Chapter 1156

"This idiot's crafting skill is indeed good, but it always feels like it's almost something to let him take the lead."

Nangong Jian stroked the beard on his chin and pondered for a while.

Then turning his head, this little old man who looked inconspicuous in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, smiled and said to Qin Lang: "Sirius boy, since you have agreed to the Dongfang family's refining commission, why don't you count us as a member of the Nangong family? Whatever reward the Dongfang family will give you, what our Nangong family will also reward you."

"You need to use your Nangong family to refine the weapon? My God, the Dongfang family alone has more than 100 magic weapons waiting to be refined. If you add your Nangong family, it will be at least double the amount. I will sooner or later I'm going to die of exhaustion in the refining workshop." Qin Lang patted his forehead and said depressedly.

"Well, hehe, refining one hundred magic weapons is refining, and refining two hundred magic weapons is also refining, aren't they all the same?" Nangong Jian rubbed his hands and laughed.

He knows too much about Kanli's fire, and it is precisely because he understands that such a rare fire that ranks high on the ground fire list is rare, he has to pull down his face and continue to negotiate with Qin Lang.

"Besides, don't you think that idiot from the Dongfang family is very boring? In this way, our Nangong family will also produce a high-level equipment refiner, who will refine weapons with that idiot Dongfang Qingmu, and the boy Sirius can only concentrate on manipulating How about the flame controlling the heat, and nothing else?"

"Your family also sent a senior craftsman over here, wouldn't he have the same personality as this Dongfang Qingmu?"

Qin Lang looked at Dongfang Qingmu who was still wandering in the hall, and his tone was a little loose.

He thought, dealing with autistic patients is indeed difficult. If a senior craftsman is the leader of this crafting activity, it will be much easier.

"Hehe, the level of the craftsman in our family is not lower than that of Dongfang Qingmu, so you can rest assured." Nangong Jian smiled and promised.

At this time, Dongfang Zhilan interrupted and asked: "Grandpa Jian, did you send your grandson to participate in this refining? Your grandson, Uncle Nangong Wentian, is indeed better than Uncle Qingmu of our family."

"That's right, it was Nangong Wentian who came here. He is a family craftsman I trained since childhood. He was promoted to a senior craftsman 30 years ago, ten years earlier than the idiot Dongfang Qingmu!"

Nangong Jian's grandson is a Dzogchen monk in the late stage of alchemy. He is about the same age as Dongfang Qingmu, and he is also a genius in crafting.

"Okay, I agree on behalf of Fellow Daoist Sirius! However, the refining location must be carried out in the refining workshop of our Dongfang family. You Nangong family can bring your own materials. When the time comes, our two families will The materials were sacrificed separately."

Dongfang Zhilan and Nangong Jian made up their minds at this time, then turned around, and asked Qin Lang with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Sirius, do you think it is feasible for me to make such a decision?"

"It's up to you." Qin Lang shrugged, since Dongfang Zhilan had already taken over the work for him, he still had nothing to say.

There is no way to do it now. It is estimated that the amount of refining materials needs to be more than doubled. If you are tired, you will be a little tired. Fortunately, there is a lot of refining experience to get. Thinking about it is worth it.

Before, he was indeed a little reluctant.

But after thinking about it, now that the materials have increased, he can also get a lot of refining experience, and he can get close to another super family in Fengcheng, the Nangong Family, so it doesn't matter.

In this world, there is no shortage of human relations between monks. If there is communication between the two parties, it may be convenient for me to rely on these relationships in the future.

"Okay, then it's settled." Nangong Jian patted the table at this moment, and said cheerfully.

"Well, it's definitely decided like this." Dongfang Zhilan also nodded. "Okay, it's rare for Grandpa Jian to come to our Dongfang family, let's continue drinking tea, I'll ask the servants to bring some more snacks."

Dongfang Zhilan clapped her hands, and the servants left as ordered, and soon a large number of fruit plate snacks came up.

At this time, the few people began to chat about some household and cultivation matters, and Dongfang Zhilan's recent impact on the Nascent Soul Stage was not going well, and she also accumulated some problems, so she happened to ask Nangong Jian, a senior figure, for advice.

It's not easy to see Nangong Jian at ordinary times, but now this is just a chance to seize it, such an opportunity can't be wasted.

While Nangongjian was drinking tea, he casually pointed out the maze to Dongfang Zhilan. Some key points that he hadn't noticed in his cultivation were also pointed out by Nangongjian, a veteran monk in the middle stage of Yuanying.

Although the pointing is very casual, but it is enlightening to others.

At this time, Dongfang Zhilan suddenly realized what shortcomings she still has and what needs to be improved under the guidance of the teacher. I believe that the next time she retreats again to hit the Nascent Soul Stage, the success rate will be much higher.

And Qin Lang is also listening attentively. The problems encountered by Dongfang Zhilan in his cultivation are also the problems he may encounter in the future. Hearing the experience of the old seniors will help him a lot. Yes, I took a lesson and learned a lot.

Many things that Nangongjian told Dongfang Zhilan are the foundation of cultivation, and he is not afraid of Qin Lang hearing it. In fact, he also has the idea of ​​making friends with Qin Lang, a distinguished guest of the Dongfang family. It would be even better if Qin Lang could also become a distinguished guest of the Nangong family. up.

Therefore, the little old man explained very carefully. Some professional terms in practice can be understood by people from a big family like the Dongfang family, but casual cultivators with weak foundations like Qin Lang can’t understand them. At this time, Nangong Jian will He spoke very carefully, stripping out details and problems bit by bit.

This time the tea party became an on-site teaching. Not only Dongfang Zhilan, but also Qin Lang benefited a lot. Qin Lang felt that what he learned from Nangong Jian could make it easier for him to attack the realm in the future, and avoided a lot of resources and energy. waste.

This teaching was undoubtedly a very successful move, and Nangongjian also narrowed the relationship with Qin Lang by virtue of the teaching.

At least now, Qin Lang's favorability towards the Nangong family has increased a lot, and some of the previous complaints are now completely gone. Now he has some interest in cooperating with the two companies' refining equipment, instead of taking this task completely as before. A chore.

Before leaving, Nangong Jian approached Qin Lang and whispered: "I heard that Sirius is a good tea person, and Longquan tea is a good tea... Our Nangong family also has some. Ask someone to give a copy to Xiaoyou, please accept it."

"You're welcome." Qin Lang said with a chuckle, although this Nangong Jian is an old monster in the mid-Yuanying period, he doesn't have the airs of a big man at all, just like an ordinary old man, he has no pressure to talk to such a person.

"Then it's settled!" Nangong Jian patted Qin Lang's shoulder three times with a smile, and led Nangong Wenqing away from the Dongfang family.

Looking at the back of Nangong Jian and Nangong Wenqing leaving, Dongfang Zhilan's previous haze of not being successful in rushing to Guan Yuanying disappeared. At this moment, she relaxed and joked: "It's great that Daoist Qin Lang can get a close relationship with the old Patriarch of the Nangong family. Blessings! This cooperation, fellow Daoist, can be said to have both ways!"

"Hehe." Qin Lang smiled and continued to drink tea. Longquan tea is really good. One cup of tea is almost equivalent to the effect of two Jingqi pills. He has already refilled three or four cups. The more he drinks this tea, the more he feels It feels more energetic.


The Nangong family's actions were very fast. The next day, Nangong Wentian, the senior craftsman of the Nangong family, brought a large amount of materials from the Nangong family.

This is a tall, thin monk with a similar build to Dongfang Qingmu. Like the ancestor of the Nangong family, this guy also has a mustache.

For this Nangong Wentian, Qin Lang is a little bit happy, because this guy is completely two extremes with his ancestors, Nangong's hometown is so high-level and so approachable, he does not hesitate to get along with Qin Lang.

As for the grandson of the old Patriarch Nangong, since he came to the Dongfang family, he has always looked up at the sky, and no one looks down on him.

After coming to the Dongfang family, it seems that he only said one sentence: "I am Nangong Wentian, this time I will lead the refining of the two families, with the help of Taoist friend Dongfang Qingmu, and friend Daoist Sirius only provide the tools for Kanli. Fire, just make sure the flame is stable! In the next few hours, you have to keep up your spirits, don't delay my work, that's all."

After saying this, he rested on his own, and never communicated with Qin Lang and Dongfang Qingmu again, and he didn't know whether he was too confident or what was going on.

Dongfang Qingmu is an autistic patient, so he doesn't need to care about these things, but Qin Lang is a normal person. Dongfang Wentian put himself aside so directly, as if looking down on others, and always feels a little uncomfortable in his heart.

However, if you are unhappy, Qin Lang is still very gracious and doesn't care about anything. After all, he has agreed to the request of the old Patriarch of Nangong, and now he is providing Kanli's fire to help the two refiners. Now he really has to follow his promise.

Three hours later, several people entered the Dongfang family's refining workshop.

Looking around, Nangong Wentian frowned and said: "This crafting workshop is too simple, there are not many necessary tools, and only Dongfang Qingmu can do this. Fortunately, I have foreseen that the family The set of tools in the middle is also brought over.”

Nangong Wentian began to direct the servants who came from the family to arrange the materials one by one, and then asked Qin Lang and Dongfang Qingmu to place his set of refining tools, and directed the two of them to follow the command of the batch The servants are no different.

"Put this one here, that one there, that wolf, you put it in the wrong place... Idiot Aoki, wake up, you are too slow! Hurry up, everyone, don't dawdle, your uncle and my time are precious! "

With his hands behind his back, Nangong Wentian commanded everyone on the field by remote control, without any awareness of doing it himself.

Dongfang Aoki didn't say anything, as it involved refining equipment, it would be no problem for him to do everything by himself, so he quickly began to work mechanically.

But seeing Nangong Wentian's attitude of taking care of everything, and not caring about other people's feelings at all, so defiant, Qin Lang secretly shook his head.

This guy described himself, but he was right. He was pulling like two to five to eighty thousand. He was indeed a gentleman. Whoever serves this kind of person is really the same as serving a gentleman.

(End of this chapter)

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