The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1159 Becoming an Artifact Refiner Is Too Easy

Chapter 1159 Becoming an Artifact Refiner Is Too Easy

After the joy, Nangong Wentian was even more afraid for a while. These days, he was anxious to refine his weapon, and his performance was too aggressive. He didn't consider that his body was too overdrawn. If he really died in the furnace, it would not only be his own life. So simple.

First, the refining resources of this furnace will definitely be lost by then.

Second, the loss of a senior craftsman in the Nangong family was a serious blow to the family. The family spent a lot of time and resources on training themselves.

Thirdly, this time the refining task will no longer be able to continue, which is a matter of the reputation of the two companies.When this matter gets out, the senior craftsman of the Nangong family accidentally dies in the crafts workshop of the Dongfang family, and both families will feel ashamed.

Therefore, the third round of refining on this day was really dangerous. Fortunately, Sirius, a casual cultivator, was his lucky star, and he saved himself at a critical juncture.

Thinking of these, Nangong Wentian at this moment is more grateful to Qin Lang, and when facing Qin Lang, the expression on his face is also softer.

On this day, everyone was rushing to restore their state in all aspects, and Qin Lang gave Nangong Wentian two recovery pills, Nangong Wentian did not take it immediately, but carefully put it in his arms, ready to wait for the next round of refining During the process, when one's consciousness and energy are exhausted, one can swallow this top-quality pill that quickly replenishes one's consciousness.

He just swallowed two pills of Yiyuan pills and some pills to supplement his true energy, and he never took any other pills.

As for the recovery of his consciousness, he relied on meditation as much as possible to recover. Although it was true that meditation could restore his consciousness, the process was extremely slow, far short of the recovery speed of pills.

This day's time is only equivalent to the recovery effect of half a Yiyuan Pill, and after swallowing the original two Yiyuan Pills, Nangong Wentian barely recovered [-] to [-]% of his spiritual consciousness.

If he swallowed the Fushen Pill, he could immediately replenish his essence, energy, and spirit. However, Nangong Wentian knew that this kind of pill was really good. It is estimated that there were not many casual cultivators on Sirius, and this time it was also for refining weapons. It was provided to myself free of charge, and I better use it on the blade, and it is better to use it at a critical moment.

After a day's rest, the refining of the magic weapon started again on the eighth day. After a day's rest, the feeling was different. Everyone obviously felt much more energetic, and the refining process was much easier.

After seven days of observation, the current Qin Lang has also learned a lot of refining knowledge, which is completely learning and practicing, so the refining experience is also soaring.

Now Qin Lang feels that his refining level has begun to enter the intermediate apprentice level from the elementary apprentice level, and is still slowly improving to the advanced apprentice level.

But Qin Lang's goal is not to stop at senior apprentices. He also has ambitions. He wants to take advantage of this rare opportunity to practice refining weapons to make his refining skills reach a higher level. It would be even better if he could become a refining master .

Under normal circumstances, if an ordinary beginner in crafting wants to become a craftsman from a craftsman apprentice, he will not be able to do so without a few years or even more than ten years of study.

But this time, the refining of more than 200 high-level magic weapons is destined to be extraordinary for Qin Lang. He can gain a lot of refining experience and knowledge from the two high-level refining masters, and directly experience those rare and rare treasures. I have seen the refining techniques of senior refining masters, and many difficulties that are usually difficult to overcome have become very common now.

This is Qin Lang's greatest advantage in following the senior craftsman and observing crafts, and it is repeated observations, a lot of practice, as long as he is a little smarter and more careful, he can gain a lot.

Moreover, Nangong Wentian, whose life was saved by the casual cultivator Sirius, obviously came to teach with a heart of gratitude, knowing that Qin Lang's biggest thought in the refining workshop is to learn refining tools, so there are some complicated steps, He will give pointers and explain to Qin Lang why he did this.

In this way, Qin Lang is more convenient, he is also a smart person, he can understand a lot of things, it is more convenient to learn the knowledge of refining equipment, and the experience is improved faster.

"This casual cultivator, Sirius, has such good refining aptitude. I just pointed out a little bit, and now he is almost equivalent to an advanced refining apprentice. It's only been a few days! During the first round of refining, I saw He is still a novice who doesn't know much about refining, this progress is too fast!"

"Among the craftsmen in Fengcheng, I, Nangong Wentian, are the best among them. I rank second. I guess no other craftsman dares to rank first. With my aptitude, I went from beginner to advanced craftsman. I'm afraid it took more than half a year for the craftsman to become an apprentice."

"Seven or eight days, compared with more than half a year's effort, doesn't this mean that this casual cultivator Sirius has better refining qualifications than me?" Nangong Wentian thought of this, and was even more amazed at Qin Lang's refining qualifications.

However, there is a reason why Qin Lang was able to improve so quickly. He had read a lot of basic books on refining in the knowledge hall of Sanxiufang City. These are also a disguised accumulation.

Now, conducting a large number of refining observations is also a comparison process of applying what they have learned. A lot of knowledge in books has been activated in their minds.

Coupled with the teacher Nangong Wentian, Qin Lang continued to observe the respective methods of Nangong Wentian and Dongfang Qingmu, two senior refiners, and gained a lot of experience. Naturally, the refinement experience is rising.

This day's refining passed peacefully, everything went smoothly, the rest of the previous day had a very good effect, Nangong Wentian only felt a little tired after the three rounds of refining, he just needed to recover.

The eighth day of the refining task has gone through a total of 25 rounds of magic weapon refining, and there are still about three days left. The entire refining task can basically be finished.

Now about 170 finished magic weapons have been refined, basically all of them are above middle-grade magic weapons, and top-grade magic weapons account for about half of them.

So many high-grade magic weapons are also due to the two senior refiners Nangong Wentian and Dongfang Qingmu, especially Nangong Wentian who is in a dominant position, has an irreplaceable role in this refining task.

Of course, Qin Lang's Kanli Fire is also indispensable. Without Qin Lang's Kanli Fire, the success rate of refining top-grade magic weapons will definitely be greatly reduced. The refining of those top-grade magic weapons will have at least half the failure rate.

And Qin Lang's proficient use of Kanli's Fire has greatly reduced the failure rate of top-grade magic weapons. In the entire eight days, compared with 170 finished magic weapons, the failed resources are only a dozen or so, which is in the entire cultivation world. Both are uncommon.


In the last three days of the magic weapon refining task, Qin Lang began to work hard to become a refiner, from a senior apprentice to a refiner, which usually requires a lot of accumulation. During this large-scale refining process, Qin Lang passed a lot of It is really possible to realize this wish by taking the refining experience of two senior refining masters.

As for Nangong Wentian, the Yiyuan Pill on his body is almost exhausted. Fortunately, he still has two "Recovering God Pills" given by Qin Lang, so he is still full of confidence. , If he can't support the situation, he will consider swallowing a "Recovering God Pill" to quickly replenish himself.

After all, the "Recovering God Pill" is the best panacea for monks in the alchemy stage to restore their consciousness, and the effect is far from comparable to Yiyuan Dan. Within three to five minutes, the depleted consciousness can be basically replenished and recovered.

It is much easier to restore the consumption of spiritual consciousness than to treat the damage of the spiritual consciousness. The "Recovery Pill" is originally a good medicine for treating the damage of the spiritual consciousness, but it feels a bit overkill to restore the consumption of the spiritual consciousness.

However, for this time's refining task, even if it is overkill, so what, both Qin Lang and Nangong Wentian think it is worth it.

After all, it takes more than ten consecutive days to refine the weapon without interruption, not only exhausting all aspects of the body, but also the heart is tired. Taking the "Fushen Pill" can restore the consumption of spiritual consciousness earlier, and end this refining task earlier. Good for everyone.

On the ninth day of the refining task, Nangong Wentian took a God-Recovering Pill to restore the consciousness that was consumed during the refining process, and it also made the fatigue of the consciousness disappear instantly. This time, no resources even appeared. In the case of waste, all are successful, and there is no failure rate.

On the tenth day of the refining task, Qin Lang's apprentice experience in refining has reached the highest point, leaving only a layer of film, and after breaking through, he will become an ordinary refining master.

On this day, Nangong Wentian also took a God Recovery Pill to restore the huge consumption of consciousness. Similarly, there was no waste of resources on this day, and the refining of the magic weapon was still all successful, and there was no failure.

No. 11 days, which is also the last day of magic weapon refining, Nangong Wentian was obviously a lot more cautious. Before this round of refining, Qin Lang and Dongfang Qingmu rested for a full six hours before starting the work.

The biggest reason is actually that Nangong Wentian's pills for recovering consciousness have been exhausted. He didn't know that Qin Lang actually had the "God Recovery Pill" on him, but even if he knew, he would not speak out.

This time, during the three rounds of magic weapon refining process, Nangong Wentian obviously slowed down, and it became much slower. On the one hand, it was out of caution, to control the speed of consumption of spiritual consciousness, to prevent the unfavorable situation from happening again, and on the other hand On the one hand, it was also out of teaching considerations. He also saw that Qin Lang had reached the edge of a high-level refining apprentice, and his mastery of refining techniques became more and more proficient. Now he can not only control the ignition, but also help him to Do yourself a little favor.

Qin Lang's performance like this is very good, and it is very likely that he will break through to become a successful refiner at any time.

Therefore, while refining the weapon, Nangong Wentian continued to point Qin Lang. He is now completely convinced of Qin Lang's refining qualifications. Thinking that this casual cultivator, Sirius Refiner, was born under his own guidance, Nangong Wentian felt A burst of joy.

It can be said that the casual cultivator Sirius is completely an apprentice trained by himself, and the master naturally has a sense of closeness to the apprentice, and is more considerate of the apprentice.

Although the two of them had no master-student titles or titles in name, but now this weapon refining task gave them the fact that they were master-students.

Of course, if this is the case, the idiot Dongfang Qingmu can also be regarded as half of Qin Lang's master this time.

(End of this chapter)

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