The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1164 Only Qin Lang is the leader

Chapter 1164 Only Qin Lang is the leader

Dongfang Wenxin directly threw out a magic weapon, and the grade was not low, the magic weapon immediately exploded!

The power equivalent to the explosion of several thunderbolts did cause a lot of trouble for the three adult soul shadow lizards. Even though the three adults had thick skin and flesh, they still suffered some minor injuries.

Seeing that this guy's method was effective, at this time, other teammates also reacted, and three or four teammates also used magic weapons at this time, and exploded on three adult bodies.

"Worthy of being from a super family, this way of burning money is really fun!" Seeing this, Qin Lang also sighed.

You know, all the magic weapons that exploded were middle-grade or above. If it was a casual cultivator, who would be willing to do this?
Even Qin Lang, if he hadn't encountered a life crisis, I'm afraid he wouldn't be so willing.

Boom boom boom!
The power of this explosion was even stronger, the ground was shaking, and grass mud was flying!The three adult Soul Shadow Lizards were directly blown into the mud and couldn't get out.

The method of burning money worked. The monks of the Nangong family and the Dongfang family were very energetic and began to beat the dogs in the water. Now this situation is really a good time to solve the three-headed adult body.

Just when everyone was fighting against the ghost herd, an accident happened suddenly.

"Thief, dare you!"

There was an exclamation, but it was from Captain Nangong Wenxin.

It turned out that when everyone was fighting the Soul Shadow Lizard herd, the ancestor of the Cai family also came here secretly. At this time, seeing the opportunity, he launched a surprise attack again, attacking Nangong Wenxin from three sides with the Soul Shadow Lizard King and the Soul Shadow Lizard King clone.

Under such a three-sided attack, Nangong Wenxin was unavoidable and terrified. Both the Soul Shadow Lizard King and the ancestor of the Cai family were of the same level. In such a situation, he died directly.

This time, if there is no accident, Nangong Wenxin will be severely injured!
At this time, a sword light lit up, "Sword Qi Binding" Qin Lang shouted, and cast the Phantom Wind Walk. With the effect of "Shadow Changing Boots", he quickly reinforced Nangong Wenxin, the team leader, and directly attacked the ancestor of the Cai family.

At the same time, with a wave of the other hand, the newly obtained high-grade defensive magic weapon, the green gauze tent, directly enveloped Nangong Wenxin.


Under the protection of the cyan mask of the top-grade magic weapon, the clone of the Soul Shadow Lizard King and the ancestor of the Cai family attacked Nangong Wenxin, as if entering an invisible force field, and the speed of movement suddenly became slow a lot of.

Only the Soul Shadow Lizard King's physical body was really strong, he just broke through the shield of the magic weapon and pushed Nangong Wentian's entire body into the air, flying away.

However, being protected by the magic mask of the green gauze tent still removed a lot of power, and Nangong Wentian's attack was undoubtedly much weaker.

Moreover, he also has a magic weapon for defense, so although the attack of the Soul Shadow Lizard King is powerful, the attack power is not ideal. Even though Nangong Wenxin was pushed into the air, it looked very powerful, but in fact, he only suffered a little injury after landing That's all.

However, the patriarch of the Cai family was bound by Qin Lang's sword and lost his opportunity. This round of sneak attack on the team leader Nangong Wenxin failed.

This old guy is indeed a cunning person, he missed a single blow and immediately ran away.

"Old thief! Where are you running!" Qin Lang struck again with his sword, only to cut off a small piece of the clothes of the ancestor of the Cai family.

The terrain of Baiman Mountain is special, the ancestor of the Cai family used earth escape, and escaped directly by burrowing into the soil.

"This old guy has a deep soul cultivation base, is proficient in earth escape, and is very familiar with the terrain of Baiman Mountain, so he is really difficult to deal with." Qin Lang wanted to pursue him, but he found no way to pursue him, so he could only secretly hate.

There is no way, now I can only rely on my teammates to continue chasing this hateful old guy.

Looking back, teammates and captain Nangong Wenxin have teamed up to kill the Soul Shadow Lizard King. Nangong Wenxin is currently taking elixir and meditating to heal his wounds.

And after killing the Soul Shadow Lizard Queen, everyone can finally free up their hands to deal with the three adult Soul Shadow Lizards who are still struggling in the mud.

ooh ooh...

Three screams appeared one after another.

So far, the entire Soul Shadow group, one Soul Shadow King, five adults, and one juvenile Soul Shadow Lizard have all been killed.

These fifth- and sixth-level monsters are full of treasures and good materials. Naturally, their corpses cannot be left in the wilderness.After the war, while the captain was recovering from his wounds, everyone also started to pack up the trophies.

The skin, flesh and bones of the monsters were separated by the crowd, and the blood of the monsters was divided into more than a dozen large bottles for everyone present.

The skin of monsters is the best material for refining defensive leather armor. The leather armors refined from these high-level monster skins are at least above the level of middle-grade magic weapons.

In particular, the skin of the Soul Shadow Lizard King should be refined to produce the upper defensive leather armor.

These monster skins were directly divided between the Dongfang family and the Nangong family, and Qin Lang was compensated with 200 million spirit stones, half of which was given by each family.

Qin Lang has no objection to this.

With these 200 million spirit stones, plus the income from the previous period, now Qin Lang's spirit stones have directly reached 1000 million, and his wealth is even more astonishing.

Now Qin Lang has about 1000 million spiritual stones, more than 70 middle-grade stones, and 31 high-grade stones.

The flesh and bones are basically equally distributed by everyone. These flesh and blood are the best ingredients, which can replenish a lot of aura for monks, even for monks in the alchemy stage. It is even better than those middle-grade spirit stones. There is no need to transform, the energy in the flesh and blood can directly become one's own aura.

There are also a lot of minerals in the bones of the Soul Shadow Lizard, which can extract some metal materials needed for refining. At the same time, the bone marrow of the Soul Shadow Lizard is also a high-grade alchemy material.

For such a distribution, everyone feels very fair.

In the end, he got another sixth-level monster inner alchemy, five fifth-level monster inner alchemy, and one fourth-level monster inner alchemy. These inner alchemy are the most valuable things in the entire trophy material.

These inner alchemy, everyone is not busy distributing them, and will make a decision after the captain finishes healing.

After all, the value of other things on the monster is not so great, so it is easy to distribute, but these seven inner alchemy are the most valuable, and the grades are different, so it is not easy to divide evenly.

Soon, Nangong Wenxin had finished healing and recovered.After recovering, he first bowed to Qin Lang: "This time, thanks to the help of Fellow Daoist Sirius, otherwise Nangong Wenxin could not escape death."

Indeed, the kind of sneak attack that the ancestor of the Cai family launched before, and the encirclement formed by the Soul Shadow Lizard King and the clone of the Soul Shadow Lizard King, was extremely dangerous, and Nangong Wenxin thought he couldn't resist it.

Fortunately, Qin Lang moved quickly enough to save Nangong Wenxin's life under many crises. The current team leader is naturally extremely grateful to Qin Lang.

So far, Qin Lang, the one with the lowest cultivation level in this team, has been generally recognized by the surrounding players.

Although Qin Lang's cultivation base is low, but the overall combat power displayed is definitely at the Dzogchen level in the late stage of alchemy.

The sharp method of beheading the adult soul beast lizard, the quickness and timeliness of the rescue captain Nangong Wenxin, many teammates thought they could not do this, and even Qin Lang's method of dissolving the siege of the soul beast King Xi and the ancestors of the Cai family was very difficult. It was effective, which made Nangong Wenxin only suffer a slight injury in the end.

This kind of combat talent is unparalleled, and it can't be achieved by relying on just a few magic weapons.

This Fellow Daoist Sirius... might be a little weaker in terms of defense, after all, they haven't seen much, but their reaction speed, attack methods, and attack power are definitely at the same level as Nangong Wenxin.

Even Fellow Daoist Heavenly Wolf's combat talent is very likely...a bit stronger than captain Nangong Wenxin.

Knowing that the members of the team had distributed the materials for beheading the soul shadow lizard group, and now only the seven most valuable inner pills were not distributed, waiting for his own decision, Nangong asked after thinking for a while, and said: "How about this! A battle against a group of Soul Shadow Lizards is obvious to all, and Fellow Daoist Sirius contributed the most, and it is also thanks to Fellow Daoist Sirius that he effectively dealt with the sneak attack of the ancestors of the Cai family!"

"I'll make the decision. The seven inner alchemy of the Soul Shadow Lizard will be given to Fellow Daoist Sirius. The inner alchemy of the Soul Shadow Lizard King and the other inner alchemy of the fourth-level Soul Shadow Lizard will be distributed to Fellow Daoist Sirius." , As for the other five fifth-order inner pills, we will share them equally, I wonder if you have any objections to this result?"

After finishing speaking, Nangong Wenxin turned his head and looked at everyone, waiting for everyone's opinions.

"I agree."

"I agree."


The team members nodded.

"It is true that Fellow Daoist Heavenly Wolf contributed the most in this battle. I take back my previous views and apologize to him." Nangong Wenshi, who had ridiculed Qin Lang before, also bowed solemnly to Qin Lang at this time. "sorry!"

This time, everyone was really convinced. Don't look at Qin Lang's performance in the Fengcheng martial arts arena, it seemed that he was vulnerable, and some of them also watched the battle.

But in this battle in Baiman Mountain, everyone understood that Qin Lang's ability is not simple, and the ancestor of the Cai family is really not easy to deal with. Everyone misunderstood Qin Lang.

"Hehe, it's nothing." Qin Lang smiled and accepted Nangong Wenxin's apology.

At the same time, he also accepted the two inner alchemy of monsters. It was the first time he got the inner alchemy of the sixth-order monster, and it was the inner alchemy of the Soul Shadow Lizard King. These are the main materials for refining the top-grade elixir!

This inner alchemy can definitely fetch more than 1000 million spirit stones at the auction, and no monk is stupid enough to auction such a good thing. You must know that the inner alchemy of monsters can be directly consumed to increase the cultivation base, and it can also It can be used to refine elixir, of course, the effect of refining elixir is better.

"Okay, through this battle, I also understand why the first wave of chasing and killing squads can't do anything to the ancestors of the Cai family! I'm afraid our reinforcement team has six people. If we continue to chase now, it will not achieve much effect, and it will be easy to hit the elders of the Cai family. The trap laid by the ancestors, we should go back and join the first batch of teams, and then discuss how to deal with that extremely cunning old guy!"

Captain Nangong Wenxin said at this time, this is also true. The swampy area and jungle area of ​​Baiman Mountain are intertwined with each other. There are too many places for the ancestors of the Cai family to hide, and it is not easy to find.

Moreover, although Baiman Mountain has fewer high-level monsters than other places in the Hengduan Mountains, it is not completely absent. There are always some monsters of this level like the Soul Shadow Lizard Group. The ancestors of the Cai family could use these monsters to target the pursuers in Fengcheng.

"Okay, let's go back first and join the first wave of people!"

Everyone nodded at this time. This round of searching and fighting took a lot of time and energy. Everyone is a little tired. It is necessary to go back to the Lost Soul Sect to take a rest.

(End of this chapter)

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