Chapter 1183

After tidying up for a while, Qin Lang suddenly decided to go back to the center of the thousand-year-old mansion to take a look at the crystal coffin in the tree room inside the tree.

The reason why he came up with such an idea was not because he wanted the biggest treasure in the thousand-year-old mansion, but because he wanted to know what the master of the mansion who turned his three elder brothers into monsters looked like and what was special about him.

That was a former cultivator of the Transformation Stage!Ordinary monks can't see it even if they want to.

I am afraid that no one in the entire Qinghe Continent has seen this kind of old monster. You must know that the highest-ranking monks in the mainland today are said to be no more than the cultivation base of the late Nascent Soul.

If Qin Lang can find out some secrets about the monks in the transformation stage, it may be of great help to his future growth. For him who pursues strength and longevity, all this is of great significance.

Therefore, Qin Lang is willing to take this risk.

So, after thinking for a while, Qin Lang turned his direction again, flew away to the center of the thousand-year-old mansion, and re-entered the tree hole about 200 feet above the ground in Jianmu.

After passing through the long corridor inside the big tree, after walking for half a stick of incense, I returned to the huge inner tree room, which is about a thousand square meters.

In the center of the tree room is a huge five-foot-tall crystal coffin. Inside it seems to be a figure lying three to four times larger than the current monks.

"The owner of this millennium the current situation dead or alive?"

Qin Lang was very curious and approached the crystal coffin again.

Regarding the uniqueness of this crystal coffin, Qin Lang has long understood that the ubiquitous spiritual attack is the sharp weapon of this crystal coffin in this tree room to attack outsiders.

Regardless of whether these spiritual attacks were blessed by formations or emitted automatically from the giant's body in the crystal coffin, they all meant danger to outsiders.

Qin Lang is naturally in the process of gradually approaching the crystal coffin, and keeps vigilant all the time. If he finds that he can't withstand the attacks of those spiritual senses, Qin Lang will definitely retreat and fly away, and will never stay here again.

There was another burst of spiritual attacks. When Qin Lang was approaching, he suddenly felt another tingling pain in his head. However, Qin Lang's resistance was better than the previous two times, and this stinging pain couldn't affect him at all.

Looking at this huge crystal coffin, the huge body inside is no different from a normal person, but this monk looks extraordinarily evil, with a faint blueness on his face.

After tens of thousands of years, this corpse has been well preserved, and it looks like it is sleeping in a crystal coffin.

The corpse's eyes were closed, and Qin Lang released a small amount of consciousness into the crystal coffin, carefully testing the entire corpse.Try to discover some secrets on the corpse.

He found that the clothes on the body were very extraordinary, and he didn't know what materials they were made of, which had the effect of isolating the consciousness.

On the chest of the corpse was placed something like a gossip bronze medal, because of Qin Lang's spiritual temptation, it actually shone faintly.

With the pure spiritual power of the magic weapon, even Qin Lang could feel that this magic weapon was better than all the magic weapons in his body through the crystal coffin.

"The belongings of the cultivator who transformed the spirit? This should be the most valuable thing in the thousand-year-old mansion. I don't know what it is, how to put it on the chest..."

Qin Lang felt a little strange, then groped on the crystal coffin for a while, opened the crystal coffin, and wanted to take out the gossip bronze medal.

It is worth mentioning that the lid of the crystal coffin is really heavy, and Qin Lang actually used [-]% of his strength to push the lid open.Then, he took the heavy bronze medal on the corpse's chest into his hand.

With the bronze medal in the palm of his hand, Qin Lang suddenly felt a strong coercion enveloping him from the corpse, and his expression changed immediately: "Not good!"

Without even thinking about it, I hurriedly left the tree room and evacuated from the original path.

Because Qin Lang had a whim just now, he had a feeling that something bad would happen here after taking down the gossip bronze medal.

This is a function similar to the sixth sense. Basically, high-level monks will have this feeling when facing life and death, especially some monks with keen talents.

Qin Lang quite believed in his intuition, so he immediately fled here without even thinking about it.

And when Qin Lang evacuated, the huge corpse in the crystal coffin floated up and slowly came out from the crystal brown.

A bean-popping sound filled the entire stone room. The corpse unexpectedly moved, moving its body slowly. Then, it suddenly opened its eyes, and the evil purple pupils shot out a real light.

"Cough cough...cough cough..."

It was actually a coughing sound, coming from the body. After Qin Lang took out the gossip bronze medal, this extremely powerful corpse came back to life again.

"How many years... When I woke up again, the aura of this deity became weaker. It is estimated that this body will collapse in less than a year or two!"

"It's a pity that the consciousness of this deity is too strong, and we can't find a suitable furnace. The ants who fled before are not bad. Although they are only in the late stage of alchemy, their souls are so condensed that they can block one-thousandth of the consciousness attacks of this deity. No!"

"This is a very good furnace. This kind of physique is most suitable for the rebirth of the deity! Now the consciousness of the deity is only less than [-]% of that of the heyday, and the collapse is imminent. We should not let go of such a best man. The stove!"

"Besides, the innate qi gossip bronze medal is on this ant. Although this innate magic weapon has protected the body of the deity for tens of thousands of years, it is also the biggest nemesis of the deity. It should be taken back as soon as possible! If the ants know about this innate magic weapon If you don’t use it, then staying in this world is the greatest disaster for this deity.”

Thinking of this, this body of a cultivator who has survived the transformation stage is ready to chase Qin Lang, but it has been suppressed for tens of thousands of years in the crystal coffin. Now its whole body is extremely stiff, and its hands and feet can't move very much, so its movements are very slow.

It will take a while to get used to it if you want to move around. However, the body of this cultivator at the transformation stage is not in a hurry. This thousand-year-old mansion was arranged by him before his death, so he understands it very well. The monk wants to escape from this ancient mansion. It will take a while. But it is not easy.

This cultivator in the transformation stage actually died in a crystal coffin, and his main consciousness had long since died out, but after tens of thousands of years, a new consciousness emerged, the strength of which was about one-tenth of the strength of the primordial spirit when he was alive , and at the same time, the new consciousness is also a big change in temperament, closer to the way of magic.

Finally, after half a stick of incense, the cultivator of the transformation stage flew up, and it seemed that his ability to control the body had almost recovered, and then went in to pursue Qin Lang in the direction where Qin Lang had fled.

"Hmph! Tiny ants, donate your useful body to let me, Song Zijin, be reborn!"

Song Laomo, a weak cultivator in the transformation stage, seems to be very sure of taking down Qin Lang.


Run away, run away, run away.

The sense of crisis in Qin Lang's heart has never disappeared. Anyway, it is getting stronger and stronger. He knows that the reason for all this pressure is probably because of the body of the cultivator in the crystal coffin.

Now, only by escaping from this thousand-year-old mansion as soon as possible, can he gain a chance for himself.

But in the treasure map in his hand, there is only one teleportation passage to leave the entire thousand-year-old mansion, and it is not in the direction when he came, but in another direction of the thousand-year-old mansion.

This journey is not smooth, and there are also a group of organ puppets blocking the way.

To deal with these organ puppets, if we continue to deal with them in the previous way, and use spiritual debris to distract them little by little, the time will be too late.

Now Qin Lang felt that he had reached the critical moment, and the sense of crisis behind him was getting stronger and stronger, so he couldn't help delaying too much time.

"You must escape from here as soon as possible!"

Qin Lang looked forward, his eyes showed a ferocious color, he decided to fight.

The speed of the flying magic weapon was turned on to the maximum, and it only took half a day to arrive in front of the organ puppets blocking the way. There are also 36 organ puppets here.


The two magic weapons were sacrificed directly by Qin Lang, both of which were high-grade flying swords from the Sword Sect that had only been refined for one layer, and flew to the sky above the organ puppet array, exploding one after another.

The powerful aura activates these mechanism puppets, attracting them into chaos.

The aura produced by the self-detonation of the magic weapon is simply not comparable to other methods. Therefore, this round of movement is extremely loud, and all the mechanism puppets are attracted.


The magic weapon Eclipse was also sacrificed by Qin Lang, and it exploded again, causing the puppets to deviate again.

It was really worth it for Qin Lang to lose three magic weapons all at once, but the channel was still not fully opened.

Qin Lang knew that he didn't have the time to spend it here anymore, so he sprinkled a lot of debris with aura in another direction to attract the attention of the mechanism puppets, and at the same time cast black beads to forcefully open the narrow space through invisibility. The channel went through.

Fortunately, after casting the black bead, not only can it become invisible, but it can also restrain its own breath to a certain extent, so Qin Lang actually passed the mechanism puppet formation in just ten seconds.

However, the cost is staggering. The three magic weapons alone are worth more than 200 million yuan. In addition, there are a lot of sundries and materials, which are another 200 million yuan, which cannot be recycled.

run!There was no time to worry about these, Qin Lang continued to flee forward after passing through the organ puppet array.

Now, only by reaching the goal as soon as possible and stepping on the teleportation array away from the thousand-year-old mansion, can he gain a chance of survival.


And just about half an hour after Qin Lang fled here, Song Laomo, who was in the transformation stage, finally came here. Seeing the scene of a mess, he couldn't help snorting.

Opening his hand, he pinched a magic weapon, and a blue light curtain covered the 36 mechanism puppets, and then these mechanism puppets quickly became smaller, and were all taken back by Song Laomo in the blink of an eye.

"Although these mechanism puppets are small gadgets, but after the revival of the deity, the strength has been greatly reduced, and it has fallen to the extreme. It can't even beat a Nascent Soul in the middle stage. Keeping these gadgets will be a great helper after going out."

After accepting these puppets, Old Devil Song didn't stay long, but went directly in the direction of Qin Lang. The cultivators in the transformation stage had powerful tracking methods. Although Old Devil Song's strength had plummeted, he was still sure to track Qin Lang.

In fact, the old demon Song Jiang had used his consciousness attack three times before. Although he failed to break through Qin Lang's defense of consciousness, he also left a trace of his own original aura in Qin Lang's body, so the old monster was so confident.

With this faint trace of original aura, even if Qin Lang escaped from the thousand-year-old mansion, even if Qin Lang fled to the ends of the earth, Song Laomo would not be afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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