The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1177 Promoted to the late stage of alchemy!

Chapter 1177 Promoted to the late stage of alchemy!

Elimination of erysipelas is only the first step. Qin Lang closes his eyes again at this time, and uses the accumulation of true qi in the dual meridians to make an advance breakthrough!

This time Qin Lang was full of confidence, he began to close his eyes, and activated the true energy in his body.

Under the control of spiritual consciousness, the true energy in the body began to speed up, one revolution, two revolutions, three revolutions...

After 64 [-] revolutions, the speed reached a terrible limit, whether it was the clear meridian or the virtual meridian in the meridian, it was stretched two or three times, and the body was blown up like a balloon, and it became fatter several times.

"Late stage of alchemy! Break it open for me..."

Qin Lang was full of energy, using all his strength, compressing and compressing the whole body's true energy, accumulating and accumulating, like the waves of the Yangtze River superimposed one wave after another, rushing towards the back of the checkpoint!

This charge was ferocious and indomitable.

This rush, a huge wave, is irresistible!
"Although it's a bit of a trick, but with the addition of Ming and Xu meridians, the accumulation of my true qi is much stronger than the average peak in the middle stage of alchemy... Break it for me!"

Qin Lang screamed in his heart, like thunder, and then he heard a click, and his whole body trembled.

In the body, the sound of tiger and leopard thunder reappeared, the roar of the tiger, and the cry of the leopard appeared together, shaking the whole body.

Trembling is unavoidable, and tiger leopard thunder sound is not something that every monk in the early stage of alchemy can appear when he hits the middle stage. , it will stimulate the resonance of the thunder attribute and produce tiger and leopard thunder.

It was not obvious during the foundation building stage. After reaching the core formation stage, Qin Lang is now the second time that the tiger, leopard, and thunder sound have agitated the body, cleansed the body, and strengthened the body for the second time.

However, this opportunity is not the first time it will appear, depending on the opportunity, it can be regarded as an unexpected harvest.

Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound can only be achieved when it resonates with the aura of heaven and earth and the body reaches a certain synchronization frequency.

And Qin Lang was able to reach this level for the second time because of his body's memory. After all, the last time he hit the mid-stage of alchemy was only about two months away, and his body's memory of reaching the same frequency as the tiger, leopard, and thunder has not completely disappeared. .

If the time interval is too long, maybe this special memory will really disappear, then Qin Lang will not have this second chance.

At this time, Qin Lang was also smiling, rushing through the barrier silently in the secret room of the ancient mansion. The tiger and leopard Leiyin can refine and strengthen himself, and opportunities can be obtained. Basically, after the tiger and leopard leiyin is over, all aspects of the body The quality can be improved by about [-] to [-]%.

"It's really good luck to actually activate the body training effect of Tiger Leopard Leiyin for the second time."

A thought appeared in Qin Lang's consciousness, and it faded away in a flash. Now it is the key to attack the later stage of alchemy, the less distracting thoughts the better.

In the secret room, Qin Lang's body can be seen shimmering in the darkness, sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding flowers in both hands, posing in a strange shape.

Qin Lang continued to circulate his true energy for the final breakthrough. Now the tide of true energy in the bright and virtual channels has been mobilized to the extreme, and the internal pressure of the meridians exceeds [-]%. As long as Qin Lang explodes with a divine sense, he can break through The final checkpoint.

Late stage of alchemy... rush!


Just like flowing water squeezed away the stubborn stone, the last level was forcibly squeezed away by Qin Lang's thick true essence, a large amount of internal pressure gushed out the true essence, and poured it into a new unknown place, poured it in, and poured it in again, just like Like the dams for flood discharge, the pressure on the Ming and Xu veins suddenly dropped a lot.

Although the level was broken before reaching the peak of the middle stage of alchemy, the layer between the two realms was very thick, but it was still broken!

This is entirely due to a large amount of virtual pulse true qi!
He has twice as much zhenqi as support than the average mid-stage alchemy!

The method of storing emptiness and absorbing qi is really miraculous. Now Qin Lang's practice is equivalent to doubling the accumulation of true qi. In the future, it will be much easier to hit every level of the realm than ordinary monks.

It is estimated that this is also the true effect of the Zangxu Naqigong method, which is really worthy of being an ancient method.

Just because this technique can open up a new world and let the body have virtual veins, it can be included in the ranks of the top skills in Qinghe Continent. Even some big sects may not have such a technique. Qin Lang this time is regarded as earned.

Now the late stage of Dandan has been completed, but due to the forced clearance, the realm is not very stable.

At this moment, Qin Lang also stepped up his spiritual consciousness to guide the true qi, and walked the released true qi around the new meridians and acupoints, and then guided it back, and then circulated inside the body, and the virtual meridian , like the original meridian, gradually form a new big and small circle.

This new size cycle expands the original virtual meridian even wider, and the nature of true qi is closer to a liquid state.

After reaching the late stage of alchemy, the amount of real energy in Qin Lang's body is several times higher than that in the middle stage of alchemy. Now his body's meridians are equivalent to two large ponds storing water together, and he did not practice Zangxu Naqigong before. Before, it was just a small water tank.

Entering the late stage of alchemy, the spiritual consciousness has also increased greatly. Compared with the original stage of alchemy, it has increased by nearly half. Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness is different from other monks, so the current spiritual consciousness has directly reached the level of the late stage of alchemy. The peak, and the soul is extremely solid, not loose like other monks.

At this moment, Qin Lang suddenly opened his eyes, and the pupils of his pupils shone with dazzling light, like a small sun, illuminating the entire secret room.

Entering the late stage of alchemy, he is full of vigor, and he feels that his body is full of explosive power.

This time it can be regarded as the arrival of luck. Only by obtaining such a top ancient cultivation method can he break through to the late stage of alchemy so easily.

Otherwise, Qin Lang estimates that it will take about two or three months to accumulate his own true essence to the peak level in the middle stage of alchemy.

Time is life, and cultivators are fighting for their lives against the sky, especially in this perilous thousand-year-old mansion, with more strength, there is more guarantee of life.

And Qin Lang's performance all the time has also proved that he has a great opportunity, a person of great luck, the kind of person who is stumbled by gold when walking, so the promotion all the way can be smooth.

Although luck is an invisible thing, Qin Lang has a strange thing that increases the luck index. The lucky compass can increase the luck index and increase the invisible luck. Qin Lang has relied on this thing for alchemy several times. It escaped for its life, all proved this.


It is already in the late stage of alchemy, and now Qin Lang's cultivation has made a qualitative leap. In the late stage of alchemy, he can directly win against Ji Changsheng, and he no longer has to flee in embarrassment like before.

Even if it is done properly, it is not impossible for Qin Lang to kill this Dzogchen monk in the late stage of alchemy with his current cultivation strength.

"Now I'm in the late stage of alchemy, and almost after this thousand-year-old mansion is over, I will be able to return to the secret place of Kunlun Mountain to rescue the trapped parents! Haha, the speed of my wish... is much faster than expected, really It's unbelievable."

"This is also the result of continuous hard work. Since I entered Qinghe Continent, I spent about five months, which is really good."


Thinking of this, Qin Lang was delighted.

Thinking of these things, Qin Lang suddenly became motivated, stood up suddenly, and screamed loudly, "Ah..." The loud and long breath immediately exploded in the secret room, and even spread outside through the thick stone layer.

And outside this blocked area, the surviving Jianzong and the monks of the Heavenly Medicine Sect had different expressions when they heard Qin Lang's whistle.

The most surprising ones are the three elders of Duanqi Mountain, Taibai Zishan, and Deshang of the Heavenly Medicine Sect. Now in the entire thousand-year-old mansion, there are almost only three of them left. Now they heard Qin Lang's whistle, Immediately rushed to meet Qin Lang.

"Listening to the whistling sound of little friend Qin Lang, although it is far away, the long and loud breath is very extraordinary. I am afraid that this little friend has already broken through to the late stage of alchemy."

While running, the three monks guessed like this.

On Jianzong's side, the living Jianzong monks also heard Qin Lang's whistling sound. They are also people who know the goods, and immediately analyzed Qin Lang's current cultivation level from Qin Lang's whistling sound.

Ji Changsheng's face darkened, and he said, "Go, kill that guy who made the howling noise!" He also rushed towards Qin Lang's direction with the sword sect monks who had gathered.


At this moment, Qin Lang smelled a stench, but there were a lot of black stains discharged from the pores of his body, which were all toxins discharged from the body.

I just hit the late stage of alchemy and didn't pay attention to this. Now that I wake up, I find that the sweat stains and smell are very uncomfortable, but there is no water in the secret room to clean.

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Lang suddenly made a move, and the water vapor condensed in the air above the secret room, turning into a big water ball after a while.

Laughing, Qin Lang took off his clothes and washed his body with this big ball of water.Then remove clean clothing from the storage ring and change into it.

Finally, I stretched out my hand, and the dirty clothes on the ground spontaneously ignited and turned into ashes in an instant.

Although there is no water spirit root, there is a spell "water purification spell" in Tianyimen that can condense the moisture in the air, so what Qin Lang just collected is the water vapor in the secret room to cleanse himself.

After changing clothes, he feels very refreshed. Qin Lang only feels that his body is very transparent now, and his pores and air transfer spiritual energy much faster.

"How can I leave this stone chamber?"

Qin Lang searched for a while, but couldn't find the mechanism to leave the stone chamber.

At this time, Qin Lang took out the top-grade dharma mountain-opening nail, and Qin Lang was about to open up this stone room and find the passage outside.


Holding the hammer in the left hand and the nail in the right hand, as the nail hammer struck, thick lightning bolts struck the wall of the stone chamber, opening the cracks that were already there even wider.

Qin Lang planned to drill through the mountain. He felt that the mountain was the thinnest in this direction, and it seemed to be hollow inside, so he worked harder to deal with the rock wall on this side.

"This look really looks like Yugong Yishan. The monks in Qinghe Continent must know that I am digging the mountain with high-grade magic weapons, and they must all be drunk..."

While driving the mountain, Qin Lang sighed, never thinking that there would be a day to do such hard work.

(End of this chapter)

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