The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1174 Triggering the Teleportation Mechanism

Chapter 1174 Triggering the Teleportation Mechanism

The sword array just now was extremely powerful and chased too fast, and the two rookie companions around him also blocked it too coincidentally, completely cheating the rhythm of the dead, he couldn't avoid it at all, he could only use this method to save himself.

And Qin Lang's self-rescue really worked. The rookie Dandan newcomer blocked the sword formation's offensive for just a second, and this reaction time was enough for Qin Lang to withdraw from the defensive formation.

Those who were pitted so miserably just now and are still staying in this defensive formation full of holes are all fools.

"Hahaha! You little brats of the Heavenly Medicine Sect, be scared! If you kneel down and beg for mercy now, the old man can still give you a whole corpse..."

The arrogant voices of the Sword Sect lunatics behind them rang out again, seeing the current situation, all of them were extremely proud.

"Damn it, these newly promoted alchemy stage disciples seem to be hopeless!"

Duanqishan and Deshang looked at each other in the middle of alchemy, and they both felt difficult. Everything was isolated in this thousand-year-old mansion, so now they can't even send a message to the Tianyimen to ask for help.

Now in the main hall, the Sword Sect is very powerful, if you want to save yourself, you have to rely on yourself and a few elder-level companions around you.

"Taibai Zishan, how is your situation?"

Duanqishan asked at this time.

"Fortunately, life-saving is no problem, but don't expect me to be able to fight."

Taibai Zishan smiled wryly. He is a master of alchemy, and he has a lot of life-saving pills, but Jianzong's sword energy is too special. There is no fighting power.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

At this time, there were three screams from Jianzong, and the three monks of Jianzong who formed the sword formation were killed for no apparent reason.

"Who? Who is it!"

The movement in the sword formation naturally attracted the attention of Ji Changsheng, the leader of the sword formation, and three of them were killed at once. Jianzong was also shocked and angry, and the sword formation's offensive suddenly slowed down.

At this time, Ji Changsheng, a Dzogchen monk in the late stage of alchemy, used his spiritual sense to investigate carefully, and suddenly became furious: "Who is sneaky, come out!"

With a wave of his hand, dozens of sword qi were sent out in a blank direction, forcing a figure to show its original shape.

The one who was forced out of the figure was actually Qin Lang!
It turned out that Qin Lang just used the ability of the black bead to hide and killed three monks of the Sword Sect in a sneak attack, which can be regarded as a small revenge for the Heavenly Medicine Sect.

However, Ji Changsheng, as a monk of the Sword Sect of Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy, his spiritual consciousness is also extremely powerful. As long as he carefully investigates, he can find Qin Lang who is invisible, so Qin Lang's stealth attack can only be carried out once. Not much effect anymore.

Because Qin Lang's small black bead couldn't prevent the spiritual detection of monks above the late stage of alchemy, therefore, not only Ji Changsheng, but also three other monks in the late stage of alchemy were able to detect in Jianzong.

Just now Qin Lang was also very careful to avoid these powerful monks, and all the monks who were killed were slightly inferior monks in the Jianzong team, two of them were in the early stage of alchemy, and one was in the middle stage of alchemy.

This kind of record is already very good, if it is not relying on the sneak attack of the small black beads, Qin Lang would not be able to do this at all.

One must know that besides himself, the current Heavenly Medicine Sect seems to have no results at all. Not only that, eight or nine rookies were killed in the battle just now, and almost everyone left was wounded.

After the scuffle just now, there are still sixteen monks left on the side of the Heavenly Medicine School, and seventeen monks on the Jianzong side. On the surface, it seems that the Heavenly Medicine School still has a numerical advantage, but in fact, all the monks We all know the tide is over.

It is really that Jianzong's overall strength is too strong, there are even three late-stage alchemy in the team, and one late-stage alchemy Dzogchen, but what about the Tianyimen?There are only four mid-stage alchemy disciples, and now one is injured. The rest of the new alchemy-stage disciples are mostly rookies, so there is no need to count on them at all.

Of course, if they can go back alive this time, these rookies will undergo a huge transformation and become the pillars of the Heavenly Medicine Sect, but now how many people will be left behind after the battle of the Heavenly Medicine Sect is really two things.

Even Qin Lang can't guarantee now that facing so many high-ranking monks in Jianzong, he will definitely be able to escape his life, let alone other people in the Tianyi Sect.

After all, the current Qin Lang, although his cultivation is only in the middle stage of alchemy, his real combat power is definitely at the level of Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy, and he can tie with Ji Changsheng.

This is also the real reason why in the surprise attack just now, he was able to kill three Jianzong alchemy monks in a row, even including one in the middle stage of alchemy, because he thought he would never be able to do it.

After all, when the killing intent is close, the monks will react spontaneously to resist, and only because Qin Lang's combat power is far superior to the opponent, can the three sword sect monks be unable to resist at that time.

"Old Bai, has the sword energy been forced out? I know Jianzong's sword energy best, you can use this method to try..."

Qin Lang approached Taibai Zishan at this time, and he was very familiar with the conversation, and passed on the best way for Taibai Zishan to deal with Jianzong's sword energy.

"Really useful!"

Taibai Zishan exclaimed, and according to the method Qin Lang said, he circulated his true energy a little bit, and all the sword energy in his body spurted out from the wound along with the blood.

According to the method Qin Lang said, he solved the big trouble he had been dealing with before in just a few seconds. This made Taibai Zishan very surprised. How did this Qin Lang junior know so much about Jianzong.

"Taibai Zishan, is your sword energy forced out?"

The other two elders beside him were surprised when they saw the movement of sword energy emanating from Taibai Zishan's wound.

"Indeed it is."

Taibai Zishan also spread Qin Lang's method to his two companions at any time.

And with the method taught by Taibai Zishan, the two elders who were originally injured less than Taibai Zishan also took advantage of the opportunity to force out all the sword energy in the remaining injuries in their bodies.

And after forcing these sword qi out, the eyes of several elders looking at Qin Lang suddenly changed. This young man is very smart, and the sword qi of the sword sect that several of his old guys need to deal with slowly has a way to solve it. The younger generation is estimated to be unmatched.

They never imagined that Qin Lang is already a veteran who has fought against Jianzong many times, and the technique he taught them is also from Jianzong's sword art.

On the side of Jianzong, now that Qin Lang has changed back to his original appearance, these Jianzong monks can't recognize that this kid is the enemy of the sect, that loose cultivator Sirius!
And the one who should recognize Qin Lang the most among Jianzong is Ji Changsheng, who is in the late stage of Dzogchen formation, because the dead Ji Changsheng is Ji Changsheng's twin brother, and Qin Lang is one of his brother-killing enemies.

However, they just felt that Qin Lang was a little familiar. The aftermath of the sword energy that killed three fellow sects just now seemed to be somewhat similar to the sect, and they had no impression of the others at all.

There is a common saying that if you change your vest, you will not know each other. Now this situation corresponds to this sentence, which is really dumbfounding.

On Qin Lang's side, after the three elders completely expelled the sword qi, their confidence has recovered a little. Suppress the sword energy in the body.

"Everyone moves freely, find the mechanism in the hall and send it out, avoid the sword sect, and try to be careful of the opponent's sword array!"

At this time, Mount Duanqi had no better way to deal with Jianzong's sword array, knowing that if he continued to be trapped in this hall, the result would only get worse, so he made such a decision.

"All right!"

Qin Lang and the other three sighed helplessly. They all knew that if they could not get rid of the Jianzong people as soon as possible, everyone would be finished.

And the dozen or so newly promoted core disciples in the alchemy stage behind them now have no time to worry about, so let's resign themselves to their fate!After all, everyone in the Tianyi Sect is now a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and everyone is unable to protect themselves, so they can't control other people.

At this time, Qin Lang suddenly found that the color of a floor tile in the main hall was a little different from the surrounding ones, it was a bit darker, but there were still two Jianzong monks blocking that place.

Immediately, Qin Lang became invisible again and carefully sneaked past.

However, Ji Changsheng, who had been paying attention to Qin Lang's movement for a long time, and the other three late-stage alchemy monks, came over when Qin Lang was invisible: "Little thief, this trick is useless now!"

They thought that Qin Lang wanted to play the trick of sneak attack again, and they had already reminded the two companions over there to pay attention, but they didn't expect that Qin Lang's target was not the two sword sect monks at all.

At this time, Qin Lang came to the target and stomped hard on the dark floor tiles.

Immediately, the entire hall rumbled, and the ground shook.

"what happened?"

Now all the monks are amazed, the hall is shaking, both the monks from the Heavenly Medicine Sect and the Sword Sect are a little panicked, and the fighting has naturally stopped.

At this time, spiritual fluctuations appeared on the ground of the hall, and different circular patterns appeared one by one.

"This is the teleportation rune! Someone touched the teleportation mechanism in the hall!"

At this time, someone screamed, and it was unknown whether it was from the Heavenly Medicine Sect or from the Sword Sect.

But no matter what, this change suddenly changed the hostile situation between the two sides in the ancient mansion. Even if Jianzong had the upper hand, with the activation of the teleportation array at this moment, everyone was teleported, and most of them would be teleported to various places, resulting in People scattered.

So even if the Sword Sect has the upper hand, once the personnel are scattered, maybe the opportunity of the Heavenly Medicine Sect will come.

Soon, with the activation of the teleportation array in the main hall of the thousand-year-old mansion, light and shadow flickered continuously, enveloping everyone, and it was futile to let everyone struggle.

The teleportation array quickly teleported the monks who had no time to react to unknown places!
A few seconds later, there was no one in the entire hall, not even the corpses, leaving only some bloodstains from previous battles on the ground.

I don't know if this extremely powerful teleportation formation was arranged by the monks of the late Yuanying period or the monks of the Huashen realm. After thousands or even tens of thousands of years, the power is still so powerful, which is really sensational.

You must know that not only the living, but also the dead were sent out just now!It seems that when the teleportation array is activated, as long as it has spiritual energy, it will be teleported away, even dead bodies are no exception.If the blood on the masonry of the hall was not too deep, I am afraid that even these bloodstains would not be left behind.

(End of this chapter)

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