The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1147 Counting the spoils

Chapter 1147 Counting the spoils

After stabilizing his own cultivation, Qin Lang began to deal with the injury of the second soul.

Although the body of the second primordial spirit can slowly recover in the spirit ghost bag, if it goes with the flow, I am afraid that within two or three years, this deity clone will not be able to fully recover to its original state.

After all, the battle in the Cai family was too tragic, not only the main body was seriously injured, but also the body of the second soul. If it weren't for the physique of the zombie's immortal body, this puppet body would have already fallen apart and died.

Now, the body of the second soul is in need of those underground evil spirits that he possesses to take care of and restore a complete body, so as to recover quickly.

Qin Lang opened his eyes, facing the remnant body of the second primordial spirit, the consciousness formed by the small group of primordial spirit penetrated into General Baisha's head like a ray of light, and directly entered the soul fire of the avatar.

As a zombie, the acupoints in the body of the second soul were completely sealed, and the meridians were also withered and sealed, and there was only a mass of extremely thick Yin Qi all over the body.

However, after the transformation, the acupoints have been activated, the meridians have also opened up the big and small circles, and the Yin Qi in the whole body can circulate in the meridians and acupoints.

Qin Lang's split consciousness merged with the soul fire of the second soul, and then began to help the body of the second soul deal with some of the acupuncture points on the body that were pierced in the battle, and repair one by one.

During this process, he also took out a bottle of underground evil spirit essence and poured it directly on the body of the second soul, forming a large mist of evil spirit, covering the entire body of the second soul.

And at this moment, the body of the second soul has been supplemented by a large amount of underground evil spirit, and the incomparably broken body is also recovering rapidly, and the lower body is also at a speed visible to the naked eye, a little bit of zombie flesh and blood is wriggling, Slowly grow new lower limbs out.

The refinement of underground Yin evil is the best medicine to promote the recovery of yin injuries and the regeneration of limbs, but Qin Lang needs to directly supplement the consumption of the second soul's body and consciousness.

At this time, Qin Lang took out the "Fushen Pill", which is more efficient than Yiyuan Pill, which is more effective in restoring consciousness. While replenishing himself, he also continued to split new consciousness, along with the body of the second soul. A trace of connection between each other continuously transports the split divine consciousness to the zombie's soul fire for replenishment.

This is a special and direct supplementary method, because the body of the second soul has a special constitution, so some elixirs of human monks cannot be taken directly, so Qin Lang can only take this special method now to give The body of the second soul supplements the consumed soul fire, which is the monk's soul.

This is a shortcut that Qin Lang figured out to replenish his consciousness. I don't know if there are other monks with the body of the second soul on the Qinghe Continent who have done similar actions.

After the soul fire of the second soul was connected to the body, Qin Lang clearly felt two visions in a blur, one was his own body, and the other was the body of the second soul.

In this way, the two separate consciousnesses gradually unified into a whole.

The acupoints around the human body can be roughly divided into 180 points. If it is subdivided, there can be more, 360, or even more. There is a saying in the cultivation world that every pore on a monk can artificially create an acupoint. In that case, I am afraid that thirty-six thousand acupoints may be created.

However, if there are too many acupoints, the burden on the body will be heavy. Therefore, it is almost enough for a monk in the general alchemy stage to the Nascent Soul stage to develop more than 300 acupoints.

At this moment, Qin Lang used the split primordial spirit to create only 36 acupoints on the body of the second primordial spirit.

He did not develop more than 300 acupoints at one time like a normal monk. After all, the development of acupoints requires too much spiritual consciousness, which cannot be supplemented by himself in the middle stage of alchemy.

In fact, the body of the second primordial spirit should have been a product that only monks in the late stage of alchemy or even the nascent soul stage could have. It is a miracle that Qin Lang developed it early and succeeded.

Therefore, it is understandable that the acupoints on the body of the second soul are simpler. After all, 36 acupoints were the limit that could be developed at that time.

After all, the development of each acupoint must be carefully crafted, it is not easy, and no flaws can be left, so that the ability of each acupoint can be perfectly stimulated.

There is a good saying that soldiers are more expensive than fine ones, not more expensive. Therefore, if there are few acupoints developed, it is necessary to work more carefully to make these acupoints perfect, to run Yin Qi faster and to store Yin Qi. Also bigger.

Qin Lang mainly developed the three most important orifices on the body of the second soul, namely Baihui, Tanzhong, and perineum, where the upper, middle, and lower dantians are located.

Now these three most important acupoints are supplemented by a large amount of underground yin and evil energy, and the upper, middle and lower dantians that were originally dried up are like a pond that is slowly poured with clear water, and become moist little by little.

Qin Lang has been repeating the boring and complicated process of restoring the body of the second soul with great concentration, and the consumption of consciousness in this process is also huge. Qin Lang's body has to swallow pills to supplement the consciousness and true energy at any time Medicines, such as Yiyuan Pill and Fushen Pill, have been taken a lot. However, Fushen Pill is too precious and the materials are not easy to get, so apart from taking three or four pills at the beginning, I basically rely on Yiyuan Pill.

It wasn't that he didn't want to take it anymore, or that he had used up all the Fushen Pills he had stored on his body. Although there were still twenty sunflowers that were the main body of refining the "Fushen Pills" in the storage ring, but now is not the time for alchemy, nor There is a way.

When the damaged meridians and acupoints on the body of the second soul were all repaired, the lower body basically grew back under the conditioning of the evil spirit, and the appearance returned to its previous appearance.

However, the replenishment of divine consciousness and yin qi is still going on, and there is still a lot of black fog covering the body of the second soul, which needs to be slowly absorbed bit by bit, replenishing the body, and dispelling these yin qi. It is included in the meridians and the dantian acupoints.

And when the yin qi was completely incorporated into the general's meridians, the thick black fog covering the general's body had completely disappeared, revealing solid and swollen black muscles.

I have to say that the body of the second soul that has fully recovered is really good, with a solid body, black and shiny muscles, and an excellent appearance.

After fully recovering the body of the second soul, Qin Lang still consumed a lot of pills and materials. Now there are only two large bottles of underground Yinsha essence left, and the "Recovery Pill" has been used up. Yiyuan The pills are almost used up, but there are still a lot of Jingqi pills, which are conventional pills that replenish the true energy consumed by the body, and the quantity of thousands of pills is estimated to last for a year or two.

After recovering the body of the second soul, Qin Lang pulled out his own consciousness, let the body of the second soul adjust his breath alone, and absorbed the essence of Yin Qi free between heaven and earth for cultivation.

And Qin Lang also meditated for a while at this time, recovering some of the vitality consumption just now, and at the same time exhausted some of the remaining medicinal power in the body, and then absorbed it.

In this case, my spiritual consciousness slowly recovered. Although the process of splitting and conveying the spiritual consciousness just now was very painful, Qin Lang is also a relatively persevering person, and he gritted his teeth and persisted.

In fact, cultivation is also a kind of behavior against the heavens. How can one understand the pity of life if one does not suffer more in the process of fighting against the heavens?

After recovering the body of the second soul, Qin Lang then counted the gains from the Cai family. To be honest, he went to the Cai family to find trouble. Although he killed the head of the Cai family and a large number of Cai family monks, this time Qin Lang It is also a serious loss.

After all, fighting is also consumption, and it consumes the energy and financial resources of monks. Without the accumulation of a large amount of resources, it is impossible to accumulate strong combat power.

So after the battle, if there is no equivalent harvest, such a battle is completely meaningless. Smart monks basically wouldn't do that. The treasury of the Cai family robbed a lot of resources from the treasury, and put them all into five or six storage bags picked up, which is all Qin Lang's harvest this time.

After recovering from his injuries, Qin Lang began to count. When the second soul was loading resources into the treasury, he made a hasty estimate that these resources were worth about 600 million.

In fact, after taking it out, Qin Lang found that this estimate was too conservative, and many resources and materials happened to be used by himself, such as many medicinal materials, which could be used by himself for alchemy.

Of course, there are also some materials for refining talismans and weapons, which can also be temporarily stored.

In this case, these resources do not need to be sold at a discount, and in the future, you will not need to spend high prices to collect materials for alchemy, talisman refining, etc., which is equivalent to saving a lot of money.

This part of the resources is equivalent to 100% income, and Qin Lang is equivalent to earning 200 million more. Therefore, the real value of this batch of resources should be nearly 800 million spirit stones.

Earning 800 million worth of resources at once, Qin Lang's contribution this time is also worthwhile. Although the battle process is a bit dangerous, the final result is quite satisfactory.

After counting the wealth obtained from the Cai family, Qin Lang thought of the corpses of several monks buried in the wilderness, and there should be some belongings on them. The body was seriously injured before and it was too late to collect them. If there is a chance, he will take them back.

After all, no matter how small Jiaozi's legs are, they are still flesh. Among the few monks buried, there are two corpses of monks who are in the early stage of alchemy.

Although Qin Lang spent a lot of money on spirit stones, he actually thought about it before spending it. Every penny of spirit stones has been put into practice. In fact, he is actually relatively careful in his calculations, and he can be regarded as rough and meticulous. Show it!
Qin Lang memorized the places where those monks died. It is in the wilderness there, and it is estimated that it is unlikely to be discovered by others. If there is a chance, he will naturally go there and get the storage bags of those people. of.

(End of this chapter)

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