The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1144 Courage to Kill the Enemy

Chapter 1144 Courage to Kill the Enemy

The second soul didn't expect to meet a monk who practiced auxiliary skills here, and the situation fell into a state of crisis for a while.

The skills of the auxiliary system are mostly strange and unconventional, but they do have miraculous effects, such as assisting the speed of flying escape and assisting the strength of strength.

Of course, correspondingly, there are also auxiliary skills that can be used on opponents.

For example, the body of the second soul is now attacked by an auxiliary technique that slows down the speed.

"Run! You should run again!"

There was a burst of triumphant laughter in the back, naturally it was the casual cultivator in the alchemy period who had just performed the secret technique. This set of auxiliary exercises is his signature skill. Although his combat effectiveness in other aspects is not very good, this set Auxiliary exercises are often able to produce miraculous effects when combined with other monks to fight together.

After the current body of the second soul is slowed down, it is true that the state is too slow, and the speed is less than two-thirds of the previous one. Originally, the body of the zombie is not good at speed, and now the speed is even slower than a snail. He was soon approached by seven or eight monks and surrounded him.

"What else can I say now? In a word, if you hand over the storage bag, you can live. If you don't hand it over, you will die!"

Sneering for a while, the cultivator at the early stage of alchemy, who was performing the slow auxiliary ultimate move, folded his hands and looked at the body of the second soul.

He was attracted by the obvious fluctuations in the fighting atmosphere in the Cai family's sphere of influence. Although he did not witness the tragic situation of Qin Tian and the Cai family's elders fighting vigorously, he later saw the Cai family members running and dying. The weird puppet zombies came out of the treasure house of the Cai family, and ran all the way, obviously they got a lot of good things from the Cai family.

Robbery is the best opportunity to make a fortune. How could he miss such a good opportunity.

But when he got closer, he realized that this "person" should be the body of the second soul similar to a clone, but he didn't see the deity, which meant that the deity was not nearby, so he was relieved, and became more determined to kill people and seize treasures thought.

"Damn, it's really bullied by a dog in Pingyang!" The body of the second soul murmured, now that the effect of Dali Gu on his body had disappeared, he could only pretend to be thinking about it, and secretly inspired another Only strong Gu.

It can increase the strength of the body by 50.00%, and the effect of Dali Gu on combining the improvement of combat power is still very significant.It's just that this kind of Gu worms are all one-time consumables, and if you use one, you will lose one. Unexpectedly, you will lose two in a row today.

Qin Lang's body of the second soul feels very distressed. In fact, he only has three of them, all of which were bought at the auction. After using up these two, there is only one left.

However, at this critical juncture, if you don't want to hand over the resources obtained from the Cai family, you can only fight desperately with the seven or eight monks in front of you, then it is necessary to temporarily increase your combat effectiveness.

So, after considering it comprehensively, the body of the second soul still made up his mind to activate a powerful Gu again.

The thinking of the body of the second soul is actually Qin Lang's own thinking. Qin Tian can choose to sacrifice the body of the second soul, but that is when it is worth doing.

Now he needs the body of the second soul to return to help him protect the Dharma and heal his injuries. At the same time, the body of the second soul also carries many treasures of the Cai family.

Dali Gu is expensive, but it can come in handy.

Once this kind of Gu worm is activated, it will have an effect for about five to ten minutes. After the time is exceeded, it will lose its effect. After activation, it should be enough to deal with the battle in front of you.

After the Vigorous Gu was activated, Qin Lang's body of the second soul once again shone with misty light, and his strength was strengthened again.He laughed, but the vocal cords of the zombie's body couldn't make any sound, only a hoarse rustling sound.

Seeing this kind of expression in the eyes of several monks, everyone was very angry. The zombie clone in front of him was too rampant. Surrounded by seven or eight of them, he could still laugh. This was belittling them.

There is nothing to say, just one word, hit!

So seven or eight monks, one by one, used their methods again to fight the body of the second soul.

However, the body of a zombie is also the most thick-skinned and thick-skinned. Looking at the body of Qin Lang's second soul, who has survived the ordeal just now, he knows how strong his vitality is. Therefore, seven or eight monks want to be short Time to resolve the fight is simply not possible.

What's more, Qin Lang's body of the second soul has already activated Vigorous Gu, which is equivalent to being injected with chicken blood, and his combat power has actually been raised to that of the middle stage of alchemy. It is absolutely easy for the seven or eight monks in front of me.

Among the seven or eight casual cultivators besieging the body of the second primordial spirit, the novice alchemist who possesses a complete set of auxiliary secret art skills is also acting as a nanny during the siege, constantly giving his companions status, what kind of buff teammates? Spells such as attacking and reducing the damage of teammates are used one by one.

As for Qin Lang's second soul body, in addition to the slow spell just now, he also lost a "confinement" spell. However, this confinement can only trap the zombie clone in place, but it cannot affect Qin Lang's counterattack.

This spell is actually very powerful. Qin Lang's second soul body's combat power is already stronger than that of the casual cultivators. After being manipulated like this, it has now become an immovable target. If it weren't for the zombie's thick skin and thick flesh , a series of attacks by the casual cultivators, it might have already fallen down.

"That's not okay!" The body of the second soul also knew that being beaten passively was not the result he wanted. Even if he could be beaten, he would be unlucky if he was beaten too much.

At this moment, the body of the zombie showed a ferocious expression, and suddenly opened up an invisible roar, although it was an invisible roar, but that silent sound wave penetrated the eardrums of the monks present, making the attacks of the monks One stagnates.

Even the confinement spells issued by the alchemy-stage monks of the control system were eased because of this.

And seizing the opportunity when the confinement spell was relaxed, the Second Primordial Spirit exerted its strength violently and forcibly got rid of this extremely powerful auxiliary ultimate move. It has suffered a lot now, and being imprisoned by this ultimate move is like being trapped in death. In the quagmire, if you can get out of the quagmire now, the primary goal is this auxiliary knot alchemy monk who knows a series of spells and ultimate moves.

"Bone Wheel... Attack!"

As soon as the zombie's body was out of control, he directly used his magic weapon, and the bone runner whizzed away, smashing directly at the monk who was in the early stage of alchemy.

This process sounds complicated, but in fact it only takes a blink of an eye. When a few monks reacted, it was too late to rescue them.

And the monk in the core formation stage of the auxiliary department, when he saw the whirling millstone-sized bone runners, he also wanted to avoid them, but these bone runners were not dead objects, they were directly controlled by zombie clones, and they could turn around in the air , chasing the enemy, now Qin Lang's avatar has hated this auxiliary tie Dan Qi casual cultivator, so naturally he is not letting him go.

The Bone Wheel held on to the cultivator and cut it straight away, only to hear the cultivator scream "Ah", half of his head was sliced ​​off by this magic weapon, and half of his skull flew off.

"Finally I swatted away the most annoying fly, and now it's much more convenient to deal with other loose cultivators!" The body of the second soul breathed a sigh of relief. Among the seven or eight monks, there is this auxiliary system of alchemy stage With the monks around, he would be passive everywhere, and the result would definitely be very bad.

However, it was also my own luck that I actually used my voice to send out invisible sound waves, yelling a few monks into a trance, which caused the other party's flaws and gave Qin Lang's avatar a chance to break free from the shackles. The enemy directly decapitates the attack.

Works great, the most troublesome enemy is now dead!
And the death of this assistant system casual cultivator also made several other monks startled, and then, out of anger, the tattered zombie body in front of them actually beat themselves like this under their cooperation. One side was caught off guard and killed one of the most successful companions.

If it is said that Qin Lang crushed them head-to-head and relying on strong strength, they have nothing to say. The point is that the death of their companions is indeed because they were stunned by the unexpected sound waves and stunned for a while. , let this cunning zombie body seize the opportunity, and the sneak attack was successful.

They were only affected by the sound waves just now, and they were indeed unprepared. Although the sound waves emitted by the zombie bodies were invisible, they were too harsh. They penetrated into the brain and had the effect of magic sounds. If they were prepared, they would naturally not be affected. But when they encountered this strange magic sound for the first time, they were also passively tricked.

Although the magic sound couldn't hurt anyone, one of their companions gave his life for it.

The remaining six or seven monks who became angry all used their own killer moves for a while. The state of the dead auxiliary monks thrown on them just now is still there, so all of them are fierce and fierce, hitting Qin Lang's clone After losing ground, there was no way to fight back for a while.

However, although the body of the second soul is very difficult to support, it is still like a mirror, knowing that this kind of onslaught will not last long, as long as he survives this wave of attacks, the buff effect on the body of the scattered cultivators will disappear. If the attack is reduced, then it's time for him to show off his power.

So even in the process of retreating, the body was hit by a few more moves, and a few times of moderate damage was added, the body of the second soul didn't pay much attention to it. It is now playing tactics and strategy. The buffs on the opponent's monks passed the buff time and weakened their strength, which was the stage for him to play.

At that time, I will not be polite, and will tell these monks honestly, and teach them a lesson, what kind of enemy should not be provoked, and cannot be provoked.

I'm afraid, even if they want to cry by then, they won't have a chance to cry again!

Since it is a magic spell, the buff that the monks in the auxiliary knotting stage can apply to their companions can't last long, only three to five minutes. What's more, the caster has already died, and this time is reduced to 5 Not even a minute.

This is far better than the buff effect that can last for about five to 10 minutes after the body of the second primordial spirit activates Vigorous Gu. Vigorous Gu is really good. Because of the four sects.

Such a powerful force indeed has some unique skills, such as Jianzong's sword art, and the unique flying sword refining technique, as well as the spirit ghost sect's technique of raising Yin objects, and the unique technique of refining Gu, which can be refined The spirit Gu with various functions can enhance the combat effectiveness of the raised femininity.

However, the spirit Gu of the spirit ghost sect is rarely circulated in the market. This time, Qin Lang was also lucky to meet three spirit Gu Dali Gu at the auction, so he had a chance to get his hands on it.

The next time I want to meet the Gu worms from the Spirit Ghost Sect, I don’t know it’s the Year of the Monkey. It’s all about luck, unless I have contacts with the top of the Spirit Ghost Sect, I have the chance to ask for one or two. Only.

However, even if you want to ask for it, you have to have a strong relationship with the Spirit Ghost Sect. After all, refining Gu is similar to refining magic weapons, and consumes a lot of materials. Some special spirit Gus even require materials and costs. The kung fu is more complicated than refining a magic weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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