Chapter 1161 Appearing
At the celebration banquet, Nangong Wentian, Dongfang Qingmu, and Qin Lang ate meat in big chunks and drank in big bowls, completely rewarding their stomachs.

After Hu Tianhai's fight, his stomach was full, and he took a good night's sleep.

Then, the exhaustion of the body for more than ten days was also completely released in this hangover. When the three of Qin Lang woke up again, they were guaranteed to look refreshed again.


The next day, when Qin Lang woke up, he was already sleeping in the guest room.

"'s really comfortable."

Qin Lang braced himself.

He drank too heavily the first day, Dongfang Zhilan must have called his servants to bring him here.

After a good night's sleep, the exhaustion and psychological pressure from eleven consecutive days of crafting have been released. Now he seems to have shaken off a burden on his body, and he feels much more relaxed.

The current state of mind is also very good. At this time, I lowered my head and began to count the newly acquired magic weapons on my body. In addition to the middle-grade magic weapon, there are six top-grade magic weapons, namely three attack magic jades, three magic weapons, and three magic weapons. Defense magic weapon.

Among the attacking magic weapons, there are sky fire fans, three yuan mountain nails, and soul shaking bells.

Inside the defensive magic weapon, there are green gauze tent, nine-child heart lamp, raging fire Yuanyang ruler,

Among them, once the sky fire fan is used, it can collude with the sky fire to burn the enemy, which is a top-grade magic weapon of the fire system.

The Three-Yuan Kaishan Nail is similar to the magic weapon in the hands of Thunder God and Lightning Mother. Taishan Shigandang in the Chinese cultivation world has also used this kind of magic weapon. It is a magic weapon of gold and thunder.

The soul shaking bell can directly attack the consciousness, and its power is impressive. It is a magic weapon of the soul.

The green gauze tent is a magic weapon for large-scale defense, the water system.

The Nine Sons Heart Lamp is also a magic weapon for large-scale defense, the fire element.

Ragnarok Yuanyang is exhausted, a magic weapon for single-body defense, and the fire system.

Immediately, Qin Lang refined these magic weapons one by one, and it took a whole day to finish it. During the period, the servants who delivered the food came three times, but they were blocked outside the house by Qin Lang's random arrangements.

Although Qin Lang's level of formation is not very good, the restrictions arranged at random are not something ordinary people can crack.

After sacrificing the seven magic weapons, Qin Lang walked out of the house and realized that the servants had already delivered meals three times, and there were three baskets on the ground, and the last meal was slowly dissipating heat in the basket in the corner of the room.

It was getting late, and under the starlight, Qin Lang began to use this dinner sent by his servants. The taste was not bad, and the background of the Dongfang family was sufficient. Several kinds of ingredients used the meat of third- and fourth-order monsters.

Not long after the meal, Dongfang Zhilan came over, and at the same time brought a bag of things to Qin Lang, a small bag of Longquan tea that the Nangong family asked her to hand over.

"Unexpectedly, the old Patriarch of Nangong is really an interesting person. After so many days, I still remember this little thing."

Qin Lang sighed, Nangongjian promised to send some Longquan tea to Qin Lang when he saw that Qin Lang liked to drink tea and left the Dongfang family.

After more than ten days in a blink of an eye, Qin Lang has almost forgotten, but the old man Nangongjian really sent Qin Lang a small bag of Longquan tea, so Qin Lang has to be very emotional now.

To be honest, to be so concerned by an old monster in the mid-Yuanying period, Qin Lang is also a matter of face.

It seems that in the eyes of the old monster Nangongjian, Qin Lang really has a lot of weight and is worth continuing to associate with.

In fact, Qin Lang's recent performance is indeed the case, otherwise even Nangong Wentian, who is so arrogant, would eventually be willing to help Qin Lang, an outsider, to fight for interests in the family after the end of a weapon refining cooperation.

Seeing that Qin Lang accepted the small bag of Longquan tea, Dongfang Zhilan said something that Qin Lang had always cared about: "Fellow Daoist Qin Lang, I have some news for you. We have found the trace of the ancestor of the Cai family."

"Oh, did you find that old guy? Where is it?" Qin Lang cheered up when he heard that.

The ancestor of the Cai family was the fish that slipped through the net of the Cai family. It has been more than half a month since he escaped from Fengcheng. Although Fengcheng sent people to track him down, no news has reached Fengcheng.

Now there is finally news about this old guy, which is a good thing, as long as this cruel old guy is eliminated, the Cai family will basically disappear in the long history of Qinghe mainland.

This old guy is really vicious, in order to escape for his life, he actually refined all the surviving members of the Cai family into his Hundred Soul Banner.

However, Qin Lang didn't know that the ancestor of the Cai family had no choice but to make such a decision. He took away the souls of all the clansmen and left a large number of corpses in the Cai family.

In fact, the ancestors of the Cai family mainly practiced the soul way, and they also had a special method to recapture the souls of their clansmen and reborn mortals.

"In Baiman Mountain." Dongfang Zhilan replied.

"Hundred Man Mountain?"

Qin Lang frowned, how did this old guy go to such a place.

Baiman Mountain is about 1000 miles away from Fengcheng, it is a dangerous area full of swamps and poisonous miasma, and the jungle is full of poisonous insects and monsters, it is not a good place to come from.

Baiman Mountain actually belongs to a mountain system of the Hengduan Mountain Range. The Hengduan Mountain Range is the largest mountain range in the entire southern region. It is full of dangers, and there are even high-level monsters above the Nascent Soul Stage in the deepest part.

The danger of Baiman Mountain is mainly due to the presence of poisonous insects, poisonous miasma and swamps, and the threat of monsters is second.

However, in the area of ​​Baiman Mountain, there is a medium-sized sect, the Lost Soul Sect, which is the native force of Baiman Mountain.

"This old guy has some relationship with the Lost Soul Sect in Baiman Mountain, so he ran there. However, the people we pursued went to the Lost Soul Sect, but we didn't find the ancestor of the Cai family."

"Although the ancestor of the Cai family stayed in the Lost Soul Sect for a few days, after discovering the truth about the ancestor of the Cai family fleeing in despair, he immediately severed ties with the ancestor of the Cai family."

"The Lost Soul Sect also has no choice. Knowing that the ancestor of the Cai family broke the rules of the martial arts field and was being pursued, for the benefit of the sect, he had to break off diplomatic relations with the ancestor of the Cai family. If he didn't do this, the Lost Soul Sect would have to directly Facing the existence of the four major families of our Windy City."

"After that, without the protection of the Lost Soul Sect, the ancestor of the Cai family had to hide in the Baiman Mountain to avoid pursuit. This old guy is also cunning. When our pursuers entered the Baiman Mountain, not only failed to catch him, but A few were injured by him."

"So the team chasing down the ancestor of the Cai family sent a message to Fengcheng that they needed reinforcements again, and at the same time brought some medicines to treat poisonous insects and avoid poisonous miasma. advantage, has been fighting guerrilla warfare with the pursuit team, very difficult to deal with."

"Oh, is that so?" Qin Lang nodded, the ancestor of Qin Lang was indeed a difficult enemy, and Qin Lang felt the same way when he fought against this old guy.

After thinking for a while, Qin Lang said at this time: "The reinforcements this time, add me!"

"Oh, fellow daoists are also planning to go?"


"Okay, I will notify the Nangong family and rearrange the list of reinforcements."

Dongfang Zhilan nodded. Although the pursuit team this time was in the name of the alliance of the four major families in Fengcheng, in fact, only the Nangong family and the Dongfang family sent people.

After all, the other two families didn't have much connection with this matter. Besides, to deal with a mere cultivator who is in the late stage of alchemy, two superpowers from Fengcheng are enough.

"Okay, then I would like to thank Friends Dongfang." Qin Lang said with a smile.

Although his cultivation has not changed much now, but he has newly obtained seven powerful magic weapons, and his overall strength has improved a lot. It's not as embarrassing as it was in the arena before.

Just as Qin Lang was about to return to the room, Dongfang Zhilan stopped him again: "Fellow Daoist Qin Lang, wait, there is one more thing I need to ask you to help."

"Oh, what is it?"

"It's like this. The Dongfang family and the Nangong family are heavy on weapon refiners but weaker than alchemy. Although there are several senior weapon refiners, there is a shortage of alchemists. So can you ask fellow Taoists to help you refine some detoxification pills and avoid alchemy pills?" The miasma pill came out to meet the consumption of pills needed by the Baiman Mountain team."

Dongfang Zhilan said at this time that she had no choice but to act. The stock of detoxification pills and miasma avoidance pills in the family had been used up as early as the first time the team chasing the ancestors of the Cai family set off. Now they can only urgently ask Qin Lang for help. Refined some.

"Okay, I won't charge for helping this time."

Qin Lang nodded. It was also his wish to kill the ancestor of the Cai family, so he naturally behaved more actively.

The best detoxification pills and miasma-avoiding pills in the cultivation world are only at the level of middle-grade panacea. Others may fail to refine them. If he, a master of alchemy, refines them, it will be [-]% successful and easy. There are as many as you can refine, of course, the key is to have enough materials.

There is a saying that a clever woman can't cook without rice. If there are not enough materials, there is no way to do it. Even if Qin Lang has great skills, he can't create a finished panacea out of nothing.

Then the Dongfang family sent Qin Lang a large amount of materials for refining high-level detoxification pills and miasma-avoiding pills. Seeing the pile of materials like a hill, Qin Lang was a little skeptical. How many people are there in the reinforcement team this time? Do you need more detoxification pills and miasma avoidance pills?
If you refine this pile of materials with your own ability, you can at least refine thousands of high-level detoxification pills and miasma-avoiding pills.

However, what Qin Lang didn't expect was that the Dongfang family sent so many materials, which also took into account the material loss in the alchemy process. Generally, for a normal alchemist to make alchemy, the material loss is at least half, or even two-thirds. .

And now only Qin Lang, who has reached the level of alchemy master, can guarantee that the refining of these middle-grade panacea can be [-]% successful without material loss.

Afterwards, Qin Lang carried out the alchemy of understanding poison pills and miasma-avoiding pills. Although it was the first time to refine these two pills, he had a lot of experience in refining high-grade panacea. As for the panacea, Qin Lang obviously felt that he could handle it with ease.

(End of this chapter)

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