The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1157 The Powerful Use of Kanli's Fire

Chapter 1157 The Powerful Use of Kanli's Fire

Qin Lang naturally couldn't understand Nangong Wentian's arrogance and arrogance.

But refining is the real business, since you have accepted the task of refining this time, let's just make do with it!

Although he felt a little unhappy, Qin Lang still did his work conscientiously, and did not slow down his work. Together with Dongfang Qingmu, he helped those servants reorganize the entire refining workshop.

After the Dongfang family's refining workshop was sorted out, those servants of the Nangong family were sent back by Dongfang Wentian, but the next refining project was not accessible to these servants. If they still stayed here, Nangong asked Tian felt that these servants would disturb his refining.

That's right!Refining is a delicate job, crowded people and too much noise will affect the success rate of refining.

At this time, Nangong Wentian took a look at the brand-new Artifact Refining Workshop, and nodded: "This is what it looks like, it was too simple before! It completely affects the performance! Alright, now that the preparations are complete, we can start refining Artifacts."

"This time I'm the leader of the entire refining process; Idiot Aoki, you assist me; what kind of wolf, you just concentrate on lighting your flames, don't make any mistakes! I can't imagine that you, a casual cultivator, would have such good luck. There's a fire that's gone."

Smacking his lips, Nangong Wentian looked at Qin Lang with a hint of envy. If he could also have such a strange fire, he might have already advanced to become a master craftsman.

"Okay, everyone is in place. This time the refining task is heavy. More than 200 magic weapons are waiting for us to refine. Everyone should be careful not to make mistakes during the refining process and make the materials scrapped."

"About the specific refining method... two, you see, if it is an ordinary refining method, it may take at least a month to complete the refining of these more than 200 magic weapons, and the efficiency is very slow, but this time I They brought the Nangong family's great refining tool, which is the set of refining tools in front of them, including compound refining furnaces, parts casting molds, and various frosted spiritual tools."

"This compound refining furnace can put eight pieces of magic weapon embryo materials at the same time, and uniformly carry out flame transmission. It is also the latest technology of the Nangong family. It is the only one in the entire Fengcheng."

Nangong Wentian patted the compound refining furnace in front of him, very proud. You must know that the set of tools he brought was completely designed by himself.

It's a pity that there is no such thing as patented technology in this world, otherwise, with Nangong Wentian's character, he would definitely go to the Cultivator's Association to apply for a patent.

"Okay, now I will introduce to you how to use this set of tools. Don't wait for the refining tool to start, you two don't know how to use them yet, you see..." Nangong Wentian began to demonstrate at this time, The specific functions of this set of refining tools are displayed one by one.

Then, after a while, I felt that the basic introduction was almost done. Nangong Wentian said: "Now that everyone understands, let's start working. Idiot Aoki, you are in charge of casting and refining the parts of the magic weapon. That wolf, you are in charge of compound refining." For the firepower delivery of the furnace, remember to follow my arrangement at any time. If I tell you to increase the firepower, you should increase the firepower. If I tell you to reduce the firepower, you should reduce the firepower. The speed must be fast, and there is no hesitation. Do you hear me? "

"Okay." Qin Lang nodded, even though he was a bit annoyed at the fact that Nangong Wentian, an arrogant guy, had not been able to call out his pseudonym, he still responded to this guy seriously.

There is no way, Qin Lang is a quality person, since he has accepted the task of refining, he has to complete it carefully, no matter how upset he is at the moment, he can only hold back.

And Dongfang Qingmu also picked up the spirit casting tools. After entering the refining workshop, the autistic patient actually returned to his soul and stopped distracting, which also surprised Qin Lang.

The current Dongfang Qingmu looks much more normal than outside, his eyes are much brighter in his working state, he has heard Nangong Wentian's orders and requirements clearly, and he is also earnestly doing them.

"Okay!" Seeing that Dongfang Qingmu and Qin Lang were both abiding by the rules, Nangong Wentian began to distribute materials at this time, and asked Qin Lang and Dongfang Qingmu to put some of the main melting materials into the compound refining furnace.

"Okay, what wolf, you can input the flame of Kanli's fire into the compound refining furnace! Now you need to increase the firepower, the bigger the better, try your best to transport it as much as you can, first put the flame in the compound refining furnace Let’s talk about melting all the metal materials.”

Nangong Wentian commanded Qin Lang and began to ignite the entire compound refining furnace.

This special compound refining furnace is actually a high-grade magic weapon, and now it has become as big as a boiler, accounting for one-third of the entire refining workshop space.

The materials for the eight magic weapons are now laid out in the eight compartments of the compound refining furnace, and Qin Lang is sending the flame of the Kanli Fire into the compound refining furnace through the fire gate of the base.

When the small group of Kanli's fire appeared from the palm of his hand, it was only the size of a soybean, but under the transmission of Qin Lang's true energy, coupled with the increased arc of firepower from the ten-direction god fire cauldron, it suddenly became the size of a kangaroo, and penetrated In the refining furnace.

After a shock, the refining array of the compound refining furnace was activated, and the pattern restrictions on the surface of the refining furnace were also activated one by one, and lit up one by one.

"Good! Good! That's it, good, continue to increase the firepower!"

Nangong Wentian showed excitement, this Kanli fire was really powerful, the temperature of the flame was several times higher than his own refining fire.

Moreover, the initial temperature in the refining furnace rises quickly, just in line with my requirements. If I use ordinary real fire to refine the weapon, I am afraid that now I have to wait for half an hour just to preheat the inside of the refining furnace. .

In ten minutes, Qin Lang's fire of Kanli had been stimulated to the maximum in the compound refining furnace, and in the induction of spiritual sense, he could sense that the metal materials in the furnace were like wax blocks, slowly melting, melting For metal juice.

As for Nangong Wentian, at this time he was no longer an uncle, and he began to personally refine the weapon. He is the leader of the weapon refining. Clouds of metal juice began to construct the magic weapon embryo.

This time, the magic weapons that the Dongfang family and the Nangong family need to refine are not low-grade, but many of them have the same style, so they have already been grouped into different categories.

Magic weapons of the same type that need to be refined are grouped together for refining. Now the eight refining materials in the compound refining furnace are actually exactly the same.

Nangong Wentian deserved to be a Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy, and he was able to divide his spiritual consciousness into eight parts at the same time, and deal with the liquid metal ball wrapped in each of them separately.

Slowly, after processing the metal liquid ball into the shape he wanted, Nangong Wentian began to shout again: "What kind of wolf, reduce the firepower transmission, now only one-fifth of the effect of the flame just now is enough .”

"Okay!" Qin Lang was also concentrating at this time, completely carrying out Nangong Wentian's order.

Although he was not a complete layman when it came to crafting, he was limited to one or two hands and feet. So Nangong Wentian, a senior craftsman, said what the senior craftsman said, and he did it, and carried out the order meticulously.

"Not bad." Nangong Wentian was surprised, and Qin Lang's ability to manipulate the flames changed freely, so he couldn't help admiring.

The refining of the first batch of magic weapon embryos went surprisingly smoothly, and they were still glowing red after they came out of the furnace. Under Nangong Wentian's command, Dongfang Qingmu also started beating with spiritual tools at this time, removing these embryos that had just come out of the furnace. Embryos take shape.

"Okay, the baby embryo still needs to be polished for a while, I can do this kind of delicate work, idiot Aoki, you can build other parts, here are the parts blueprints.

As the leader of the refining tool this time, Nangong Wentian took over the most important job of polishing the magic weapon embryos at this time, and he also started to get serious. Looking at the way he polished those embryos, it can be seen that he is very professional.

As expected of a high-level craftsman, Qin Lang started to smelt the second batch of materials with Kanli's fire at this time. While delivering firepower, he still had the energy to watch Nangong Wentian's crafting operation.

Qin Lang gained a lot from watching the high-level craftsman crafting crafts at this time. Many common senses of crafting that he had seen before were verified one by one during the crafting process of Nangong Wentian and Dongfang Qingmu.

This not only deepened the understanding of weapon refining knowledge, but also gained a lot of training experience and proficiency. Qin Lang felt that in just a few minutes, he had almost been promoted from a beginner to an apprentice.

After a while, the materials in the second furnace were also melted into a liquid. At this time, Nangong Wentian took the melted liquid from these materials and fused it with some forged castings.

After the fusion, it was thrown to Dongfang Aoki: "Idiot, adjust these fused castings again to make them more standard, you can do it, here is the blueprint." Along with the thrown parts, there is also a blueprint, Just about the specifications of the magic weapon parts that are needed this time.

Thus, Dongfang Qingmu started mechanical work again, and Nangong Wentian managed to fuse all the second materials, so he took the time to breathe a sigh of relief.

It is time-consuming and labor-intensive for a craftsman to refine crafts. Fortunately, this compound alchemy furnace saves most of his energy, and he has two good helpers, so Nangong Wentian refined eight magic weapons at the same time. , It's just a little bit difficult, it's not that it can't be done.

Of course, without this new compound refining furnace, he really wouldn't be able to complete the heaven-defying feat of refining eight magic weapons at the same time. In fact, he has never tried this in the Nangong family.

After that, there are two steps of embryo immersion and over-cooling. The water of the cold pool is used to cool the magic weapon embryo. Of course, it is not impossible to use ordinary water to complete the task, but the effect of cold pool water is better.

This kind of cold water with spirituality can maximize the spirituality of the magic weapon embryo, so that the quality of the refined magic weapon is the best.

(End of this chapter)

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