The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1158 Change of Attitude

Chapter 1158 Change of Attitude

The steps of refining the magic weapon are very complicated, a total of [-] steps. Nangong Wentian is really capable. As the leader of this time, he has been orderly ordering Qin Lang and Dongfang Qingmu to cooperate with him .

The three of them did not make any mistakes during the refining process of the first batch of magic weapon. Even so, it took nearly two hours for the first batch of magic weapon to be released.

Because the steps are complicated, the magic weapon embryo and parts need to be polished to meet the standard. After assembly, it needs a third time of fire and water before it is truly completed.

After finishing refining this batch of magic weapons, the three of them were a little tired.

Especially as the leader of the refining tool, Nangong Wentian has fine white sweat all over his body. The mental and physical strength required to manipulate the refining process is really too great, even if he is a Dzogchen monk in the late stage of alchemy. Can't bear it.

Compared with Nangong Wentian, Dongfang Qingmu and Qin Lang's work tasks are much more single, and they need to spend a lot less mind, so they are not so strenuous.

Especially Qin Lang, although he may be responsible for the delivery of firepower, he knows in his heart that he is probably the most relaxed among the three.

Why?Because what I transported was Kanli's fire, which is an optimized special flame, and it has the effect of increasing the arc of ten times the fire ability of the Ten Fangshenhuo Cauldron, so although I need to transport the fire all the time, the consumption is not very big .

During the ignition process, Qin Lang's relaxed expression has always surprised Nangong Wentian, but now his main energy is spent on refining the weapon, so he didn't think much about it.

At this time, everyone swallowed some qi-invigorating elixirs to restore some lost physical strength and energy, and Qin Lang also swallowed a few qi-invigorating elixirs to replenish the slightly used qi.

After that, the second round of magic weapon refining started again.

This time, the Dongfang family and the Nangong family jointly refined more than 200 pieces of magic weapons, and the task was heavy. Even if Nangong Wentian, Qin Lang, and Dongfang Qingmu worked tirelessly, they could refine four rounds of magic weapons at most in one day, that is, 24 pieces.

With the refining speed of four rounds of magic weapon in a day, it is estimated that it will take at least ten days to successfully complete the tasks of the two families.

However, this refining speed is relatively reluctant, and the energy, mental effort, and true energy required to refine the magic weapon are too great. It is impossible for a person not to be tired, rest, or consume. Cultivators are also humans, but they are more powerful than ordinary people. The resistance to fatigue is many times stronger.

Therefore, with the four rounds of magic weapon refining speed in a day, it is estimated that everyone can persist in the first one or two days, and then they will not be able to sustain it slowly.

In fact, as expected, the first day of magic weapon refining went through four rounds, and all three of them managed to survive.As for Nangong Wentian, who is in charge of the refinery, his mind was the most exhausted, his face became a little pale, and when he was resting, his whole body trembled slightly.

This is the result of excessive use of the mind, the exhaustion of the mind was too great, Nangong Wentian had to rely on a large amount of pills to supplement the consumption of the body, fortunately this time the refining equipment was fully prepared, and there was no shortage of pills for a while.

The elixir can only replenish the consumed vitality and a small amount of spiritual consciousness, but it will take some time to restore physical strength, which is impossible.

Moreover, Nangong Wentian only has a small amount of Yiyuan Pill on his body, unlike Qin Lang who has a better pill "Fushen Pill" to supplement his spiritual consciousness.

In terms of supplementing the consumption of spiritual consciousness, although Yiyuan Pill is good, it is still less effective than the "Fu Shen Pill", which is close to the top-grade spirit pill.

But even if it was Yiyuan Pill, Nangong Wentian had to save it now. The number of magic weapons needed to be refined in this refining activity was too large, and the Yiyuan Pill on his body was limited, so he had to do this.

After the first day of refining the magic weapon, the four of them took a good rest for a round of meditation. This time, they rested for three hours, not only recovering their physical strength and energy, but also replenishing the consumption of their spiritual consciousness. A body that has been hungry for a day at a time.

Although the cultivation base has reached the level of alchemy, it is almost ready to fast, but if conditions permit, most monks still like to eat and drink normally like ordinary people. This is not only to enjoy life, but also one of the few joys of monks.

After eating, drinking, and drinking, the next day's refining of the magic weapon was carried out immediately. Such a high-intensity refining process is rare in the cultivation world. If it was replaced by a normal person's mentality, it would have collapsed early.

On the second and third days, the magic weapon still went through four rounds of refining. Compared with the first day, the three of them worked harder, which was mainly reflected in the energy, energy, and energy spent on Nangong Wentian, the leader of the refining weapon. More and more exhausting. .

After the two days were over, the recovery time took even longer.

On the fourth day, after three rounds of refining the magic weapon, it could no longer go on, and Nangong Wentian was even more out of breath.

On the fifth day, the refining of the magic weapon has been reduced to three rounds per day, and the recovery time has been longer. However, Nangong Wentian's mind is exhausted, and he is a little staggering when walking in the refining workshop. A little vain.

On the sixth day, there were still three rounds of magic weapon refining, and by the time of the third round, Nangong Wentian's fatigue had accumulated to a certain level, and he made mistakes in his busy schedule. He almost fell into the compound refining furnace during the refining process. Fortunately, Qin Lang saw the opportunity quickly and pulled the guy back.

"Thank you...thank you." For the first time, this guy who was so proud actually said thank you to Qin Lang.

This is also a few days of contact. Nangong Wentian found that Qin Lang is not an easy guy. Although he only lights a fire every day, he is extremely skilled in manipulating the flames. Moreover, he has not made any mistakes for so many days. He couldn't help but take a high look at the background of the mid-term super knot pill.

Therefore, Nangong Wentian also gradually accepted Qin Lang, and the tone of his speech was also treated as an equal, instead of the incomparably arrogant tone before.

"Hehe, it's nothing, just pay more attention. It seems that this round of refining is over, and fellow Daoist Nangong Wentian needs to recover for a while. It's best to stop work for a day to fully recover the spiritual consciousness that has been consumed too much."

"Yeah, this is the first time I have experienced such a large-scale refining. The consumption of consciousness, energy, and physical strength is too intense, and I didn't expect it before."

"Today's round of refining is over, it seems that we really have to take a good rest and stop work for a day! Otherwise, there is no way to continue." Nangong Wentian also nodded, deeply agreeing.

"By the way, I haven't asked the real name of my fellow daoist in the past few days." Nangong Wentian thought of this at this time, and said to Qin Lang embarrassedly.

It was because Nangong Wentian really looked down on Qin Lang, who was born as a casual cultivator, but now Qin Lang has proved himself through a few days, so Nangong Wentian also put down his airs at this time and began to ask about Qin Lang's name.

In this way, Nangong Wentian didn't need to continue barking like a wolf, which was also a kind of disrespect to Qin Lang.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Nangong Wentian doing this. This world respects strength, and the strong look down on the weak, which is also the norm in Qinghe Continent. He has such a character.

Regarding the character of Nangong Wentian, Qin Lang actually has nothing to say. After all, he worked together in the same craftsman workshop. The reason for this refining activity is because I want to gain some experience in refining, and there are still a few days of hard work ahead, so I ask Fellow Daoist Nangong to give me some advice."

"Oh, okay." Nangong Wentian nodded.

Qin Lang is indeed a novice in terms of refining weapons, and he can tell through these few days of observation, but Qin Lang is very proficient in manipulating flames, which makes him feel very strange.

Nangong Wentian didn't know that Qin Lang was a master of alchemy, if he knew this, he wouldn't feel so strange.

In fact, it was also because Qin Lang asked the Dongfang family to keep his identity secret. Therefore, the news that Qin Lang was a master of alchemy was not spread by the Dongfang family. It is normal for outsiders not to know Qin Lang's true identity.

If it weren't for Qin Lang's accidental display of his fire in the martial arts arena, I'm afraid the Nangong family would never have come to ask Qin Lang for help, and there would have been no such large-scale refining activity.

When things drink and peck, there is God's will in the dark, which is also the ingenuity of nothing changing in the world.

After the third round of refining on the sixth day, Nangong Wentian really decided that everyone should stop and take a day off.

This is also something that can't be helped, I'm too tired now, I have to stop and rest.

The three of them did not leave the refining workshop, but swallowed the elixir in the refining workshop, meditated, and recovered the exhausted physical strength and energy.

As for the consumption of spiritual consciousness, Nangong Wentian touched his body, and found that there were only four or five Yiyuan Pills. Although the refining process was more than half done, these four or five Yiyuan Pills were not enough to last the next few days. Consciousness consumption during the machine process.

"Fellow Taoist, are you running out of pills to restore your consciousness? Hey, I happen to have more, I'll give you two!" Qin Lang handed Nangong Wentian a small jade bottle at this time.

After receiving it, Nangong Wentian looked at it, and his face was immediately moved: "Fushen Pill!" Moreover, it is a perfect quality Fushen Pill. It is impossible to see this kind of product in the market, and he doesn't know how Qin Lang can have it. This kind of Qidan who recovered his consciousness.

Raising his head, Nangong Wentian looked at Qin Lang in amazement, "Reviving God Pill" is a elixir that is in short supply. At present, his family has been out of stock for a long time. Unexpectedly, this casual cultivator Sirius actually has it, and it is still perfect. The best of quality.

very good!This casual cultivator, Sirius, is really not easy, and it's no wonder that he has many unknown tricks to become a distinguished guest of the Dongfang family.

"Good pill! With these two Fushen Pills as the foundation, I will no longer have to worry about my spiritual consciousness being weak in the next few days, and I will make mistakes in the middle of the rush and almost die in the furnace." gone."

Holding this small jade bottle, Nangong Wentian's tired face was also bursting with joy at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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