The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1160 Discussing the magic weapon of merit distribution

Chapter 1160 Discussing the magic weapon of merit distribution
"Hahahaha! It's done!"

A burst of wild laughter came from the Dongfang Family's Artifact Refining Workshop.

No need to think about it, it is natural that Nangong Wentian, the leader of the weapon refining, made such wild laughter. He led Dongfang Qingmu and Qin Lang for eleven days, and finally completed the heavy task of refining the two families.

It's not easy, and now the three of them have a feeling that they will see the sun again after they are done.

These ten days of high-intensity work, in the eyes of normal people, is a process of devil's purgatory. Fortunately, the three of them gritted their teeth and persisted.

"Okay, idiot Qingmu, please count the total number of magic weapons, and see how many middle-grade magic weapons and top-grade magic weapons are newly refined in the refining workshop." Nangong Wentian gave Dongfang Qingmu a new order at this time.

However, Qin Lang saw that with the completion of the refining, Dongfang Qingmu had some autistic symptoms that began to wander, shook his head, and said: "I will do the counting work!"

"Okay! Fellow Daoist Sirius, I'll trouble you now. I have to call the servants of the family to pack up my refining tools and bring them back to the family."

Nangong Wentian nodded, the set of refining tools he brought over this time is a treasure, it was specially designed by him, if not relying on this special set of refining tools, the three people's refining work would be in the dark, Still have to go on for several months.

After all, it is impossible for other refiners to have a composite refining furnace capable of refining eight magic weapons at a time, and only such a talented Nangong Wentian can design it.

However, it is not easy to operate, and it consumes a lot of consciousness, which is also a disadvantage.

However, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and the value of the compound refining furnace is still great.

"Although the refining task is heavy this time, I have gained a lot. The original high-level alchemist's realm has been loosened again. It is estimated that after I go back and refine a few more high-grade magic weapons, I will be able to truly enter the master realm."

Nangong Wentian muttered to himself as he walked outside the Artifact Refining Workshop.

When Qin Lang heard this, his face froze, and he felt a little bit bitter: "I thought that I had hoped for everything, but I didn't realize it, and until the end of the whole refining task, I still stayed in the advanced refining apprentice state. "

In fact, in the next day or two, Qin Lang already felt that he had touched the edge of the layer of the refiner. However, even though he was guided by a famous teacher and he was working hard, he still failed to transform into a refiner.

"Hey, after all, the accumulation is still not enough, and it is counterproductive. For the time being, we can only reach the level of a senior craftsman apprentice!"

Qin Lang sighed, and thought to himself, fortunately, he is not far from being a craftsman, just like Nangong Wentian, if he refines a few more magic weapons in the future, there is a possibility of a breakthrough at any time.


Afterwards, under Qin Lang's counting, the magic treasures were counted, and the total number was 140 middle-grade magic treasures, 110 two high-grade magic treasures, and the total number was 250 two pieces.

250 for two pieces!It took 25 days to refine [-] twelve middle-grade and high-grade magic weapons. If this number is told, no one in the entire Qinghe Continent believes that someone can complete it in such a short time.

However, Qin Lang, Nangong Wentian, and Dongfang Qingmu joined hands to complete the refining of the magic weapon in such a short period of time.

In fact, this is also thanks to Nangong Wentian's high-grade magic weapon-level composite refining furnace.

It can be said that this composite refining furnace has made the most contribution, this is simply a killer weapon, Nangong Wentian's own refining ability and credit are ranked second anyway.

The third place is Qin Lang, who has been continuously and steadily providing the flame output of Kanlizhihuo, and his credit is not small.

The fourth place is Dongfang Qingmu. Apart from being a senior craftsman, other aspects are not as outstanding as Qin Lang.

After all, during the eleven-day refining mission, Nangong Wentian took the dominant position, and Dongfang Qingmu became the existence of the underdog instead.

Of course, this is also the reason why Dongfang Qingmu is too self-contained, he has no communication with others at all, but fortunately, his level of crafting is really good, otherwise, with Nangong Wentian's personality, Dongfang Qingmu might not be allowed to enter the crafting workshop.

250 for the two magic weapons, the Dongfang family and the Nangong family paid for the materials, basically half and half, and the Nangong family had slightly more materials.

And Nangong Wentian of the Nangong family also made a lot of contributions as the leader of the refining machine this time, and brought a set of powerful refining tools to speed up the entire refining speed, which also saved money in disguise (the refining cost is not only resources , the longer the refining time, the greater the pills and other expenses that the refining master needs to consume), so, the result of the negotiation between the Nangong family and the Dongfang family for this pile of magic weapons is that the Nangong family accounts for [-]%, and the Dongfang family accounts for [-]%. The family accounts for [-]%.

That is to say, the Nangong family took 150 magic weapons, including 69 top-grade magic weapons and 82 middle-grade magic weapons.

The Dongfang family took one hundred and one magic weapons, including 43 top-grade magic weapons and 58 middle-grade magic weapons.

According to the previous agreement, Qin Lang can take out three pieces from the pile of magic weapons refined by the two companies this time as a reward for providing the Kanli Fire Refiner.

The reward is quite generous. Of course, Qin Lang got three high-grade magic weapons from each of the two magic weapon piles, and they all have attributes that are quite suitable for him. They are three defensive magic weapons and three attack magic weapons.

And just when the two families thought that the refining distribution was almost over, Nangong Wentian beckoned and said, "Wait a minute."

"What's the matter? Nangong Wentian, do you have any other opinions?" Someone in the Nangong family asked strangely.

The person who asked the question should be a core member of the family who is of the same generation as Nangong Wentian.

This time, more than a dozen high-level core personnel from the two families were dispatched for the distribution of magic weapons. This time, apart from the patriarch Nangong Jian of the Nangong family, more than a dozen core members of the Nangong family, including Nangong Wenqing, were present.

"Fellow Daoist Sirius helped me a lot in refining the magic weapon this time. I suggest taking another magic weapon from the family's share as compensation and giving it to Fellow Daoist Sirius."

"How can this work, Nangong Wentian, although you are the leader of this time, you must know that this agreement has been negotiated before, how can you suddenly change your mind!" Someone in the Nangong family disagreed.

"Yes, yes, although we seem to have a lot of magic weapons now, but Nangong Wentian, you also know that these refining resources are all the inventory of the family over the years, and they were contributed by family members. Now even if the family is unified The distribution is also unable to take care of every monk in the alchemy stage! How can it be distributed to others!" Another person interjected.

"Hehe, you don't know, this time the refining task is heavy, if there is no help from fellow Taoist Sirius, who gave me two God of Recovery Pills, it is impossible for me to stand here and say this to you now !"

Nangong Wentian was still insisting. In fact, the truth of the matter was not only the reason why Qin Lang gave him two "Recovering God Pills", but also the reason why Qin Lang saved his life.

On the sixth day and the third round of magic weapon refining, he was so mentally overdrawn that time that he almost fell into the refining furnace. If Qin Lang hadn't pulled him, his skinny body would have been destroyed. The high-temperature refining furnace swallowed up all the slag.

However, this point is not easy to explain in public, so Nangong Wentian only explained half of the reason.

With Nangong Wentian's always extremely proud character, now that outsiders are actually given an extra magic weapon, the members of the Nangong family can't help but look at Qin Lang, thinking, it's really strange.

In the end, under Nangong Wentian's insistence, the Nangong family gave Qin Lang another magic weapon as compensation.However, due to the insistence of several old antiques in the Nangong family, Nangong Wentian was only able to obtain a middle-grade magic weapon for Qin Lang, which was an auxiliary magic weapon, the Split Shadow Bracelet.

This magic weapon has no other functions, but it can separate the magic weapon user into five identical shadows. In battle, it can sometimes act as a surprise soldier.

Because although the split shadow bracelet is only a middle-grade magic weapon, the five clones separated out are as difficult to distinguish between true and false as the main body. , which one is false.

This middle-grade magic weapon has a special effect, and it was also picked out by Nangong Wentian for Qin Lang. It is considered to be the best among middle-grade magic weapons, and it is not much worse than the six top-grade magic weapons that Qin Lang chose himself. Qin Lang naturally accepted his kindness.

It was too late to count carefully and experience the functions and functions of the newly acquired seven magic weapons, so Qin Lang was invited by everyone on the field to participate in the celebration banquet.

The location of the celebration banquet was in the Dongfang family. The Dongfang family lined up hundreds of tables in a large venue within the family. All kinds of dishes and spiritual food followed.

In the celebration banquet, Nangong Wentian, Dongfang Qingmu and Qin Lang were naturally the protagonists, but it was not their turn to take the main seat of the celebration banquet. Naturally, it was Nangong's hometown who had the highest status and the highest cultivation level among the two. Lord Nangong Jian sits on the throne.

Think about it, even Nangong Wentian, a middle-aged craftsman, is still the grandson of Nangongjian, so you can know how senior Nangongjian is. It is necessary for Nangongjian to take the main position. There is no monk in the field There are objections, and I dare not have objections.

After all, Nangong Jian is an old monster in the mid-Yuanying period!Looking at the entire Fengcheng, how many people can surpass him in terms of cultivation.

In Fengcheng, Nangong Sword is a living sign, and the strength of Nascent Soul mid-stage also makes Nangong family well-deserved to become the head of the four major families in Fengcheng.

At the celebration banquet, Nangong Jian took the first seat, followed by Dongfang Zhilan, Nangong Wentian, Dongfang Qingmu, Qin Lang, Nangong Wenqing and several other core members of the Dongfang family.

The patriarch of the Dongfang family, Dongfang Yuliang, is still in retreat, so Dongfang Zhilan is participating this time as the acting patriarch, and the Dongfang family is also the main venue of the banquet. She is the host, and her identity is naturally higher than the three meritorious ministers of Qin Lang. little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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