The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1153 The City's Pursuit

Chapter 1153 The City's Pursuit
The power of Soul Explosion was finally revealed at this time. Hundreds of human and beast souls exploded together, and the evil spirit blasted the entire arena into black ink like ink.

The Hundred Soul Banner Soul Burst, which is equivalent to the explosion power of more than a dozen Tianleizi, even though Nangong Wenqing, the female cultivator, has activated the prohibition defense of the arena, the prohibition of the entire arena is still flickering violently due to the process of the soul explosion .

A powerful breath of Soul Explosion leaked out of the restriction, and the casual cultivators who were watching the duel around were blown to one side by the gust of wind that leaked from the restriction.

Fortunately, the restrictions placed by the Nascent Soul stage monks of the Nangong family lived up to their reputation and played a protective role after all, and none of the spectators off the field were injured.

And on the stage...

While the casual cultivators in the audience resisted the breath of the soul explosion, they also paid close attention to the situation on the ring. "Can the casual cultivator Sirius survive this round of soul explosion and come back alive!"

Including Nangong Wenqing who presided over the duel, almost all the audience were not optimistic about the situation of the casual cultivator Sirius. Once the ancestor of the Cai family made a super move, the casual cultivator Sirius probably died in the soul explosion Bar.

Time, more than ten seconds have passed.

The effect of the soul explosion on the field began to gradually disappear, and above the originally pitch-black arena, the evil spirit of hundreds of ghosts after the soul explosion gradually dissipated.

Above the arena, the figure of the ancestor of the Cai family has disappeared!
And on the ground of the arena, there was a huge tattered zombie body, and the audience also did not see the shadow of the loose cultivator "Sirius".

Where did the two men in this duel go?

All of a sudden, the audience became even more curious.

As the host, Nangong Wenqing, as the person involved, is most aware of what happened just now.

After performing Soul Explosion, the patriarch of the Cai family jumped out of the arena without checking the results, holding the broken Hundred Soul Banner in his hand, using a magic weapon to cast an escape method, and escaped directly from the Nangong Clan's martial arts arena.

He probably was worried that he would break the rules of the martial arts arena and be liquidated by the Nangong family afterwards, so he hurriedly fled out of the martial arts arena.

But Qin Lang is still on the ring now, yes, he did survive, but the audience in the audience didn't notice it.

At this time, on the ground of the arena, the broken body of the second soul moved at this moment, and suddenly turned over directly, and a figure squeezed out from under the body of the second soul.

"It's the casual cultivator Sirius, he's not dead!" All the casual cultivators on the stage were surprised, and the gambler who bought Qin Lang's victory before the game was even more surprised.

These gamblers were also greedy for high odds at the time, and after performing the Soul Explosion of the Hundred Soul Banner in Cai's hometown, they all felt ashamed.

That soul explosion was really irresistible. They all thought that the loose cultivator Sirius was dead, and their bets would be in vain. As a result, the ancestor of the Cai family slipped away after performing the soul explosion in the ring, and the loose Xiu Sirius miraculously did not die.

"It's dangerous, I escaped by luck." Qin Lang was in a bit of a panic at this time, everything that happened just now was vivid in his mind, and now he still has lingering fears.

At the beginning of the soul explosion, he knew at that time that the ancestor of the Cai family had made up his mind to kill himself. Looking at the momentum of the ancestor of the Cai family, although he didn't know the power of the soul explosion, he knew through inference at that time that he was likely to resist Can't stand this wave.

At that time, he was extraordinarily calm, and without thinking too much, he directly summoned the body of the second soul to stand in front of the main body. The power of the soul explosion is offset.

And Qin Lang's body is also a defensive magic weapon and a magic weapon. Even the Gochen Shield hidden in the corner of the storage bag... this rather deceitful ancient magic weapon was also activated.

"Friend Daoist, are you alright?" As the host of the ring, Nangong Wenqing came over to ask concerned at this time.

"No, nothing." Qin Lang breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I am fine, there is something wrong with the body of the second soul!The body of the second soul that had just been repaired became broken again in the explosion just now, and he needed to spend a lot of resources to repair it.

Repairing the body of the second soul, I am afraid that the resources spent will not be less than a few days ago!

Smiling wryly for a while, he knew that he had lost a lot in this duel in the arena.


At this time, the ancestor of the Cai family has hurried back to the Cai family, gathered the members of the Cai family, and packed up their things.

"Old Ancestor, where are we going?" A junior from the family in the late construction period couldn't help asking curiously when he saw the hurried appearance of the Cai Family Ancestor.

"Don't worry about it, how long will it take for the family members to gather?" At this time, the ancestor of the Cai family asked.

"In about 10 minutes, we can all assemble." The foundation-building junior replied.

"Okay!" The Cai family nodded, and hurriedly put some valuable things in the family into their storage rings and storage bags, and then rushed to the open space in the front yard to wait for the assembled Cai family people.

Ten minutes later, the members of the Cai family had basically assembled in formation, waiting for the ancestor of the Cai family in front of them to speak.

At this time, the patriarch of the Cai family had a serious face, looked around, and said: "This time, the patriarch, I was dueling with the Sanxiu Sirius on the martial arts arena. The rules of the four major families of Fengcheng in the martial arts arena are now tantamount to offending the four major families of Fengcheng, and it will be uncomfortable to keep Fengcheng."

"Our Cai family has been operating in Fengcheng for hundreds of years. I'm afraid we have to give up. At present, the family is at the critical point of life and death. We need to leave Fengcheng to find another place to redevelop. I am afraid that the younger generations will also need to make some sacrifices. "

"Old Ancestor, please tell us that we are not afraid of sacrifice, and we will let the Ancestor arrange everything."

All the members of the Cai family roared like this.

"Okay, let's leave Fengcheng and find another place to develop!" The patriarch of the Cai family nodded and said, "However, it is inconvenient for so many members of our Cai family to relocate, and your cultivation bases are not uniform!"

"This time we are going out of the city to escape. During the escape, there will definitely be pursuit from Fengcheng. It is inconvenient to take you with you. Therefore, I am going to extract all your souls and refine them into my ancestor, my hundred soul banner. In this case, the ancestor, I can reproduce the power of this magic weapon, deal with the pursuers alone, and take your souls away safely."

"Believe me, my ancestor, if I find a suitable place for development, I can take away your souls and revive them with suitable mortal bodies with cultivation qualifications."

The ancestor said in a dark tone, he couldn't do it now, so he came up with such a way to use the Hundred Soul Banner to transfer the souls of the family members.

If you don't do this, I'm afraid that the clansmen will not be able to escape the pursuit of Fengcheng during the fleeing process, and the loss will definitely be huge. At that time, except for myself, it is very likely that all the clansmen will not be able to escape.

However, if the soul is retaken, these family members will start all over in their cultivation career. After this experience, most of the family's heritage will be lost.

This is also a matter of no choice. This is also the best way that the ancestors of the Cai family can choose at present. There is a saying that if you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of having no firewood. As long as the souls of the clansmen are there, you can make a comeback.

"Okay, follow the orders of the ancestors." The members of the Cai family also know that the family is currently in crisis, and they have no objection to the decisions of the ancestors.

They believed that as long as they escaped this crisis, the ancestors would revive them and revive the Cai family again.

With the active cooperation of the members of the Cai family, the patriarch of the Cai family launched his own method at this time, and there was no ghost in his hands, and the nearly scrapped Hundred Soul Banner made a move at this time.


The bodies of the Cai family members glowed with a faint luster, and the invisible souls were pulled out one by one. The souls of these Cai family members were all pale white, which was completely different from the color of the ghosts on the Hundred Soul Banner before.

Because yin souls are dead things, yin spirits formed by yin and evil spirits, and the souls of these Cai family members are all alive, they are living souls, and they can be taken back to the yang by using some special methods.

There were more than 2000 members of the Cai family at the scene, all of whom had their souls collected by the ancestors of the Cai family and put them into the banner of hundreds of souls. run.

After the souls were collected, the courtyard was full of corpses of members of the Cai family. Without the souls, the bodies of these clansmen lost their vitality.

The patriarch of the Cai family wanted to escape from Fengcheng and avoid the accountability of the four super families. He wanted to change the environment and continue to develop, so that the Cai family could start all over again.


In the Dongfang family, Qin Lang, who had recovered from his wounds, was invited to the living room by his old Dongfang Zhilan to talk about things.

Seeing Qin Lang walk into the living room, Dongfang Zhilan said quietly: "Because of the retreat, I failed to take good care of the distinguished guests this time, and let Daoist Qin Lang take such a dangerous situation, Dongfang Zhilan is very ashamed."

"That duel is my own decision, and it has nothing to do with the Dongfang family." Qin Lang waved his hand, expressing that he didn't mind. "However, now that the ancestor of the Cai family has escaped, we have to ask the Dongfang family for help, and use the family's relationship in Fengcheng to search for this person's trace."

"Okay, the ancestor of the Cai family broke the rules on the stage of martial arts, and also swept away the face of the four major families in Fengcheng. Now the four major families in Fengcheng will not let this old guy go. I heard that the Nangong family has invited out of the family who are good at A master of tracking, prepare to lead a team to chase this person and capture the ancestor of the Cai family."

"That's good." Qin Lang nodded. Now that the ancestor of the Cai family has escaped, it seems that he can only use external help to kill this old guy.

Thinking of something at this time, he couldn't help asking: "Fellow Dongfang, I wonder if this retreat will be rewarding, have you made a breakthrough?" No baby breakout.

"Hey, the little girl is incompetent, and I still haven't accumulated enough for the time being, so I left the customs early."

Dongfang Zhilan sighed quietly, Nascent Soul stage is so easy to break through, even though she has eaten a baby fruit, which can reduce the difficulty of conceiving babies by 20.00%, but if she wants to break through and enter the Nascent Soul stage, she still needs to continue to accumulate.

(End of this chapter)

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