Chapter 1148
"It's okay! I added a little bit."

After counting five or six storage bags, Qin Lang murmured.

After destroying the old nest of the Cai family, the things obtained from the treasure house of the Cai family are not small.

After a rough estimate, Qin Lang found that there were about 30 low-grade spirit stones on his body, more than 70 middle-grade spirit stones, and 31 high-grade spirit stones.

Even if these spirit stones return to Huaxia in the future, they can also be used, for example, for him to practice, for Liu Zhenzhen to study organ formations, etc.

On the body of the Second Primordial Spirit clone, there is a magic weapon of defense, a black armor corpse, and a magic weapon of attack, a magic weapon of Yin attribute, the Bone Wheel. This magic weapon can attack and defend. The head of the Cai family can fight without being weak, and the other is a powerful spirit Gu. The spirit Gu refined by the Spirit Ghost Sect is very effective. After using it, it can increase the combat power of the clone by 50.00%.

It's a pity that Dali Gu is a one-time consumption Gu, and now there is only one left on him, after it is used up, it will be difficult to get this kind of spirit Gu again in the future.

After all, the spirit Gu of the Spirit Ghost Sect is also an uncommon good in the market, and Qin Lang was lucky to be able to photograph it last time.

In addition to the things on the avatar, the deity has the flying magic weapon Feitian Luo Yunsuo and a bundle of meat bark that used one-third of the talisman refining material, as well as the top-grade mobile magic weapon "Shadow Changing Boots".

Magical artifacts include the low-grade defensive magic weapon Gochen Shield, the middle-grade defensive magic weapon, and now there are the heart-guard mirror from the Cai family, the Leihuo Qiankun Clock, the attack magic weapon Black Carving Sword, the middle-grade auxiliary magic weapon Shifang Shenhuo Cauldron, and the low-grade magic weapon Ziyun The alchemy furnace, and two ancient paintings, Yinling wooden beads, spells, and some elixir.

I have used up a lot of pills this time, and I have almost used up Yijing Pill and Fushen Pill. Currently, the most valuable elixir I have on my body is a perfect quality "Zhuanjie Pill" and seven Violent Yuan Pills (two of which are of perfect quality) [-] pieces of perfect quality fortune pills.

There are still [-] sunflowers, the main material for refining the "Fushen Pill", and three large bottles of seabed ten thousand-year spiritual milk.Two large bottles of underground Yin evil essence.

The strange objects include a lucky compass, a mask of thousands of machines, and a mysterious black bead.There is also the magic weapon "Eclipse God", which has made great achievements in the battle against Ji Changsheng.

A small bottle can be used three or four times, the poison Shixiangruanjinsan, this is a kind of ecstasy and strange poison, which comes from Chen Yunlei, a casual cultivator.

In addition, there is the Yin Talisman Sutra, the secret book of ghosts, and there is also a super huge black cauldron that was banned.

Moreover, there are two high-grade flying swords from Jianzong, one of which is obtained from Ji Changsheng. Jianzong's refining technique is very unique. The quality of the goods is not known how many times stronger, so Qin Lang will not be willing to dispose of it after he gets it.

Among the spirit beast bags, one contained the fire ant queen and an army of three thousand fire ants.

A 800-square-meter high-grade storage ring and an enlarged storage bag now contain ten bottles of the blood essence of the two-headed monster python, as well as some daily sundries.In addition, this time I got nearly 200 million worth of resources from the Cai family, of which [-] million resources happened to be used by me in the future.

"These resources obtained from the Cai family, except those that I can use, should be disposed of. However, the amount of these resources is huge. If I go directly to the store in Shangfeng City to deal with it, I am afraid that I will also become the target of public criticism. A smarter monk can guess that I am the culprit who killed the Cai family."

"So, for the sake of safety, these resources should not appear in the shops of Fengcheng at this point in time. If I want to dispose of these resources, it seems that I can only ask the Dongfang family for help."

"I believe the Dongfang family is also very interested in these resources in my hands. Whether they are kept in the family or are going to be sold, the Dongfang family will make a small profit from it."

"Then, let's do it like this. The resources of nearly 600 million spirit stones will be handled by the Dongfang family."

Qin Lang immediately approached the Dongfang family. However, Dongfang Yuliang and Dongfang Zhilan of the Dongfang family were both in seclusion, so other high-level officials were responsible for handling the matter. The resources from the Cai family were exchanged by Qin Lang for almost 600 million spirit stones.

The Dongfang family knew more or less the source of these resources. However, knowing that Qin Lang is a master of alchemy, it was too late for the Dongfang family to curry favor with Qin Lang, so how could it be possible to disclose the news about Qin Lang to others?It's too late to keep it secret.

In this way, Qin Lang stayed at ease in the courtyard prepared by the Dongfang family to avoid the limelight, and at the same time refined some elixirs. After all, after the battle with the Cai family, several elixirs on his body were almost consumed.

The remaining twenty sunflowers on his body were all refined into the finished product "Fushen Pill" by him, and he obtained twenty perfect quality pills.

As for the Yiyuan Pill, more than 100 pills have been refined. Although the "Yiyuan Pill" is not as good as the "Fushen Pill" in terms of repairing the consciousness, the materials of the Yiyuan Pill are easier to obtain than the materials of the "Fushen Pill". A lot, so Qin Lang was able to refine more than this.

The other pills were more or less supplemented, but the Jingqi pill was not refined this time because of its large inventory.

As for the charms, there were enough refined last time, and there was no further refinement.

Basically, after refining several kinds of elixirs, Qin Lang entered a state of complete retreat and practice. At the same time, he used some materials collected to sacrifice his second soul body, and put the second soul body It was strengthened again, reaching the level of strengthening plus 7.

The current body of the second soul has already reached the peak of its comprehensive combat power in the middle stage of alchemy. If you count the special rebound attack ability of the yin-attribute magic weapon bone runner, if it is used well, it can fight against the Dzogchen in the later stage of alchemy without sacrificing it. Weak downwind.

Calculated in this way, the combat power of the body of the second soul has far surpassed the combat power of the main body. However, the main body also has a powerful magic weapon "Shadow Changing Boots". Casting is also very awesome. It gives Qin Lang super agility and speed. During the battle, the enemy basically can't touch his body, which is equivalent to gaining an invincible position.

Therefore, in the current fighting style of Qin Lang, the main body is equivalent to taking the route of agility, while the body of the second soul is equivalent to taking the route of blocking rebound damage by the meat shield.

However, whether it is fighting in agility or in the form of a human shield, the current Qin Lang, regardless of the body or the body of the second soul, is more and more like a body repairer.

This may also be due to Qin Lang's habits. After all, Qin Lang is a cultivator who was born as a warrior. He has never left behind his own martial arts training, but the combat skills of a cultivator are more equivalent to high-level martial arts. Gongfa.


At this moment, eight hundred miles away from Fengcheng, there is a small caravan of [-] people rushing towards Fengcheng.

On the white flag facing us, there is a huge black "Cai" character.

That's right, this caravan belonged to the Cai family in Fengcheng, and the ancestor of the Cai family escorted a batch of valuable resources back.

At this moment, in a caravan of the caravan, the ancestor of the Cai family was sitting in the car with a livid face. There was a shocking change in the Cai family, and someone from the Cai family had already told him through thousands of miles of communication, so as soon as the goods were handed over, Cai The ancestor of the family hurried to the direction of Fengcheng.

Cai Yingtian couldn't believe that during the days when he was not in charge of the family, the Cai family would be bloodbathed!
Thinking of his Cai family, which is also a powerful force in Fengcheng, but now it has been completely changed by "Sirius", and his resentment towards "Sirius" has reached the point where it cannot be added.

"Damn it, you actually launched a sneak attack while my ancestor was away from Cai's house. You are a rogue cultivator Sirius!"

"Poor grandson, my ancestor made a mistake this time. I left Fengcheng to receive these batches of refining materials. As a result, we are separated forever. Now my ancestor is back! The descendants of the family who died, don't worry , Patriarch, I will avenge you!"

"That rogue cultivator Sirius, I will refine his soul into my Hundred Soul Banner, let him suffer the pain of poisonous fire burning his soul day and night, and he will never be reborn forever!"

Clenching his fists tightly, the veins on his forehead popped out, the patriarch of the Cai family hated that casual cultivator "Sirius" who had never killed himself, and secretly made a vow in his heart.


The patriarch of the Cai family has the cultivation base of Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy, and is obsessed with refining weapons. He is very good at refining some soul magic weapons, and he is a monk at the level of a master refining weapon.

After returning to Fengcheng, the patriarch of the Cai family began to give orders, gathered the remnants of the family, and searched for the casual cultivator "Sirius" who killed the head of the Cai family and a group of core members. At the same time, he also issued a reward in Fengcheng. Qin Lang's head It was marked with a sky-high price of "100 million" low-grade spirit stones.

With 100 million low-grade spirit stones, you can buy several good magic weapons, so all of a sudden, casual cultivators in Fengcheng City heard the news and moved everywhere, looking for news about the casual cultivator "Sirius".

After all, for a mission like this, the marked reward can get 100 million spirit stones, even in recent years, it is extremely rare. Gold hunters, all of them couldn't hold back, and they used their housekeeping skills to find Sirius, complete the mission presented by the Cai family, and earn this generous reward.

After the Cai family patriarch announced the reward, he calmed down and retreated to Cai Lian's magic weapon again. This time he brought a large amount of refining materials from outside, just to perfect the refining of the top-grade soul path magic weapon "Flying Knife Gourd".

"Sirius, as long as you are still in Fengcheng, when I finish refining this magic weapon, your death will come!" In the closed stone room, the ancestor of the Cai family cursed viciously in his heart, his hands kept moving However, he is perfecting the refining of the soul path magic weapon "Flying Knife Gourd".


And Qin Lang, who was retreating in the courtyard left by the Dongfang family, suddenly snorted for some reason at this time. He didn't know that the ancestor of the Cai family had returned to Fengcheng and was refining magic weapons to deal with him. At the same time, the elder of the Cai family Zu also issued a reward in Fengcheng, preparing 100 million spirit stones to take his head.

A reward of 100 million spiritual stones is offered for the head of a casual cultivator in the mid-stage of alchemy. This price is really not low. Fengcheng has attracted a lot of monks, most of them are casual cultivators who are suffering, but there are very few members of the cultivation family. Get involved.

After all, the Cai family in Fengcheng is also a big competitor to other small cultivation families. The culprit.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Cai family still has such a high-end combat power as the ancestor of the Cai family, the few small cultivator families who were not on the same path as the Cai family were only taken care of by the ancestor of the Cai family once, and they might have already fought Cai's idea.

These small cultivators who are not in the right direction with the Cai family must be secretly happy at the moment. Qin Lang killed the head of the Cai family and a group of core members of the Cai family, which greatly damaged the strength of the Cai family. Seeing the weakening of the Cai family, it is precisely The results that these small cultivation families want, in this way, their small families ranked behind the Cai family will have a chance to rise.

(End of this chapter)

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