The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1181 Seeing the Ultimate Spirit Stone Again

Chapter 1181 Seeing the Ultimate Spirit Stone Again
Needless to say, Qin Lang came up with the idea of ​​a mechanism puppet, and began to use some leftovers and low-grade panacea to lure a plan, and slowly lured a mechanism puppet away from the group.

"Come here, come here, come here again..."

Seeing that this organ puppet was getting closer and closer to him and separated from the main force, Qin Lang also showed excitement at this time. The first step of the plan in his mind has been completed, and the second step can be implemented later.

The second step is to find a way to ban this organ puppet, or directly subdue this organ puppet.

However, this seems to be very difficult. If the mechanism puppets arranged by the masters of the Nascent Soul Stage or the Transformation Stage are so easy to subdue, wouldn't it be a decoration?
At this moment, the organ puppet has already directly fought with Qin Lang, and the aura bullets emitted by the organ puppet can seal off the monk's spiritual power, so even though Qin Lang has a defensive magic weapon, he tries to avoid the attack of the organ puppet as much as possible, and at the same time he is thinking about how to deal with this A mechanism puppet.

"This organ puppet is a high-end product, much better than the ones I got from the Kunlun Mountain secret realm that I gave to a few women when I was in Huaxia. It's strange that after fighting for a long time, I still can't find its weakness."

"However, as an inanimate body, an organ puppet should always have a core hub. As long as you find this important key, you can destroy the energy power of the organ puppet, and then I can clean up this organ puppet."

Following this line of thought, Qin Lang carefully observed the senior puppet while fighting, and after a while, he finally found a special place on the organ puppet.

On its left waist, there is a small protrusion, while the right waist is smooth, with obvious asymmetry on both sides.

"There must be something weird about that little bump."

Seeing this, Qin Lang suddenly felt as if he had found a breakthrough.

So, he tried to attack the left waist, and this organ puppet was also extremely intelligent, protecting his left waist very tightly.

However, the more the organ puppets did this, the more sure Qin Lang was thinking in his heart, knowing that he had found this breakthrough.

His guess was indeed correct. After much difficulty, Qin Lang finally broke through the defense of the mechanism puppet and attacked the protruding part of its left waist.

Then, there was a click at that position, and the mechanism puppet stopped moving immediately, and a round thing suddenly rolled out of his waist and fell down.

"It's a spirit stone... and it's the best spirit stone!"

Behind him, the three elders of the Heavenly Medicine Sect exclaimed at the same time.

"Exquisite Spirit Stone?"

Seeing this, Qin Lang picked up this top-quality piece, and felt that this top-quality stone was about the same size as a top-grade spirit stone, but it was more transparent, like a piece of flawless jade, beautiful jade like an egg.

Holding it in the palm of the hand, the pure aura seeps into the meridian of the palm and directly enters the body, Qin Lang feels inexplicably comfortable for a while, this top-quality spirit stone is really not simple.

In fact, when he was still in Huaxia, Qin Lang himself not only saw it, but even owned a small piece of top-quality spirit stone!

Until now, Qin Lang has only slightly figured out the reason why the earth has the best spirit stones. He guessed that the tiny piece should have flowed out from the secret realm.

The evidence is very straightforward. The Purple Cloud Pill Stove he obtained was given to Liu Zhenzhen as a "Book of Arrays" after he got it. They all came from Dao Ting San Ren. That's all.

Perhaps, in the era of Dao Ting San Ren, or even further back, there was also a cultivation civilization on the earth, so it became understandable that a very small number of top-quality spirit stones were handed down.

Of course, the top-grade spirit stone obtained in Liaoshen Provincial City at that time was too small in size, how could it compare with the current one.

Now this piece is more than ten times its original volume!
Moreover, it is obvious that the aura contained in it is much more pure!
Therefore, even if Qin Lang is now a monk in the late stage of alchemy, this top-quality spirit stone is still very useful to him.

When Qin Lang thought this way, several people from the Tianyi Sect also had similar thoughts.

"In addition to the upper, middle, and lower grades of spiritual stones in the cultivation world, there is actually a top-grade spiritual stone, which contains more pure and abundant spiritual energy than the top-grade spiritual stones. It is the most beloved gift for senior monks in their cultivation. The top-grade spirit stones have basically disappeared ten thousand years ago, so many monks in the mainland have never heard of them, and there are still records in the historical books of our Tianyi Sect."

Duan Qishan looked at the top-grade spirit stone in Qin Lang's hand, with a scorching light in his eyes, and then said: "I heard that a high-level monk with a top-grade spirit stone can practice several times faster than using a top-grade spirit stone!"

"If you use this kind of top-quality spirit stone to break through the realm, with the support of abundant and powerful spirit energy, you can increase the success rate of clearing the level. Think about it... If it is a Dzogchen monk in the late stage of alchemy that hits the Nascent Soul stage How effective it will be if you use it at the right time!"

"Ten thousand years ago, when the top-grade spirit stones hadn't disappeared in Qinghe Continent, I heard that the number of Nascent Soul stage monks was huge at that time, at least hundreds of times more than today, and it was also because of the continuous shrinking of resources in the cultivation world. , the number of Nascent Soul cultivators gradually decreased..."

"And the most critical reason may also be because the veins of top-quality spirit stones are gradually disappearing, and the mainland no longer produces top-quality spirit stones. As a result, these monks above the Nascent Soul stage do not have the most critical cultivation resources."

"Junior Brother Qin Lang, the top-grade spirit stone in your hand is worth a lot, almost equivalent to a top-grade magic weapon. No, it should be more valuable than a top-grade magic weapon, because there are no top-grade spirit stones produced in the mainland now!"

At this time, Taibai Zishan also sighed: "Compared to this, although the organ puppets in the later stage of alchemy are good, they are nothing. They actually use the best spirit stones as power. From the perspective of the current comprehension world, it is simply a kind of puppet. What a waste!"

Because of the appearance of the best spirit stones, now Qin Lang, including the three elders of the Heavenly Medicine Sect, has become very interested in these puppets, and decided to clean up all these puppets, and then go to the center of the thousand-year-old mansion to find them. hidden treasure.

Before preparing to do it, the three elders made an agreement with Qin Lang that the remaining 35 organ puppets would share the top-grade spirit stones equally among everyone. As for the organ puppets, each of the three elders would have five, and the remaining twenty would be divided equally. Owned by Qin Lang.

Qin Lang had no opinion on such a distribution, so he nodded and started to deal with these puppets together with the three elders.

Still using the old method of "fishing" by Qin Lang just now, the four of them gathered together some worthless resources as "bait" to lure these mechanism puppets over one by one, and then deal with them to crack the core The power part extracts the best spirit stone.

When the top-quality spirit stone was picked, a mechanism puppet was also cleaned up, and then the broken up puppet was put into a storage bag by one of them.

It took the four of them a long time to clean up all the 36 mechanism puppets. After finishing, everyone felt a heavy joy on their bodies. The trip to the ancient mansion is already worth the fare.

Qin Lang looked at his body now, and got a total of nine top-quality spirit stones, and 21 mechanism puppets that fell apart due to lack of power.

"If you want to use these mechanism puppets in the future, you can't use the top-grade spirit stones. I don't know what the effect will be if you use top-grade spirit stones?"

Qin Lang thought to himself, the organ puppet in the later stage of alchemy is probably also a big energy consumer, otherwise it would be impossible to use the best spirit stone as a power source, and you will know after a good test later.

With this huge harvest, Qin Lang and the three elders of Tianyi Sect are full of smiles. Some of the unhappiness that occurred in the previous battle with the monks of Jianzong seemed to be forgotten, and no one mentioned the dead Tianyi again. core disciples.

A week later, according to the map prompt on the cloth, the four finally arrived at the core area of ​​the thousand-year-old mansion.

All of a sudden, Qin Lang felt a strong tingling in his head, as if something was attacking his soul. Fortunately, Qin Lang's soul was honed by the fire of the earth, and he just survived this round. s attack.

My head hurts!After half a stick of incense time, Qin Lang came back to his senses, and there was still a tingling feeling in his head.

Looking around, the three elders actually fell to the ground, as if fainted.

"Brother Broken!"

"Brother De!"

"Old Bai..."

Qin Lang wanted to wake up Duanqi Mountain, Deshang, and Taibai Zishan one by one, and shook their bodies for a long time before they woke up leisurely.

"What's going on with us?"

The three people in Duanqi Mountain sat up from the ground, only then did they realize that they had fainted from the unknown attack of spiritual consciousness just now.

At this time, each of them sensed themselves, and it seemed that there was no major problem, and the primordial spirit was still intact, so they all felt relieved.

Regarding the inexplicable attack just now, everyone thought and thought, guessed and guessed, but still couldn't come up with a reason, so they simply stopped discussing it.

Now that we have arrived at the central hub of the Millennium Central Mansion, let’s explore and see where the most important treasures of the entire ancient mansion are!

There was a huge square in front of him, and in the center of the square was a towering giant tree, and the sky was thick with black clouds.

When I got close to the giant tree, I realized that the giant tree had died for an unknown number of years. The giant tree was very big, and its roots were deep in the ground. Forty or fifty people might not be able to hug it together, which shows how much vitality it used to be.

"This is an ancient building tree. It is said that it is a sacred tree that can reach the Heavenly Palace and approach the place of immortals. Unfortunately, this tree is dead. There is actually a dead tree in this thousand-year-old mansion. It seems that the owner of the ancient mansion It is already conjectured that it is a master in the Transformation Stage, and monks in the late Nascent Soul Stage are absolutely incapable of owning a sacred tree like Jianmu, even if it is dead."

The three people in the Duanqi Mountain looked at this dead giant tree like a skyscraper, their eyes were shining. This is definitely the former mansion of an expert above the transformation stage, but where is the treasure?

At this moment, Qin Lang was approaching the dead tree, using the flying sword to chop on the building wood, trying to cut down some tree pieces and collect them.

"This is Jianmu, an ancient sacred tree. It is definitely a good first-class material of Tiancaidibao. Although I don't know the purpose for the time being, it is good to collect it here. However, why is this damn dead wood so hard? Feijian After cutting for a long time, it seems that there is no trace left."

"It doesn't matter, if there is a branch over there, let's start from there. Even if you are as hard as steel, I will slowly saw the big tree with a small knife and cut you off..."

Qin Lang also became ruthless, and like a woodcutter cutting firewood, he fought towards a small branch under the dead Jianmu, but he was pitiful for the good black carving sword in his hand, and now he has followed the wrong owner for many times in a row They almost collapsed during the contest.

(End of this chapter)

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