Chapter 1179
Ji Changsheng was teased by Qin Lang, he was extremely depressed for a moment, he gritted his teeth, and took out a few magic weapons from his body.


This high-level sword sect monk is also a ruthless person, coming and going without being indecent, he also learned from the monks of the medical school just now, and also used the few extra magic weapons on his body to explode himself to deal with Qin Lang!

This is also a last resort. The self-detonation of the magic weapon consumes white flowers and flower spirit stones, but although it hurts, it can save the consumption of real essence.

As three or four magic weapons blew themselves up together, Qin Lang's five avatar phantoms were completely destroyed in the explosion. At this time, Qin Lang's real body was forced to appear again.

"Sword Qi beam!"

"Sword Phantom Crack!"

Seeing this, Ji Changsheng immediately used the Sansheng Sword Art to envelop Qin Lang. His intention was to restrain Qin Lang.

But Qin Lang was not willing to be caught without a fight. After the five clones were shattered, he immediately used the Phantom Wind Walk to widen the distance, giving himself enough buffer time.

"Sword Qi Slash!"

Qin Lang also used the strongest method he can currently use. Sword Qi Slash is the fourth move of the Three Lives Sword Art that Qin Lang can use when he reaches the late stage of alchemy.

A wave of sword slashed like half a moon. Compared with the complete third form of breaking the ax and sinking the boat, although the sword qi chop is only a starting move, its power is not inferior to that of breaking the ax and sinking the boat, and it does not need to accumulate momentum.

Qin Lang sent out five or six strikes of sword energy one after another, not only breaking Ji Changsheng's attack, but even the excess sword energy directly attacked Ji Changsheng.

Ji Changsheng was a little surprised. He felt that this casual cultivator Sirius seemed to be much stronger than when he first entered the hall, and he had many tricks on his body, which made him very difficult to deal with.

And the most irritating thing is that this kid has a special magic weapon, which can transform into five identical clones. It is too confusing, and I have no good way to deal with it.

At this time, the cooling time of Qin Lang's split shadow bracelet is up again, so he laughed, and once again cast the split shadow bracelet to change into five clones, confusing the enemy in front of him.

"Sword Qi Slash!"

Qin Lang performed Sword Qi Slash, and at the same time, the five clones made the same movement, and immediately sent out Sword Qi Slash at Ji Changsheng from several directions at the same time.

There was really no way, Ji Changsheng was forced to use "Sword Rain" to destroy Qin Lang's clone again.

When Qin Lang's avatar was destroyed, he was not surprised but happy. After Ji Changsheng used "Sword Rain" this time, he probably didn't have much true energy. Now is the time to fight back.

But after Ji Changsheng used "Sword Rain" this time, he knew that the situation was not good, so he turned into a ray of light and escaped, even ignoring the two fellow monks who were in the late stage of alchemy.

"Where to escape!"

Qin Lang immediately cheered up, taking advantage of his illness to kill him, now is a good time to pursue, and immediately bit Ji Changsheng from behind.

Immediately, Ji Changsheng cried out inwardly. Now that the true energy in his body is empty, the speed of Jiandun has dropped. Although he temporarily swallowed a few pills just now, the nasty boy behind him is really chasing him too fiercely, and he will not be able to get rid of it for a while that kid.


Qin Lang caught up extremely quickly and swung his sword directly. ,

Then this Dzogchen monk in the late stage of alchemy was killed in a very humiliating manner. When Ji Changsheng died, he must have been unconvinced. If his body's true energy hadn't been consumed, even if he died, he would have died vigorously.

After Ji Changsheng was killed with a sword, a puff of smoke rose from Ji Changsheng's body, and Yuanshen rushed out of his body, but was scattered by Qin Lang's swift sword.

"Do you still want to escape? There is no way... Finally, this biggest trouble has been completely eliminated."

Qin Lang also felt a little breathless, it wasn't easy, it wasn't easy, and he had to spend [-] points of effort to achieve such a result.

At this time, he began to search Ji Changsheng's body, and after searching for a while, he cursed: "Poor! There is not even a hair in the storage ring! It can't even compare to ordinary monks of alchemy!"

It turned out that Ji Changsheng didn't bring any belongings with him this time, and there was nothing in the storage ring except some panacea.

As for the magic weapon that Qin Lang wanted, it was estimated that Ji Changsheng had blown it up just now, so he could only take the top-grade magic weapon-level flying sword in Ji Changsheng's hand, which was some comfort.

After cleaning up the situation, Qin Lang hurried back to support the three elders of the Tianyi Sect. The battle over there has been in a stalemate, and now he doesn't know what's going on.

"I am coming!"

Then Qin Lang rushed to the scene, and the two late-stage alchemy monks of Jianzong were actually at a disadvantage. They were firmly suppressed by the three mid-stage alchemy elders of the Tianyi Sect. It seemed that these three elders also had some troubles.


Amidst the sound of shouting and killing, Qin Lang began to rush towards the two Jianzong monks.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the two Jianzong monks glanced at each other, showing a look of determination, and suddenly they both roared, and their aura fluctuated violently.

"No, this is going to explode!"

The three elders of the Tianyi Sect jumped in horror and retreated one after another. The power of the explosion of the monks in the late stage of alchemy was almost equivalent to nearly twenty thunderbolts, so it should not be underestimated.

If they were still in the center of the explosion, even with magic weapons to protect their bodies, they would probably be blown up to see King Yama.

After all, they are monks in the middle stage of alchemy, and they are much less resistant to self-destruction of high-level monks.

Two Jianzong monks in the late stage of alchemy blew themselves up, and even their souls were destroyed in the explosion.

The power of the explosion caused the entire passage to shake and roar endlessly. The explosion even blasted a huge stone pit on the ground at the scene, and small rocks flew into the air.

The shock wave of the explosion was very strong, and the three elders of the Heavenly Medicine Sect were blown away by the shock wave, and their bodies hit the stone wall of the passage not far away one after another, and the defenses of the treasures on their bodies were almost shaken off.

But Qin Lang is fine, now that his cultivation base has been upgraded to the late stage of alchemy, the defensive magic weapon is extremely effective, and he is standing farther than the three elders, so it is easy to block the aftermath of the explosion.

He was also the only one on the scene who was able to stand still after the explosion. It felt like he was standing on a big ship with turbulent waves just now, and the ground shook very violently.

The three elders of the Heavenly Medicine Sect were blown away by the explosion, and when they stood up again, each of them suffered more or less internal injuries.

But these internal injuries are nothing to the three of them. As an alchemy sect, the Tianyi Sect has not more than a dozen kinds of pills to treat internal injuries, and there are seven or eight kinds. The three of them swallowed the pills immediately, and each of them healed for a while .

After about one stick of incense, everyone finished healing and opened their eyes one by one.

Duan Qishan, the elder of the punishment hall, said gratefully: "Junior Brother Qin Lang, if it weren't for you this time, I'm afraid the three of us would have really fallen!"

He was right. Ji Changsheng, the elder of Jianzong, was too strong. Just now, the monks of Jianzong had an obvious advantage in overall strength. If Qin Lang hadn't used the small black beads and the cover of self-detonation of magic weapons to kill the three opponents first, and then used magic weapons to deal with them Without Jianzong elder Ji Changsheng, I am afraid that the three old fellows of Tianyi Sect will really fall here.

"Nothing, nothing."

Qin Lang waved his hand. Regarding the record just now, he also thought that he had performed beyond the standard.

You must know that not every monk can immediately display his due combat power after breaking through the realm. There are many coincidences in Qin Lang's ability to kill Ji Changsheng.

One of the coincidences is that Qin Lang is good at speed, and his own Phantom Wind Walk is an improved speed-type footwork, which is almost no different from the general top-grade skills.

The second coincidence is that Qin Lang owns the "Shadow Changer Boots", which can increase the speed of movement, and the original good agility and speed have been improved to a higher level.

Coincidentally, the middle-grade auxiliary magic weapon "Shadow Bracelet" possessed by him can change into five identical false bodies, which is extremely confusing, and even the monks in the Nascent Soul Stage may not be able to sense Qin Lang's appearance. Which of the five clones is fake and which is real.

After casting the Shadow Bracelet, the five clones can greatly disturb the mind of the enemy, consume the enemy's energy and attention, and cause the enemy to make wrong judgments again and again. Immediately, Ji Changsheng was wasting his energy to deal with his five clones.

It was also these coincidences that caused Qin Lang to use his expertise to consume a large amount of Ji Changsheng's true energy during the battle, and finally died in Qin Lang's hands in humiliation after all the true energy was consumed.

If it is a tough battle, Qin Lang is definitely not Ji Changsheng's opponent, even if he has reached the late stage of Danjie, Qin Lang knows that fighting a tough battle is completely inadvisable against the enemy's strengths based on his own weaknesses.

Because the monks of Jianzong have the strongest attack power, Ji Changsheng who is in the late stage of alchemy, in terms of attack power, I am afraid that there is no monk in the entire Qinghe Continent under the Nascent Soul Stage who can fight against him for a few rounds.

After resting for a while, adding some essence pills to restore his cultivation, Qin Lang followed the three elders of the Heavenly Medicine Sect and continued to search in the thousand-year-old mansion, looking for other single disciples in the ancient mansion, as well as possible remaining sword sect monks.

Of course, the biggest purpose is to search this ancient site, looking for treasures left by monks in the late Yuan period or in the deity period.

However, the four of them have never encountered the remaining monks of the Heavenly Medicine Sect or the Sword Sect since then, and they probably all died in the previous encounters, and now only the four of them are left in the entire thousand-year-old mansion.

In this situation, several people couldn't help but sigh, the life of a monk is so fragile, if it is gone, it will be gone, it is better to be an ordinary mortal, there is no need to fight and kill like this.

However, ordinary mortals only have a lifespan of 80 to 100 years, and the longest-lived ones are only more than [-] years old, and then they will turn into a pile of loess.Ordinary mortals have birth, old age, sickness, and death, but monks can fight against the sky and pursue longevity through cultivation.

You know, even if an ordinary foundation-building monk has a lifespan of at least 500 years, it is much longer than ordinary people.

After the alchemy period, there is a 1000-year lifespan.

At the Nascent Soul stage, the lifespan is 3000 years.

As for the stage of transformation above the Nascent Soul stage, the lifespan is at least 1 years, which is almost the same as that of an immortal.

Therefore, although monks are suffering, although cultivation is tiring, and although they need to encounter too many dangers in the process of pursuing strength and immortality, there are still so many practitioners flocking to it.

The meaning of life lies in its splendor, at least the life of a cultivator is indeed much more exciting than the short-lived life of a mortal.

(End of this chapter)

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