The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1175 Fighting Alone

Chapter 1175 Fighting Alone
Clap clap... clap clap...

In a black passage, several people suddenly fell out of thin air, among them was Qin Lang who had just been teleported from the hall.

Looking at the long passages around, this place obviously looks like a long mine road. Although the surroundings are very dark, there are many luminous objects on the walls of the surrounding passages, which emit shimmering light, illuminating this place so that they can be seen clearly. short distance.

And when he found the person who was teleported with him just now, Qin Lang raised his brows, his face became serious, and the few teleported around him were all from Jianzong.

There are five sword sect monks in total, three of them are in the early stage of alchemy, one in the middle stage of alchemy, and one in the late stage of alchemy.

Since he was an enemy, Qin Lang would naturally not be polite, and without thinking about it, he immediately used his ultimate move, and killed a few members of the Sword Sect who had just teleported over and had no time to react.

Several Jianzong monks also reacted very quickly. Qin Lang's attack, three sword qi were blocked, and only hit two Jianzong monks who were in the early stage of alchemy.

The two Jianzong monks didn't even have time to scream, and they were hit to the point and killed by Qin Lang.

And the remaining three sword sect monks have already reacted at this time, and put on a defensive lineup to face Qin Lang. Although Qin Lang is only in the middle stage of alchemy, this attack is too sharp!One face-to-face and two dead on my side.

Thinking back at this moment, they suddenly realized that the opponent was using the Sword Art of the Sword Sect. They couldn't help being surprised: "How can this monk of the Heavenly Medicine Sect know the sword art of our school, and it seems that the level of the Sword Art is not low."

They couldn't connect Qin Lang in front of them with the Sanxiu Sirius that Zongmen had been chasing and killing.

Of course, Qin Lang's acting skills are also at the level of movie kings. When he became a casual cultivator Sirius, he looked like a rough man, but now he looks like a boy with a white face. The style of the two is completely wrong. Couldn't react.

"Die!" Facing the three sword sect monks in front of him, Qin Lang naturally didn't have such a big pressure in the hall. At this time, he summoned his second soul body, holding back the late stage of alchemy, the main body Deal with a Jianzong monk who is in the early stage of alchemy and a mid-stage alchemy.

Qin Lang, who was originally a Dzogchen combat power in the late stage of alchemy, now uses one to two to deal with two monks who are far inferior to him, which is easier.

In no time, the two relatively weak Jianzong monks were easily killed by Qin Lang.

However, the sword sect cultivator in the mid-stage of alchemy chose to blew himself up when he couldn't do Qin Lang. Live the whole body.

After all, a monk in the mid-stage of alchemy blew himself up, at most with the intensity of ten thunderbolts, and a better top-grade magic weapon with full defense could still resist it.

Since the Leihuo Qiankun Clock was destroyed, among the three new high-grade defensive magic weapons, only Lieyan Yuanyang Ruler is the most suitable for his physical attributes.

This defensive magic weapon has twelve layers of restraints, all of which are fire-attributed ability defense enhancement arcs. When deployed, it is equivalent to the blessing of twelve layers of defensive fire shields on the body. It is very powerful, and the effect is several blocks away from the original middle-grade magic weapon. .

The sword sect cultivator in the middle stage of forming a pill is indeed very strong. The twelve-layer shield issued by Lieyan Yuanyang Ruler on his body just now broke ten layers, but in the end he was able to withstand it. This also made Qin Lang breathe a sigh of relief, thinking , This magic weapon is not bad, if it is replaced by other two top-rank defense magic weapons, it will definitely not have such a strong defense, and it will be my core defense magic weapon in the future.

It took [-]% of his true energy to resist this round of explosion, and Qin Lang still has spare strength now.

After killing the two sword sect monks, his second soul body is still in a stalemate with the sword sect monk in the late stage of alchemy. As the strongest sect in the southern region, the attack power of the monks under the sect is at the same level Almost all the monks were the strongest, so the body of the second soul couldn't take him down at all.

Jianzong Sansheng Sword Art is very powerful. This Jianzong monk has already gained the true meaning of the first three moves, and when he performs it, he is not weaker than Qin Lang himself.

And the special effect attack reflection ability of the second soul's magic weapon, the bone runner, has always been its most effective weapon, but this time it is actually ineffective against the sword energy reflection of the sword sect monks, which also makes the battle more difficult.

This sword sect cultivator in the late stage of alchemy was full of sword energy, and his second soul body just now didn't know how many hits. If it wasn't for his immortal body, he would have been seriously injured.

This is the only good thing about the body of the second soul. As long as it doesn't harm the source of the soul, other physical injuries are nothing.

Seeing that the body of his second soul had been crushed and beaten, Qin Lang roared at this moment, and joined the battle group to help his clone.

Immediately, the advantage that the sword sect cultivator in the late stage of forming the alchemy had had vanished in an instant. Instead, Qin Lang reversed the situation with the body of the second soul, and continued to attack.

"go to hell!"

At this time, Qin Lang used the top-grade magic weapon, the soul-shaking bell. The soul-shaking bell is a magic weapon of the soul, which can directly affect the enemy's spiritual consciousness. The monk of the sword sect in the late stage of alchemy is fighting against Qin Lang's body and clone. Who knows that Qin Lang is still there. With this special method, he was caught off guard and hesitated for a moment.

Grasping this is not a breach of weakness, Qin Lang's body and avatar strengthened the attack, directly attacking the monk's vital points.

It was already a step too late when the monks in the late stage of alchemy realized that Qin Lang's double attack had already arrived, and his head was chopped off from his neck immediately.

Dapeng Dapeng's blood sprayed from the enemy's neck, and Qin Lang's body and avatar were sprayed all over.

"Huh... kill five, not bad."

Qin Lang let out a long breath. This kind of record is very good. You must know that this is a tough battle. The monks of Jianzong have always been strong. In the end, this monk in the late stage of alchemy can almost be compared with the general monks in the late stage of alchemy.

Killing these five Jianzong monks means that there are still twelve more enemies. I don’t know how the people who have been sent in from the Heavenly Medicine Sect are doing now.

After all, other monks of the Heavenly Medicine Sect don't have as many attack methods as they do.

Qin Lang was thinking like this, when there was a long howling sound, the breath was very strong, and the person who came might have a Dzogchen cultivation in the late stage of alchemy, which made Qin Lang's mood that had just relaxed, suddenly tense up again.

"It's that Jianzong Ji Changsheng!"

A cold light flashed across Qin Lang's eyes. This Ji Changqing felt very powerful. He was much stronger than Ji Changsheng who he had killed with Dongfang Zhilan before. I am afraid that he is already at the peak of Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy, and he is only a hair away from breaking through Jieying.

"It's you!"

Ji Changsheng, the elder of Jianzong who rushed over, was shocked and furious when he saw the corpses of Jianzong monks scattered all over the ground: "Are you a loose cultivator Sirius?"

He already felt that Qin Lang's swordsmanship was somewhat familiar, and he saw the abnormalities in the wounds of the corpses of several fellow sects underground. He recalled the sword aura similar to his own sect when Qin Lang killed the three sword sect monks in the hall before, and finally Analyzed Qin Lang's identity.

Only the casual cultivator Sirius, who had been against the sect some time ago, took advantage of the sword sect and obtained the true inheritance of the sword art from the sect master's own son.

"That's right, I'm the casual cultivator Sirius!"

Qin Lang responded lightly, anyway, both sides are mortal enemies, there is no need to hide any more.

"It really is you, good! Now kill two birds with one stone, kill you, and I can go back to the sect to get an extra contribution!"

Ji Changsheng laughed and said, "For the head of the casual cultivator Sirius, the sect has already offered a reward of 500 contributions, that is, [-] million spirit stones from the outside world. Although it is not much, it can be considered as an extra income."

"Oh, that depends on whether you have the ability."

Qin Lang responded, and at the same time, the light on his body was shining, and he also sacrificed the magic weapon.

"Stop talking nonsense, look at the moves, and try my five-sword Xiaocheng's sword art!"

Ji Changsheng sneered for a while, and slashed out a powerful sword glow.

not good!

Qin Lang's body tightened when he saw this. Ji Changsheng Sansheng Jianjue has already practiced five swords, and the level of sword intent is higher than his own. I am afraid it will be difficult for him to match.

Hurry up to dodge this attack, but this sword move, the sword energy actually has the effect of automatic tracking, and has been staring at Qin Lang. As a last resort, Qin Lang asked the body of the second soul to help resist, and the second soul The body was directly split half of the body.

This situation made Qin Lang's heart twitch, it was too strong, the most powerful sword cultivator in the world really is!Ji Changsheng is almost the strongest attack power below the Nascent Soul stage. With such sword energy, his second soul body is nothing. As long as the main body is hit by one move, he will definitely die if he touches it, and he will be injured if he rubs it!
Quickly took back the half-disabled body of the second primordial spirit. After the attack was completed, the sword energy hadn't disappeared yet, and he chased Qin Lang again. After the dual god, it is not without consumption.

"Come again!"

Smiling grinningly, Ji Changsheng slashed out more than a dozen sword qi.

For a while, the passage was filled with these sword qi, and now Qin Lang is inevitable.

"Pu Chi...Pi Chi..."

At this time, Qin Lang used a top-grade magic weapon on his body, the three-element mountain nail. This magic weapon is similar to the thunder and lightning effect of Thunder God and Lightning Mother. Powerless.

After all, Qin Lang just fought just now, and now he doesn't have much real energy, so he is completely unable to fight against Ji Changsheng, who is in the late stage of alchemy and has not consumed much real energy.

Immediately, without even thinking about it, Qin Lang used Phantom Wind Walk and fled in another direction. With the "Shadow Changing Boots" the arc speed was astonishing, and his figure was almost the same as "Flash".

"Want to run! It's not that easy."

Ji Changsheng seemed to be convinced of Qin Lang, and began to chase after him, while slashing with a few sword qi.

At this time, Qin Lang suddenly disappeared, and he really disappeared!
This time it really disappeared. Ji Changsheng felt strange, knowing that Qin Lang had the ability to hide himself, so he used his spiritual sense to investigate, but he still didn't find Qin Lang's figure for a long time.

Where Qin Lang stayed, there was only a wave of spiritual power in front of him.

"what happened?"

Ji Changsheng was very puzzled. After pondering for a while at the place where Qin Lang stayed, he found out the clue, and clenched his fists angrily: "Damn it, this kid actually used a spell in advance, it seems to be Baili Dun!"

Baili Dun is an intermediate-level spell, and there are few rune makers in Qinghe mainland, so it is very rare in the market. Just now, Ji Changsheng has not been prepared to have this kind of thing on Qin Lang, which also gave Qin Lang the opportunity to secretly activate this spell and escape.

This is also thanks to Qin Lang being a middle-level talisman apprentice. He used the auction to take the only Baili escape talisman, and researched the manufacturing method of this talisman. Only then can it be mass-produced, and only talismans can be used in critical moments.

(End of this chapter)

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