming out of Cai's house, you have gained so many benefits. Letting go now is simply not giving us the face of the monks of the Wind City!"

"Now, we won't stop you if you want to leave, but you have to keep those five or six storage bags, otherwise, don't blame us for being cruel!"

A casual cultivator in the early stage of alchemy was shouting at the back. Although he knew that what he was chasing was a clone of some evil power, but the main body was not there, leaving only the clone, which also gave them a chance to touch the tiger's whiskers.

Besides, looking at the tragic situation of the avatar, I am afraid that the situation of this guy's body is not optimistic. Before such a big battle happened in the Cai family, the body of this evil cultivator may have already disappeared, leaving only this dilapidated avatar.

You know, the Cai family in Fengcheng is the number one small cultivator family, and there is a Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy in the family. Maybe both of them will die together...

The heart of the monks is greedy, so these seven or eight monks knew that it would be dangerous to do so, and they chased them recklessly. Six storage pockets, well, they're well developed.

This is the spoils of war looted from a cultivating family like the Cai family in Fengcheng. It is the accumulation of a family. The largest and strongest.

In this case, there must be a lot of good things in five or six storage bags!
Most of the seven or eight monks came from casual cultivators, and they are used to suffering. Now that they have such an opportunity to make a fortune, they will not let it go, and judging by the situation in front of them, their opponents have become soft persimmons. Escaping made them even more confident.

"Do you want me to give up five or six storage bags and the trophies I got from the Cai family in Fengcheng?" While running, the body of the second soul grinned coldly and said in his heart, "This is all a dream. The Cai family beat life and death, and everything they did was purely for revenge? The Cai family's cultivation resources actually accounted for a large factor."

"Now that the Cai family has broken through, both the main body and the avatar have suffered a lot of damage, and the loss is not too small. I am going to use the resources robbed from the Cai family to recover from injuries and help my future practice. But what I didn't expect is that now A group of jumping clowns appeared, wanting to rob me of my vested interests, is it possible for me to agree?"

"So, the storage bags on my body belong to me, Qin Lang. If these guys behind me want to snatch them, I will never agree! Now let's see if you have the ability to snatch these things away!"

Thinking of this, the speed of the second soul's body did not decrease but increased, and the distance was opened again. Now the effect of Dali Gu is still a few minutes away. Although the hands are running instead of feet, it may be troublesome for other monks, but for the For the current zombie body, there is nothing wrong with it, the speed is no different from running with two legs.

"The zombie clone in front, since you don't follow our kind advice, don't blame us for being rude!"

Behind him, the alchemy cultivator saw that the persuasion had no effect, that guy continued to flee, and seemed to be faster, and no longer wanted to impress the other party with words, so that the other party would take the initiative to hand over their belongings to them. They also knew that this was Totally naive idea.

So, one by one, they all used their own means, revealed the magic weapon and magic weapon, and started to attack the body of the second soul in front while running.

The distance between the two sides is not far, only a distance of ten or twenty feet, and the speed is also about the same. The three monks in the alchemy stage are the fastest, and two of them know some ways to increase the speed of movement. Therefore, the second soul The idea of ​​wanting to get rid of these monks has never been realized, so the distance was brought closer by these two monks.

Now, after running for more than ten miles, they are already about fifty miles away from Fengcheng. At this distance, even if there is a fight, no other monks in the direction of Fengcheng will sense it.

"Slow!" One of the monks at the alchemy stage unleashed a forbidden killer move, which was a secret skill at the alchemy stage level, and a circle of light and shadow instantly enveloped the zombie clone.

"Oops! It's an auxiliary technique with a deceleration effect. I feel like I can't run anymore!"

At this moment, the body of the second soul was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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