Chapter 1162
For Qin Lang, alchemy is naturally much easier than refining equipment.

It didn't take a lot of time, Qin Lang quickly refined the elixir that the Dongfang family wanted, and the quantity was exactly the same as what the Dongfang family asked for.

Moreover, there are nearly a quarter of the remaining materials!

After all, the Dongfang family gave Qin Lang alchemy materials after consideration, because it is impossible to succeed in alchemy every time, so it is necessary to consider the loss.

But Qin Lang's current alchemy skills are enough to make the success rate of alchemy reach a very terrifying level.

Faced with these materials, Qin Lang can take them as his own, which is also what he deserves in the agreement, and it is not included in the remuneration.

Qin Lang thought that he still had a lot of queen mother grass leaves on his body. If he combined these materials, he should be able to refine some top-quality detoxification pills and miasma-avoiding pills. He could keep them for himself and use them for future use.

Queen Mother Grass leaves are treasures of heaven and earth, high-grade elixir-level materials. Now when Qin Lang reopens the alchemy furnace, he adds about one and a half pieces of Queen Mother Grass into it to increase the efficacy of the medicine.

Sure enough, under his own innovation, Qin Lang refined more than 500 top-quality detoxification pills and 2000 top-quality miasma-avoiding pills. These more than [-] pills were collected by himself and became his own private property.

In order to hold these pills, Qin Lang also asked for dozens of red jade bottles from the Dongfang family, and put them all into the storage ring.

Afterwards, Qin Lang handed more than 1000 high-grade detoxification pills and miasma-avoiding pills to Dongfang Zhilan. After receiving these pills, Dongfang Zhilan told Qin Lang that the reinforcement team was almost settled, and they would start gathering tomorrow.

So, Qin Lang went back to his yard, and practiced the few new magic weapons he got, to increase his proficiency in using them.

After all, no matter how good a magic weapon is, it needs someone to use it. If you haven't used it before, it must be very unfamiliar to use it for the first time. In this case, it will be a troublesome thing to fight against the enemy.

Therefore, after obtaining a magic weapon, mastering the performance and functions of this new magic weapon as soon as possible is also something that every monk must experience.

The next day, the reinforcement team rushed to Baiman Mountain. There were five people in the team. Except Qin Lang who was in the middle stage of alchemy, the others were in the late stage of alchemy, and even the leading one was in the late stage of alchemy.

Qin Lang's cultivation was at the bottom, and he was only in the middle stage of alchemy. The other monks were obviously disdainful in their eyes. It's too ridiculous to go to Baiman Mountain to deal with a monk who is in the late stage of alchemy. Come on!
It won't be like the scene that happened on the Yanwu stage again, this casual cultivator Sirius is looking for abuse again!

They also learned the news that in the last battle between Qin Lang and the ancestor of the Cai family, Qin Lang was tortured so badly by the "soul blast" move by the ancestor of the Cai family that he almost died.

However, because Qin Lang was directly airborne from the top of the Dongfang family, they could only hold back their sarcastic remarks, and they were still polite to Qin Lang on the surface.

Although some of them vaguely knew that Qin Lang helped the Dongfang and Nangong families in alchemy and weapon refining, they only showed some professional skills and did not get their own recognition in terms of combat ability.

These reinforcements are all above the late stage of alchemy, and they are also outstanding in the entire Fengcheng. They usually have too high eyes and no one is convinced. assembled.

"Loose Cultivator Sirius, after entering Baiman Mountain, follow us closely so you don't fall behind."

Although a member of the reinforcements was disdainful, he still kindly reminded Qin Lang.

"Yes, yes, according to me, don't come and join in the fun when you are in the middle of alchemy. The ancestor of the Cai family is too cunning. He has been fighting sneak attacks and not fighting head-on. I heard that the five chasing teams of the first team Among the staff, two were in the late stage of alchemy, and three were in the late stage of alchemy, and four of them were accidentally attacked by accident!"

Another companion also continued to say at this time.

To be honest, after entering Baiman Mountain, they must be careful to beware of hidden enemies. How can they have the ability to take care of too many others? Qin Lang, who has the lowest cultivation base, is undoubtedly their burden.

"Hehe, it's okay, you only need to take care of yourself, not me."

Qin Lang smiled, but insisted on following.He has not disclosed his specific situation now, he is not the same as he was half a month ago, and he is confident that he will be undefeated even in the late stage of alchemy.

Seeing that Qin Lang couldn't be persuaded, several members of the reinforcement team also showed helplessness, exchanged glances with each other, there was no way, it seems that with this oil bottle, after entering Baiman Mountain, the brothers can only pay more attention up.

As for the captain of the reinforcement team, Nangong Wenxin, the only Dzogchen monk in the late stage of alchemy, said lightly at this time: "Since everything is ready, let's go!"


"Good captain."

Everyone nodded in response, and each drove the flying magic weapon to fly in the direction of Baiman Mountain.

Qin Lang's flying magic weapon, Feitian Luoyunsuo, can change into two forms, one is a shuttle form, and the other is a cloud cluster with a diameter of half an acre.

Turning into a cloud, it can carry people in a large area, and it can take off with up to 23 people at the same time, but the speed is much slower than that in the shuttle state.

This flying magic weapon cost Qin Lang more than 100 million, and it was also Qin Lang's largest purchase of flying magic weapon at the Fengcheng Auction.

It is really rare to see a flying magic weapon in the auction house. Once this kind of practical magic weapon appears, it will cause a small climax in the auction house every time. To be honest, Qin Lang spent more than 100 million yuan. It's worth it, monks with flying magic weapons are at least five or six times faster than monks without flying magic weapons.

However, almost all the monks present have flying magic weapons, so Qin Lang doesn't need to make a fool of himself and turn his magic weapon into a cloud. I'm afraid that even if Qin Lang is willing to do this, other monks will not accept the casual cultivator with the lowest cultivation level in the team Their good intentions, with their level of cultivation, each of them regards face as more important than the sky.

In fact, this is true. The flying magic weapons of the few monks present are not bad, at least above the level of middle-grade magic weapons, and even one or two are better than the flying Luo Yunsuo in Qin Lang's hands.

After all, they are not casual cultivators, they are all family monks from a super powerful family in Fengcheng. The family background determines that they are not on the same starting line as ordinary casual cultivators. From the moment they are born, the cultivation resources given to them by the family are It is not comparable to ordinary casual cultivators.

Only Qin Lang, a special existence, can compare his wealth and resources with these super-powerful family monks, and switch to other casual cultivators... Maybe all of them are extremely poor. A perfect casual cultivator doesn't even have a decent flying magic weapon.

All the way without a word, the six members of the reinforcement team activated their flying magic weapons and went straight to Baiman Mountain. It took about two hours to arrive at the Lost Soul Sect. The first five members of the Fengcheng pursuit team were injured. The Lost Soul Sect rests.

After the members of the reinforcement team met with the five members of the first group, they got to know some situations, and knew that the ancestor of the Cai family was still hiding in the deep mountains of Baiman Mountain, but it was not easy to deal with this old guy.

Because this old guy is very familiar with the terrain of Baiman Mountain, and he has enough detoxification and miasma-avoiding medicines on him. In addition, although Baiman Mountain is a brutal place, it has sufficient resources. Cultivation base, naturally don't worry about finding food and temporary hiding place.

So this old guy is clearly preparing to use war to support war. He will fight a war of attrition with the pursuers of Fengcheng in the Hundred Man Mountains. If this continues for a while, the pursuers of Fengcheng may feel that things are impossible and give up chasing him. Then, he can find an opportunity to leave, stay away from Fengcheng, and even stay away from the Southern Region, to redevelop and make a comeback.

"Okay, you guys rest here, let's continue to explore this thief."

In the reinforcement team, the team leader Nangong Wenxin nodded, took the team members and some new information, left the Lost Soul Sect, and continued to search for the ancestor of the Cai family.

When leaving, he also gave the original team some detoxification pills and miasma-avoiding pills. The original team suffered from insufficient panacea in this regard, so they gave the Cai family patriarch a chance to sneak attack one by one by taking advantage of the favorable location. hurt them.

Because among the five of them, at least half of the four injured were poisoned. With the antidote, they should be able to recover soon. At that time, the two teams will start at the same time, and the one is hiding in Baiman Mountain like a gopher The patriarch of the Cai family must have felt a lot more pressure.

After leaving the Lost Soul Sect, the team immediately formed a triangular arrow shape and marched towards the west of Baiman Mountain, because according to the latest situation, the ancestor of the Cai family's last sneak attack on the original five-member team should have happened here.

This time, it was mostly a swamp area, and it was a poisonous swamp. The miasma and mist above the swamp were like dark clouds, covering the entire sky with gray, and the line of sight was very bad. Even for high-level monks like them, the maximum line of sight was no more than About ten feet.

Many of the swamps are man-eating pits. Once ordinary people step on them, they will be engulfed immediately, and they will sink into the ground tens of feet deep, which is very terrifying.

Only these highly cultivated monks can forcibly escape these natural traps by relying on their own abilities.

As for the poisonous insects in the swamp, the monks had long been hiding away because of the large amount of realgar things they carried on their bodies, and now that they were carrying sufficient high-level detoxification pills and miasma-avoiding pills, they naturally ignored them.

"Follow up, don't blame us for not reminding you, your cultivation base is too low, don't get out of our sight, otherwise, you don't need the ancestor of the Cai family to come forward, maybe a high-level monster will appear out of nowhere They could eat you up."

A monk in the late stage of alchemy threatened Qin Lang condescendingly.


Qin Lang nodded, but he didn't really care about it.

In fact, although the Baiman Mountain is a dangerous place in the Hengduan Mountain Range, there are not many high-level monsters, mainly because there are more poisonous insects and miasmas and natural swamp traps, which are far less scary than this companion in the late stage of alchemy said.

This guy is only a level higher than Qin Lang, so he looks down on people like this, and Qin Lang doesn't know what to say about him.

In fact, my real combat power far exceeds that of the late stage of alchemy, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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