The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1154 Dongfang Zhilan's Cooperation Invitation

Chapter 1154 Dongfang Zhilan's Cooperation Invitation

"That's right. There is a common saying in Qinghe Continent. It is easy to form an alchemy, but difficult to make a nascent soul! This sentence is exactly the truth."

"Think about it, there are tens of thousands of monks at the alchemy stage in the entire Qinghe continent, but there are very few monks who have really reached the level of the Nascent Soul stage, maybe less than one percent."

Qin Lang also sighed. It seems that since he entered Qinghe Continent, he has never seen a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage until now!


Dongfang Zhilan nodded, feeling the same way.

In fact, this is not the first time she has retreated to attack the Nascent Soul stage. Before this retreat, she has also attacked twice, and this time should be the third time.

The third time to hit the Nascent Soul Stage, plus the effect of the Nascent Soul Fruit in the body is still effective, which can reduce the difficulty of conceiving babies by 20.00%, but in the end, this time it still failed, so it can be seen that the Nascent Soul Stage is really not easy to break through .

However, Dongfang Zhilan was not discouraged, she knew that it was nothing if she failed to hit the Nascent Soul stage three times.

In fact, the number of such failures is relatively small. In the mainland, there were Dzogchen monks in the late stage of alchemy who attacked ten times, and there was no precedent for more than twenty times.

If you fail ten or twenty times, the resources you spend might be piled up into a hill!Cultivation is a process of consuming resources and competing with the heavens for their fate. If they cannot compete with the heavens, they will only turn into a stick of loess in the end.

This is also something that can’t be helped. In fact, the end of the life of many alchemy stage monks in Qinghe Continent is the Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy, and their lifespan is no more than a thousand years.

At this time, Dongfang Zhilan signaled the servants next to him to serve tea. She knew that Qin Lang was good at tea, so she smiled and said, "This time, the Dongfang family just picked a few catties of Longquan. You can taste the tea and see if it is different from the tea you have drunk in the past." what is the difference."

"Oh, that's just right." Qin Lang's eyes lit up, waiting for the servants to bring the good tea.

The two of them were already seated at this time, there was only one Fengxian table in this hall, and ebony benches were placed around it, Qin Lang and Dongfang Zhilan sat down at the two ends of the host and guest.

At this time, the servants had already brought up all the tea sets. What a big copper teapot. It is antique and has a unique shape. It is thicker than the waist of a big fat man. It takes two people to carry it forward. It weighs a hundred catties.

The mouth of the teapot is a long crane beak. This teapot is a bit like all the teapots of Chinese Kung Fu Tea, but the weight is much heavier than the teapot of Kung Fu Tea. When it is filled with tea, it will weigh at least five or six hundred catties.

"Longquan tea, the tea leaves are fresh and tender leaves from Longquan Mountain. The water for making tea is also collected from the mountain spring where Longquan Mountain is located. It has been frozen into ice cubes and transported directly to Fengcheng."

"This kind of tea is all about freshness and tenderness. It tastes sweet and has a special aftertaste." Dongfang Zhilan explained.

At this time, the servants had already started to put the tea set on the table, first cleaned the cup with boiling spring water, and then repeated it twice, the exquisite Yehua porcelain cup began to feel hot, and then poured out the hot water in the cup.

Anyone who understands tea knows that the first brew of tea is not drinkable, only the clean cup is used, and the second pot of tea is usually drunk.

After the tea is served, the lid of the tea is opened, and a slight fragrance comes out. The tea leaves in the tea are actually swimming like living things, like small fish in the spring water.

"This Longquan tea is really magical." Qin Lang took a sip at this time, and found that as the tea entered his throat, a small amount of spiritual energy entered the body, directly transformed into vitality, and was absorbed by the body.He couldn't help sighing: "A good tea actually has the effect equivalent to Jingqi Dan. This Longquan tea is probably not comparable to other teas in the world."

"This is spiritual tea." Dongfang Zhilan said with a slight smile, "There are only three spiritual tea trees in Longquan Mountain, which have always belonged to Fengcheng, so every year our four major families can get a certain percentage of quota, and we are usually reluctant to drink it. It is used to entertain distinguished guests."

"Fellow Daoist Qin Lang is a distinguished guest of our Dongfang family. If the Longquan tea leaves in previous years had not been exhausted, this tea would have been used to entertain you fellow Daoist. Now that the new tea arrives, I will naturally let you taste it first."

"Fellow Daoist Dongfang has a heart." Qin Lang nodded, continued to enjoy a sip, and then asked: "Fellow Daoist summoned me suddenly, shouldn't it be just for the trivial matter of inviting me to drink tea?"

"It is indeed something that I want to ask fellow daoists for help." Dongfang Zhilan nodded.

"What's the matter? Let's hear it."

"Fellow Daoist Qin Lang fought with the patriarch of the Cai family in the arena of the Martial Arts Arena. At that time, the patriarch of the Cai family used the means of attacking ghosts, but fellow Daoist Qin Lang was unafraid. Permanent injury, this matter should be right?" Dongfang Zhilan asked with a smile.

"It's true, I don't know how fellow Daoist Dongfang knows." Qin Lang was very curious at this moment. When he was fighting the ancestor of the Cai family, it seemed that Dongfang Zhilan was in seclusion. Could it be that this female cultivator has clairvoyance?

"Hehe, the little girl doesn't have clairvoyance." Dongfang Zhilan seemed to know what Qin Lang was thinking, and then continued: "The little girl also heard the description of Nangong Wenqing, a Taoist friend of the Nangong family, so she knew."

"Oh, so that's how it is." Qin Lang immediately understood that the four major families in Fengcheng had always been closely related. Although Dongfang Zhilan was in seclusion, it was not surprising that she got news from Nangong Wenqing after leaving the seclusion.

"Nangong Wenqing recounted that the fire fired by Fellow Daoist Daoist at that time should not be the real fire from the dantian. According to the color of the flame, it should be the strange fire from the cultivation world. I wonder if this guess is correct?" Dongfang Zhilan said. time asked.

"This one……"

The fire of Kanli has always been Qin Lang's secret, and he has always kept it a secret. Unexpectedly, when he appeared in the ring this time, people would see the root of the fire, which Qin Lang could not predict now.

So now he hesitated, should he nod.

And Dongfang Zhilan smiled slightly at this time: "Fellow Daoist Qin Lang, don't worry, no matter whether you have such a strange fire on you, the Dongfang family will not tell outsiders. If you really have this kind of strange fire on you, Dongfang The family would like to ask Fellow Daoist for a favor."

"Oh, what a big help." Qin Lang asked curiously.

"So, Fellow Daoist Qin Lang does have the fire of Kanli."

"That's right." Qin Lang nodded, since he couldn't hide it, he might as well admit it, after all, Dongfang Zhilan had promised not to reveal Qin Lang's secrets.

"That's good." Dongfang Zhilan said with a smile on her face, "There are three kinds of flames in this cultivation world, namely sky fire, earth fire, and human fire. Alchemy is the most common kind of fire, which is a kind of real fire stimulated by Dantian."

"And there are higher levels of ordinary fire in the world, namely the sky fire and the earth fire. There is no need to think about the sky fire. The level is too high. It is estimated that it is difficult to find it in the entire cultivation world, so I won't go into details."

"The position of Earth Fire in the cultivation world is not high or low. Although it is rare, it still exists. As long as you have the heart, you can always encounter it. Generally speaking, a monk can encounter a mass of Earth Fire, whether it is refining weapons, alchemy or talismans. The level will improve by leaps and bounds, and this kind of flame, which is much higher than ordinary fire, is of great help to monks."

"Among the 1 monks in the Qinghe Continent, almost one monk has the opportunity to own the Earth Fire. However, it is generally an ordinary Earth Fire, and the ranking is relatively low. And the Taoist has the top [-] Earth Fires on the Earth Fire List." The Fire of Kanli is really luck, could it be that Fellow Daoist Qin Lang was able to become a refining master at a young age, presumably this ball of earth fire will be of great help."

"Since Fellow Daoist Qin Lang has the Fire of Kanli on him, it just so happens that our Dongfang family has a lot of refining materials, so this time we want to use the Fire of Kanli on Qin Lang to refine a batch of magic weapons. Can’t agree? The Dongfang family has decided to reciprocate and benefit fellow Daoist Qin Lang!”

After speaking, Dongfang Zhilan looked at Qin Lang expectantly.

"Refining?" Qin Lang was stunned, and said, "But among the three kinds of alchemy, talisman, and weapon, I only know how to make alchemy, and I have a rough knowledge of making talismans, but my level of refining is not very good!"

"It doesn't matter. The leader of the refining is a senior refining master of our Dongfang family. Fellow Daoist Qin Lang only needs to provide fire support at that time." Dongfang Zhilan said with a smile: "I believe that Fellow Daoist Qin Lang has experience in alchemy and talisman making. Body, this ability to manipulate the temperature and precision of the flame cannot be replaced by others, and it should not be a big problem to assist our Dongfang family's senior refiner to refine the weapon."

"That's true." Qin Lang nodded.

"So, fellow Taoist Qin Lang agreed?"

"Well, it's okay, I can also gain some experience in refining weapons by participating in the whole process of your Dongfang family's refining process." Qin Lang nodded and agreed.

"That's great. As for the reward for participating in this refinement, the Dongfang family will not treat fellow Daoist Qin Lang badly. This time, the family has a total of more than 100 magic weapons to be refined. At that time, these refined magic weapons can be obtained by Daoists. You can freely choose two pieces as a reward."

"More than 100 magic weapons? Oh my god!" Qin Lang was startled when he heard it. This is not a rhythm that would be exhausting. He regretted that he promised too early.

"Why, isn't the reward too low? Don't let me make the decision. Let the fellow Taoist choose one more! You can't choose any more. These refining materials are all Dongfang family's inventory for many years, and the grade of the magic weapon refined is absolutely low. No, Fellow Daoist Qin Lang will definitely not lose money." Dongfang Zhilan thought that Qin Lang thought the salary was too low, so she took the initiative to add a magic weapon as a promise.

"Okay!" Qin Lang agreed with a paralyzed face. Now that he has agreed, he can't go back on his word. I hope he won't be exhausted during the refining process this time.

However, my level of refining weapons is the same as that of formation techniques, which is very ordinary. It's just a good time to see the methods of senior weapon refining masters of the Dongfang family, learn some experience, and lay a solid foundation for my own weapon refining in the future.

After all, when it comes to refining weapons in the comprehension world, maybe everyone knows it second-hand, but this thing is easy to learn but difficult to master, and it is too difficult to do well.

Artifact refining is the same as alchemy, it requires a lot of hard work and practice, and a lot of resources to accumulate... There are tens of thousands of practitioners who know alchemy in the mainland, but most of them are at the apprentice level of three-legged cats. It is rare to be able to advance to the alchemist level.

(End of this chapter)

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