Chapter 1182

When the elders of Tianyi Sect were looking for the treasure room, Qin Lang had been competing with this small dead branch of the huge building tree.

In his opinion, compared to the possible hidden treasures of the thousand-year-old mansion, the dead tree branch in front of him is the tangible treasure. Get the treasure first.

However, this dead branch was too hard, after cutting it for a long time, only a small gap was cut, which made Qin Lang feel uncomfortable for a while.

You know, the black carving sword in his hand is under the concentration of his own true energy, even if it is a thick piece of refined steel, Qin Lang is confident that he can quickly split it in half with a single sword.

But now I have been dealing with it for so long, and I can't deal with a small dead branch, I'm really screwed!

However, he was not discouraged. It takes patience to saw a big tree with a small knife, so grind it slowly. I believe that as time goes by, he will always saw off this dead branch.

Then, as expected, it took a whole day for Qin Lang to saw off the dead branch. Qin Lang, who was so tired as a lumberjack all day, was only panting. It was really not easy to use spiritual power to log. ah!
Fortunately, this dead branch was finally in hand, and it finally paid off after a day of hard work. Qin Lang quickly put it away, and swallowed a few essence pills to restore himself.

After recovering his qi, Qin Lang no longer had the idea of ​​continuing to cut Jianmu. It was enough to be a lumberjack once, and it would be a pain to continue again. Besides, the purpose of Jianmu branches is unknown, and there is still research to be done in the future.

At this time, the three elders seemed to have some clues about the hidden treasure. Compared with the cloth and silk, they found a small tree hole in the tree body of Jianmu, and they could enter the tree hole with their waists bent.

The tree hole is about 200 feet above the ground, and it is difficult to find it without a map. After the four entered the tree hole with flying swords, they discovered that the tree hole was not purely natural, but artificially processed.

Passing through the long corridor inside the big tree, after walking for half a stick of incense, everyone's eyes suddenly opened up.

The current place is already a huge internal tree room, about a thousand square meters.

In the center of the tree room is a huge five-foot-tall crystal coffin. Inside it seems to be a figure lying three to four times larger than the current monks.

"Is it the owner of this millennium mansion... the remains of that cultivator in the transformation stage?"

Qin Lang was very curious, and approached the crystal coffin together with the three elders of Tianyi Sect.

However, when Qin Lang approached, he suddenly felt another stabbing pain in his head, but this stabbing pain was not as serious as the first time, it just passed by in a flash, and nothing happened.

Qin Lang has no problem, but the other three elders of Tianyi Sect do not have such strong resistance as Qin Lang. They couldn't resist this round of stinging pain... and passed out again.

"How could this be? Is this a means left by the owner of the mansion to protect the remains?"

Qin Lang looked at the crystal coffin, then at the three members of the Heavenly Doctor Sect who just passed out, and murmured.

He felt that the fainting of the three elders must have something to do with the dead master in the crystal coffin.

As a last resort, at this time Qin Lang could only wake up the three elders of the Heavenly Medicine Sect one by one.

"Hey, these three old guys' spiritual sense is still a little weaker. If they are as tough as mine, they will be fine."

While shaking the bodies of the three elders, Qin Lang sighed, feeling like a nanny taking care of children now.

Then, the three elders were faintly awakened by Qin Lang again.

"Brother Duan, Brother De, Lao Bai, how do you feel?"

Qin Lang woke them up this time, and it took longer than the previous one, so he yelled dissatisfied.

"Oh, is that so?"

The three of Duanqishan looked at each other, and a black line appeared in the pupils of their pupils, which disappeared in a flash.

Then, at the same time, the three of them actually attacked Qin Lang, as if they had encountered a life-and-death enemy.

"Ah! You are..."

Qin Lang was directly attacked by three people in astonishment. Fortunately, the defense of the magic weapon on his body was always activated, so although this round of attack was close, it was not a serious injury, but only a general internal injury.

This degree of injury was mainly caused by the magic weapons of the three old guys hitting him.

"It's weird!"

Qin Lang found that the expressions on the faces of these three companions were very strange, without the naturalness of the past, their behavior should not be the original consciousness, it should be controlled by a strange consciousness.

At this time, Qin Lang thought of an inexplicable stabbing pain in his mind before, and he endured it himself, but none of the three elders could survive it. It should be because of that strange intention that he only broke through the defense of the divine sense and occupied the three elders. consciousness.

In other words, Qin Lang's three elder brothers are no longer the original three elder brothers...


Qin Lang found that the three elders whose consciousness had been occupied had turned into monster-like existences. Since they were no longer afraid of life and death, they all dared to fight and rush, and their strength had improved a lot compared to before. Qin Lang was beaten steadily step back.

Coupled with a little injury on his body, it is very difficult for Qin Lang to deal with it now.

"Run away, I can't stay in this tree house anymore, I'll find a way to get out of here as soon as possible."

Qin Lang immediately made a decisive decision and evacuated in place.

However, the three elders behind him kept chasing after him, making Qin Lang cry secretly, until he rushed out of the big Jianmu tree, and the three elders behind him also flew out.

Afterwards, a round of chasing battle started around the square. Qin Lang was chased by these three elders so hard that he didn't even have time to catch his breath.

"Brother Broken!"

"Brother De!"

"Old all wake up!"

While fleeing, Qin Lang tried to awaken the original consciousness of the three senior brothers, but it didn't work at all. Now the strange consciousness has completely occupied the three elders of the Heavenly Medicine Sect.

It seems that the original consciousness of the three elders is finished.

The three elders behind them are no longer the elders of the Heavenly Medicine Sect, nor Qin Lang's senior brother, but strange enemies... monsters.

Unbearable, Qin Lang also started to fight back. However, he found that after the consciousness of the three elders changed, all of them have now increased their combat effectiveness to above the late stage of alchemy. If they deal with one alone, there is no problem. Just can't handle it.

What's more, he still suffered some internal injuries, and the battle process kept involving the injuries. Qin Lang felt that his internal injuries had a tendency to expand.

As a last resort, Qin Lang swallowed a Good Fortune Pill, and fled the square quickly. He tried his best to get rid of the pursuit of the three elders, and it took a long time to get rid of the three elders.

At this time, in an unfamiliar environment, Qin Lang arranged some restraint methods, and released his second soul body to protect himself, and then began to slowly heal his injuries.

"This thousand-year-old mansion is very strange. Now the three elder brothers are no longer the original elder brothers. They have all turned into monsters. Should I leave here immediately and inform the sect, or should I continue to investigate?"

After healed his injuries, Qin Lang began to think about this question, but thinking about the way to leave the ancient mansion, he might have to start from the map on Duanqi Mountain, so he had to sigh: "I'm sorry, three senior brothers, I'm afraid your primordial spirit has died completely, and is no longer alive."

"Now that I kill your original bodies, it can be regarded as revenge for you. I think your spirits in the sky will not blame me for doing this, right?"

Qin Lang was looking for a reason to allow himself to deal with the three senior brothers who had turned into monsters without any worries. Only in this way could he be ruthless.

Otherwise, as a conscientious orthodox monk, killing people indiscriminately may cause people to have demons, and in the future, when retreating and attacking the realm, such demons may suddenly jump out and endanger the lives of monks, making people hard to guard against.

After praying for a while, Qin Lang, who had settled down, showed a firm light in his eyes. He had already made a decision to deal with the three brothers of the Heavenly Medicine Sect.

"Map... I must get the silk map about the thousand-year-old mansion, so that I can leave this strange thousand-year-old mansion smoothly."

Qin Lang murmured, at this time he glanced at the body of the second soul beside him, with it, it is equivalent to a powerful help in the late stage of alchemy, and he has more confidence.

However, to deal with these elders who turned into monsters, Qin Lang decided that it is better not to attack frontally. Sneak attack has always been his specialty, and maybe the black beads can help him.

Thinking of this, Qin Lang used the invisibility ability of the black bead again, and he was actually a little uneasy, wondering if these old guys who had turned into monsters would now see through themselves behind the invisibility.

However, this kind of worry is completely unnecessary. In the next experiment, Qin Lang found that the three old guys really couldn't find himself behind the invisible.

After turning into monsters, the three old guys' spiritual senses were extremely sharp. Only when they got close to three feet away, could they judge where they were hiding and come together to fight with them.

However, three feet away, the three monsters were helpless, and they couldn't find themselves at all.

So, after trying out the details of the three old guys who turned into monsters, Qin Lang used the method of attracting monsters to lure them away from the square one by one, and then easily killed them.

I don't know why, after the three old guys turned into monsters, although their spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful, their spiritual intelligence is not at all. It is not much different from the puppets of the organs that they have dealt with before. This is why Qin Lang can easily attract monsters the real reason.

Otherwise, it would not be easy to deal with the three late-stage alchemy monks with normal spiritual intelligence. Qin Lang would definitely spend more than ten times the time and energy on killing them, and even himself may be injured again.

Now after killing the three monsters, Qin Lang also searched for a while on the former three elder brothers, and got their storage rings, in addition to a few magic weapons, 27 top-quality spirit stones, and one of fifteen broken-up mechanism puppets. In addition, there are some miscellaneous things.

More importantly, Qin Lang also got the piece of yellowed silk that he wanted from the elder Duanqishan, the deputy head of the punishment hall. This is the distribution map of the thousand-year-old mansion. It is much easier to find the way out of the ancient mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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