The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1180: Treasure Core Land

Chapter 1180: Treasure Core Land
The four surviving members of the Heavenly Medicine Sect continued to search within the thousand-year-old mansion.

Duan Qishan, the deputy head of the punishment hall, took out a piece of yellowed cloth silk from his arms at this time, and compared some patterns on the cloth silk to lead the way.

"This piece of cloth... what's going on, it seems that the pattern on the cloth is the guide map of the organs and passages of the entire thousand-year-old mansion."

Qin Lang felt very puzzled. When the Tianyi Sect team set off before, Qin Lang did not see that the people of the Tianyi Sect had the organs and passage instructions of the thousand-year-old mansion.

"This piece of cloth was found by the elders of Duanqi Mountain from the inside of the thousand-year-old mansion. Speaking of which, the three of us were not together when it was passed from the main hall to the inside of the ancient mansion. Everyone had something to gain at that time, but It was in a secret room that the elders of Duanqi Mountain obtained the instruction map about the organs and passages of the thousand-year-old mansion, that is, the piece of cloth."

Taibai Zishan explained next to him.

After all, he was worried that Qin Lang might mistakenly think that the cloth and silk map was brought in by people from the Heavenly Medicine Sect, and deliberately concealed it from Qin Tian, ​​so Taibai Zishan deliberately explained it.

As for getting one thing or another, there is no need to explain, because it is too normal.

After entering the inner mansion, Qin Lang was not the only one who had adventures, the others also had some special encounters.

As for what each has obtained, Qin Lang will not say, and they will naturally not say more.

Now looking at the surrounding environment, Qin Lang found that this thousand-year-old mansion does not know how big it is. The main hall outside is just the outermost transit point, and the interior of the ancient mansion is full of maze-like passages.

This is a very complicated environment. If there is no instruction in this silk book, everyone may not be able to explore the entire thousand-year-old mansion after searching for it for a year.

It was too big. A few monks walked for so long inside the thousand-year-old mansion, and it took several hours to walk through an ant-sized area on the cloth.

And the pattern on the silk has at least thousands of such large areas.

Qin Lang feels that this thousand-year-old mansion has almost become a space by itself. Although it may not be as large as the southern area of ​​Qinghe Continent, it is not small.

This time, everyone needs to go to the most central part of the entire thousand-year-old mansion, where the organ hub of the whole thousand-year-old mansion is located, and it is also the place where the biggest treasure is hidden. It is the treasure of the monks in the late Yuan period or even the deity period!It's exciting just thinking about it.

Three days later, the four members of the Tianyi Sect encountered a wooden puppet formation in the thousand-year-old mansion and were forced to stop.

"To reach the most central mechanism hub and treasure place of the entire thousand-year-old mansion, this place must be passed through. However, this mechanism wooden puppet formation is not simple. It seems that there are only 36 mechanism wooden figures in this place. frame, but the aura emitted by each puppet is at the late stage of alchemy."

At this time, Duanqi Mountain had already led the team to a stop, looked ahead, and said with a frown.

"That's right, although these mechanism wooden puppets are only in the late stage of alchemy, they are not living people and have no fatal weaknesses. In this case, I am afraid that they are not far behind the average monks who are in the late stage of alchemy. , the 36 organ puppets in front of me are equivalent to 36 Dzogchen monks in the late stage of alchemy... This kind of ancient formation is difficult, difficult, difficult, it is really difficult to pass!"

Another elder, Deschamps, also shook his head repeatedly upon seeing this.

"Why don't we fly over? Seeing that these puppets don't have wings, if we fly over, we shouldn't be able to disturb them."

Taibai Zishan put forward his own idea at this time.

"I'm afraid it won't work! If it's really possible to pass through so easily, then the entire organ puppet array will be meaningless. The owner of the Qianfu Ancient Mansion who arranged it here must not have missed this loophole."

Duan Qishan shook his head again and again, denying the proposal.

And Qin Lang also made a test at this time, took out a flying sword, which was used by Ji Changsheng before, and now the owner of the magic weapon is dead, and the spiritual consciousness is isolated in this thousand-year-old mansion, so Qin Lang is not afraid of the flying sword. The method of the sect has been casually refined.

Then, this flying sword flew up into the air unsteadily, and flew towards the top of the puppet array, wanting to use this flying sword to pass through the mechanism puppet array to try it out.

There is no way, the wobbling is caused by insufficient refining restrictions, and Qin Lang's ability to manipulate it to the present level is already very exhausting.

Flying sword is a top-grade magic weapon, at least one or twenty layers of restriction, all refined for at least one or two days, and this is Jianzong's flying sword, Qin Lang does not plan to use it in the future, and his black carving sword is no better than Jianzong Fei The sword is poor.

But before the high-grade flying sword could fly half the distance, at least half of the 36 mechanism puppets below were aroused, sending out multicolored aura bombs one after another, hitting the flying sword in the sky above.

flop flop...

A shock broke off the spiritual connection between Qin Lang and Fei Jian, and then the flying sword fell directly into the formation of wooden puppets, and then these wooden puppets regained their calm and stopped one by one.

Qin Lang smiled wryly. It turns out that these wooden puppets also have means to deal with enemies in the air. Those aura bombs have a special sealing effect, which seems to be able to block not only aura, but also consciousness. I'm afraid that he will be knocked down by these wooden puppets and sealed, just like the flying sword that fell in the formation just now, he will be unable to move.

Fortunately, this flying sword only used a trace of divine sense. If Jianzong's flying sword is lost, it will be lost. Qin Lang doesn't feel bad, he has two similar ones on his body!
what to do?How can I pass here...

Qin Lang's temptation just now, the three elders of Tianyi Sect also saw it in their eyes, knowing that it is also a delusion to fly through the wooden puppet formation from the air.

At this time, Duanqishan pointed to the center of the field and said loudly: "Everyone look!"

"what happened?"

The three of Qin Lang looked around the field and found nothing different.

"No, did you find out? Just now, Junior Brother Qin Lang used the magic weapon to test, and these wooden puppets have made some moves, and now they have deviated from their original positions."

Split Qishan said.


Everyone looked around, and sure enough, the positions of many puppets were different from before.And Qin Lang is the most clever, understanding the deeper meaning of Duanqi Mountain: "Elder Duan, you mean..."

"It's okay, we should try to lure these puppets away. There is no passage, we can create a passage ourselves."

Chuanqishan expressed his thoughts.

"Hey! Why didn't we think of this way!"

Others are just one point, this method should be feasible after Qin Lang's experiment just now.

Even Qin Lang nodded again and again, unexpectedly there are these ingenious ways to crack this organ puppet array, it is worth a try.

"Only, if we all use magic weapons to lure these wooden puppets away, the price will be too high!"

Taibai Zishan expressed his doubts.

Just now, Qin Lang wasted a flying sword just for one experiment. Although that flying sword was a trophy for Bai Lai, there are not many magic weapons on everyone now. If he wants to completely lure these puppets away, there may not be more than ten or twenty pieces None of the magic weapons.

Ten or twenty pieces of magic weapons, if the four of the Heavenly Doctor Sect gather together, they may be able to get them together, but in this case, the price will make everyone feel pain. These magic weapons are almost all of everyone's net worth. It's not worth it to waste a mere puppet array like this.

what to do?Is there no better way?

"Is it okay to use rocks?"

At this time Taibai Zishan asked, this is the most indispensable material in the surrounding environment.

"I'm afraid not. These puppets only respond to spiritual items, and the stones have no spirituality at all. Even if the package of spiritual consciousness is sent from the air, they probably won't be able to activate them."

Duan Qishan shook his head, thought for a while, and said, "If you don't believe me, you can try it."

"it is good."

Taibai Zishan got a piece from a nearby wall, and then tested it. Sure enough, as Duanqishan said, these stones have no effect on the mechanism puppets.

"I have a solution!"

Qin Lang said at this time.

"Oh, what can Junior Brother Qin Lang do?"

asked the three elders.

"These puppets only respond to spiritual objects. So, not only magic weapons, but also the magic pills and materials on us can be used. In this way, we can get out all the worthless garbage on our bodies and use them Just attract these puppets."

Qin Lang smiled and said.

"This way is good!"

The eyes of the three elders of the Heavenly Medicine Sect brightened. If they used some spiritual materials or cheap panacea to lure these puppets, it would be much better than wasting the magic weapon that would kill them. No matter how much they used, they would not be too much. Distressed.

So, everyone made up their minds and donated some materials and pills that they didn't need or didn't think were worth much.

And Qin Lang contributed one or two hundred essence pills, as well as a large number of ox hair fine needles that are not even considered as magical weapons, and some spiritual sundries.

The reason why we have to contribute so much is that when we continued to experiment just now, we found that although items with weak spirituality are also attractive to these mechanism puppets, they are much weaker than magic weapons. We need to remove these mechanism puppets to form a The amount of materials and sundries needed for the passage that everyone passes through will be magnified many times.

Apart from Qin Lang, the other three elders also contributed a lot, and the debris of the four monks was almost piled up into a hill.

Then, everyone used these spiritual sundries and started to act according to the plan. Sure enough, those puppets were moved little by little, and the plan was very successful.

However, after the passage was formed, Qin Lang and the three elders of the Tianyi Sect passed through here, and when they reached the other side, they turned their heads and stared at the puppets.

"Hey, this is an organ puppet in the late stage of alchemy! If you can get one or two, it will be a great help to yourself in the future."

"Furthermore, this is an organ puppet arranged by an expert in the late Yuanying stage or the stage of transforming the gods. If I can figure out a thing or two about the puppet refining method, it will be of great help to the growth of the organ art in the future... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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