Chapter 1151
The sword energy becomes materialized, and the sword energy turns from virtual to real, forming thousands of materialized sword threads. I believe that the binding ability of these sword threads is stronger than the previous virtual energy, winding and binding ability, even if the current ancestor of the Cai family is a Dzogchen monks in the late stage of alchemy are entangled, and it is enough to drink a pot.

In fact, the ancestors of the Cai family did not dare to be careless. The goshawk fought the rabbit with all his strength, and the battle between monks was the same. Experienced monks would never hold back.

At this time, the ancestor of the Cai family unfolded his Hundred Soul Banner and swiped it into the air. A black mist suddenly spewed out from the Hundred Soul Banner, covering thousands of sword threads that happened to Qin Lang.

It is very strange, when the black mist and thousands of sword threads meet in the air, there is a sizzling sound immediately, the sword thread and the black mist melt each other and the volume becomes smaller sharply, when the sizzling sound stops, the movement caused by the magic weapons of both sides All disappeared.

"What a powerful magic weapon!" Qin Lang stared at the Hundred Soul Banner in the hand of the ancestor of the Cai family in surprise. The top-grade magic weapon for his own flying sword.

You know, this situation has never happened before when I was fighting.

Of course, it is also possible that the ancestor of the Cai family was one or two chips higher than himself, which made his advantage go away, and this time the fight could only become a tie.

"Come on!"

"Fight, hit me hard!" The monks watching the battle in the audience clenched their fists and cheered for the two monks on the field. It seemed that they all hoped that the battle would be more intense.

And these ancestors of the Cai family looked at Qin Lang and smiled ferociously. The Hundred Soul Banner in his hand shook, and more black mist dispersed.Slowly enveloped the martial arts stage.

"This Hundred Souls Banner has been sacrificed by my ancestor for several years. I don't know how many animal and human souls have been put into it. Even the hundred main souls on the banner body are all souls from the Foundation Establishment Period who have been killed before. It was made through sacrificial refining! There are even souls of two monks at the alchemy stage! Now this magic weapon has been sacrificed to perfection, although it is only a middle-grade soul path magic weapon, it is not much weaker than some top-grade magic weapons."

"This magic weapon of the soul path is also my ancestor's magic weapon of fame. It can grow continuously and devour human souls, and finally grow from a hundred soul banner to a thousand soul banner. The power of a thousand soul banner is far greater than that of a high-grade magic weapon, but what a thousand soul banner needs The soul investment is too big, and it needs the souls of a thousand monks in the alchemy stage, which is not what the ancestors can hope for now, and I will talk about it after I become a monk in the Nascent Soul stage!"

Seeing the black mist filling the entire Martial Arts Arena, the eyes of the ancestor of the Cai family flickered. He was not just fighting for a victory in the Martial Arts Arena this time. If possible, killing the casual cultivator "Sirius" would be the most ideal result.

Therefore, use the black smoke emitted by the magic weapon of the soul path "Hundred Soul Banner" to cover the entire martial arts stage, confuse the audience on and off the stage, and unfold your real method from the front, killing the powerful enemy of the Cai family is your own. Purpose.

"With the cover of the black mist, let's see how you can escape! Now, my ancestor, I can finally show my tricks!"

When the black mist wrapped the Yanwu stage, and the casual cultivators on the stage began to clamor in dissatisfaction, the ancestor of the Cai family took out the most powerful magic weapon of the soul path, which was the recently refined "flying knife gourd" .

The flying knife gourd is actually just a small pale yellow gourd the size of a palm. The patriarch of the Cai family opened the lid of the small gourd at this time, and saw a stream of white condensed air rushing straight up, and at the same time the whole gourd was also flickering with brilliance. .

When the gourd mouth spewed out a white airflow, the patriarch of the Cai family issued a series of restraints, murmuring something that was definitely not right, and then the white airflow from the gourd mouth of the flying knife gourd shrank and turned into an airflow The formed figure looks somewhat similar to the loose cultivator "Sirius" that Qin Lang has changed now.

"Please gourd and turn around!" Cai Jiayin chanted a mantra sideways. ,

Then, the figure formed by the white airflow above the flying knife gourd swayed and turned. At the same time, Qin Lang on the ring actually felt a little bit dizzy, and he didn't know what was going on.

"Please gourd to bring out the knife!" Although the black mist enveloped the entire arena, the ancestor of the Cai family, as the master of the black mist, had a clear understanding of some of the things on the arena, and the patriarch of the Cai family stepped up to recite the next step.

And as the spell came out, a small flying knife like a silver needle rushed out of the gourd mouth of the flying knife, which swelled in the wind and became the size of a finger. Turning the head around, the heads of the two smoke villains were cut off.

Suddenly, the smoke villain turned into a headless body.

On the other hand, Qin Lang felt his head hurt even more. However, apart from these tingling pains, he didn't feel anything else in other body parts.

The ancestor of the Cai family, who had been staring at the scene, was suddenly surprised: "Huh? Why didn't this guy's head fall along with the magic weapon's curse?"

It turned out that his soul magic weapon, the flying knife gourd, was made by imitating a well-known magic weapon in ancient times. It can summon souls, stabilize souls, and leave souls. The human body is cut off, whichever part is cut, which part of the cursed enemy will really be cut off.

This is an incomparably vicious high-grade magic weapon of the soul path. The ancestor spent a lot of family resources to refine it. However, it didn't work for the first time, even he felt a little strange.

"Please turn the gourd around again and bring out the knife!"

"Please cut off the head of the casual cultivator Sirius!"

The ancestor of the Cai family had no choice but to chant the mantra again, and this time he actually called out Qin Lang's disguised name.

However, he never imagined that not only the name "Sirius" that Qin Lang incarnated was disguised, but even the appearance of the big man now was transformed by the mask of Qianji.

Therefore, the effectiveness of the Cai family patriarch's flying knife and gourd has been reduced again and again, and it has almost completely failed. Even if the Cai family patriarch's curse has broken the sky now, it only makes Qin Lang feel a little headache.

That's it.

The ancestor of the Cai family's soul path magic weapon, the flying knife gourd, is aimed at the monk's soul and primordial spirit to attack and curse, but the effect on Qin Lang's body is so weak and pitiful.

Flying knife gourd is basically ineffective against Qin Lang, for several reasons.

Firstly, Qin Lang’s incognito, changed his appearance, and his identity could not be more false, so that the flying knife and gourd could not make a real curse. Based on this alone, the ancestor of the Cai family, who was in the late stage of alchemy, was basically regarded as Eighty percent of the curse was cancelled.

Second, Qin Lang's primordial spirit has also been honed by the earth fire once, which is much more solid than the monks of the same rank, and can offset more than [-]% of the curse effect.

Therefore, when the ancestor of the Cai family used the flying knife gourd, a high-grade soul magic weapon, to curse, the effect had been reduced to less than [-]%, so how could it be possible for Qin Lang to be really hurt.

Seeing that the magic weapon had failed, the ancestor of the Cai family still didn't give up, and continued to chant the curse a few more times. Finally, seeing that Qin Lang was still safe and sound, he had no choice but to stop this teasing behavior.

"The rogue cultivator Sirius in front of me really has some tricks. My ancestor, my new high-grade soul path magic weapon, the flying knife gourd, can't cut off this person's head. It seems that my ancestor, I can only use other methods to deal with everyone."

The eyes of the ancestor of the Cai family flickered, and he stared at Qin Lang for a while, then turned to other thoughts, planning to use other methods to deal with Qin Lang.

"Damn it, this old guy must have caused my headache." Qin Lang also realized at this moment that there must be a reason for his unexplained headache just now, and it must be that the ancestor of the Cai family used some means that he did not understand.

Qinghe Continent Soul Dao magic weapon is a very special branch, and it is also very rare. Qin Lang doesn't know the special attributes of this magic weapon, and Xuan Qingzi's memory doesn't have these records, so he didn't even know that he walked through the ghost gate just now. Fortunately, under the disguise of Qianji's mask, his identity and name were all fake, otherwise he would have been played to death by several curses from the ancestors of the Cai family.

At this time, the headache subsided, and Qin Lang also used his means in anger, and the Sansheng Sword Art once again launched an attack on the ancestor of the Cai family.

"Try my second trick...Sword Illusion Crack!"

Qin Lang slashed fiercely, and the powerful sword intent of Sansheng Jianjue merged into the sword energy, split into more than a dozen lights and shadows, and surrounded all the gaps in front of the ancestor of the Cai family.

"Sanshengjianjue? Jianzong's Sanshengjianjue... What is the relationship between this casual cultivator Sirius and Jianzong?" At this time, the black mist faded a little, and the casual cultivators who watched around saw Qin Lang cast Sanshengjian twice in a row Jue, finally recognized the signature sword art of this sword sect, so they all said in surprise.

They are not very well-informed about these loose cultivators, so they don't know that the casual cultivator "Sirius" incarnated by Qin Lang is not only the enemy of the Cai family, but also the enemy of Jianzong. The casual cultivator "Sirius" is still wanted by Jianzong On the list, he was hunted down by Jianzong, but no one can be found so far.

However, some people among the senior officials of the four major families knew something about Qin Lang and Jianzong, and also knew that the Dongfang family has been inquiring about the news about Jianzong recently. It can be seen that the Dongfang family did not hesitate to fight with Jianzong in order to keep Qin Lang. Hard resistance.

The information received by the four major families was not comprehensive, and they did not know the real reason for the hostility between the Dongfang family and Jianzong. It was because of Yingyuanguo, and Ji Changsheng of Jianzong was too ruthless. Chasing Dongfang Zhilan wanted to extract blood for re-refining Yingyuanguo had been chasing and killing Fengcheng for hundreds of miles, only to be killed by Qin Lang and Dongfang Zhilan who happened to bump into him.

Therefore, Jianzong is the common enemy of the casual cultivator "Sirius" and the Dongfang family, not Qin Lang's enemy alone. The Dongfang family is so proactive in investigating the news of Jianzong.

This is also something that can't be helped. Jianzong is the head of the four major sects in the southern region, and it is a relatively arrogant sect, so it is the most defensive.

Although the Dongfang family is a big force, it is still weaker than the Southern Region Sword Sect. Therefore, if the Dongfang family provokes these sects, they must deal with them carefully, otherwise they will suffer a big loss.

After all, Jianzong has Yuanying stage monks, and there are more than one, and the current Dongfang family has been relying on Dongfang Zhilan and patriarch Dongfang Yuliang's two alchemy stages since the ancestor of the Yuanying stage died. The consummation cultivator held on, and it was very hard.

(End of this chapter)

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