The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1152 Terrible Soul Explosion

Chapter 1152 Terrible Soul Explosion
Although Qin Lang's move is powerful, but before the sword qi approached, the patriarch of the Cai family created a multicolored halo, covering the dozen or so sword qi at once. so tough.

At this moment, the patriarch of the Cai family was ashen-faced, without saying a word, he raised his hands anxiously, and began to shake his Hundred Soul Banner again.

Countless black shadows flew out from his Hundred Soul Banner at this time, and the densely packed black shadows with human heads looked extraordinarily weird. Qin Lang felt sick when he saw them. So many black shadows crowded together, it made people feel scalp hair Ma, a kind of extreme discomfort in my heart.

Because he can recognize these black shadows, they are all the souls of monks or beasts, and each of these black shadows is the soul of a dead monk, there are more than 100 in total, and there are a lot of beasts among them souls, forming an army of ghosts.

This ancestor of the Cai family is really blood-stained. After killing so many monks, he didn't even spare the dead souls of others. This method of refining the Hundred Soul Banner is already close to the evil method.

Although Qin Lang is not a completely decent person, he is still very disgusted with the practice of extracting soul refiners and extracting so many monks' souls.

But now is not the time to think about these things, these densely packed hundreds of thousands of human souls and beast souls were released by the ancestor of the Cai family by manipulating the hundred soul banners, forming an army of ghosts, forming a huge evil spirit, and sweeping towards Qin Lang .

"Taste the true power of my ancestor, my Hundred Soul Banner." The ancestor of the Cai family sneered, and mercilessly launched a second wave of attacks.

The attacks of these ghosts are very special. If ordinary people are entangled, their yang energy will definitely be weakened, and their yang energy will be swallowed by the ghosts and become frozen corpses.

But now with so many ghosts, even a powerful monk would not be able to resist, gradually losing vitality and becoming weak under the waves of attacks from the army of ghosts.

Qin Lang frowned. He hated this kind of magic weapon of the soul from the bottom of his heart. He hated this kind of disgusting thing.

Therefore, as soon as he saw the army of ghosts appearing, Qin Lang also counterattacked. The second and third forms of Sansheng Sword Art were performed again. After that, he shot at those ghosts with a more fierce momentum.

Those streaks of sword energy struck Yin Hun, and Yin Hun trembled and let out piercing screams, but it was actually crushed to pieces.

Hundreds of sword qi were fired, and Qin Lang's eyes were suddenly empty, leaving only three or two kittens in the army of ghosts.

But the next moment, those dissipated ghosts re-condensed like smoke, but their appearance faded a little, and they continued to attack Qin Lang with teeth and claws.

"What's the matter? The sword energy attack is ineffective against these ghosts?" Qin Lang also felt that it was more troublesome. This kind of ghost shadow can disperse and gather, which is really difficult to deal with.

"Hmph! If you think that a few hundred sword qi can wipe out my army of ghosts, then what's the point of my hundred soul banners?" The patriarch of the Cai family is a master craftsman, and he is quite confident in the magic weapon he has refined. .

Hundreds of souls reunited, and under the control of the ancestors of the Cai family, they attacked Qin Lang again and rushed over.

All of a sudden, the dark wind gusts and the evil spirit billows, and the places where the army of ghosts pass by on the stage are covered with cold and gloomy ice.

"What a powerful magic weapon!" Even though Qin Lang didn't like this kind of poisonous soul magic weapon very much, he was still very afraid of the power of the army of ghosts, so when the army of ghosts came over, he urged his sword energy again to kill these ghosts again. Smash clean once.

However, the next moment, the army of ghosts condensed and formed again, attacking again.

At this time, even Qin Lang had to sigh, this special magic weapon is really hard to deal with, and now his true essence has been consumed, and he can perform an attack at most, if he can't figure out a good way to deal with Cai this time Patriarch of the family, I'm afraid the situation is very bad.

Swallowing a few essence pills, Qin Lang summoned his second soul body, and at the same time took out the Shifang Shenhuo Cauldron, intending to use the ten times the fire ability of the Shifang Shenhuo Cauldron to increase the arc, and try to see if he can These ghosts are burned clean.

After all, the flames on his body are no longer ordinary fires, but Kanli's fire is a special flame of the earth fire level, which may be able to deal with this kind of ghost energy body.

As for the body of the second soul, Qin Lang released it only to protect the body. The body of the second soul has the same attributes as the army of ghosts. Although there is no way to take these army of ghosts, but you can stare at the ancestors of the Cai family. In this case, Qin Lang will Just concentrate on dealing with the army of ghosts above the ring.

When Qin Lang released the body of the second soul, the patriarch of the Cai family on the ring was stunned: "The second soul? A mere monk in the mid-stage of alchemy actually refined the second soul? How is it possible?"

He couldn't help being surprised that even a Dzogchen monk in the late stage of alchemy hadn't been able to refine the second primordial avatar yet, but a casual cultivator in the middle stage of alchemy could actually refine it, which is too incredible.

You must know that the second soul is not so easy to refine. The failure rate of this thing is very high for monks in the late stage of alchemy to refine it. Generally, only monks in the stage of Yuanying can refine it with confidence.

Take a look, there are more than 20 Dzogchen monks in the late stage of alchemy in Fengcheng, but only three of them have the second soul clone, and they are all from the four major families. How difficult it is to refine life.

Second soul refining materials are very precious, many materials are hard to come by, the price of failure is too high, it can almost clear half of a high-level monk's property, so most Dzogchen monks in the late stage of alchemy dare not refine For this thing, prepare these materials unless you enter the Nascent Soul stage.

And Qin Lang refined it in the middle of the alchemy, and it succeeded once, which is really a bit against the sky, I have to say Qin Lang's good luck.

Although the body of this second soul is somewhat different from the body of the second soul refined by the real Dzogchen monks in the late stage of alchemy, and the strength is not as good as that refined by high-level monks, but this second soul The body of God is indeed a complete body that can continue to grow.

So as soon as this body of the second soul came out, basically, any monk who knew how to do martial arts in the martial arts field couldn't help exclaiming; "This casual cultivator Sirius is too good! Is it still a monk in the middle stage of alchemy? I'm afraid it is Is it from the Dzogchen Falling Realm in the late stage of alchemy?!"

Only such a guess can make them feel more reliable, because in the tens of thousands of years of Qinghe Continent's history, there has never been a monk in the middle stage of alchemy who has a second soul in advance.

However, his family knew his own affairs, and Qin Lang knew that it was luck that he cultivated the body of the second soul.

First of all, the spiritual consciousness that has been calcined by the earth fire is strong enough to be condensed, and there are a large number of "Recovery Pills" and "Yiyuan Pills" that can be replenished at any time to restore the spiritual consciousness. , the fire of the soul is highly compatible with the divine consciousness of the body, so under various coincidences, the second soul sacrifice was refined in advance.

This result is almost irreproducible, and all conditions must be met, which is very restrictive, and it is absolutely impossible to change to another monk of the same level.

At this time, under the cover of the second soul avatar, the main body began to use the fire ability of the Shifang Shenhuo cauldron to multiply arcs tenfold, and began to deal with the army of ghosts above the ring. The increased arc formed a fire dragon that spewed out, and others could not see the roots of this special flame at all.

Sure enough, the flame mixed with Kanli's fire did have a burning effect on this kind of ghost, causing the army of ghosts to scream, and even where it burned, there was a missing piece, and it couldn't be recovered no matter how hard it was.

This time, all the ghosts in the army of ghosts became frightened, because they were afraid of coming into contact with Qin Lang's flames, so no matter how the ancestor of the Cai family greeted them, they refused to go forward again.

After all, ghosts are formed by the souls of monks and beasts with spirituality, and they are still very sensitive to danger, so it is easy for this army of ghosts to fight smoothly. Even if the soul is shattered, they will not be afraid as long as they can recover. The means that can really completely eliminate them, such as Qin Lang now using Kanli's fire, they will also feel scared.

"Go! Go!' The ancestor of the Cai family summoned a few times, but the army of ghosts refused to obey. At this time, the old guy was also angry, and began to chant spells in a hurry. This time, he wanted to completely control the army of ghosts. Sensible, under the spell of the ancestor, the ghosts of the army of ghosts lost their original spirituality, but they had the courage to come forward again.

Qin Lang found that something was wrong with this army of ghosts. Their figures fluctuated from big to small, constantly flickering, and there was a feeling of extremely unstable energy, and immediately felt something was wrong.

And the ancestor of the Cai family also smiled cruelly, and roared: "Try my last blow from my hometown... Soul explosion!" Loose cultivator "Sirius."

Sensing the strong aura of something wrong on the stage, Nangong Wenqing, who presided over the duel, the Dzogchen female cultivator in the late stage of alchemy also changed her color: "Cai family patriarch, you have violated the rules!"

She began to take emergency measures and imposed several restrictions on the martial arts arena. Now the strong aura of the army of ghosts is vibrating and resonating in the air. If these ghosts explode together, the entire martial arts arena will probably be blown up. Even himself who presides over this duel will be injured.

Under Nangong Wenqing's actions, the entire martial arts stage also began to shine brightly, and faintly vibrated. This is the formation method that Nangong's family originally arranged on the martial arts field, and it is an extremely powerful defensive method. The Nascent Soul cultivator had set it up, and now it was finally activated.

"Finally, the ban on the martial arts arena has been activated in advance. Now the casual cultivators outside the arena will not be affected. As for the inside of the arena..."

Nangong Wenqing glanced at the rogue cultivator surrounded by ghosts, and sighed quietly. In this round of soul explosion, hundreds of foundation-building ghosts and hundreds of beast souls will be blown up. The ancestor of the Cai family is just throwing away one The magic weapon of fate, the entire ring is estimated to have to bear the power of ten thunderbolts erupting together.

The explosive power of the ten thunderbolts erupted together in the small arena space. In the late stage of alchemy, he would be killed if he was unprepared. The casual cultivator Sirius was only in the middle stage of alchemy. It's hard to resist.

"Unexpectedly, the ancestor of the Cai family disregarded the rules of the martial arts field, and now he can only resign himself to fate. I hope this casual cultivator Sirius is lucky enough to survive."

(End of this chapter)

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