Chapter 1178
Just as Qin Lang was digging the mountain, the Heavenly Medicine Sect finally arrived here, shouting from the passage on the other side of the mountain: "Junior Brother Qin Lang! Is it Junior Brother Qin Lang inside! Hear a response!"

"it's me!"

Hearing this, Qin Lang intensified his digging efforts.Judging from the point where the sound came from just now, the passage from the stone room to the mountain over there is about two feet thick, and now he has opened it nearly two meters away, that is to say, there are still about four meters left to get through and leave the secret room.

Outside the secret room, the three Heavenly Medicine Sect cultivators were overjoyed when they heard it, and they all said, "Is Junior Brother trapped inside? We will help you get through this stone wall!"

Immediately, one by one, they also took out their magic weapons and bombarded the stone wall wildly.

After about one stick of incense, the mountain walls on both sides were finally opened, and Qin Lang joined the three elders of the Heavenly Medicine Sect.

"Haha, thank you three old brothers."

Qin Lang was very happy.

"You're welcome, now that we have more Junior Brother Qin Lang in the team, we will have more strength, and it will be much easier to deal with those bastards of Jianzong."

Duanqishan was also very happy to see Qin Lang, and asked at this time: "Just now, I heard the howl of Junior Brother Qin Lang, it must have been broken through? Otherwise, the spirit would not be so full."

"That's right, Junior Brother is already in the late stage of alchemy."

Qin Lang patted his chest and laughed.

"Okay, okay, now we have one more general in our team."

Taibai Zishan and Deshang were also overjoyed. Qin Lang showed stronger combat power than them in the middle stage of alchemy before, but now it is in the late stage of alchemy, which will help the three of them even more.

And when the four of Qin Lang met, hurried footsteps came from many places in the passage, and at this time the monks of Jianzong also rushed over.

It's Ji Changsheng!

This guy brought four or five Jianzong monks here, and he is currently the only remaining strength of Jianzong.

However, compared to the Heavenly Medicine Sect, Jianzong seems to be slightly stronger. Of the four or five Jianzong monks, the two at the late stage of alchemy are still alive. As for the other three, they are at the early stage of alchemy. , a mid-stage of alchemy.

Not easy to deal with!
Seeing these monks rushed over by Jianzong, Qin Lang and his four complexions sank.

On the opposite side, Ji Changsheng saw the four monks of the Tianyi Sect, and smiled coldly: "They are all here, very good, you can't escape this time! Kill me!"

No nonsense, Ji Changsheng waved his hand, and the four or five sword sect monks behind him rushed towards Qin Lang.

Boom, boom!burst!
Coincidentally, Qin Lang's four Heavenly Medicine Sect cultivators threw out a magic weapon and blew themselves up to stop the invading enemy.What Qin Lang threw out was a middle-grade defensive magic weapon from the Cai family. This defensive magic weapon has a slight flaw and has never been used much, so it doesn't feel bad if it explodes.

During the explosion of the magic weapon, four or five sword sect monks were blocked for a while, but both sides were on full alert, so although the explosion of a few magic weapons was as powerful as twenty or thirty thunderbolts, no one was injured .

Because the monks of Jianzong felt something was wrong just now, they all retreated and activated the magic defense at the same time, so the explosion did not even hurt a monk of Jianzong in the early stage of alchemy.

However, after the explosion, there were three consecutive screams, and the Tianyi Sect had won the battle.

Jianzong's two alchemy early stage monks and one alchemy middle stage monk all died tragically.

"Damn it! It's that kid sneaking up again!"

Ji Changsheng looked at it clearly and cursed.

Just now Qin Lang did not retreat and advance amidst the explosion, and activated the function of the black bead. During the stealth process, he chased down the three weakest Sword Sect monks whose defense was blown up by the explosion, and killed them with one blow.

And Ji Changsheng was also careless, and it was too late to rescue him, so he had to wave a dozen sword qi towards Qin Lang from behind.

However, Qin Lang didn't care about these dozens of sword qi, and endured all of them, and he insisted on beheading the three of Jianzong with these sword qi.

Now Qin Lang is already in the late stage of alchemy, and has dual reserves of true energy of meridians and virtual veins. It is no longer comparable to ordinary monks in the late stage of alchemy. The magic weapon was resolved.

The fiery red light around his body flickered, Qin Lang looked forward to Feng Ji's long victory, and sneered, did he still think he was the weak chicken before?Now I am no longer afraid of you!bring it on!

He hooked his fingers to Ji Changsheng, which was a provocation.

Beside him, the three elders of the Tianyi Sect looked at each other, and began to surround the two Jianzong monks who were in the late stage of alchemy.


Provoked by Qin Lang, Ji Changsheng, who was already angry, didn't think much about it. He directly raised his sword and waved his sword energy frantically, fighting with Qin Lang.

As a result, the passage formed two battle groups not far apart. Both sides fought vigorously, and it was impossible to tell the winner for a while.


At this time, Qin Lang activated another medium-grade magic weapon phantom bracelet. This is an auxiliary magic weapon. This magic weapon has no other functions, but it can separate the magic weapon user into five identical shadows. During the battle, there are Sometimes it can also play the role of a surprise soldier.

Because although the split shadow bracelet is only a middle-grade magic weapon, the five clones separated out are as difficult to distinguish between true and false as the main body. , which one is false.

It couldn't be more suitable to use it to deal with Ji Changsheng, who is in the late stage of Jianzong's alchemy.

After all, this Ji Changsheng has the strongest attack below the Nascent Soul stage in Qinghe Continent. Although he is not as cunning as the ancestors of the Cai family, he is a bit stronger than the ancestors of the Cai family in terms of combat effectiveness. Take a trick to distract Ji Changsheng's attention, in order to consume more of this guy's real energy.

"Six clones... what kind of magic weapon is this?"

Sure enough, Ji Changsheng's eyes narrowed, and he couldn't tell the truth from the fake after searching his spiritual sense. As a last resort, he had to disperse the sword energy and deal with the six identical Qin Lang one by one.

"Good come!"

Six identical Qin Lang roared at the same time, and launched a counterattack at Ji Changsheng. Each of them also counterattacked with a dozen sword qi, and together, more than 100 mighty sword qi enveloped the main points around Ji Changsheng.


Although Ji Changsheng knew that only one of the six Qin Lang was real and the others were all fake, he still had to do more defense in the face of such a real attack. or fake attacks.

Suddenly, the situation was reversed, and Qin Lang actually gained the upper hand by relying on this auxiliary magic weapon.

And Ji Changsheng also tried his best to deal with the false and real sword energy. While dealing with Qin Lang's six real and fake bodies, he was also trying to distinguish them, but Qin Lang was too shrewd to use Phantom Gale Bubu kept exchanging figures with each other, back and forth non-stop.

Turning around, Ji Changsheng even identified one as a fake, but after a while, he was turned around again.

Therefore, in the end, the elder of the sword sect was also very angry, and used the last move of the Sansheng Sword Art, "Sword Rain."

Swords fell like rain, thousands of hundreds, and Qin Lang's real and fake bodies couldn't be avoided immediately. This was a large-scale attack on the sword.

"Now, let's see how you hide!"

Panting for breath, Ji Changsheng said grimly, this time consumed nearly [-]% of his true energy, even he felt the strain.

Sure enough, in the sword rain, Qin Lang's false bodies were pierced one by one, turning into bubbles and disappearing.

When the five fake bodies disappeared, Qin Lang's real body also appeared. Now Qin Lang has activated the dual defenses of Lie Yan Yuan Yang Ruler and Qing Sha Tent, relying on two high-grade defense magic weapons to resist this round of attack.

After all, Ji Changsheng's "Rain of Swords" by Ji Changsheng of Five Swords Xiaocheng is a move that can only be performed at the Dzogchen cultivation level in the late stage of alchemy. Although it is not Dacheng's "Sword Rain", it should not be underestimated.

Jian Yu penetrated the green gauze tent and broke through the seven layers of defense of Lie Yan Yuan Yang Ruler before being offset, and Qin Lang breathed a sigh of relief.Now after Ji Changsheng used "Sword Rain", his true energy is less than half, so it is much easier to deal with it.

Sure enough, after using Jian Yu, Ji Changsheng became more cautious in the use of true energy, and he no longer had the previous situation of generously attacking Qin Lang with more than a dozen sword energy.

Every time Ji Changsheng swings his flying sword, he only sends out one sword aura. Every sword aura has spent a lot of thought, all of which are attacking Qin Lang's weakness.

"Hehe, I'm getting stingy now!"

After Qin Lang's cultivation reached the late stage of alchemy, he was able to resist this kind of sword energy that he had to try his best to avoid, so he was not very afraid.

Although Ji Changsheng's sword intent is higher than his own, but he wins because of his strong foundation of true energy, and both sides have their own strengths.

After fighting for a while, they interacted with each other. Before that, Qin Lang used tricks to avoid them, but now he started to fight back vigorously from time to time.

And Qin Lang's counterattack, every move and every style is powerful and heavy, which makes Ji Changsheng feel shocked. It is not at all like the sword moves issued by ordinary monks in the late stage of alchemy. Judging by the artistic conception of the sword, it is not worse than himself how far.

At the same time, Ji Changsheng became more determined to get rid of Qin Lang. This scourge must be removed as soon as possible, the sooner the better, otherwise it will be a major disaster for the entire Jianzong when it grows up in the future.

As soon as such an idea came out, Ji Changsheng let go of his control over his true energy and increased the output.

However, he still didn't dare to use such a big move as "Sword Rain". After all, the consumption of his true energy was too great. Using it again could almost wipe out his own true energy. If he couldn't kill this kid, then this kid might kill him. Own.

"Haha! Come again!"

Qin Lang used the Shadow Bracelet again. The cooling time of this magic weapon is very short. Now after a few minutes, he can separate five figures to fight against the enemy.

"Fuck! This kid, this magic weapon is too perverted!"

When Ji Changsheng saw Qin Lang doppelganger again, he was going crazy!Although the five avatars transformed by this split shadow bracelet have no attack power, their spiritual sense can't detect the real ones at all, so he needs to go all out to deal with each real avatar.

This is tantamount to one against six, even if Ji Changsheng is an iron man, he can't afford it!
"Haha, why isn't your sword rain coming out? Hurry up and make a move... If you don't make a move again, I'm going to make a big move!"

Qin Lang's teasing voice resounded in all directions, and Ji Changsheng was about to suffer internal injuries.

(End of this chapter)

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