The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1163 Soul Shadow Lizard King

Chapter 1163 Soul Shadow Lizard King
Three hours later, the six members of the reinforcement team arrived at the location where the ancestor of the Cai family attacked and killed the members of the team last time.

During the investigation, a group of people found some traces of fighting. It can be seen that the ancestor of the Cai family is very powerful in fighting, and there are many traces on the scene. Such a fierce fighting, but the pursuit team suffered a disadvantage.

As expected of being the pillar of the No. [-] family in Fengcheng, the comprehensive combat power of the Cai family patriarch is also honed, and he is at the top level among the Dzogchen monks in the late stage of alchemy.

"Judging from the scene, the old guy is heading east again now, let's chase after him! But be careful, the old guy is likely to ambush us halfway."

The pursuit team had suffered a lot, so the current captain of the reinforcement team, Nangong Wenxin, obviously had to be more cautious. With a wave of his hand, the six members of the team carefully searched towards the east.

And after a while, Gao Gong Wenxin, who had the highest cultivation base, suddenly froze as he sensed something unusual ahead, "Wait, there is movement ahead."

"Oh..." The team members naturally stopped advancing when they heard it.

Qin Lang is also looking far away, but unfortunately the swamp poisonous miasma environment here is harsh, the sky is full of overcast clouds, and his vision is extremely dim. With his current cultivation in the middle stage of alchemy, his eyes can only see through a distance of seven or eight feet, no matter how far away up.

Moreover, Baiman Mountain is really weird here, there is strong geomagnetic interference underground, so the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator is completely invalid here, and the spiritual consciousness cannot be released at all.

Perhaps this is also the real reason why the ancestor of the Cai family used Baiman Mountain as a base to fight against the pursuers of Fengcheng. The geographical conditions here are too favorable, and it is very suitable for guerrilla warfare. No matter how many enemies come, he is not afraid. He really didn't have the confidence to fight against the four superpowers in Fengcheng.

Nangong Wenxin, the team leader, was able to detect the movement earlier, which was also the reason why his eyesight and hearing surpassed those of the other monks present after he reached the Dzogchen Stage in the late stage of alchemy, so he was able to detect the abnormality ahead earlier than other team members.

At this time, the sound of Xixi Suosuo in front became louder and louder, and even Qin Lang heard it, and the teammates around him also began to show their weapons and magic weapons one by one.

"It's the Soul Shadow Lizard!" A teammate reminded him at this moment.

"Soul Shadow Lizard?" Qin Lang heard it, and immediately remembered the information of Soul Shadow Lizard. This is a fifth-order monster. Not easy to deal with.

The Soul Shadow Lizard has a talent skill killing move, which is to use its powerful soul background to create a soul clone in battle to attack the enemy with consciousness. However, this clone can't last for a long time. dissipate.

However, even if this is the case, this innate skill ultimate move is powerful enough. If it is a monk with insufficient spiritual knowledge, it is likely to be severely injured because of it, because it will be sluggish for a second or two when attacked by the soul shadow clone. What followed was fatal enough.

Because it is not only the soul shadow clone that attacks the monk, but also the soul shadow lizard's body, once this innate skill kills, it is equivalent to a double attack, even a monk with similar strength to the soul shadow lizard may not be able to defeat it.

There are three soul shadow lizards, two large and one small, which should be a family unit. The two mature soul shadow lizards are both at the late stage of alchemy, and the small one is at the middle stage of alchemy, which is better. Deal with it a little.

"Three soul shadow lizards, I will deal with an adult body, Nangong Wenlu, Nangong Wensha, Dongfang Jizuo, and Dongfang Jiyou will deal with one of the adults, Nangong Wenshi and fellow Taoist Sirius will deal with the juvenile body, everyone Question!"

"no problem!"

The team members readily agreed that the strength of the reinforcement team members is still good, except for Qin Lang who is slightly weaker, the rest are above the late stage of alchemy.

Six people, to deal with the mere three monsters in front of us, we still need to keep one of them steady. Even if the Shadow Lizard has the innate skill ultimate move of the soul clone, so what, at most the combat power of the clone is equal to that of the team members.

Do some monsters want to make a comeback?It is basically impossible, not to mention that Captain Nangong Wenxin is a Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy, and everyone knows that the soul shadow lizard's skill ultimate move cannot last, which is also a big weakness, so these three soul shadow lizards are in this situation. There is no doubt that they will lose in front of the elite team.

In fact, the battle process was indeed very easy. The three-headed Soul Shadow Lizard was suppressed by the team and had no power to fight back. The young lizard had not even been able to use the ultimate skill of the Soul Shadow Clone, and had already been followed by Qin Lang. Nangong Wenshi and the two teamed up to kill them.

This result boosted the morale of the team even more, and Qin Lang and Nangong Wenshi were about to support the battle, when there was another movement from the front, and the movement was very strong.

"Another Soul Shadow Lizard?!" Qin Lang and Nangong Wenshi were stunned.

The Soul Shadow Lizard in front of him was even bigger, almost twice the size of the adult Soul Shadow Lizard on the field. It was definitely not an ordinary adult Soul Shadow Lizard.

"Oops! It's the Soul Shadow Lizard King, it's difficult!"

The Soul Shadow Lizard King, this is a sixth-order monster. It is undoubtedly the strength of the Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy. Unexpectedly, there is a group of Soul Shadow Lizards hidden in this swamp.

Because the existence of the Soul Shadow Lizard King meant that there were definitely more than the four Soul Shadow Lizards in this area, because one Soul Shadow Lizard King could definitely rule two to three families.

In other words, the number of Soul Shadow Lizards in this area is at least six to ten.

"Hurry up and fight, I'll deal with the Beastmaster. Fellow Daoist Nangong Wenshi and Fellow Daoist Sirius will take over my adult body, hurry up!" Nangong Wenxin, the captain, also made a decisive decision and made a new battle decision.

Immediately, Captain Nangong Wenxin abandoned the adult Soul Shadow Lizard he was fighting against, and directly faced the Soul Shadow Lizard King who just came over.

Although the same late stage of alchemy was perfect, Nangong Wenxin still struggled a lot against this Soul Shadow Lizard Beast King who had the ability to clone, and he was actually at a disadvantage.

After Qin Lang and Nangong Wenshi took over the adult body that Nangong Wenxin dealt with just now, they showed no pressure, the situation was similar to that of the juvenile body.

Qin Lang's fighting talent in the battle is completely different from the ordinary mid-stage alchemy, and his combat power is even more sturdy than Nangong Wenshi in the late stage of alchemy.

The Three Lives Sword is launched!

"Sword Qi Shuyuan!" "Sword Illusory Crack!"

An extremely powerful sword energy directly split the adult body in half.

This adult body was directly killed by Qin Lang!
At this time, Nangong Wenlu, Nangong Wensha, Dongfang Zuo, and Dongfang You were able to kill the other adult body. In contrast, it was obvious that Qin Lang's side was more outstanding.

"It's really strange. Although this casual cultivator Sirius is in the middle stage of alchemy, the talent of this sword cultivator is too strong! I'm afraid this kind of combat power can reach the late stage of alchemy!"

The other monks around were surprised when they saw their eyes shattered all over the place.

Originally, all of them looked down on Qin Lang, thinking that Qin Lang was a hindrance, but now that they are really fighting, this sturdy fighting power actually compares them directly.

You know, the four of them in the late stage of alchemy have only managed to kill an adult soul shadow lizard until now.

On Qin Lang's side, not only killed a juvenile body, but also killed the adult body that had just taken over at the same time.

Qin Lang was basically in charge of killing the two soul shadow lizards. That Nangong Wenshi was just assisting in the battle, not much more than a soy sauce.

What's ridiculous is that it was this soy saucer who sneered at Qin Lang again and again before, looked down on Qin Lang, and thought Qin Lang was a dragger for the team.

But this time, the battle made him face the truth and slapped him hard in the face, making him understand that in the future, he should not look down on characters with lower cultivation bases than himself.

After all, the cultivation base is lower than his own, but his combat power is not necessarily lower than his own. The reality in front of him taught Nangong Wenshi a good lesson.

"Hehe! Fortunately, it's just that this adult Soul Shadow Lizard used a ghost clone just now when it was facing the captain, so now the cooldown time of the talent's ultimate move has not passed, so I killed it in one go."

Qin Lang smiled and said very calmly, he was actually very satisfied with his performance in his heart.

You know, he hasn't used his full strength yet after fighting so far!

"Damn, I told you to look down on me, to call me an oil bottle, now let's see who is an oil bottle... Do you know how to behave in the future?"

"Hey! Don't be dazed, help me deal with the Soul Shadow Lizard King, this guy is crazy!"

Not far away, the captain Nangong Wenxin hid in a panic. The Soul Shadow Lizard King saw his companions die one after another at the hands of humans, he became mad, his speed doubled, and he also used the soul-soul clone. In the later stage of Dan, the Dzogchen frenzied Soul Shadow Lizard was dealing with him.

Moreover, at this time, there were rustling sounds nearby, and a new Soul Shadow Lizard rushed over upon hearing the noise. This time, it was actually three Soul Shadow Lizards that appeared in front of everyone, and these three were all Adult body!

"Oh my god, there are three heads again, what should we do now!" Someone in the team stroked their foreheads in amazement.

It can be said that there is still room for strength in the battle just now, but now that the Soul Shadow Lizard King is berserk, the captain can't take care of himself, and three new adult Soul Shadow Lizards have come to support, I am afraid that the fighting power of this herd has begun to overwhelm the monks present. The battle situation began to be very pessimistic.

"Fight it!" Someone in the team shouted, Nangong Wensha met a Soul Shadow Lizard first, he used a magic weapon, and when he approached the adult Soul Shadow Lizard, there was a sudden bang and it exploded!
Damn, this guy is really willing, the magic weapon that exploded just now is at least a middle-grade magic weapon, otherwise there would be no such big movement.

(End of this chapter)

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