The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1145 The Confluence of the Wilderness

Chapter 1145 The Confluence of the Wilderness
Of course, the matter of asking for Dali Gu from the Spirit Ghost Sect should at least be placed after his injury is healed, and now Qin Lang doesn't want to think about it at all.

There is no way to get new Vigorous Gu, so naturally the three Vigorous Gu that the body of the Second Primordial Spirit possesses are out of print.

For the three Vigorous Gu, it can be said that one is missing after all are used up, and the energy burst obtained by the body of the second primordial spirit from the Vigorous Gu will naturally decrease accordingly.

Although it won't be beaten back to its original shape, its combat power is definitely much weaker than when using Dali Gu.

Unless Qin Lang can find enough materials to strengthen and advance his second soul body again, and finally become the body of a drought man, in that case, it will almost be close to the existence of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, and his combat power will definitely be leveraged Yes, it doesn't matter even if there is no Dali Gu.

Sure enough, after killing the casual cultivators of the auxiliary tie pill stage, the 3-minute buff state passed, and the disadvantages of the attacks of the six or seven monks in front of them appeared, and they seemed to be more and more powerless. The body of the second soul of the mid-term combat power of the alchemy countered the past.

After all, among the six or seven guys in front of me, the two strongest are only in the early stage of alchemy, and the other three or four are in the late stage of construction. If Qin Lang's second soul body is complete, he can completely crush him , Beat them crying father and mother.

It is also because now that half of his body is missing, his actions need to be supported by his arms, and he can't use too many fighting methods. He can only rely on magic weapons. That's why these monks have been forced to attack for so long.

And after killing the monks at the core formation stage of the auxiliary system, the avatar of the deity relaxed, now directly manipulates the transformation of the bones, and begins to put pressure on several monks, especially the two monks at the core formation stage. The bone runner is a group Attacking magic weapon, in such an occasion, even if the body cannot use fists, kicks and other moves, this magic weapon alone can make these monks look good.

Sure enough, after flying around in the sky on the Bone Wheel and taking care of several monks in turn, the three late-stage foundation-building monks were the first to fail, and died directly, suffering injuries of varying degrees, while the remaining two were the ones who took care of them. Although the alchemy stage monk was not injured, he was forced to swing away.

The Bone Wheel is controlled by a trace of soul fire from Qin Lang's second primordial avatar. It doesn't go straight in the air. It can turn around and chase the enemy. It all depends on the strength of the soul fire and the control of the deity avatar.

Now, although the soul fire of the body of the second soul has shrunk quite a bit, only one-third of its peak state, but because of the increased attack power of Dali Gu, it has also offset a lot of negative states, allowing it to continue to burn. Maintained the combat effectiveness in the mid-stage of alchemy.

Next, under the control of the soul fire of the body of the second soul, the bone wheel spun back again, and with another move, the sharp teeth scratched a few monks again, and then the three casual cultivators in the late stage of foundation establishment came back again. Unable to hold on, the two were killed on the spot.

The remaining one in the late stage of foundation establishment was vigilant and avoided it, but there was a blood line on his chest, he suffered a lot of injuries, and he didn't step forward after escaping. It seemed that he no longer had the courage to continue fighting.

"Fuck, this idea is tricky!"

The two casual cultivators at the early stage of alchemy looked at each other. The current battle situation was completely unexpected to them before. It seemed that this time not only did they fail to get the results they wanted, but they were also taken advantage of by their opponents.

Before seven or eight hit one, they were not able to kill the opponent. Instead, after one or two waves of attacks, three of them died on their side. If they continue now, the situation will probably be even worse.

As casual cultivators, they also cherish their lives and are more aware of current affairs. They know that sometimes, when it is time to let go, they have to let go. Like this difficult bone in front of them, it is better to let go as soon as possible.

"Let's retreat!" The remaining two monks at the early stage of alchemy reached an agreement, suddenly turned around and left the battle, and retreated, regardless of the companion at the late stage of foundation establishment next to them.

This situation makes people feel a little bit chilled. The loose cultivator in the late stage of foundation building lost the cover of two late-stage monks of alchemy, and now he has become the primary target of Qin Lang's second soul body. The bone runner smashed his head to pieces.

Killed another one.

However, for the two evacuated monks at the early stage of alchemy, the deity's avatar could no longer pursue them. In fact, it didn't want to pursue them anymore.

Anyway, when seven or eight casual cultivators chased Qin Lang, they were also a temporary team, and the centripetal force was not very strong. This behavior of abandoning their companions was completely understandable.

If these seven or eight casual cultivators are completely of one mind and come from the same sect, this time Qin Lang's second soul will have to worry about whether he can escape a catastrophe. The fighting power of the army is not at the same level as this improvised mob.

Moreover, it should be several levels worse.

For example, his Gu beasts, the regular army of fire ants, are several times more powerful than those army of strange insects.

This situation is even more obvious among the human monks who are the spirits of all things in the cultivation world. This is also the fact that the monks of the mainland sect only account for one-thousandth of the population of the cultivation world, but they can overwhelm the 99/[-] casual cultivators. For the sake of one head.

Grouping is very powerful, but grouping without organization, discipline, and inconsistent actions will disperse power.

Organized, disciplined, and united in action, like an army ready to go, all actions are consistent, and the combat power displayed is absolutely concentrated and terrifying.

After several chasing monks withdrew, Qin Lang's body of the second soul hurriedly withdrew here, not even caring about picking up the trophies of the dead monks on the ground.

This is also a matter of no choice. Qin Lang is not only in the main body, but also in the state of the second soul. The situation is very critical and must be restored to a complete state as soon as possible.

And those monks who retreated were very worried about the property and resources of the second soul. If it wasn't for the sudden outbreak of the second soul, which caused them a lot of losses, it would be impossible for the casual cultivators who were besieging them to just retreat like this. .

In this case, if these casual cultivators join other monks who heard the news on the way, they may turn around immediately and chase Qin Lang's second soul body again, so the result will be very bad.

In the world of self-cultivation, the most important thing for the world of cultivators is profit. The resources for practice are not easy to obtain, so everyone is working hard to find opportunities to improve themselves. Most of the monks would flock to it like cats smelling fish.

And Qin Lang was the person who caused a sensation in the Fengcheng auction at the beginning. Until now, a week has passed, many monks in Fengcheng still can't forget, wanting to find the mysterious local tyrant in the auction, which shows the degree of obsession of the cultivators to wealth.

If you let them know that Qin Lang is the local tyrant at the auction, and now because of a big battle in the Cai family, both the main body and the avatar are seriously injured, and the main body is still lying in the wilderness, then the result will be even worse. The city will be a sensation, and half of the monks will come out to pick up bargains.

Therefore, the first task of the second soul avatar is to rush to the location of the main body as soon as possible, meet with the main body, and then heal the injuries of the main body.

After all, although the body of the second soul is seriously injured, because of the immortal body, it is not as annoying as imagined. After a period of recuperation, it can still recover, but the main body is a physical body. This kind of miraculous elixir also requires a certain amount of time and meditation to adjust breath.

In this way, another twenty or ten minutes later, the body of the second soul was completely running with two arms. Fortunately, the body of the zombie didn't know how to be tired at all. It was replaced by an ordinary monk, even a monk in the alchemy stage. It is completely unbearable to run on your hands upside down for more than 10 miles.

I'm afraid that even Ouyang Feng, the Western poison in the martial arts novels of the Chinese world, would not be able to run for more than 100 miles in such a continuous manner.

This is also the biggest advantage of the zombie body over human monks, that is, they don't know what fatigue is. However, they lack the keen senses and pain sensations of human monks, and their grasp of sound is weaker, and their response to the crisis is also weaker. It's impossible to be late.

Everything in the world, drinking and pecking, is doomed not to have the best of both worlds.

However, the weakness of the zombie's slow response, because Qin Lang's second soul has settled in, the fire of the soul has been strengthened, and it has a consciousness that is not weaker than the body. If it is strengthened in this respect, it will also show the weakness of slowness minimized.

The body of the second soul with consciousness is actually no different from a human monk. It can practice, think, cast spells and magic weapons, know what is beneficial to itself, and know how to avoid risks.

Finally, the body of the second soul merged with the main body, and the location was in a wilderness hundreds of miles away from Fengcheng.

In fact, the main body has been teleported here since using Baili Dun to dodge.

Qin Lang's injury was not light, and even his heart was almost broken. Fortunately, he had the Creation Pill, which exerted a miraculous effect, which allowed him to survive.

However, Qin Lang is still seriously injured even with the Good Fortune Pill. Thanks to Qin Lang, he went to the nearest market and bought all the necessary elixir, which stabilized the injury and prevented the injury from deteriorating further. .

"It's finally back."

Looking at the body of the second soul, Qin Lang breathed a sigh of relief.

Before, he just stabilized his injury and didn't dare to heal it with all his strength, but now he can heal without any worries.

Qin Lang sat down cross-legged, ordered the body of the second soul to carefully watch the surrounding movement, and at the same time tried to cover him with some weeds.

After that, under Qin Lang's order, the body of the second soul arranged a few simple prohibition formations around Qin Lang.

It is located in a wilderness area, and it is unlikely to encounter other monks. Qin Lang asked the body of the second soul to complete these preparations, thinking that it was almost the same, and there should be no accidents.

The next ten hours are the most important period for him to recover from his injuries. Qin Lang quickly focused on healing his injuries and let the body of the second soul be responsible for protecting him.

(End of this chapter)

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