Chapter 1176 Jade Slip

The light flickered. After using the Baili Talisman, Qin Lang did not escape from the thousand-year-old mansion, but was teleported to another part of the mansion. Unfortunately, he hit the wall of a stone room, and his body shield was torn apart. .

Fortunately, the wall here is not a star steel stone, otherwise he would be miserable!
Now there was a big gap in the wall, and Qin Lang was dizzy for a while before recovering.

After recovering, Qin Lang was also a little scared, looking at the wall with lingering fears and thinking: "I can't do such nonsense in the future, if the wall is thicker... maybe I will be finished."

It is really that the transmission of the Bailidun spell is full of too many uncertainties. This time it is not bad to transmit it to such a stone room. If it is directly transmitted to the mountain, I am afraid that Qin Lang will be finished.

At this time, he took a good look at the closed stone room. He found that there were no doors around the stone room. Inside the wall that was broken just now was actually a thick rock formation. Although the hardness of this rock formation was not as strong as that of Xinggang Stone, it was not much worse.

In other words, the current Qin Lang is trapped in a small stone room in the mountain.

The stone room was very empty, except for an ancient silver table in the corner, made of unknown material, with a thick layer of dust on it.

Qin Lang approached the silver table curiously. There was nothing on the table, but he found a hidden compartment under the table, and took out a small square box from it.

Opening the small square box, he found a piece of jade pupils, he narrowed his eyes and thought about it.

The jade slip should not be a common product, this was Qin Lang's first thought.

After all, it can be placed in a secret room in a thousand-year-old mansion, and it is placed alone, so there is no reason for it to be an ordinary thing.

What's more, the silver table in this stone room is already covered with dust, which means that no one has been here for a long time, and the hidden compartment where the jade slips are placed is not very secret, so if someone has been here before, they should also find the jade slips. yes.

Inferring in this way, it is actually very easy to draw a conclusion that this stone room has never been patronized by anyone before, and the only item is this jade slip.

Qin Lang hopes that the things recorded in this jade slip can be useful to him.

"Jade Jiantong seems to be something owned by monks in ancient times. It is also a special spiritual material that can store information. Now the monks in Qinghe Continent have used this kind of jade Jiantong for a long time. Extinct in Qinghe Continent."

"This jade slip pupil is probably owned by the owner of the thousand-year-old mansion. It shouldn't be easy. I can use my spiritual sense to check and see what information is stored in this jade slip pupil."

At the moment, Qin Lang separated a strand of divine consciousness, poured it into Yujian pupil, and checked the information in Yujian pupil.After a long time, he put down his jade-like pupils, and his expression changed slightly.

What is recorded in this jade slip pupil is a peculiar skill method, the method of storing emptiness and absorbing energy. It is said that the meridians in the monk's body are divided into two types: bright meridians and virtual meridians.

A kind of cultivation in the cultivation world is used to store and circulate the true energy. However, in the method of hiding the emptiness and accepting energy, it is stated that monks actually have the same number of emptiness. It can open up most of the virtual channels of the body, so as to accommodate more "Qi".

After practicing the method of storing emptiness and accepting energy, the amount of true energy of the monk will increase by two times. In this way, the combat durability of the monk used for fighting will be higher.

Think about it, with the same realm of cultivation, with twice the amount of true energy, you will definitely crush other monks.

For a long time, Qin Lang's fighting method has been to compete with high-ranking monks to fight for the consumption of real energy, and there is often a phenomenon of exhaustion of real energy, so this exercise is very suitable for him, and he immediately decided to practice this exercise.


And while Qin Lang was practicing the ancient kung fu "Hiding the Void and Gaining Qi" in the secret room, at the same time, a group of monks from Jianzong were fighting in another direction with a group of monks from the Heavenly Medicine Sect.

Among the Heavenly Medicine Sect, Duanqi Mountain, Taibai Zishan, and Deshang, three inner sect elders in the middle stage of alchemy were all present, and they also brought ten core disciples in the alchemy stage. They were very lucky. It can be said that apart from Qin Lang and the other two The novice disciple of forming alchemy and the other members of the Heavenly Medicine Sect did not disperse.

On Jianzong's side, there are two monks in the late stage of alchemy and five monks in the early stage of alchemy. The number is at a disadvantage, but the overall strength is superior.

The two sides fought each other, the Tianyimen with the weakest cultivation level and the Jianzong monks were the first to fight to the death, and it became Duanqishan, Taibai Zishan, Deshang and Jianzong two late-stage rivalry.

In such a situation, the strength of Tianyi Sect was slightly weaker than that of Jianzong. However, Taibai Zishan received the method of restraining Jianzong's sword energy from Qin Lang, and taught it to two companions. Therefore, the two late-stage monks of Jianzong The effect of the sword will be greatly reduced.

In addition, the Tianyi Sect has enough pills, and Taibai Ziyun is also a master of alchemy, and there is an endless stream of various elixir on his body. If he tries to consume it, the two sword sects can't beat the three monks of the Tianyi Sect in the later stage of alchemy. .

In the end, the battle turned into a stalemate, and the three of the Heavenly Doctor Sect relied on the power of the elixir, so they had a faint upper hand.

They glanced at each other, knowing that going on like this was not the way to go, the two monks of Jianzong's alchemy burst out suddenly, and they broke the siege of the three people from the Tianyi Sect, and fled in another direction, preparing to join other companions and turn back Deal with these three monks of the Heavenly Medicine Sect.


Seeing this situation, the three monks of the Tianyi Sect couldn't catch up. After discussing it, the three went in the other direction.


In the secret room, after an unknown amount of time, Qin Lang finally opened up the virtual veins all over his body by referring to the hidden emptiness Na Qigong method in the pupils of the jade slip.

As the virtual meridians of the body penetrate, the original true essence in the meridians begins to flow to the virtual meridians, and the internal pressure of the true essence in the meridians also becomes smaller and smaller.

And Qin Lang began to stuff a lot of essence pills into his mouth, and at the same time he also held several middle-grade spirit stones in his hand, and started to absorb them crazily.

Now that the empty veins in my body have been opened up, the volume of true qi has doubled, so I need to replenish a lot of aura.

Jingqi pills are like jelly beans, chewed by Qin Lang, turned into a torrent of spiritual energy, directly inhaled by the body into the meridians, and then flowed in the meridians to supplement the body's strong needs.

And the medium-grade spirit stone in his hand was also transforming rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, cracking piece by piece within 5 minutes, and gradually turning into powder. This was the result of the rapid consumption of energy in the spirit stone.

After swallowing more than 100 essence pills and consuming more than 20 spirit stones, Qin Lang's true essence capacity reached saturation again.

Now not only his meridians, but also his virtual meridians are exhausted, and he can no longer accommodate more spiritual energy to enter.

And at this time, Qin Lang had a whim, his body's true qi capacity should be far beyond the peak of the ordinary mid-stage alchemy, relying on the true qi in the meridians and virtual veins, can he try to hit the late stage of alchemy... …

If he can succeed, his combat strength can definitely be improved a lot, and it will be much easier to deal with the enemies in the thousand-year-old mansion.

After all, the members of the Sword Sect who entered the thousand-year-old mansion this time are all high-level monks. Among them, Ji Changsheng, who is in the late stage of alchemy, is not an opponent.

If I can advance to the late stage of alchemy and meet this person again, I believe it will be much easier to deal with, and I won't have to run for my life in a hurry.Maybe at that time, with his own strength, he could still kill this person.

Just do it when you think about it, Qin Lang is also a decisive person, ready to start to attack the late stage of alchemy.

However, one step before the final stage of impacting the alchemy, he needs to take a "Yijing Pill" to eliminate the erysipelas in his body.

After all, Qin Lang’s body inevitably accumulated some erysipelas after taking a large amount of pills in a short period of time just now. Before, the amount of each dose was not very large, and it can be detoxified slowly over time. It is not advisable, and it was only done for the purpose of expanding the virtual veins just now.

You must know that the continuous use of a large amount of essence pills just now has caused the rapid accumulation of erysipelas, and even the skin has become a little dull. This is the manifestation of erysipelas deposition in the subcutaneous tissue.

Qin Lang knew that it was time for him to take "Yijing Pill" to remove the erysipelas toxin in his body, so he took out the ruby ​​box containing Yijing Pill.

He chose a "Yijing Pill" with pill patterns and took it directly.

A good elixir has a better effect and a stronger effect on expelling toxins, so Qin Lang chose the most perfect quality elixir to take.

As soon as the elixir fell into his stomach, it turned into a hot stream, moving like sharp thorns in the body, and thousands of arrows were fired, Qin Lang only felt the inside of his body turn rivers and seas, and he almost cried out in pain.

Yijing Pill is actually a kind of powerful panacea, and the reaction during taking it was particularly severe. He actually felt like his whole body was being torn by blades.

In the intestines and abdomen, there was a series of colic pains. Qin Lang also experienced it once. It felt like a tide. The movement of this colic was getting bigger and bigger. He clenched his teeth and couldn't make a sound, his whole body seemed to be squatting hard on the toilet, and his whole face was flushed from holding back.


Qin Lang finally couldn't help yelling, and at the same time, a black blood arrow broke through from his mouth. This is poisonous blood, which is the poison of the internal organs, and it spewed out along with the internal energy.

And as the poisonous blood with erysipelas spewed out, he only felt his whole body relax, as if suddenly, his body lightened by tens of catties, and he had a feeling of being so light that he could float in the air.

Expelling the toxins, although I was exhausted enough, I was extremely comfortable mentally. Now there was no erysipelas accumulation in the body, and even the body toxins accumulated a while ago disappeared. .

"In the mother's body, a baby is a completely pure and pollution-free congenital body. The function of Yijing Dan is to cut the hair and wash the marrow to remove erysipelas, and return to the original. However, this process is really uncomfortable! Fortunately, I have experienced it once before. , I have experience, so I gritted my teeth and survived." Qin Lang took a breath, although he was sweating profusely, he was very relieved.

"Now the toxins in the body have been completely eliminated, and the energy and spirit have returned to their best condition. It is almost the end of the final stage of the impact... let's start!"

(End of this chapter)

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