Chapter 1165
Returning to the Falling Soul Sect, three of the five members of the first pursuit team were wounded. Because of the detoxification pills, the poisonous injuries on their bodies have basically been resolved, except for one who needs to continue to recuperate for a few days because of his serious injury. The other two are fine.

While communicating in the hall, Gu Luo, the suzerain of the Lost Soul Sect, came with a smile and called his disciples to serve tea and snacks to the guests in Fengcheng.

"You're welcome, Sect Master Gu."

The captain of the first team, Nangong Wenming, and the captain of the second team, Nangong Wenxin, both clasped their fists and said.

"Should be, should be, you come from afar, you are the guests of Lost Soul Sect, as the host, Gu can't help you in other aspects, but it's okay to entertain a few meals."

Gu Luo said with a smile.

This old guy is also a smooth guy. I heard that he had a very good personal relationship with the ancestor of the Cai family before, but this time, knowing that the ancestor of the Cai family offended the big forces in Fengcheng, although he didn't make trouble, he was still busy clearing up the relationship. Cut off contact with the ancestors of the Cai family.

However, considering that Gu Luo runs a middle-level sect, everything must be considered for the interests of the sect, and personal friendship must be ignored, so it is understandable why he did this.

No way, everyone has everyone’s difficulties, everyone has everyone’s difficulties, sometimes the world does not look at the problem completely on the surface, just like those bad people do not necessarily have no friends at all, and neither do good people. It's not the same as doing bad things once or twice.

The reason why Guluo entertains the pursuers of Fengcheng so graciously now is also to let these people in Fengcheng know that he really has no connection with the ancestors of the Cai family, so that Fengcheng will not be involved in the Lost Soul Sect because of the ancestors of the Cai family.

Fortunately, the members of the pursuit team sent by Fengcheng are very high-quality, and they also know the difficulties of Guluo. These days, they have not made things difficult for him or the Luohunzong. They just regard the Luohunzong as a temporary foothold in Baiman Mountain .

Tea and snacks were served soon, and everyone sat around a large Eight Immortals table in the hall, drinking tea, eating snacks, and talking about things at the same time.

Qin Lang looked around. Although the layout of the reception hall of the Falling Soul Sect is not high-end, it is also ingenious. Although the materials used for decoration are not particularly expensive, they are not ordinary vulgar objects. , Lost Soul Sect still has certain economic strength.

"Huh... this tea." At this time, he picked up the tea, but found that the tea was very strange, as black as ink, and had no tea fragrance at all.

"Hehe, when I came to the Falling Soul Sect, I wanted to drink the unique soul tea of ​​the Falling Soul Sect! Even if this soul tea is comparable to the Longquan tea in Fengcheng, it is not far behind."

Teammate Nangong Wenshi carefully told Qin Lang that after Qin Lang showed great strength, now Nangong Wenshi not only apologized to Qin Lang last time, but also showed closeness everywhere afterwards, wanting to make up for the previous neglect.

"Soul tea?" Picking up the pitch-black soul tea, Qin Lang looked at it strangely. He had never drunk this tea before, and he didn't know what was so special about it.

"Soul tea is the biggest feature of our Falling Soul Sect! Fellow Daoists are distinguished guests, so Gu treats him with soul tea. Normally, even Gu himself is reluctant to drink it."

Gu Luo spoke up at this time, and explained to Qin Lang with a smile: "This soul tea is a tea ceremony made with the special soul method of the Luohun sect. The tea is not made of ordinary tea, but animal souls!"

"Beast soul? The soul of a monster?" Qin Lang asked.

"That's right, it is the souls of monsters. However, the method of collecting souls and making tea are unique methods of the Lost Soul Sect. Others can't learn it... The beast souls needed for this kind of soul tea , are all the purest core of the souls of the monsters who have just died, and then they are refined and formed through 28 processes, which is very complicated, and the annual output is much less than that of Longquan tea in Fengcheng."

"After this kind of soul tea is brewed, it looks as dark as black, but it makes people feel refreshed after drinking it. It has the effect of directly nourishing the soul, and almost has the effect of a top-grade panacea. , the raw materials used, hehe, are almost all the shares of the entire sect this month."

Gu Luo explained with a smile, the value of this soul tea is precious, especially above the Longquan tea in Fengcheng, and it is very distressing for him to take out eleven cups of soul tea at once, but there is no way to entertain these guests in Fengcheng up.

"Is it like this?"

At this time, Qin Lang picked up the cup and took a sip. The soul tea looked dark and had no fragrance, but after touching his mouth, it was extraordinarily sweet and refreshing.

Moreover, there is a coolness in the sweetness that goes straight to the heart and spleen. As the tea enters the belly, a strange soul energy dissolves in the body, is absorbed and transformed by one's own body, and directly strengthens one's spiritual consciousness, making Yuan God is nourished.

“Good tea!”

This is the second good tea in the comprehension world that Qin Lang drinks now. This small cup of soul tea has the effect not weaker than that of a god-recovery pill. While tasting tea, you can strengthen your spiritual power It's really good.

After drinking this kind of good tea, Qin Lang felt refreshed for a while, half of it was the effect of the tea, and half was the feeling of a better mood.

Qin Lang is also a tea lover. At this time, he even had the idea of ​​getting the recipe of soul tea, but thinking about the production method of soul tea, it is probably the core secret of the ancient soul sect. No matter how he asks, I am afraid This Gu Luo suzerain also won't reveal it, so he can only let it go.

At this time, Gu Luo cupped his hands: "Everyone drink tea and eat snacks slowly, Gu won't bother you to talk about things, the dinner will be delivered in the evening, Gu will now go to the new guest Make room for some rooms." After speaking, he left.

After Gu Luo left, the two teams in Fengcheng began to exchange business, discussing the specific plan for chasing down the ancestor of the Cai family, and how to proceed.

"In my opinion, our team was not familiar with the place of birth in Baiman Mountain. When we were about to search many times, we were attacked by the ancestors of the Cai family, but we couldn't keep this old guy. One reason was that the old guy was strong and cunning, and the other The reason is that our strength is too scattered and too weak.”

"Therefore, I suggest that it is better for our two teams to be joined together. In this way, the ancestors of the Cai family will not be able to attack even if they want to sneak attack, and it will be easier for us to deal with this person." Nangong Wenming, captain of the pursuit team Said.

"I don't agree. Our two teams joined together. Although our strength has been strengthened, the ancestor of the Cai family is not a fool. Seeing our strengthened manpower, he is even more afraid to approach! In this case, even though our people are attacked The chances are getting smaller, but it's also getting more difficult to find this old guy!"

Nangong Wenxin, the captain of the reinforcement team, raised a different opinion.

"that's true!"

Teammate Nangong Wenshi also nodded and said: "That old guy has been fighting guerrilla warfare. If the enemy is strong, we will retreat, and if the enemy is weak, we will advance. I'm even more afraid to show my head."

"If our two teams, one in the light and the other in the dark, are not far apart, but they are in contact with each other, what if we find that old guy and meet up immediately?"

Qin Lang put forward his own ideas at this time.

"Oh, how about the details? Fellow Daoist Sirius, please tell me."

The two team captains turned their attention to Qin Lang at this time, waiting for Qin Lang to finish.

"It's like this. Isn't that old guy good at using the terrain advantage to deal with us? The old guy should be familiar with many places in Baiman Mountain. He knows where there are monsters and where there are no monsters. We might as well use our tricks and pretend to be attacked by a powerful monster again." Besieged by beasts, do this first...then do this...then do this...if this is the case, you won't have to worry about that old guy not being fooled!"

Hearing Qin Lang's idea, the eyes of the two team leaders immediately lit up: "Wonderful! Wonderful, if this is the case, don't worry about that old guy not being fooled!"

"Fellow Daoist Heavenly Wolf is really smart!"

The teammates were also shocked by Qin Lang's whimsical ideas.

"Oh, it's normal."

Qin Lang was also very happy to see that his idea was adopted. I believe that if this time is properly arranged, it will not be difficult to kill the ancestor of the Cai family.

Afterwards, there was another round of detailed discussions, and they found Gu Luo, the head snake lord of the Lost Soul Sect, and asked about the terrain and distribution of monsters in Baiman Mountain.

So regarding the specific arrangement of this operation, the two captains have coordinated with each other after this discussion, and each team member also knows their next task, and they have some confidence in their hearts. I was thinking, setting up a net this time, I believe that the ancestor of the Cai family is finally unable to fly.

After the discussion, it was already evening, and the dinner arranged by the Lost Soul Sect also arrived. The dinner was also a very sumptuous meal. However, the two teams who were impatient for tomorrow's action all ate in a hurry. Rest in the accommodation arranged by yourself, adjust yourself, and prepare to perform the task in the best condition the next day.

And Qin Lang also entered a small guest room arranged for him by the Lost Soul Sect, and began to meditate, adjust his breath, and carry out the necessary daily practice.Cultivators are like this. Every day, they need to spend most of their time on meditation and breath adjustment, so that they can continuously improve their cultivation.

After entering the middle stage of alchemy, when Qin Lang is meditating, he also starts to use middle-grade spirit stones to speed up the process of absorbing spiritual energy, instead of using low-grade spirit stones like before.

This room is equipped with a small spirit-gathering formation, which can speed up the cultivation process. However, if there are spirit stones to help during the cultivation process, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy will be faster.

If you use middle-grade spirit stones for cultivation, the speed of absorbing spirit energy is four to five times faster than using low-grade spirit stones. However, the amount of spirit energy required from the middle to the late stage of alchemy is very large, and it will take a while for Qin Lang to accumulate it. Able to reach the peak of alchemy in the middle stage.

(End of this chapter)

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