Chapter 1150

Three days later, the martial arts arena in Fengcheng.

The Martial Arts Arena in Fengcheng is a place where casual cultivators in Fengcheng settle disputes between Mao Dun and others. However, it is still rare to see life-and-death fights on the Martial Arts Arena in the Martial Arts Arena.

Because the original intention of the four major families in establishing this Martial Arts Field was to resolve the dispute between the monks in Fengcheng City, and this was the origin of the entire Martial Arts Field.

And the duel between Qin Lang and the ancestor of the Cai family officially started on this day. Although the martial arts field prohibits the battle of life and death, it is not guaranteed to be firmly enforced by the ruler of Fengcheng.

For example, just like today's competition, the nature was set as a life-and-death fight, but the big families in Fengcheng still agreed tacitly.

The reason is that the life-and-death fight is agreed by both parties, and there is no such thing as coercion, and considering that even if the life-and-death fight is not in the martial arts arena, the ancestors of the Cai family and Qin Lang will be held elsewhere. People, take this opportunity to attract the audience.

Of course, for both sides of the competition, if one side wins the competition, the benefits it will get are inestimable.

If the Cai family wins, they can get a lot of fame and restore the morale of the family that has plummeted recently. It can also prove to other families that although the Cai family has suffered recently, it has not really fallen. peep.

And if Qin Lang's side wins, the same is true. Presumably at that time, casual cultivators in Fengcheng who dare to play Qin Lang's idea will also weigh themselves, whether they have this strength.

"Boy! You are finally here!" The ancestor of the Cai family jumped onto the martial arts stage and shouted to the audience.

"Nonsense, of course I will come!" A voice from the audience responded rudely.

It was Qin Lang who made the sound. At this time, he was not too early or too late, and he rushed to the martial arts arena 5 minutes before the duel time.

"Since you're here, let's get on stage now!" The old guy began to urge, for the "loose cultivator Sirius" in front of him, the entire Cai family now wanted to eat his flesh and bones.

"Don't worry, I'll check the venue first." Qin Lang was unmoved, and looked around the martial arts stage in a leisurely manner. He was also gaining momentum, so don't let himself be brought into the fighting rhythm of the ancestors of the Cai family.

Otherwise, there is really no need to check the martial arts arena.

After all, this martial arts arena is related to the faces of several top families in Fengcheng. If someone does anything in the martial arts arena, they will only slap these big forces in the face. They sent someone to check carefully to ensure that there would be no problems in the Martial Arts Field.

"Okay then, check it out slowly." The patriarch of the Cai family didn't get angry after eating the turtle. Instead, he calmly closed his eyes on the stage to rest his mind, adjusting his fighting state.

At the same time, he thought to himself: "If this one-hit duel can kill this rogue cultivator Sirius, the ancestor and I have avenged the Cai family, which is a very perfect result. Of course, even if If I failed to kill him this time, I will make him pay a heavy price, I will use practical actions to deter everyone on the field, the Cai family has never been easy to mess with."

It seems that the old guy is determined this time, to prepare for a thunderous blow, to make Qin Lang look good.

When the two were preparing on the field, the casual cultivators in the audience were also talking about it.

"Tell me, who will win this duel between the casual cultivator Sirius and the ancestor of the Cai family?"

"Nonsense, of course it will be the ancestor of the Cai family. No one in Fengcheng knows that the Cai family is the strongest except for the four super families. The ancestor of the Cai family is the biggest hole card of the Cai family. It is said that they are all late-stage alchemists. What about a consummated monk! And the opponent of the Cai family, the casual cultivator Sirius, is just a casual cultivator in the middle stage of alchemy, so what if he is a distinguished guest of the Dongfang family, in a one-on-one fight in the arena, it will definitely not be the ancestor of the Cai family opponent."

"That's true. It seems that there is basically no suspense about the outcome of this round of duel. Originally, I planned to open a handicap and invite a few friends to gamble together to see who wins and who loses!"

"The handicap? The handicap has already been opened, but the bet on the ancestor of the Cai family can only pay one point one for the victory, and the bet for the Sanxiu Sirius win is three for one. If there is a tie, the bet will be refunded."

"Hey! Someone really opened the market. I'll go to the ancestors of the Cai family. No matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat. Even if the ancestors of the Cai family only have one-tenth odds, it's not bad. I can also earn a hundred thousand spirit stones. Return ten thousand spirit stones."

"Then stop dawdling, hurry up, the duel is about to begin..."


The person who presided over this duel was actually a high-level monk who was in the late stage of alchemy. This Fengcheng martial arts field is actually the property of the Nangong family of the four major families, which brings a lot of income to the Nanpin family every year.

Because entering the martial arts arena requires a ticket fee, which is a huge income. Like the duel between the ancestors of the Cai family and Qin Lang today, at least 100 monks in the entire Fengcheng came to the martial arts arena to watch, even if ten spirit stones A ticket is also an income of [-] million spirit stones.

100 million spirit stones!Just a battle between high-level monks can earn so much by collecting tickets, the Nangong family is really good at making money.

You know, Fengcheng has a floating population of about 300 million, and there are at least three duels in the martial arts arena every day. Even if the other duels are not as high as this one, it is still no problem to sell [-] to [-] tickets for each match.

Therefore, for the Nangong family, this martial arts arena is like a chicken that lays golden eggs, and the battle between Qin Lang and the ancestors of the Cai family is relatively advanced, so naturally he pays special attention to it, and this time he also sent a corresponding host.

The person who presided over this duel was Nangong Wenqing, who was actually a Dzogchen female cultivator in the late stage of alchemy. She looked 27 or [-] years old, and her actual age should not be much different from Dongfang Zhilan.

This female cultivator was completely different from Dongfang Zhilan from the Dongfang family. She wore revealing clothes and a hotter figure. She was dressed in a tight black leather suit, which attracted the attention of most of the male monks present before the duel began.

"Nangong asks for love!"

"Nangong asks for love!"

Many male monks now shouted the name of the host Nangong Wenqing fiercely when looking around at Nangong Wenqing. It could be seen that such male monks were actually fans of this high-ranking female cultivator in the martial arts field.

Nangong Wenqing, a high-ranking female cultivator, didn't feel annoyed when she saw the eyes of the male monks around her. Instead, she stood up on purpose, and there was a sound of swallowing saliva all around.

This is a queen-level female cultivator. Seeing so many male cultivators around her being conquered by her, Nangong Wenqing showed a smug smile.

In fact, the reason why this martial arts arena is so popular is because of the charm of her as a high-ranking female cultivator. In fact, in any competition hosted by Nangong Wenqing, the proportion of male monks will suddenly increase by more than half.

"The rules have been clarified, let's start the battle now!" Nangong Wenqing announced with a smile, the duel began, and then with a slender hand, he rang the gong beside the ring.


The duel had already begun, and the two monks on the field, Qin Lang and the ancestor of the Cai family, became serious.

Although life-and-death battles are prohibited in the martial arts arena in Fengcheng, many duels are full of unpredictability, and injuries and disabilities are unavoidable. Even if the host tries his best to interfere, there will be deaths.

Of course, death is still rare. There are thousands of battles in the Martial Arts Field in a year, and there will be no more than ten deaths at most.


Exhaling and opening his voice, Qin Lang has already started to make a move, and he fought with the ancestor of the Cai family.

The two were just testing each other at this time, so they didn't try their best, and they haven't made any big moves yet.

Both parties actually wanted to kill each other, but it was quite difficult to kill each other in the martial arts arena in Fengcheng. The host Nangong Wenqing would intervene when the facts were serious and one party was unable to resist.

At this time, the ancestor of the Cai family was also thinking about how to catch Qin Lang by surprise before the host intervened. Even if Qin Lang could not be killed, it would be good to cause serious injuries.

This requires him to wait patiently for the opportunity. In fact, as a high-ranking monk, the ancestor of the Cai family has a good sense of patience. He has been lurking like a poisonous snake, preparing for a thunderous strike.

In the first half of the duel, the patriarch of the Cai family and Qin Lang only roughly used their fists, kicks, and body skills, and neither of them displayed their magic weapons for the time being.

Since I haven't been able to see the blood, this kind of fight is very boring, and many onlookers are muttering in their hearts, what is going on between the two in this fight, since they are life and death enemies, they should fight with all their might, why are they fighting so softly? Call it, it's not exciting at all.

However, those who have such thoughts are monks below the alchemy stage, their abilities are relatively low, and it is understandable that they cannot see the tricks on the field.

The truly discerning and capable monks are all above the alchemy stage, and each of them can see the danger behind this gentle duel. Although Qin Lang and the ancestor of the Cai family are trying out moves now, every move The movements are full of the meaning of testing the opponent, every strike is the opponent's empty door, if the opponent does not defend, it is very likely that this false move will turn into a real move like lightning, and launch a thunderous attack.

Between low-level monks, life and death may last for a long time, but between high-level monks, sometimes the battle process only takes a short moment to decide the outcome.

In fact, both of them have very strong tactical skills, so this round of probing presented a stalemate, which is also why the first half of the combat audience felt that it was not very exciting.

"This casual cultivator Sirius is really not easy to deal with. No wonder so many monks in the family suffered and fell into his hands. It seems that I can't defeat him without using all my strength." The ancestor of the Cai family frowned. Finally took his own magic weapon, the Hundred Soul Banner.

Seeing that the ancestor of the Cai family began to use the magic weapon, Qin Lang also carefully took out his black carving sword. After several times of honing the sword sect's Sansheng sword art, he has used it smoothly and smoothly, with a vertical and horizontal sword intent, and a combination of strength and softness. Correspondingly, even the fallen sword sect Ji Changsheng was only a few grades higher in cultivation, and did not surpass himself by much in terms of swordsmanship and sword intent.

Staring at the patriarch of the Cai family, Qin Lang waved his arms and began to perform the first form of the sword art, the sword energy beams.

Sword Qi Shuyuan is about restraining the enemy with sword energy. This move is a sword technique of the control system. It can be practiced during the Qi refining period, but it is not easy to do it well.Can attack and defend, attack the weak and defend the strong.

Now at the level of Qin Lang, the sword intent of the first move has grown from small to great, and its power has more than doubled compared to before. Now, once the sword energy beam is used, there will be thousands of sword threads formed The essence is entangled with the ancestors of the Cai family.

This is... the materialization of sword energy!

(End of this chapter)

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