The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1184 Isolating the Iron Domain

Chapter 1184 Isolating the Iron Domain
Another day passed, and Qin Lang finally came to the area of ​​the teleportation array that left the thousand-year-old mansion. Because of his escape, the journey of seven days was compressed to two days. He had to lament that this was a miracle.

It can be seen that the survival instinct of human beings is terrible, and the more critical the situation is, the more extraordinary strength they can exert.

Even ordinary people are the same. There are often reports on Chinese TV that a certain woman actually pushed away a truck weighing tens of tons at a critical moment, and an old woman saved her children and grandchildren who almost died under the wheel by sprinting at a speed of [-] meters. , are all the same.

The teleportation array in front of him is also the only teleportation array suggested by the silk cloth map that left the thousand-year-old mansion. However, the opening of the teleportation array requires top-quality spirit stones as power.

The ground is a huge spell pattern, about a hundred square meters, and there are eight small holes for installing spirit stones in the corners around it.

Qin Lang knew that installing the spirit stones in these small holes could activate the formation, and immediately installed the top-quality spirit stones removed from the puppet without hesitation.

Just as I was about to install the last top-grade spirit stone, there was a sudden click in my heart, and a huge sense of crisis had arrived.

Looking up, Qin Lang saw a gigantic figure not far away, it was the body of the cultivator in the crystal coffin!The monster came alive!

He quickly installed the last top-grade spirit stone, and as the top-grade spirit stone was completed, the entire teleportation circle lit up...

At this time, Qin Lang turned on all the defensive magic weapons on his body, and at the same time used the offensive magic weapons to deal with the enemy regardless of consumption.

This is also a no-brainer, Qin Lang knows that he is not an opponent of the cultivator at the stage of transformation, and the strength gap between the two sides is too great. Maybe the cultivator of transformation can blow himself away with a single sneeze, but he can only fight to survive now.

After the teleportation circle is activated, it takes at least five seconds of reaction time before the teleportation can be carried out, so I have to survive these five seconds.

Qin Lang sacrificed a top-grade attack magic weapon, the Skyfire Fan, but the cultivator at the transformation stage snorted and pointed casually, and the magic weapon was actually fixed in the air and could not move.

"It's going to be bad!"

Qin Lang quickly withdrew his mind and blew up the magic weapon at the same time.


The self-explosion power of the top-grade magic weapon was almost the same as that of a monk in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and finally stopped the monster.

Seeing that the situation was effective, Qin Lang couldn't care less, and used the other two attack magic weapons on his body.

"Three-Yuan Kaishan Nail...exploded!"

"The soul-shocking bell...exploded!"

There were two more explosions, and two top-grade attack magic weapons were blown up by Qin Lang's heartache. There was no way to do this. In order to stop this old monster and let the teleportation circle launch smoothly, he could only do this.

The three magic weapons exploded, and it took almost four seconds. In the eyes of low-level monks, four seconds cannot be shorter, but in the eyes of high-level monks, every second is extremely long.

In order to delay this short time of less than a second, Qin Lang threw another thing: "Explosion!"

There was another bang, but it was much weaker than before.

But after throwing the object, Qin Lang was stunned. He accidentally exploded the small black bead. The small black bead has been fed by his blood essence many times, and it is almost equivalent to a magic weapon. , so it can also explode.

However, after this treasure explodes, it may be impossible for Qin Lang to become invisible in the future.

For the five seconds that the teleportation array was activated, Qin Lang's heart is bleeding now, and the loss is too great!

However, if you can get rid of the pursuit of the old monster in front of you, everything will be worth it.

But after a few rounds of explosions, Song Zixing, an old monster in the transformation stage who fell into the realm, had a purple light in his eyes, snorted, and said in a hoarse voice: "Small ants, give up resisting, even if you can escape the entire ancient mansion, You can't escape from my pursuit, Song Zixing!"

"If you give up resistance, open your mind to accept the invasion of the deity's consciousness, and let the deity successfully seize the body... the deity can promise you and fulfill the three last wishes you left."

Song Zixing's voice sounded in Qin Lang's voice. If the magic sound pierced through Qin Lang's ears, Qin Lang's consciousness trembled.

However, under the strong pressure, Qin Lang took a sip on the ground: "Song Zixing... what is it, a monster who died once, and wants to dominate others! And what I want is freedom, can you give it? "

At this moment, the teleportation array was finally launched, and after a flash, Qin Lang's figure completely left the thousand-year-old mansion.

Meanwhile, Lao Mo Song, beside the teleportation formation, had a purple glow in his eyes, but he didn't show any expression, and said in a hoarse voice: "You can't escape, why bother! Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, this deity can still come back."

Then, the reborn old monster who was so weak that he fell to the level of falling also stood on the teleportation circle, tapped around a few times, and activated the teleportation circle again without arranging spirit stones.


After a flash, Qin Lang had already left the thousand-year-old mansion and appeared in the sphere of influence of the Tianyi Sect.

"Return to the Heavenly Medical School?"

Qin Lang thought for a while, and felt that something was wrong. He felt that the old monster in the thousand-year-old mansion would definitely chase him out, and it might not be safe to return to the Heavenly Medicine Sect by himself.

That old monster is too dangerous, maybe the Heavenly Medicine Sect's mountain guard array can stop the old monster, but it's uncertain what other means this old monster has, if he cracks the mountain guard array, I'm afraid there will be no one in the entire Heavenly Medicine School like this The opponent of the old monster.

After all, this is an old monster in the transformation stage. Although his strength has dropped to the extreme after his resurrection, at least he should still have the level of the late Nascent Soul, and many methods learned during the transformation stage can be used. Compared with the general Nascent Soul Late monks are even more powerful.

Qin Lang felt that this old monster was stronger than Nangong Jian, the patriarch of the Nangong family in the mid-Yuanying period.

In this case, he is equivalent to bringing trouble to the entire Heavenly Medicine Sect.

What's more, this operation of the Tianyi Sect was almost wiped out, and the elites of the sect were almost dead, which was also a huge blow to the sect.

Therefore, after I go back, it will be very troublesome just to explain the cause and effect clearly, so I'd better not go back for the time being.

"Where should I go now?"

A place quickly flashed through Qin Lang's mind, isolating the iron domain!

It is a large barren land isolated from the Iron Domain. It is rumored that the Iron Curtain forces that ruled the Qinghe Continent in the past set up a cage specially to detain Yuanying and Huashen monks!

It can be seen that the place of the cage was so powerful at that time that even the cultivators of Huashen could be imprisoned. Even now, many facilities that isolate the iron domain may have failed, but the power still exists.

In Xuan Qingzi's memory, including the rumors that Qin Lang heard with his own ears after coming to Qinghe Continent, Qin Lang has some understanding of this place.

One of the characteristics of this isolated iron domain is "iron", which means solid and unbreakable. This characteristic is naturally no longer so obvious after millions of years, but the other characteristic "isolation" is still obvious!
In the isolated iron domain, there is fog, strange vitality, and different plants, all of which can greatly affect the spiritual consciousness of the monks who enter.

Isolation means isolation from all investigations, whether it is spiritual consciousness or soul imprint.

Even if the cultivator of Huashen enters it now, his consciousness will be suppressed.

Qin Lang was thinking about this, so he wanted to enter the isolated iron domain first, so that he could take a breather, recover his strength while recuperating, and increase his hope of escaping after Song Zixing came after him.

After all, in the isolated iron domain, even Song Zixing, a cultivator who transforms spirits, will be affected by his spiritual detection. It is obviously much more difficult to find him and chase him than outside.

Do what you want, time waits for no one, Qin Lang quickly moved towards the isolated iron domain not far away!

Finally, a large area that was lifeless and full of ashes appeared in front of Qin Lang.

Here is the famous isolated iron domain in the entire Qinghe continent.

Qin Lang quickly fled into the isolated iron domain and ran forward.

At the same time, Qin Lang himself quickly took the elixir to heal his wounds and restore his physical strength.

Although it can be isolated from the exploration of the cultivators of the gods to a certain extent, it is impossible to stay here for a long time. Only waiting for the injury to recover, and to choose the right opportunity, Qin Lang must still secretly leave the isolated iron domain as soon as possible.

There are not many animals and plants in the isolated iron domain, and there are fogs all year round. These fogs also have the effect of isolating spiritual exploration. Of course, the closer to the center of the domain, the better the isolation effect will be.

Qin Lang flew away for several hours, and suddenly he smelled a special fragrance from the light wind that kept blowing towards his face.

Qin Lang couldn't help but move his nose a few times, and immediately he could tell what the scent was.

It is a medicinal fragrance, and it is a mixed medicinal fragrance after synthesis.

Obviously, in this natural wild, this medicinal fragrance cannot be emitted by mature elixir.

"Could it be that in this desolate place, there are still people hiding here to refine the elixir?"

Qin Lang naturally felt that this was inexplicable and unbelievable.

You must know that the conditions required for alchemy are not easy. It is not easy to build a shed in the wild and start it. At least the alchemy furnace must not be casual. It can be said that the alchemist will only choose the secret room, hoping that no one will disturb him. For myself, those who choose to make alchemy in the wild probably have ghosts in their hearts.

For alchemy, Qin Lang is more concerned, or more sensitive, than other monks.

You can get a lot of information just by smelling it a few times.

First of all, it is natural to determine the direction where the medicinal fragrance is emitted.

Secondly, the furnace of alchemy is coming to an end soon, because a relatively strong aroma has already been produced.

Following the direction where the fragrance was released, Qin Lang temporarily put aside his thoughts of rushing and walked in that direction.

After all, this matter is too weird, he wants to see which alchemist is actually hiding here behind his back to secretly concoct alchemy.

Every time he walked, Qin Lang paid attention to his surroundings and took note of the route. After all, when he returned, he didn't want to spend time identifying the direction.

Gradually, the smell of the medicine became stronger, obviously because it was getting closer to the alchemy place.

That kind of medicinal fragrance shows that the raw materials used by alchemists are extraordinary, and the grade cannot be very low.

You must know that in the process of alchemy, the lower the grade of the elixir, the faster the fragrance of the medicine will dissipate and the shorter the transmission distance. He can smell the smell at least one kilometer away, which shows that the elixir used is not simple.

Finally, after walking into a cliff, Qin Lang noticed white gas coming out from the bottom of the cliff, and the white gas was being sent up through the bottom of the cliff!
Now, Qin Lang became even more suspicious.

If it wasn't for the attraction of the smell, even if you passed by here, you probably didn't pay attention to the cliff. Who would have known that someone was making alchemy underneath!
"Mostly those who don't know how to refine are good pills."

Qin Lang guessed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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